Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*******************************************************************\
3 Module: Symbolic Execution
5 Author: Daniel Kroening, kroening@kroening.com
7 \*******************************************************************/
12 #include <util/exception_utils.h>
13 #include <util/expr_util.h>
14 #include <util/invariant.h>
15 #include <util/pointer_expr.h>
17 #include <util/simplify_expr.h>
18 #include <util/std_expr.h>
20 #include <langapi/language_util.h>
24 #include "goto_symex.h"
26 #include "path_storage.h"
28 #include <algorithm>
31  goto_symex_statet &current_state,
32  goto_statet &jump_taken_state,
33  goto_statet &jump_not_taken_state,
34  const exprt &original_guard,
35  const exprt &new_guard,
36  const namespacet &ns)
37 {
38  // It would be better to call try_filter_value_sets after apply_condition,
39  // and pass nullptr for value sets which apply_condition successfully updated
40  // already. However, try_filter_value_sets calls rename to do constant
41  // propagation, and apply_condition can update the constant propagator. Since
42  // apply condition will never succeed on both jump_taken_state and
43  // jump_not_taken_state, it should be possible to pass a reference to an
44  // unmodified goto_statet to use for renaming. But renaming needs a
45  // goto_symex_statet, not just a goto_statet, and we only have access to one
46  // of those. A future improvement would be to split rename into two parts:
47  // one part on goto_symex_statet which is non-const and deals with
48  // l2 thread reads, and one part on goto_statet which is const and could be
49  // used in try_filter_value_sets.
52  current_state,
53  original_guard,
54  jump_taken_state.value_set,
55  &jump_taken_state.value_set,
56  &jump_not_taken_state.value_set,
57  ns);
60  return;
62  jump_taken_state.apply_condition(new_guard, current_state, ns);
64  // Could use not_exprt + simplify, but let's avoid paying that cost on quite
65  // a hot path:
66  const exprt negated_new_guard = boolean_negate(new_guard);
67  jump_not_taken_state.apply_condition(negated_new_guard, current_state, ns);
68 }
81 static std::optional<renamedt<exprt, L2>> try_evaluate_pointer_comparison(
82  const irep_idt &operation,
83  const symbol_exprt &symbol_expr,
84  const exprt &other_operand,
85  const value_sett &value_set,
86  const irep_idt language_mode,
87  const namespacet &ns)
88 {
89  const constant_exprt *constant_expr =
90  expr_try_dynamic_cast<constant_exprt>(other_operand);
92  if(
93  skip_typecast(other_operand).id() != ID_address_of &&
94  (!constant_expr || !constant_expr->is_null_pointer()))
95  {
96  return {};
97  }
99  const ssa_exprt *ssa_symbol_expr =
100  expr_try_dynamic_cast<ssa_exprt>(symbol_expr);
102  ssa_exprt l1_expr{*ssa_symbol_expr};
103  l1_expr.remove_level_2();
104  const std::vector<exprt> value_set_elements =
105  value_set.get_value_set(l1_expr, ns);
107  bool constant_found = false;
109  for(const auto &value_set_element : value_set_elements)
110  {
111  if(
112  value_set_element.id() == ID_unknown ||
113  value_set_element.id() == ID_invalid ||
115  to_object_descriptor_expr(value_set_element).root_object()) ||
116  to_object_descriptor_expr(value_set_element).offset().id() == ID_unknown)
117  {
118  // We can't conclude anything about the value-set
119  return {};
120  }
122  if(!constant_found)
123  {
125  value_set_element, false, language_mode))
126  {
127  continue;
128  }
132  value_set_element, symbol_expr, ns);
134  // use the simplifier to test equality as we need to skip over typecasts
135  // and cannot rely on canonical representations, which would permit a
136  // simple syntactic equality test
137  exprt test_equal = simplify_expr(
138  equal_exprt{
139  typecast_exprt::conditional_cast(value.pointer, other_operand.type()),
140  other_operand},
141  ns);
142  if(test_equal.is_true())
143  {
144  constant_found = true;
145  // We can't break because we have to make sure we find any instances of
146  // ID_unknown or ID_invalid
147  }
148  else if(!test_equal.is_false())
149  {
150  // We can't conclude anything about the value-set
151  return {};
152  }
153  }
154  }
156  if(!constant_found)
157  {
158  // The symbol cannot possibly have the value \p other_operand because it
159  // isn't in the symbol's value-set
160  return operation == ID_equal ? make_renamed<L2>(false_exprt{})
161  : make_renamed<L2>(true_exprt{});
162  }
163  else if(value_set_elements.size() == 1)
164  {
165  // The symbol must have the value \p other_operand because it is the only
166  // thing in the symbol's value-set
167  return operation == ID_equal ? make_renamed<L2>(true_exprt{})
168  : make_renamed<L2>(false_exprt{});
169  }
170  else
171  {
172  return {};
173  }
174 }
183 static std::optional<renamedt<exprt, L2>> try_evaluate_pointer_comparison(
184  const renamedt<exprt, L2> &renamed_expr,
185  const value_sett &value_set,
186  const irep_idt &language_mode,
187  const namespacet &ns)
188 {
189  const exprt &expr = renamed_expr.get();
191  if(expr.id() != ID_equal && expr.id() != ID_notequal)
192  return {};
194  if(!can_cast_type<pointer_typet>(to_binary_expr(expr).op0().type()))
195  return {};
197  exprt lhs = to_binary_expr(expr).op0(), rhs = to_binary_expr(expr).op1();
199  std::swap(lhs, rhs);
201  const symbol_exprt *symbol_expr_lhs =
202  expr_try_dynamic_cast<symbol_exprt>(lhs);
204  if(!symbol_expr_lhs)
205  return {};
208  return {};
211  expr.id(), *symbol_expr_lhs, rhs, value_set, language_mode, ns);
212 }
215  renamedt<exprt, L2> condition,
216  const value_sett &value_set,
217  const irep_idt &language_mode,
218  const namespacet &ns)
219 {
221  condition,
222  [&value_set, &language_mode, &ns](const renamedt<exprt, L2> &expr) {
224  expr, value_set, language_mode, ns);
225  });
227  return condition;
228 }
231 {
232  PRECONDITION(state.reachable);
234  const goto_programt::instructiont &instruction=*state.source.pc;
236  exprt new_guard = clean_expr(instruction.condition(), state, false);
238  renamedt<exprt, L2> renamed_guard = state.rename(std::move(new_guard), ns);
239  renamed_guard = try_evaluate_pointer_comparisons(
240  std::move(renamed_guard), state.value_set, language_mode, ns);
242  renamed_guard.simplify(ns);
243  new_guard = renamed_guard.get();
245  if(new_guard.is_false())
246  {
247  target.location(state.guard.as_expr(), state.source);
249  // next instruction
250  symex_transition(state);
251  return; // nothing to do
252  }
254  target.goto_instruction(state.guard.as_expr(), renamed_guard, state.source);
257  !instruction.targets.empty(), "goto should have at least one target");
259  // we only do deterministic gotos for now
261  instruction.targets.size() == 1, "no support for non-deterministic gotos");
263  goto_programt::const_targett goto_target=
264  instruction.get_target();
266  const bool backward = instruction.is_backwards_goto();
268  if(backward)
269  {
270  // is it label: goto label; or while(cond); - popular in SV-COMP
271  if(
273  // label: goto label; or do {} while(cond);
274  (goto_target == state.source.pc ||
275  // while(cond);
276  (instruction.incoming_edges.size() == 1 &&
277  *instruction.incoming_edges.begin() == goto_target &&
278  goto_target->is_goto() && new_guard.is_true())))
279  {
280  // generate assume(false) or a suitable negation if this
281  // instruction is a conditional goto
282  exprt negated_guard = boolean_negate(new_guard);
283  do_simplify(negated_guard);
284  log.statistics() << "replacing self-loop at "
285  << state.source.pc->source_location() << " by assume("
286  << from_expr(ns, state.source.function_id, negated_guard)
287  << ")" << messaget::eom;
289  {
290  log.warning()
291  << "no unwinding assertion will be generated for self-loop at "
292  << state.source.pc->source_location() << messaget::eom;
293  }
294  symex_assume_l2(state, negated_guard);
296  // next instruction
297  symex_transition(state);
298  return;
299  }
301  const auto loop_id =
304  unsigned &unwind = state.call_stack().top().loop_iterations[loop_id].count;
305  unwind++;
307  if(should_stop_unwind(state.source, state.call_stack(), unwind))
308  {
309  // we break the loop
310  loop_bound_exceeded(state, new_guard);
312  // next instruction
313  symex_transition(state);
314  return;
315  }
317  if(new_guard.is_true())
318  {
319  // we continue executing the loop
320  if(check_break(loop_id, unwind))
321  {
322  should_pause_symex = true;
323  }
324  symex_transition(state, goto_target, true);
325  return; // nothing else to do
326  }
327  }
329  // No point executing both branches of an unconditional goto.
330  if(
331  new_guard.is_true() && // We have an unconditional goto, AND
332  // either there are no reachable blocks between us and the target in the
333  // surrounding scope (because state.guard == true implies there is no path
334  // around this GOTO instruction)
335  (state.guard.is_true() ||
336  // or there is another block, but we're doing path exploration so
337  // we're going to skip over it for now and return to it later.
339  {
341  instruction.targets.size() > 0,
342  "Instruction is an unconditional goto with no target: " +
343  instruction.code().pretty());
344  symex_transition(state, instruction.get_target(), true);
345  return;
346  }
348  goto_programt::const_targett new_state_pc, state_pc;
349  symex_targett::sourcet original_source=state.source;
351  if(!backward)
352  {
353  new_state_pc=goto_target;
354  state_pc=state.source.pc;
355  state_pc++;
357  // skip dead instructions
358  if(new_guard.is_true())
359  while(state_pc!=goto_target && !state_pc->is_target())
360  ++state_pc;
362  if(state_pc==goto_target)
363  {
364  symex_transition(state, goto_target, false);
365  return; // nothing else to do
366  }
367  }
368  else
369  {
370  new_state_pc=state.source.pc;
371  new_state_pc++;
372  state_pc=goto_target;
373  }
375  // Normally the next instruction to execute would be state_pc and we save
376  // new_state_pc for later. But if we're executing from a saved state, then
377  // new_state_pc should be the state that we saved from earlier, so let's
378  // execute that instead.
379  if(state.has_saved_jump_target)
380  {
382  new_state_pc == state.saved_target,
383  "Tried to explore the other path of a branch, but the next "
384  "instruction along that path is not the same as the instruction "
385  "that we saved at the branch point. Saved instruction is " +
386  state.saved_target->code().pretty() +
387  "\nwe were intending "
388  "to explore " +
389  new_state_pc->code().pretty() +
390  "\nthe "
391  "instruction we think we saw on a previous path exploration is " +
392  state_pc->code().pretty());
393  goto_programt::const_targett tmp = new_state_pc;
394  new_state_pc = state_pc;
395  state_pc = tmp;
397  log.debug() << "Resuming from jump target '" << state_pc->source_location()
398  << "'" << log.eom;
399  }
400  else if(state.has_saved_next_instruction)
401  {
402  log.debug() << "Resuming from next instruction '"
403  << state_pc->source_location() << "'" << log.eom;
404  }
406  {
407  // We should save both the instruction after this goto, and the target of
408  // the goto.
410  path_storaget::patht next_instruction(target, state);
411  next_instruction.state.saved_target = state_pc;
412  next_instruction.state.has_saved_next_instruction = true;
414  path_storaget::patht jump_target(target, state);
415  jump_target.state.saved_target = new_state_pc;
416  jump_target.state.has_saved_jump_target = true;
417  // `forward` tells us where the branch we're _currently_ executing is
418  // pointing to; this needs to be inverted for the branch that we're saving,
419  // so let its truth value for `backwards` be the same as ours for `forward`.
421  log.debug() << "Saving next instruction '"
422  << next_instruction.state.saved_target->source_location() << "'"
423  << log.eom;
424  log.debug() << "Saving jump target '"
425  << jump_target.state.saved_target->source_location() << "'"
426  << log.eom;
427  path_storage.push(next_instruction);
428  path_storage.push(jump_target);
430  // It is now up to the caller of symex to decide which path to continue
431  // executing. Signal to the caller that states have been pushed (therefore
432  // symex has not yet completed and must be resumed), and bail out.
433  should_pause_symex = true;
434  return;
435  }
437  // put a copy of the current state into the state-queue, to be used by
438  // merge_gotos when we visit new_state_pc
439  framet::goto_state_listt &goto_state_list =
440  state.call_stack().top().goto_state_map[new_state_pc];
442  // On an unconditional GOTO we don't need our state, as it will be overwritten
443  // by merge_goto. Therefore we move it onto goto_state_list instead of copying
444  // as usual.
445  if(new_guard.is_true())
446  {
447  // The move here only moves goto_statet, the base class of goto_symex_statet
448  // and not the entire thing.
449  goto_state_list.emplace_back(state.source, std::move(state));
451  symex_transition(state, state_pc, backward);
454  state.reachable = false;
455  }
456  else
457  {
458  goto_state_list.emplace_back(state.source, state);
460  symex_transition(state, state_pc, backward);
463  {
464  // This doesn't work for --paths (single-path mode) yet, as in multi-path
465  // mode we remove the implied constants at a control-flow merge, but in
466  // single-path mode we don't run merge_gotos.
467  auto &taken_state = backward ? state : goto_state_list.back().second;
468  auto &not_taken_state = backward ? goto_state_list.back().second : state;
471  state,
472  taken_state,
473  not_taken_state,
474  instruction.condition(),
475  new_guard,
476  ns);
477  }
479  // produce new guard symbol
480  exprt guard_expr;
482  if(
483  new_guard.id() == ID_symbol ||
484  (new_guard.id() == ID_not &&
485  to_not_expr(new_guard).op().id() == ID_symbol))
486  {
487  guard_expr=new_guard;
488  }
489  else
490  {
491  symbol_exprt guard_symbol_expr =
493  exprt new_rhs = boolean_negate(new_guard);
495  ssa_exprt new_lhs =
496  state.rename_ssa<L1>(ssa_exprt{guard_symbol_expr}, ns).get();
497  new_lhs =
498  state.assignment(std::move(new_lhs), new_rhs, ns, true, false).get();
503  log.debug(),
504  [this, &new_lhs](messaget::mstreamt &mstream) {
505  mstream << "Assignment to " << new_lhs.get_identifier()
506  << " [" << pointer_offset_bits(new_lhs.type(), ns).value_or(0) << " bits]"
507  << messaget::eom;
508  });
511  guard.as_expr(),
512  new_lhs, new_lhs, guard_symbol_expr,
513  new_rhs,
514  original_source,
517  guard_expr = state.rename(boolean_negate(guard_symbol_expr), ns).get();
518  }
520  if(state.has_saved_jump_target)
521  {
522  if(!backward)
523  state.guard.add(guard_expr);
524  else
525  state.guard.add(boolean_negate(guard_expr));
526  }
527  else
528  {
529  goto_statet &new_state = goto_state_list.back().second;
530  if(!backward)
531  {
532  new_state.guard.add(guard_expr);
533  state.guard.add(boolean_negate(guard_expr));
534  }
535  else
536  {
537  state.guard.add(guard_expr);
538  new_state.guard.add(boolean_negate(guard_expr));
539  }
540  }
541  }
542 }
545 {
546  PRECONDITION(!state.reachable);
547  // This is like symex_goto, except the state is unreachable. We try to take
548  // some arbitrary choice that maintains the state guard in a reasonable state
549  // in order that it simplifies properly when states are merged (in
550  // merge_gotos). Note we can't try to evaluate the actual GOTO guard because
551  // our constant propagator might be out of date, since we haven't been
552  // executing assign instructions.
554  // If the guard is already false then there's no value in this state; just
555  // carry on and check the next instruction.
556  if(state.guard.is_false())
557  {
558  symex_transition(state);
559  return;
560  }
562  const goto_programt::instructiont &instruction = *state.source.pc;
563  PRECONDITION(instruction.is_goto());
564  goto_programt::const_targett goto_target = instruction.get_target();
566  auto queue_unreachable_state_at_target = [&]() {
567  framet::goto_state_listt &goto_state_list =
568  state.call_stack().top().goto_state_map[goto_target];
569  goto_statet new_state(state.guard_manager);
570  new_state.guard = state.guard;
571  new_state.reachable = false;
572  goto_state_list.emplace_back(state.source, std::move(new_state));
573  };
575  if(instruction.condition().is_true())
576  {
577  if(instruction.is_backwards_goto())
578  {
579  // Give up trying to salvage the guard
580  // (this state's guard is squashed, without queueing it at the target)
581  }
582  else
583  {
584  // Take the branch:
585  queue_unreachable_state_at_target();
586  }
588  state.guard.add(false_exprt());
589  }
590  else
591  {
592  // Arbitrarily assume a conditional branch is not-taken, except for when
593  // there's an incoming backedge, when we guess that the taken case is less
594  // likely to lead to that backedge than the not-taken case.
595  bool maybe_loop_head = std::any_of(
596  instruction.incoming_edges.begin(),
597  instruction.incoming_edges.end(),
598  [&instruction](const goto_programt::const_targett predecessor) {
599  return predecessor->location_number > instruction.location_number;
600  });
602  if(instruction.is_backwards_goto() || !maybe_loop_head)
603  {
604  // Assume branch not taken (fall through)
605  }
606  else
607  {
608  // Assume branch taken:
609  queue_unreachable_state_at_target();
610  state.guard.add(false_exprt());
611  }
612  }
614  symex_transition(state);
615 }
617 bool goto_symext::check_break(const irep_idt &loop_id, unsigned unwind)
618 {
619  // dummy implementation
620  return false;
621 }
624 {
625  framet &frame = state.call_stack().top();
627  // first, see if this is a target at all
628  auto state_map_it = frame.goto_state_map.find(state.source.pc);
630  if(state_map_it==frame.goto_state_map.end())
631  return; // nothing to do
633  // we need to merge
634  framet::goto_state_listt &state_list = state_map_it->second;
636  for(auto list_it = state_list.rbegin(); list_it != state_list.rend();
637  ++list_it)
638  {
639  merge_goto(list_it->first, std::move(list_it->second), state);
640  }
642  // clean up to save some memory
643  frame.goto_state_map.erase(state_map_it);
644 }
646 static guardt
648 {
649  // adjust guard, even using guards from unreachable states. This helps to
650  // shrink the state guard if the incoming edge is from a path that was
651  // truncated by config.unwind, config.depth or an assume-false instruction.
653  // Note when an unreachable state contributes its guard, merging it in is
654  // optional, since the formula already implies the unreachable guard is
655  // impossible. Therefore we only integrate it when to do so simplifies the
656  // state guard.
658  // This function can trash either state's guards, since goto_state is dying
659  // and state's guard will shortly be overwritten.
661  if(
662  (goto_state.reachable && state.reachable) ||
663  state.guard.disjunction_may_simplify(goto_state.guard))
664  {
665  state.guard |= goto_state.guard;
666  return std::move(state.guard);
667  }
668  else if(!state.reachable && goto_state.reachable)
669  {
670  return std::move(goto_state.guard);
671  }
672  else
673  {
674  return std::move(state.guard);
675  }
676 }
679  const symex_targett::sourcet &,
680  goto_statet &&goto_state,
681  statet &state)
682 {
683  // check atomic section
684  if(state.atomic_section_id != goto_state.atomic_section_id)
686  "atomic sections differ across branches",
687  state.source.pc->source_location());
689  // Merge guards. Don't write this to `state` yet because we might move
690  // goto_state over it below.
691  guardt new_guard = merge_state_guards(goto_state, state);
693  // Merge constant propagator, value-set etc. only if the incoming state is
694  // reachable:
695  if(goto_state.reachable)
696  {
697  if(!state.reachable)
698  {
699  // Important to note that we're moving into our base class here.
700  // Note this overwrites state.guard, but we restore it below.
701  static_cast<goto_statet &>(state) = std::move(goto_state);
702  }
703  else
704  {
705  // do SSA phi functions
706  phi_function(goto_state, state);
708  // merge value sets
709  state.value_set.make_union(goto_state.value_set);
711  // adjust depth
712  state.depth = std::min(state.depth, goto_state.depth);
713  }
714  }
716  // Save the new state guard
717  state.guard = std::move(new_guard);
718 }
735 static void merge_names(
736  const goto_statet &goto_state,
737  goto_symext::statet &dest_state,
738  const namespacet &ns,
739  const guardt &diff_guard,
740  messaget &log,
741  const bool do_simplify,
742  symex_target_equationt &target,
743  const incremental_dirtyt &dirty,
744  const ssa_exprt &ssa,
745  const unsigned goto_count,
746  const unsigned dest_count)
747 {
748  const irep_idt l1_identifier = ssa.get_identifier();
749  const irep_idt &obj_identifier = ssa.get_object_name();
751  if(obj_identifier == goto_symext::statet::guard_identifier())
752  return; // just a guard, don't bother
754  if(goto_count == dest_count)
755  return; // not at all changed
757  // changed - but only on a branch that is now dead, and the other branch is
758  // uninitialized/invalid
759  if(
760  (!dest_state.reachable && goto_count == 0) ||
761  (!goto_state.reachable && dest_count == 0))
762  {
763  return;
764  }
766  // field sensitivity: only merge on individual fields
767  if(dest_state.field_sensitivity.is_divisible(ssa, true))
768  return;
770  // shared variables are renamed on every access anyway, we don't need to
771  // merge anything
772  const symbolt &symbol = ns.lookup(obj_identifier);
774  // shared?
775  if(
776  dest_state.atomic_section_id == 0 && dest_state.threads.size() >= 2 &&
777  (symbol.is_shared() || dirty(symbol.name)))
778  {
779  return; // no phi nodes for shared stuff
780  }
782  // don't merge (thread-)locals across different threads, which
783  // may have been introduced by symex_start_thread (and will
784  // only later be removed from level2.current_names by pop_frame
785  // once the thread is executed)
786  const irep_idt level_0 = ssa.get_level_0();
787  if(
788  !level_0.empty() &&
789  level_0 != std::to_string(dest_state.source.thread_nr) && dest_count != 0)
790  {
791  return;
792  }
794  exprt goto_state_rhs = ssa, dest_state_rhs = ssa;
796  {
797  const auto p_it = goto_state.propagation.find(l1_identifier);
799  if(p_it.has_value())
800  goto_state_rhs = *p_it;
801  else
802  to_ssa_expr(goto_state_rhs).set_level_2(goto_count);
803  }
805  {
806  const auto p_it = dest_state.propagation.find(l1_identifier);
808  if(p_it.has_value())
809  dest_state_rhs = *p_it;
810  else
811  to_ssa_expr(dest_state_rhs).set_level_2(dest_count);
812  }
814  exprt rhs;
816  // Don't add a conditional to the assignment when:
817  // 1. Either guard is false, so we can't follow that branch.
818  // 2. Either identifier is of generation zero, and so hasn't been
819  // initialized and therefore an invalid target.
821  // These rules only apply to dynamic objects and locals.
822  if(!dest_state.reachable)
823  rhs = goto_state_rhs;
824  else if(!goto_state.reachable)
825  rhs = dest_state_rhs;
826  else if(goto_count == 0)
827  rhs = dest_state_rhs;
828  else if(dest_count == 0)
829  rhs = goto_state_rhs;
830  else
831  {
832  rhs = if_exprt(diff_guard.as_expr(), goto_state_rhs, dest_state_rhs);
833  if(do_simplify)
834  simplify(rhs, ns);
835  }
837  dest_state.record_events.push(false);
838  const ssa_exprt new_lhs =
839  dest_state.assignment(ssa, rhs, ns, true, true).get();
840  dest_state.record_events.pop();
842  log.conditional_output(
843  log.debug(), [ns, &new_lhs](messaget::mstreamt &mstream) {
844  mstream << "Assignment to " << new_lhs.get_identifier() << " ["
845  << pointer_offset_bits(new_lhs.type(), ns).value_or(0) << " bits]"
846  << messaget::eom;
847  });
849  target.assignment(
850  true_exprt(),
851  new_lhs,
852  new_lhs,
853  new_lhs.get_original_expr(),
854  rhs,
855  dest_state.source,
857 }
860  const goto_statet &goto_state,
861  statet &dest_state)
862 {
863  if(
864  goto_state.get_level2().current_names.empty() &&
865  dest_state.get_level2().current_names.empty())
866  return;
868  guardt diff_guard = goto_state.guard;
869  // this gets the diff between the guards
870  diff_guard -= dest_state.guard;
874  dest_state.get_level2().current_names, delta_view, false);
876  for(const auto &delta_item : delta_view)
877  {
878  const ssa_exprt &ssa = delta_item.m.first;
879  unsigned goto_count = delta_item.m.second;
880  unsigned dest_count = !delta_item.is_in_both_maps()
881  ? 0
882  : delta_item.get_other_map_value().second;
884  merge_names(
885  goto_state,
886  dest_state,
887  ns,
888  diff_guard,
889  log,
891  target,
893  ssa,
894  goto_count,
895  dest_count);
896  }
898  delta_view.clear();
900  goto_state.get_level2().current_names, delta_view, false);
902  for(const auto &delta_item : delta_view)
903  {
904  if(delta_item.is_in_both_maps())
905  continue;
907  const ssa_exprt &ssa = delta_item.m.first;
908  unsigned goto_count = 0;
909  unsigned dest_count = delta_item.m.second;
911  merge_names(
912  goto_state,
913  dest_state,
914  ns,
915  diff_guard,
916  log,
918  target,
920  ssa,
921  goto_count,
922  dest_count);
923  }
924 }
927  statet &state,
928  const exprt &guard)
929 {
930  const std::string loop_number = std::to_string(state.source.pc->loop_number);
932  exprt negated_cond = boolean_negate(guard);
935  {
936  // Generate VCC for unwinding assertion.
937  const std::string property_id =
938  id2string(state.source.pc->source_location().get_function()) +
939  ".unwind." + loop_number;
940  vcc(
941  negated_cond,
942  property_id,
943  "unwinding assertion loop " + loop_number,
944  state);
945  }
948  {
949  // generate unwinding assumption, unless we permit partial loops
950  symex_assume_l2(state, negated_cond);
951  }
952 }
955  const symex_targett::sourcet &,
956  const call_stackt &,
957  unsigned)
958 {
959  // by default, we keep going
960  return false;
961 }
Pointer Dereferencing.
bool is_failed_symbol(const exprt &expr)
Return true if, and only if, expr is the result of failed dereferencing.
static exprt guard(const exprt::operandst &guards, exprt cond)
exprt & op1()
Definition: expr.h:136
exprt & op0()
Definition: expr.h:133
The Boolean type.
Definition: std_types.h:36
framet & top()
Definition: call_stack.h:17
A constant literal expression.
Definition: std_expr.h:3000
bool is_null_pointer() const
Returns true if expr has a pointer type and a value NULL; it also returns true when expr has value ze...
Definition: std_expr.cpp:25
dstringt has one field, an unsigned integer no which is an index into a static table of strings.
Definition: dstring.h:38
bool empty() const
Definition: dstring.h:89
Definition: std_expr.h:1366
Base class for all expressions.
Definition: expr.h:56
bool is_true() const
Return whether the expression is a constant representing true.
Definition: expr.cpp:27
bool is_false() const
Return whether the expression is a constant representing false.
Definition: expr.cpp:34
typet & type()
Return the type of the expression.
Definition: expr.h:84
The Boolean constant false.
Definition: std_expr.h:3082
bool is_divisible(const ssa_exprt &expr, bool disjoined_fields_only) const
Determine whether expr would translate to an atomic SSA expression (returns false) or a composite obj...
Stack frames – these are used for function calls and for exceptions.
Definition: solver_types.h:41
std::list< std::pair< symex_targett::sourcet, goto_statet > > goto_state_listt
Definition: frame.h:25
std::unordered_map< irep_idt, loop_infot > loop_iterations
Definition: frame.h:77
std::map< goto_programt::const_targett, goto_state_listt, goto_programt::target_less_than > goto_state_map
Definition: frame.h:33
This class represents an instruction in the GOTO intermediate representation.
Definition: goto_program.h:181
const exprt & condition() const
Get the condition of gotos, assume, assert.
Definition: goto_program.h:366
targetst targets
The list of successor instructions.
Definition: goto_program.h:414
const goto_instruction_codet & code() const
Get the code represented by this instruction.
Definition: goto_program.h:188
bool is_backwards_goto() const
Returns true if the instruction is a backwards branch.
Definition: goto_program.h:569
std::set< targett, target_less_than > incoming_edges
Definition: goto_program.h:450
const_targett get_target() const
Returns the first (and only) successor for the usual case of a single target.
Definition: goto_program.h:418
static irep_idt loop_id(const irep_idt &function_id, const instructiont &instruction)
Human-readable loop name.
Definition: goto_program.h:792
instructionst::const_iterator const_targett
Definition: goto_program.h:615
Container for data that varies per program point, e.g.
Definition: goto_state.h:32
guardt guard
Definition: goto_state.h:58
unsigned depth
Distance from entry.
Definition: goto_state.h:35
bool reachable
Is this code reachable? If not we can take shortcuts such as not entering function calls,...
Definition: goto_state.h:62
void apply_condition(const exprt &condition, const goto_symex_statet &previous_state, const namespacet &ns)
Given a condition that must hold on this path, propagate as much knowledge as possible.
Definition: goto_state.cpp:43
unsigned atomic_section_id
Definition: goto_state.h:76
sharing_mapt< irep_idt, exprt > propagation
Definition: goto_state.h:71
const symex_level2t & get_level2() const
Definition: goto_state.h:45
value_sett value_set
Uses level 1 names, and is used to do dereferencing.
Definition: goto_state.h:51
Central data structure: state.
goto_programt::const_targett saved_target
std::stack< bool > record_events
static irep_idt guard_identifier()
call_stackt & call_stack()
renamedt< ssa_exprt, L2 > assignment(ssa_exprt lhs, const exprt &rhs, const namespacet &ns, bool rhs_is_simplified, bool record_value, bool allow_pointer_unsoundness=false)
guard_managert & guard_manager
renamedt< exprt, level > rename(exprt expr, const namespacet &ns)
Rewrites symbol expressions in exprt, applying a suffix to each symbol reflecting its most recent ver...
field_sensitivityt field_sensitivity
symex_targett::sourcet source
bool has_saved_jump_target
This state is saved, with the PC pointing to the target of a GOTO.
renamedt< ssa_exprt, level > rename_ssa(ssa_exprt ssa, const namespacet &ns)
Version of rename which is specialized for SSA exprt.
std::vector< threadt > threads
bool has_saved_next_instruction
This state is saved, with the PC pointing to the next instruction of a GOTO.
virtual bool should_stop_unwind(const symex_targett::sourcet &source, const call_stackt &context, unsigned unwind)
Determine whether to unwind a loop.
Definition: symex_goto.cpp:954
void try_filter_value_sets(goto_symex_statet &state, exprt condition, const value_sett &original_value_set, value_sett *jump_taken_value_set, value_sett *jump_not_taken_value_set, const namespacet &ns)
Try to filter value sets based on whether possible values of a pointer-typed symbol make the conditio...
Definition: symex_main.cpp:780
void apply_goto_condition(goto_symex_statet &current_state, goto_statet &jump_taken_state, goto_statet &jump_not_taken_state, const exprt &original_guard, const exprt &new_guard, const namespacet &ns)
Propagate constants and points-to information implied by a GOTO condition.
Definition: symex_goto.cpp:30
virtual bool check_break(const irep_idt &loop_id, unsigned unwind)
Defines condition for interrupting symbolic execution for a specific loop.
Definition: symex_goto.cpp:617
void symex_unreachable_goto(statet &state)
Symbolically execute a GOTO instruction in the context of unreachable code.
Definition: symex_goto.cpp:544
irep_idt language_mode
language_mode: ID_java, ID_C or another language identifier if we know the source language in use,...
Definition: goto_symex.h:241
virtual void symex_goto(statet &state)
Symbolically execute a GOTO instruction.
Definition: symex_goto.cpp:230
void phi_function(const goto_statet &goto_state, statet &dest_state)
Merge the SSA assignments from goto_state into dest_state.
Definition: symex_goto.cpp:859
path_storaget & path_storage
Symbolic execution paths to be resumed later.
Definition: goto_symex.h:810
symex_target_equationt & target
The equation that this execution is building up.
Definition: goto_symex.h:266
guard_managert & guard_manager
Used to create guards.
Definition: goto_symex.h:263
exprt clean_expr(exprt expr, statet &state, bool write)
Clean up an expression.
virtual void loop_bound_exceeded(statet &state, const exprt &guard)
Definition: symex_goto.cpp:926
namespacet ns
Initialized just before symbolic execution begins, to point to both outer_symbol_table and the symbol...
Definition: goto_symex.h:258
virtual void vcc(const exprt &cond, const irep_idt &property_id, const std::string &msg, statet &state)
Symbolically execute a verification condition (assertion).
Definition: symex_main.cpp:180
virtual void merge_goto(const symex_targett::sourcet &source, goto_statet &&goto_state, statet &state)
Merge a single branch, the symbolic state of which is held in goto_state, into the current overall sy...
Definition: symex_goto.cpp:678
virtual void do_simplify(exprt &expr)
Definition: goto_symex.cpp:32
messaget log
The messaget to write log messages to.
Definition: goto_symex.h:278
const symex_configt symex_config
The configuration to use for this symbolic execution.
Definition: goto_symex.h:185
bool should_pause_symex
Set when states are pushed onto the workqueue If this flag is set at the end of a symbolic execution ...
Definition: goto_symex.h:167
void symex_assume_l2(statet &, const exprt &cond)
Definition: symex_main.cpp:219
void merge_gotos(statet &state)
Merge all branches joining at the current program point.
Definition: symex_goto.cpp:623
void add(const exprt &expr)
Definition: guard_expr.cpp:38
bool is_true() const
Definition: guard_expr.h:60
bool disjunction_may_simplify(const guard_exprt &other_guard)
Returns true if operator|= with other_guard may result in a simpler expression.
Definition: guard_expr.cpp:123
exprt as_expr() const
Definition: guard_expr.h:46
bool is_false() const
Definition: guard_expr.h:65
The trinary if-then-else operator.
Definition: std_expr.h:2380
Thrown when a goto program that's being processed is in an invalid format, for example passing the wr...
Wrapper for dirtyt that permits incremental population, ensuring each function is analysed exactly on...
Definition: dirty.h:118
std::string pretty(unsigned indent=0, unsigned max_indent=0) const
Definition: irep.cpp:482
const irep_idt & id() const
Definition: irep.h:388
source_locationt source_location
Definition: message.h:239
Class that provides messages with a built-in verbosity 'level'.
Definition: message.h:154
mstreamt & statistics() const
Definition: message.h:411
mstreamt & warning() const
Definition: message.h:396
void conditional_output(mstreamt &mstream, const std::function< void(mstreamt &)> &output_generator) const
Generate output to message_stream using output_generator if the configured verbosity is at least as h...
Definition: message.cpp:139
mstreamt & debug() const
Definition: message.h:421
static eomt eom
Definition: message.h:289
A namespacet is essentially one or two symbol tables bound together, to allow for symbol lookups in t...
Definition: namespace.h:94
bool lookup(const irep_idt &name, const symbolt *&symbol) const override
See documentation for namespace_baset::lookup().
Definition: namespace.cpp:148
incremental_dirtyt dirty
Local variables are considered 'dirty' if they've had an address taken and therefore may be referred ...
Definition: path_storage.h:116
virtual void push(const patht &)=0
Add a path to resume to the storage.
Wrapper for expressions or types which have been renamed up to a given level.
Definition: renamed.h:33
const underlyingt & get() const
Definition: renamed.h:40
void simplify(const namespacet &ns)
Definition: renamed.h:45
std::vector< delta_view_itemt > delta_viewt
Delta view of the key-value pairs in two maps.
Definition: sharing_map.h:439
bool empty() const
Check if map is empty.
Definition: sharing_map.h:360
void get_delta_view(const sharing_mapt &other, delta_viewt &delta_view, const bool only_common=true) const
Get a delta view of the elements in the map.
Definition: sharing_map.h:939
Expression providing an SSA-renamed symbol of expressions.
Definition: ssa_expr.h:17
void set_level_2(std::size_t i)
void remove_level_2()
const irep_idt get_level_0() const
Definition: ssa_expr.h:63
const exprt & get_original_expr() const
Definition: ssa_expr.h:33
irep_idt get_object_name() const
Expression to hold a symbol (variable)
Definition: std_expr.h:131
const irep_idt & get_identifier() const
Definition: std_expr.h:160
Symbol table entry.
Definition: symbol.h:28
irep_idt name
The unique identifier.
Definition: symbol.h:40
bool is_shared() const
Definition: symbol.h:101
Inheriting the interface of symex_targett this class represents the SSA form of the input program as ...
virtual void goto_instruction(const exprt &guard, const renamedt< exprt, L2 > &cond, const sourcet &source)
Record a goto instruction.
virtual void location(const exprt &guard, const sourcet &source)
Record a location.
virtual void assignment(const exprt &guard, const ssa_exprt &ssa_lhs, const exprt &ssa_full_lhs, const exprt &original_full_lhs, const exprt &ssa_rhs, const sourcet &source, assignment_typet assignment_type)
Write to a local variable.
The Boolean constant true.
Definition: std_expr.h:3073
static exprt conditional_cast(const exprt &expr, const typet &type)
Definition: std_expr.h:2081
Return value for build_reference_to; see that method for documentation.
static valuet build_reference_to(const exprt &what, const exprt &pointer, const namespacet &ns)
static bool should_ignore_value(const exprt &what, bool exclude_null_derefs, const irep_idt &language_mode)
Determine whether possible alias what should be ignored when replacing a pointer by its referees.
State type in value_set_domaint, used in value-set analysis and goto-symex.
Definition: value_set.h:44
std::vector< exprt > get_value_set(exprt expr, const namespacet &ns) const
Gets values pointed to by expr, including following dereference operators (i.e.
Definition: value_set.cpp:390
bool make_union(object_mapt &dest, const object_mapt &src) const
Merges two RHS expression sets.
Definition: value_set.cpp:323
const exprt & skip_typecast(const exprt &expr)
find the expression nested inside typecasts, if any
Definition: expr_util.cpp:193
exprt boolean_negate(const exprt &src)
negate a Boolean expression, possibly removing a not_exprt, and swapping false and true
Definition: expr_util.cpp:103
Deprecated expression utility functions.
Symbolic Execution.
void symex_transition(goto_symext::statet &state)
Transition to the next instruction, which increments the internal program counter and initializes the...
Definition: symex_main.cpp:144
GOTO Symex constant propagation.
guard_exprt guardt
Definition: guard.h:29
const std::string & id2string(const irep_idt &d)
Definition: irep.h:44
std::string from_expr(const namespacet &ns, const irep_idt &identifier, const exprt &expr)
double log(double x)
Definition: math.c:2776
Storage of symbolic execution paths to resume.
API to expression classes for Pointers.
bool can_cast_type< pointer_typet >(const typet &type)
Check whether a reference to a typet is a pointer_typet.
Definition: pointer_expr.h:80
const object_descriptor_exprt & to_object_descriptor_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to an object_descriptor_exprt.
Definition: pointer_expr.h:252
Pointer Logic.
@ L1
Definition: renamed.h:24
void selectively_mutate(renamedt< exprt, level > &renamed, typename renamedt< exprt, level >::mutator_functiont get_mutated_expr)
This permits replacing subexpressions of the renamed value, so long as each replacement is consistent...
Definition: renamed.h:95
bool simplify(exprt &expr, const namespacet &ns)
exprt simplify_expr(exprt src, const namespacet &ns)
This condition should be used to document that assumptions that are made on goto_functions,...
Definition: invariant.h:534
Definition: invariant.h:463
const ssa_exprt & to_ssa_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast a generic exprt to an ssa_exprt.
Definition: ssa_expr.h:145
API to expression classes.
const not_exprt & to_not_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to an not_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:2362
const binary_exprt & to_binary_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a binary_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:715
bool can_cast_expr< symbol_exprt >(const exprt &base)
Definition: std_expr.h:256
std::string to_string(const string_not_contains_constraintt &expr)
Used for debug printing.
Information saved at a conditional goto to resume execution.
Definition: path_storage.h:42
goto_symex_statet state
Definition: path_storage.h:44
bool partial_loops
Definition: symex_config.h:37
bool unwinding_assertions
Definition: symex_config.h:35
bool constant_propagation
Definition: symex_config.h:29
bool self_loops_to_assumptions
Definition: symex_config.h:31
bool doing_path_exploration
Definition: symex_config.h:25
symex_renaming_levelt current_names
Identifies source in the context of symbolic execution.
Definition: symex_target.h:37
goto_programt::const_targett pc
Definition: symex_target.h:42
renamedt< exprt, L2 > try_evaluate_pointer_comparisons(renamedt< exprt, L2 > condition, const value_sett &value_set, const irep_idt &language_mode, const namespacet &ns)
Try to evaluate pointer comparisons where they can be trivially determined using the value-set.
Definition: symex_goto.cpp:214
static void merge_names(const goto_statet &goto_state, goto_symext::statet &dest_state, const namespacet &ns, const guardt &diff_guard, messaget &log, const bool do_simplify, symex_target_equationt &target, const incremental_dirtyt &dirty, const ssa_exprt &ssa, const unsigned goto_count, const unsigned dest_count)
Helper function for phi_function which merges the names of an identifier for two different states.
Definition: symex_goto.cpp:735
static std::optional< renamedt< exprt, L2 > > try_evaluate_pointer_comparison(const irep_idt &operation, const symbol_exprt &symbol_expr, const exprt &other_operand, const value_sett &value_set, const irep_idt language_mode, const namespacet &ns)
Try to evaluate a simple pointer comparison.
Definition: symex_goto.cpp:81
static guardt merge_state_guards(goto_statet &goto_state, goto_symex_statet &state)
Definition: symex_goto.cpp:647
Pointer Dereferencing.