Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- b -
- backtrace : invariant_failedt
- base_case : k_inductiont
- base_expression : decision_procedure_objectt
- base_name : ansi_c_identifiert, cpp_declarator_convertert, cpp_idt, goto_cc_modet, java_bytecode_parse_treet::methodt, symbolt
- base_prefix : trace_optionst
- base_symbol_table : journalling_symbol_tablet, symbol_table_buildert
- bdd : bddt, guard_bddt
- bdd_manager : qbf_bdd_certificatet
- bdd_mgr : bdd_exprt
- bdd_var_to_index : bdd_managert, bdd_nodet
- bdd_variable_map : qbf_bdd_coret
- begin_int : gdb_value_extractort::memory_scopet
- begin_location_number : goto_inlinet::goto_inline_logt::goto_inline_log_infot
- begin_value : ranget< iteratort >
- benchmark : smt2_convt
- bf16_type : ansi_c_parsert, configt::ansi_ct
- binary_search : pbs_dimacs_cnft
- bindings : replace_symbolt
- bit_begin : reaching_definitiont
- bit_end : reaching_definitiont
- bit_width : small_shared_n_way_pointee_baset< N, Num >
- bits : custom_bitvector_analysist, escape_analysist, local_bitvector_analysist::flagst, sharing_mapt< keyT, valueT, fail_if_equal, hashT, equalT >
- BITS : small_mapt< T, Ind, Num >
- blacklisted_loops : framet::active_loop_infot
- blank : ref_expr_set_dt, value_set_fit::object_map_dt
- block_infos : cover_basic_blocks_javat, cover_basic_blockst
- block_lines : source_linest
- block_locations : cover_basic_blocks_javat
- block_map : cover_basic_blockst
- block_source_lines : cover_basic_blocks_javat
- blue : messaget
- body : goto_functiont, string_constraintt
- bold : messaget
- bool_width : configt::ansi_ct
- boolbv : bv_minimizet
- boolbv_width : bv_endianness_mapt, smt2_convt, struct_encodingt
- BOOLEAN : format_specifiert
- boolean_assignment : smt2_convt
- BOOLEAN_UPPER : format_specifiert
- bottom : abstract_environmentt, abstract_objectt, interval_domaint
- bounds_map : invariant_sett
- boxed_type_factory_method : java_primitive_type_infot
- boxed_type_name : java_primitive_type_infot
- branch : java_bytecode_convert_methodt::block_tree_nodet
- branch_addresses : java_bytecode_convert_methodt::block_tree_nodet
- branch_location : local_control_flow_decisiont
- branch_taken : local_control_flow_decisiont
- branches_covered : coverage_recordt
- branches_total : coverage_recordt
- break_is_allowed : c_typecheck_baset
- break_lines : dimacs_cnft
- break_set : goto_convertt::break_continue_targetst, goto_convertt::break_switch_targetst, goto_convertt::targetst
- break_stack_node : goto_convertt::break_switch_targetst, goto_convertt::targetst
- break_target : goto_convertt::break_continue_targetst, goto_convertt::break_switch_targetst, goto_convertt::targetst
- bright_blue : messaget
- bright_cyan : messaget
- bright_green : messaget
- bright_magenta : messaget
- bright_red : messaget
- bright_yellow : messaget
- buffer : smt2_tokenizert
- build_symex_nondet : path_storaget
- builtin_function_nodes : string_dependenciest
- bv : bv_pointers_widet::postponedt, bv_pointerst::postponedt, mixd, mixf, mixl
- bv_cache : boolbvt
- bv_cnt : ansi_c_convert_typet
- bv_container : rd_range_domain_factoryt, rd_range_domaint
- bv_encoding : configt
- bv_utils : boolbvt, float_utilst
- bv_width : ansi_c_convert_typet, boolbvt
- bvfp_set : smt2_convt
- byte_size : gdb_value_extractort::memory_scopet
- bytecode : java_bytecode_parse_treet::instructiont
- bytes : memory_sizet