Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*******************************************************************\
3 Module: Symbolic Execution
5 Author: Daniel Kroening, kroening@kroening.com
7 \*******************************************************************/
12 #include "goto_symex_state.h"
14 #include <util/as_const.h>
15 #include <util/base_exceptions.h> // IWYU pragma: keep
16 #include <util/byte_operators.h>
17 #include <util/c_types.h>
18 #include <util/exception_utils.h>
19 #include <util/expr_util.h>
20 #include <util/invariant.h>
21 #include <util/std_expr.h>
23 #include <analyses/dirty.h>
27 #include "symex_target_equation.h"
29 static void get_l1_name(exprt &expr);
32  const symex_targett::sourcet &_source,
33  std::size_t max_field_sensitive_array_size,
34  bool should_simplify,
35  guard_managert &manager,
36  std::function<std::size_t(const irep_idt &)> fresh_l2_name_provider)
37  : goto_statet(manager),
38  source(_source),
39  guard_manager(manager),
40  symex_target(nullptr),
41  field_sensitivity(max_field_sensitive_array_size, should_simplify),
42  record_events({true}),
43  fresh_l2_name_provider(fresh_l2_name_provider)
44 {
45  threads.emplace_back(guard_manager);
47 }
51 template <>
53 goto_symex_statet::set_indices<L0>(ssa_exprt ssa_expr, const namespacet &ns)
54 {
55  return symex_level0(std::move(ssa_expr), ns, source.thread_nr);
56 }
58 template <>
60 goto_symex_statet::set_indices<L1>(ssa_exprt ssa_expr, const namespacet &ns)
61 {
62  return level1(symex_level0(std::move(ssa_expr), ns, source.thread_nr));
63 }
65 template <>
67 goto_symex_statet::set_indices<L2>(ssa_exprt ssa_expr, const namespacet &ns)
68 {
69  return level2(
70  level1(symex_level0(std::move(ssa_expr), ns, source.thread_nr)));
71 }
74  ssa_exprt lhs, // L0/L1
75  const exprt &rhs, // L2
76  const namespacet &ns,
77  bool rhs_is_simplified,
78  bool record_value,
79  bool allow_pointer_unsoundness)
80 {
81  // identifier should be l0 or l1, make sure it's l1
82  lhs = rename_ssa<L1>(std::move(lhs), ns).get();
83  irep_idt l1_identifier=lhs.get_identifier();
85  // the type might need renaming
86  rename<L2>(lhs.type(), l1_identifier, ns);
87  if(rhs_is_simplified)
88  simplify(lhs, ns);
89  lhs.update_type();
91  {
92  DATA_INVARIANT(!check_renaming_l1(lhs), "lhs renaming failed on l1");
93  }
95  // do the l2 renaming
97  renamedt<ssa_exprt, L2> l2_lhs = set_indices<L2>(std::move(lhs), ns);
98  lhs = l2_lhs.get();
100  // in case we happen to be multi-threaded, record the memory access
101  bool is_shared=l2_thread_write_encoding(lhs, ns);
104  {
105  DATA_INVARIANT(!check_renaming(lhs), "lhs renaming failed on l2");
106  DATA_INVARIANT(!check_renaming(rhs), "rhs renaming failed on l2");
107  }
109  // see #305 on GitHub for a simple example and possible discussion
110  if(is_shared && lhs.type().id() == ID_pointer && !allow_pointer_unsoundness)
112  "pointer handling for concurrency is unsound");
114  // Update constant propagation map -- the RHS is L2
115  if(!is_shared && record_value && goto_symex_can_forward_propagatet(ns)(rhs))
116  {
117  const auto propagation_entry = propagation.find(l1_identifier);
118  if(!propagation_entry.has_value())
119  propagation.insert(l1_identifier, rhs);
120  else if(propagation_entry->get() != rhs)
121  propagation.replace(l1_identifier, rhs);
122  }
123  else
124  propagation.erase_if_exists(l1_identifier);
126  {
127  // update value sets
128  exprt l1_rhs(rhs);
129  get_l1_name(l1_rhs);
131  const ssa_exprt l1_lhs = remove_level_2(lhs);
133  {
134  DATA_INVARIANT(!check_renaming_l1(l1_lhs), "lhs renaming failed on l1");
135  DATA_INVARIANT(!check_renaming_l1(l1_rhs), "rhs renaming failed on l1");
136  }
138  value_set.assign(l1_lhs, l1_rhs, ns, rhs_is_simplified, is_shared);
139  }
141 #ifdef DEBUG
142  std::cout << "Assigning " << l1_identifier << '\n';
143  value_set.output(std::cout);
144  std::cout << "**********************\n";
145 #endif
147  return l2_lhs;
148 }
150 template <levelt level>
153 {
154  static_assert(
155  level == L0 || level == L1,
156  "rename_ssa can only be used for levels L0 and L1");
157  ssa = set_indices<level>(std::move(ssa), ns).get();
158  rename<level>(ssa.type(), ssa.get_identifier(), ns);
159  ssa.update_type();
160  return renamedt<ssa_exprt, level>{ssa};
161 }
165 goto_symex_statet::rename_ssa<L0>(ssa_exprt ssa, const namespacet &ns);
167 goto_symex_statet::rename_ssa<L1>(ssa_exprt ssa, const namespacet &ns);
169 template <levelt level>
172 {
173  // rename all the symbols with their last known value
175  static_assert(
176  level == L0 || level == L1 || level == L1_WITH_CONSTANT_PROPAGATION ||
177  level == L2,
178  "must handle all renaming levels");
180  if(is_ssa_expr(expr))
181  {
182  exprt original_expr = expr;
183  ssa_exprt &ssa=to_ssa_expr(expr);
185  if(level == L0)
186  {
187  return renamedt<exprt, level>{
188  std::move(rename_ssa<L0>(std::move(ssa), ns).value())};
189  }
190  else if(level == L1)
191  {
192  return renamedt<exprt, level>{
193  std::move(rename_ssa<L1>(std::move(ssa), ns).value())};
194  }
195  else
196  {
197  ssa = set_indices<L1>(std::move(ssa), ns).get();
198  rename<level>(expr.type(), ssa.get_identifier(), ns);
199  ssa.update_type();
201  // renaming taken care of by l2_thread_encoding, or already at L2
202  if(l2_thread_read_encoding(ssa, ns) || !ssa.get_level_2().empty())
203  {
205  {
206  // Don't actually rename to L2 -- we just used `ssa` to check whether
207  // constant-propagation was applicable
208  return renamedt<exprt, level>(std::move(original_expr));
209  }
210  else
211  return renamedt<exprt, level>(std::move(ssa));
212  }
213  else
214  {
215  // We also consider propagation if we go up to L2.
216  // L1 identifiers are used for propagation!
217  auto p_it = propagation.find(ssa.get_identifier());
219  if(p_it.has_value())
220  {
221  return renamedt<exprt, level>(*p_it); // already L2
222  }
223  else
224  {
225  if(level == L2)
226  ssa = set_indices<L2>(std::move(ssa), ns).get();
227  return renamedt<exprt, level>(std::move(ssa));
228  }
229  }
230  }
231  }
232  else if(expr.id()==ID_symbol)
233  {
234  const auto &type = as_const(expr).type();
236  // we never rename function symbols
237  if(type.id() == ID_code || type.id() == ID_mathematical_function)
238  {
239  rename<level>(expr.type(), to_symbol_expr(expr).get_identifier(), ns);
240  return renamedt<exprt, level>{std::move(expr)};
241  }
242  else
243  return rename<level>(ssa_exprt{expr}, ns);
244  }
245  else if(expr.id()==ID_address_of)
246  {
247  auto &address_of_expr = to_address_of_expr(expr);
248  rename_address<level>(address_of_expr.object(), ns);
249  to_pointer_type(expr.type()).base_type() =
250  as_const(address_of_expr).object().type();
251  return renamedt<exprt, level>{std::move(expr)};
252  }
253  else if(expr.is_nil())
254  {
255  return renamedt<exprt, level>{std::move(expr)};
256  }
257  else
258  {
259  rename<level>(expr.type(), irep_idt(), ns);
261  // do this recursively
262  Forall_operands(it, expr)
263  *it = rename<level>(std::move(*it), ns).get();
265  const exprt &c_expr = as_const(expr);
267  // It may happen that the `old` subexpression of a `with_exprt` expression
268  // is propagated with a value that has an array type with a size that is a
269  // symbol with an L2 index that is different. In this case the type of the
270  // `with_exprt` will not match with the type of the `old` subexpression
271  // anymore.
272  // To address this issue we re-canonicalize the `with_exprt` by propagating
273  // the type of the `old` subexpression to the type of the `with_exprt`.
274  const auto *c_with_expr = expr_try_dynamic_cast<with_exprt>(c_expr);
275  if(
276  c_with_expr && can_cast_type<array_typet>(c_with_expr->type()) &&
277  can_cast_type<array_typet>(c_with_expr->old().type()) &&
278  c_with_expr->type() != c_with_expr->old().type())
279  {
280  expr.type() = to_with_expr(expr).old().type();
281  }
283  expr.id() != ID_with ||
284  c_expr.type() == to_with_expr(c_expr).old().type(),
285  "Type of renamed expr should be the same as operands for with_exprt",
286  c_expr.type().pretty(),
287  to_with_expr(c_expr).old().type().pretty());
289  expr.id() != ID_if ||
290  c_expr.type() == to_if_expr(c_expr).true_case().type(),
291  "Type of renamed expr should be the same as operands for if_exprt",
292  c_expr.type().pretty(),
293  to_if_expr(c_expr).true_case().type().pretty());
295  expr.id() != ID_if ||
296  c_expr.type() == to_if_expr(c_expr).false_case().type(),
297  "Type of renamed expr should be the same as operands for if_exprt",
298  c_expr.type().pretty(),
299  to_if_expr(c_expr).false_case().type().pretty());
301  if(level == L2)
302  expr = field_sensitivity.apply(ns, *this, std::move(expr), false);
304  return renamedt<exprt, level>{std::move(expr)};
305  }
306 }
308 // Explicitly instantiate the one version of this function without an explicit
309 // caller in this file:
314 {
315  rename(lvalue.type(), irep_idt(), ns);
317  if(lvalue.id() == ID_symbol)
318  {
319  // Nothing to do
320  }
321  else if(is_read_only_object(lvalue))
322  {
323  // Ignore apparent writes to 'NULL-object' and similar read-only objects
324  }
325  else if(lvalue.id() == ID_typecast)
326  {
327  auto &typecast_lvalue = to_typecast_expr(lvalue);
328  typecast_lvalue.op() = l2_rename_rvalues(typecast_lvalue.op(), ns);
329  }
330  else if(lvalue.id() == ID_member)
331  {
332  auto &member_lvalue = to_member_expr(lvalue);
333  member_lvalue.compound() = l2_rename_rvalues(member_lvalue.compound(), ns);
334  }
335  else if(lvalue.id() == ID_index)
336  {
337  // The index is an rvalue:
338  auto &index_lvalue = to_index_expr(lvalue);
339  index_lvalue.array() = l2_rename_rvalues(index_lvalue.array(), ns);
340  index_lvalue.index() = rename(index_lvalue.index(), ns).get();
341  }
342  else if(
343  lvalue.id() == ID_byte_extract_little_endian ||
344  lvalue.id() == ID_byte_extract_big_endian)
345  {
346  // The offset is an rvalue:
347  auto &byte_extract_lvalue = to_byte_extract_expr(lvalue);
348  byte_extract_lvalue.op() = l2_rename_rvalues(byte_extract_lvalue.op(), ns);
349  byte_extract_lvalue.offset() = rename(byte_extract_lvalue.offset(), ns);
350  }
351  else if(lvalue.id() == ID_if)
352  {
353  // The condition is an rvalue:
354  auto &if_lvalue = to_if_expr(lvalue);
355  if_lvalue.cond() = rename(if_lvalue.cond(), ns);
356  if(!if_lvalue.cond().is_false())
357  if_lvalue.true_case() = l2_rename_rvalues(if_lvalue.true_case(), ns);
358  if(!if_lvalue.cond().is_true())
359  if_lvalue.false_case() = l2_rename_rvalues(if_lvalue.false_case(), ns);
360  }
361  else if(lvalue.id() == ID_complex_real)
362  {
363  auto &complex_real_lvalue = to_complex_real_expr(lvalue);
364  complex_real_lvalue.op() = l2_rename_rvalues(complex_real_lvalue.op(), ns);
365  }
366  else if(lvalue.id() == ID_complex_imag)
367  {
368  auto &complex_imag_lvalue = to_complex_imag_expr(lvalue);
369  complex_imag_lvalue.op() = l2_rename_rvalues(complex_imag_lvalue.op(), ns);
370  }
371  else
372  {
374  "l2_rename_rvalues case `" + lvalue.id_string() + "' not handled");
375  }
377  return lvalue;
378 }
380 template renamedt<exprt, L1>
381 goto_symex_statet::rename<L1>(exprt expr, const namespacet &ns);
385  ssa_exprt &expr,
386  const namespacet &ns)
387 {
388  // do we have threads?
389  if(threads.size()<=1)
390  return false;
392  // is it a shared object?
393  PRECONDITION(dirty != nullptr);
394  const irep_idt &obj_identifier=expr.get_object_name();
395  if(
396  obj_identifier == guard_identifier() ||
397  (!ns.lookup(obj_identifier).is_shared() && !(*dirty)(obj_identifier)))
398  {
399  return false;
400  }
402  // only continue if an indivisible object is being accessed
403  if(field_sensitivity.is_divisible(expr, true))
404  return false;
406  const ssa_exprt ssa_l1 = remove_level_2(expr);
407  const irep_idt &l1_identifier=ssa_l1.get_identifier();
408  const exprt guard_as_expr = guard.as_expr();
410  // see whether we are within an atomic section
411  if(atomic_section_id!=0)
412  {
413  guardt write_guard{false_exprt{}, guard_manager};
415  const auto a_s_writes = written_in_atomic_section.find(ssa_l1);
416  if(a_s_writes!=written_in_atomic_section.end())
417  {
418  for(const auto &guard_in_list : a_s_writes->second)
419  {
420  guardt g = guard_in_list;
421  g-=guard;
422  if(g.is_true())
423  // There has already been a write to l1_identifier within this atomic
424  // section under the same guard, or a guard implied by the current
425  // one.
426  return false;
428  write_guard |= guard_in_list;
429  }
430  }
432  not_exprt no_write(write_guard.as_expr());
434  // we cannot determine for sure that there has been a write already
435  // so generate a read even if l1_identifier has been written on
436  // all branches flowing into this read
437  guardt read_guard{false_exprt{}, guard_manager};
439  a_s_r_entryt &a_s_read=read_in_atomic_section[ssa_l1];
440  for(const auto &a_s_read_guard : a_s_read.second)
441  {
442  guardt g = a_s_read_guard; // copy
443  g-=guard;
444  if(g.is_true())
445  // There has already been a read of l1_identifier within this atomic
446  // section under the same guard, or a guard implied by the current one.
447  return false;
449  read_guard |= a_s_read_guard;
450  }
452  guardt cond = read_guard;
453  if(!no_write.op().is_false())
454  cond |= guardt{no_write.op(), guard_manager};
456  // It is safe to perform constant propagation in case we have read or
457  // written this object within the atomic section. We must actually do this,
458  // because goto_state::apply_condition may have placed the latest value in
459  // the propagation map without recording an assignment.
460  auto p_it = propagation.find(ssa_l1.get_identifier());
461  const exprt l2_true_case =
462  p_it.has_value() ? *p_it : set_indices<L2>(ssa_l1, ns).get();
464  if(!cond.is_true())
465  level2.increase_generation(l1_identifier, ssa_l1, fresh_l2_name_provider);
467  if(a_s_read.second.empty())
468  a_s_read.first = level2.latest_index(l1_identifier);
470  const renamedt<ssa_exprt, L2> l2_false_case = set_indices<L2>(ssa_l1, ns);
472  exprt tmp;
473  if(cond.is_false())
474  tmp = l2_false_case.get();
475  else if(cond.is_true())
476  tmp = l2_true_case;
477  else
478  tmp = if_exprt{cond.as_expr(), l2_true_case, l2_false_case.get()};
480  record_events.push(false);
481  ssa_exprt ssa_l2 = assignment(std::move(ssa_l1), tmp, ns, true, true).get();
482  record_events.pop();
485  guard_as_expr,
486  ssa_l2,
487  ssa_l2,
488  ssa_l2.get_original_expr(),
489  tmp,
490  source,
493  INVARIANT(!check_renaming(ssa_l2), "expr should be renamed to L2");
494  expr = std::move(ssa_l2);
496  a_s_read.second.push_back(guard);
497  if(!no_write.op().is_false())
498  a_s_read.second.back().add(no_write);
500  return true;
501  }
503  // No event and no fresh index, but avoid constant propagation
504  if(!record_events.top())
505  {
506  expr = set_indices<L2>(std::move(ssa_l1), ns).get();
507  return true;
508  }
510  // produce a fresh L2 name
511  level2.increase_generation(l1_identifier, ssa_l1, fresh_l2_name_provider);
512  expr = set_indices<L2>(std::move(ssa_l1), ns).get();
514  // and record that
516  symex_target!=nullptr, nullptr_exceptiont, "symex_target is null");
517  symex_target->shared_read(guard_as_expr, expr, atomic_section_id, source);
519  return true;
520 }
523  const ssa_exprt &expr,
524  const namespacet &ns) const
525 {
526  if(!record_events.top())
529  PRECONDITION(dirty != nullptr);
530  const irep_idt &obj_identifier = expr.get_object_name();
531  if(
532  obj_identifier == guard_identifier() ||
533  (!ns.lookup(obj_identifier).is_shared() && !(*dirty)(obj_identifier)))
534  {
536  }
538  // only continue if an indivisible object is being accessed
539  if(field_sensitivity.is_divisible(expr, true))
542  if(atomic_section_id != 0)
546 }
551  const ssa_exprt &expr,
552  const namespacet &ns)
553 {
554  switch(write_is_shared(expr, ns))
555  {
557  return false;
559  {
561  return false;
562  }
564  break;
565  }
567  // record a shared write
569  guard.as_expr(),
570  expr,
572  source);
574  // do we have threads?
575  return threads.size() > 1;
576 }
578 template <levelt level>
580 {
581  if(is_ssa_expr(expr))
582  {
583  ssa_exprt &ssa=to_ssa_expr(expr);
585  // only do L1!
586  ssa = set_indices<L1>(std::move(ssa), ns).get();
588  rename<level>(expr.type(), ssa.get_identifier(), ns);
589  ssa.update_type();
590  }
591  else if(expr.id()==ID_symbol)
592  {
593  expr=ssa_exprt(expr);
594  rename_address<level>(expr, ns);
595  }
596  else
597  {
598  if(expr.id()==ID_index)
599  {
600  index_exprt &index_expr=to_index_expr(expr);
602  rename_address<level>(index_expr.array(), ns);
603  PRECONDITION(index_expr.array().type().id() == ID_array);
604  expr.type() = to_array_type(index_expr.array().type()).element_type();
606  // the index is not an address
607  index_expr.index() =
608  rename<level>(std::move(index_expr.index()), ns).get();
609  }
610  else if(expr.id()==ID_if)
611  {
612  // the condition is not an address
613  if_exprt &if_expr=to_if_expr(expr);
614  if_expr.cond() = rename<level>(std::move(if_expr.cond()), ns).get();
615  rename_address<level>(if_expr.true_case(), ns);
616  rename_address<level>(if_expr.false_case(), ns);
618  if_expr.type()=if_expr.true_case().type();
619  }
620  else if(expr.id()==ID_member)
621  {
622  member_exprt &member_expr=to_member_expr(expr);
624  rename_address<level>(member_expr.struct_op(), ns);
626  // type might not have been renamed in case of nesting of
627  // structs and pointers/arrays
628  if(
629  member_expr.struct_op().type().id() != ID_struct_tag &&
630  member_expr.struct_op().type().id() != ID_union_tag)
631  {
632  const struct_union_typet &su_type=
633  to_struct_union_type(member_expr.struct_op().type());
634  const struct_union_typet::componentt &comp=
635  su_type.get_component(member_expr.get_component_name());
636  PRECONDITION(comp.is_not_nil());
637  expr.type()=comp.type();
638  }
639  else
640  rename<level>(expr.type(), irep_idt(), ns);
641  }
642  else
643  {
644  // this could go wrong, but we would have to re-typecheck ...
645  rename<level>(expr.type(), irep_idt(), ns);
647  // do this recursively; we assume here
648  // that all the operands are addresses
649  Forall_operands(it, expr)
650  rename_address<level>(*it, ns);
651  }
652  }
653 }
658 static bool requires_renaming(const typet &type, const namespacet &ns)
659 {
660  if(type.id() == ID_array)
661  {
662  const auto &array_type = to_array_type(type);
663  return requires_renaming(array_type.element_type(), ns) ||
664  !array_type.size().is_constant();
665  }
666  else if(type.id() == ID_struct || type.id() == ID_union)
667  {
668  const struct_union_typet &s_u_type = to_struct_union_type(type);
669  const struct_union_typet::componentst &components = s_u_type.components();
671  for(auto &component : components)
672  {
673  // be careful, or it might get cyclic
674  if(component.type().id() == ID_array)
675  {
676  if(!to_array_type(component.type()).size().is_constant())
677  return true;
678  }
679  else if(
680  component.type().id() != ID_pointer &&
681  requires_renaming(component.type(), ns))
682  {
683  return true;
684  }
685  }
687  return false;
688  }
689  else if(type.id() == ID_pointer)
690  {
691  return requires_renaming(to_pointer_type(type).base_type(), ns);
692  }
693  else if(type.id() == ID_union_tag)
694  {
695  const symbolt &symbol = ns.lookup(to_union_tag_type(type));
696  return requires_renaming(symbol.type, ns);
697  }
698  else if(type.id() == ID_struct_tag)
699  {
700  const symbolt &symbol = ns.lookup(to_struct_tag_type(type));
701  return requires_renaming(symbol.type, ns);
702  }
704  return false;
705 }
707 template <levelt level>
709  typet &type,
710  const irep_idt &l1_identifier,
711  const namespacet &ns)
712 {
713  // check whether there are symbol expressions in the type; if not, there
714  // is no need to expand the struct/union tags in the type
715  if(!requires_renaming(type, ns))
716  return; // no action
718  // rename all the symbols with their last known value
719  // to the given level
721  std::pair<l1_typest::iterator, bool> l1_type_entry;
722  if(level==L2 &&
723  !l1_identifier.empty())
724  {
725  l1_type_entry=l1_types.insert(std::make_pair(l1_identifier, type));
727  if(!l1_type_entry.second) // was already in map
728  {
729  // do not change a complete array type to an incomplete one
731  const typet &type_prev=l1_type_entry.first->second;
733  if(type.id()!=ID_array ||
734  type_prev.id()!=ID_array ||
735  to_array_type(type).is_incomplete() ||
736  to_array_type(type_prev).is_complete())
737  {
738  type=l1_type_entry.first->second;
739  return;
740  }
741  }
742  }
744  if(type.id()==ID_array)
745  {
746  auto &array_type = to_array_type(type);
747  rename<level>(array_type.element_type(), irep_idt(), ns);
748  array_type.size() = rename<level>(std::move(array_type.size()), ns).get();
749  }
750  else if(
751  type.id() == ID_struct || type.id() == ID_union ||
752  type.id() == ID_struct_tag || type.id() == ID_union_tag)
753  {
754  // expand struct and union tag types
755  if(type.id() == ID_struct_tag)
756  type = ns.follow_tag(to_struct_tag_type(type));
757  else if(type.id() == ID_union_tag)
758  type = ns.follow_tag(to_union_tag_type(type));
761  struct_union_typet::componentst &components=s_u_type.components();
763  for(auto &component : components)
764  {
765  // be careful, or it might get cyclic
766  if(component.type().id() == ID_array)
767  {
768  auto &array_type = to_array_type(component.type());
769  array_type.size() =
770  rename<level>(std::move(array_type.size()), ns).get();
771  }
772  else if(component.type().id() != ID_pointer)
773  rename<level>(component.type(), irep_idt(), ns);
774  }
775  }
776  else if(type.id()==ID_pointer)
777  {
778  rename<level>(to_pointer_type(type).base_type(), irep_idt(), ns);
779  }
781  if(level==L2 &&
782  !l1_identifier.empty())
783  l1_type_entry.first->second=type;
784 }
786 static void get_l1_name(exprt &expr)
787 {
788  // do not reset the type !
790  if(is_ssa_expr(expr))
791  to_ssa_expr(expr).remove_level_2();
792  else
793  Forall_operands(it, expr)
794  get_l1_name(*it);
795 }
802 void goto_symex_statet::print_backtrace(std::ostream &out) const
803 {
804  if(threads[source.thread_nr].call_stack.empty())
805  {
806  out << "No stack!\n";
807  return;
808  }
810  out << source.function_id << " " << source.pc->location_number << "\n";
812  for(auto stackit = threads[source.thread_nr].call_stack.rbegin(),
813  stackend = threads[source.thread_nr].call_stack.rend();
814  stackit != stackend;
815  ++stackit)
816  {
817  const auto &frame = *stackit;
818  out << frame.calling_location.function_id << " "
819  << frame.calling_location.pc->location_number << "\n";
820  }
821 }
824  const symbol_exprt &expr,
825  std::function<std::size_t(const irep_idt &)> index_generator,
826  const namespacet &ns)
827 {
828  framet &frame = call_stack().top();
830  const renamedt<ssa_exprt, L0> renamed = rename_ssa<L0>(ssa_exprt{expr}, ns);
831  const irep_idt l0_name = renamed.get_identifier();
832  const std::size_t l1_index = index_generator(l0_name);
834  if(const auto old_value = level1.insert_or_replace(renamed, l1_index))
835  {
836  // save old L1 name
837  if(!frame.old_level1.has(renamed))
838  frame.old_level1.insert(renamed, old_value->second);
839  }
841  const ssa_exprt ssa = rename_ssa<L1>(renamed.get(), ns).get();
842  const bool inserted = frame.local_objects.insert(ssa.get_identifier()).second;
843  INVARIANT(inserted, "l1_name expected to be unique by construction");
845  return ssa;
846 }
849 {
850  const irep_idt &l1_identifier = ssa.get_identifier();
852  // rename type to L2
853  rename(ssa.type(), l1_identifier, ns);
854  ssa.update_type();
856  // in case of pointers, put something into the value set
857  if(ssa.type().id() == ID_pointer)
858  {
859  exprt rhs;
860  if(
861  auto failed =
864  else
865  rhs = exprt(ID_invalid);
867  exprt l1_rhs = rename<L1>(std::move(rhs), ns).get();
868  value_set.assign(ssa, l1_rhs, ns, true, false);
869  }
871  // L2 renaming
872  exprt fields = field_sensitivity.get_fields(ns, *this, ssa, false);
873  fields.visit_pre([this](const exprt &e) {
874  if(auto l1_symbol = expr_try_dynamic_cast<symbol_exprt>(e))
875  {
876  const ssa_exprt &field_ssa = to_ssa_expr(*l1_symbol);
877  const std::size_t field_generation = level2.increase_generation(
878  l1_symbol->get_identifier(), field_ssa, fresh_l2_name_provider);
879  CHECK_RETURN(field_generation == 1);
880  }
881  else if(auto fs_ssa = expr_try_dynamic_cast<field_sensitive_ssa_exprt>(e))
882  {
883  const ssa_exprt &ssa = fs_ssa->get_object_ssa();
884  const std::size_t field_generation = level2.increase_generation(
886  CHECK_RETURN(field_generation == 1);
887  }
888  });
890  record_events.push(false);
891  exprt expr_l2 = rename(std::move(ssa), ns).get();
893  is_ssa_expr(expr_l2),
894  "symbol to declare should not be replaced by constant propagation");
895  ssa = to_ssa_expr(expr_l2);
896  record_events.pop();
898  return ssa;
899 }
std::optional< symbol_exprt > get_failed_symbol(const symbol_exprt &expr, const namespacet &ns)
Get the failed-dereference symbol for the given symbol.
Pointer Dereferencing.
const T & as_const(T &value)
Return a reference to the same object but ensures the type is const.
Definition: as_const.h:14
Generic exception types primarily designed for use with invariants.
Expression classes for byte-level operators.
const byte_extract_exprt & to_byte_extract_expr(const exprt &expr)
const union_tag_typet & to_union_tag_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a union_tag_typet.
Definition: c_types.h:224
Operator to return the address of an object.
Definition: pointer_expr.h:540
const typet & element_type() const
The type of the elements of the array.
Definition: std_types.h:827
const exprt & size() const
Definition: std_types.h:840
framet & new_frame(symex_targett::sourcet calling_location, const guardt &guard)
Definition: call_stack.h:30
framet & top()
Definition: call_stack.h:17
dstringt has one field, an unsigned integer no which is an index into a static table of strings.
Definition: dstring.h:38
bool empty() const
Definition: dstring.h:89
Base class for all expressions.
Definition: expr.h:56
bool is_false() const
Return whether the expression is a constant representing false.
Definition: expr.cpp:34
void visit_pre(std::function< void(exprt &)>)
Definition: expr.cpp:227
typet & type()
Return the type of the expression.
Definition: expr.h:84
bool is_constant() const
Return whether the expression is a constant.
Definition: expr.h:212
The Boolean constant false.
Definition: std_expr.h:3082
exprt get_fields(const namespacet &ns, goto_symex_statet &state, const ssa_exprt &ssa_expr, bool disjoined_fields_only) const
Compute an expression representing the individual components of a field-sensitive SSA representation ...
exprt apply(const namespacet &ns, goto_symex_statet &state, exprt expr, bool write) const
Turn an expression expr into a field-sensitive SSA expression.
bool is_divisible(const ssa_exprt &expr, bool disjoined_fields_only) const
Determine whether expr would translate to an atomic SSA expression (returns false) or a composite obj...
Stack frames – these are used for function calls and for exceptions.
Definition: solver_types.h:41
symex_level1t old_level1
Definition: frame.h:42
std::set< irep_idt > local_objects
Definition: frame.h:44
Container for data that varies per program point, e.g.
Definition: goto_state.h:32
symex_level2t level2
Definition: goto_state.h:38
guardt guard
Definition: goto_state.h:58
unsigned atomic_section_id
Definition: goto_state.h:76
sharing_mapt< irep_idt, exprt > propagation
Definition: goto_state.h:71
value_sett value_set
Uses level 1 names, and is used to do dereferencing.
Definition: goto_state.h:51
ssa_exprt declare(ssa_exprt ssa, const namespacet &ns)
Add invalid (or a failed symbol) to the value_set if ssa is a pointer, ensure that level2 index of sy...
ssa_exprt add_object(const symbol_exprt &expr, std::function< std::size_t(const irep_idt &)> index_generator, const namespacet &ns)
Instantiate the object expr.
std::pair< unsigned, std::list< guardt > > a_s_r_entryt
std::stack< bool > record_events
bool l2_thread_write_encoding(const ssa_exprt &expr, const namespacet &ns)
thread encoding
exprt l2_rename_rvalues(exprt lvalue, const namespacet &ns)
static irep_idt guard_identifier()
call_stackt & call_stack()
const incremental_dirtyt * dirty
std::unordered_map< ssa_exprt, a_s_r_entryt, irep_hash > read_in_atomic_section
std::unordered_map< ssa_exprt, a_s_w_entryt, irep_hash > written_in_atomic_section
symex_level1t level1
void rename_address(exprt &expr, const namespacet &ns)
renamedt< ssa_exprt, L2 > assignment(ssa_exprt lhs, const exprt &rhs, const namespacet &ns, bool rhs_is_simplified, bool record_value, bool allow_pointer_unsoundness=false)
guard_managert & guard_manager
bool l2_thread_read_encoding(ssa_exprt &expr, const namespacet &ns)
thread encoding
void print_backtrace(std::ostream &) const
Dumps the current state of symex, printing the function name and location number for each stack frame...
renamedt< exprt, level > rename(exprt expr, const namespacet &ns)
Rewrites symbol expressions in exprt, applying a suffix to each symbol reflecting its most recent ver...
symex_target_equationt * symex_target
static bool is_read_only_object(const exprt &lvalue)
Returns true if lvalue is a read-only object, such as the null object.
field_sensitivityt field_sensitivity
write_is_shared_resultt write_is_shared(const ssa_exprt &expr, const namespacet &ns) const
symex_targett::sourcet source
renamedt< ssa_exprt, level > rename_ssa(ssa_exprt ssa, const namespacet &ns)
Version of rename which is specialized for SSA exprt.
goto_symex_statet(const symex_targett::sourcet &, std::size_t max_field_sensitive_array_size, bool should_simplify, guard_managert &manager, std::function< std::size_t(const irep_idt &)> fresh_l2_name_provider)
bool run_validation_checks
Should the additional validation checks be run?
std::vector< threadt > threads
std::function< std::size_t(const irep_idt &)> fresh_l2_name_provider
bool is_true() const
Definition: guard_expr.h:60
exprt as_expr() const
Definition: guard_expr.h:46
bool is_false() const
Definition: guard_expr.h:65
The trinary if-then-else operator.
Definition: std_expr.h:2380
exprt & true_case()
Definition: std_expr.h:2407
exprt & false_case()
Definition: std_expr.h:2417
exprt & cond()
Definition: std_expr.h:2397
Array index operator.
Definition: std_expr.h:1470
exprt & array()
Definition: std_expr.h:1500
exprt & index()
Definition: std_expr.h:1510
std::string pretty(unsigned indent=0, unsigned max_indent=0) const
Definition: irep.cpp:482
const irep_idt & get(const irep_idt &name) const
Definition: irep.cpp:44
const std::string & id_string() const
Definition: irep.h:391
bool is_not_nil() const
Definition: irep.h:372
const irep_idt & id() const
Definition: irep.h:388
bool is_nil() const
Definition: irep.h:368
Extract member of struct or union.
Definition: std_expr.h:2854
const exprt & struct_op() const
Definition: std_expr.h:2892
irep_idt get_component_name() const
Definition: std_expr.h:2876
const union_typet & follow_tag(const union_tag_typet &) const
Follow type tag of union type.
Definition: namespace.cpp:63
A namespacet is essentially one or two symbol tables bound together, to allow for symbol lookups in t...
Definition: namespace.h:94
bool lookup(const irep_idt &name, const symbolt *&symbol) const override
See documentation for namespace_baset::lookup().
Definition: namespace.cpp:148
Boolean negation.
Definition: std_expr.h:2337
const typet & base_type() const
The type of the data what we point to.
Definition: pointer_expr.h:35
Wrapper for expressions or types which have been renamed up to a given level.
Definition: renamed.h:33
const underlyingt & get() const
Definition: renamed.h:40
Expression providing an SSA-renamed symbol of expressions.
Definition: ssa_expr.h:17
void remove_level_2()
void update_type()
Definition: ssa_expr.h:28
const irep_idt get_level_2() const
Definition: ssa_expr.h:73
const exprt & get_original_expr() const
Definition: ssa_expr.h:33
irep_idt get_object_name() const
Base type for structs and unions.
Definition: std_types.h:62
const componentt & get_component(const irep_idt &component_name) const
Get the reference to a component with given name.
Definition: std_types.cpp:64
const componentst & components() const
Definition: std_types.h:147
std::vector< componentt > componentst
Definition: std_types.h:140
Expression to hold a symbol (variable)
Definition: std_expr.h:131
const irep_idt & get_identifier() const
Definition: std_expr.h:160
Symbol table entry.
Definition: symbol.h:28
typet type
Type of symbol.
Definition: symbol.h:31
virtual void shared_read(const exprt &guard, const ssa_exprt &ssa_object, unsigned atomic_section_id, const sourcet &source)
Read from a shared variable ssa_object (which is both the left- and the right–hand side of assignment...
virtual void shared_write(const exprt &guard, const ssa_exprt &ssa_object, unsigned atomic_section_id, const sourcet &source)
Write to a shared variable ssa_object: we effectively assign a value from this thread to be visible b...
virtual void assignment(const exprt &guard, const ssa_exprt &ssa_lhs, const exprt &ssa_full_lhs, const exprt &original_full_lhs, const exprt &ssa_rhs, const sourcet &source, assignment_typet assignment_type)
Write to a local variable.
The Boolean constant true.
Definition: std_expr.h:3073
The type of an expression, extends irept.
Definition: type.h:29
const exprt & op() const
Definition: std_expr.h:391
Thrown when we encounter an instruction, parameters to an instruction etc.
void output(std::ostream &out, const std::string &indent="") const
Pretty-print this value-set.
Definition: value_set.cpp:141
void assign(const exprt &lhs, const exprt &rhs, const namespacet &ns, bool is_simplified, bool add_to_sets)
Transforms this value-set by executing executing the assignment lhs := rhs against it.
Definition: value_set.cpp:1486
exprt & old()
Definition: std_expr.h:2491
Variables whose address is taken.
#define Forall_operands(it, expr)
Definition: expr.h:27
Deprecated expression utility functions.
GOTO Symex constant propagation.
static bool requires_renaming(const typet &type, const namespacet &ns)
Return true if, and only if, the type or one of its subtypes requires SSA renaming.
static void get_l1_name(exprt &expr)
Symbolic Execution.
guard_exprt guardt
Definition: guard.h:29
const pointer_typet & to_pointer_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a pointer_typet.
Definition: pointer_expr.h:93
const address_of_exprt & to_address_of_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to an address_of_exprt.
Definition: pointer_expr.h:577
static bool is_shared(const namespacet &ns, const symbol_exprt &symbol_expr)
Definition: race_check.cpp:121
@ L2
Definition: renamed.h:26
@ L0
Definition: renamed.h:23
Definition: renamed.h:25
@ L1
Definition: renamed.h:24
bool check_renaming(const typet &type)
Check that type is correctly renamed to level 2 and return true in case an error is detected.
renamedt< ssa_exprt, L0 > symex_level0(ssa_exprt ssa_expr, const namespacet &ns, std::size_t thread_nr)
Set the level 0 renaming of SSA expressions.
bool check_renaming_l1(const exprt &expr)
Check that expr is correctly renamed to level 1 and return true in case an error is detected.
bool simplify(exprt &expr, const namespacet &ns)
Definition: invariant.h:407
Definition: invariant.h:495
This condition should be used to document that assumptions that are made on goto_functions,...
Definition: invariant.h:534
Definition: invariant.h:463
Same as invariant, with one or more diagnostics attached Diagnostics can be of any type that has a sp...
Definition: invariant.h:437
const ssa_exprt & to_ssa_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast a generic exprt to an ssa_exprt.
Definition: ssa_expr.h:145
bool is_ssa_expr(const exprt &expr)
Definition: ssa_expr.h:125
ssa_exprt remove_level_2(ssa_exprt ssa)
auto component(T &struct_expr, const irep_idt &name, const namespacet &ns) -> decltype(struct_expr.op0())
Definition: std_expr.cpp:97
API to expression classes.
const if_exprt & to_if_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to an if_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:2460
const symbol_exprt & to_symbol_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a symbol_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:272
const typecast_exprt & to_typecast_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a typecast_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:2107
const complex_real_exprt & to_complex_real_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a complex_real_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:2010
const with_exprt & to_with_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a with_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:2543
const member_exprt & to_member_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a member_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:2946
const complex_imag_exprt & to_complex_imag_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a complex_imag_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:2053
const index_exprt & to_index_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to an index_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:1538
bool can_cast_type< array_typet >(const typet &type)
Check whether a reference to a typet is a array_typet.
Definition: std_types.h:875
const array_typet & to_array_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to an array_typet.
Definition: std_types.h:888
const struct_union_typet & to_struct_union_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a struct_union_typet.
Definition: std_types.h:214
const struct_tag_typet & to_struct_tag_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a struct_tag_typet.
Definition: std_types.h:518
This is unused by this implementation of guards, but can be used by other implementations of the same...
Definition: guard_expr.h:20
std::optional< std::pair< ssa_exprt, std::size_t > > insert_or_replace(const renamedt< ssa_exprt, L0 > &ssa, std::size_t index)
Set the index for ssa to index.
bool has(const renamedt< ssa_exprt, L0 > &ssa) const
void insert(const renamedt< ssa_exprt, L0 > &ssa, std::size_t index)
Assume ssa is not already known.
unsigned latest_index(const irep_idt &identifier) const
Counter corresponding to an identifier.
std::size_t increase_generation(const irep_idt &l1_identifier, const ssa_exprt &lhs, std::function< std::size_t(const irep_idt &)> fresh_l2_name_provider)
Allocates a fresh L2 name for the given L1 identifier, and makes it the latest generation on this pat...
Identifies source in the context of symbolic execution.
Definition: symex_target.h:37
goto_programt::const_targett pc
Definition: symex_target.h:42
Generate Equation using Symbolic Execution.
static bool failed(bool error_indicator)
dstringt irep_idt