Here is a list of all typedefs with links to the classes they belong to:
- c -
- cachet : boolbv_widtht, goto_inlinet, prop_conv_solvert
- call_listt : goto_inlinet
- call_stackt : interpretert
- callsitest : call_grapht
- callt : goto_inlinet
- can_generate_function_bodyt : lazy_goto_functions_mapt, lazy_goto_modelt
- car_expr_listt : instrument_spec_assignst
- cases_listt : goto_program2codet
- cases_mapt : goto_convertt
- casest : goto_convertt
- caset : goto_convertt
- catch_handlerst : remove_exceptionst
- cfgt : cfg_dominators_templatet< P, T, post_dom >, full_slicert, points_tot, reachability_slicert
- changesett : journalling_symbol_tablet
- choice_symbolst : memory_model_baset
- class_mapt : class_hierarchyt
- class_refst : java_bytecode_parse_treet
- classpatht : configt::javat
- classt : java_bytecode_convert_classt, java_bytecode_parsert
- clausest : cnf_clause_listt, resolution_prooft< T >
- cleanup_mapt : escape_domaint
- code_operandst : code_blockt
- combine_fn : write_location_contextt
- commandst : gdb_apit
- componentst : identifiert, java_class_typet, struct_union_typet
- computed_gotost : goto_convertt
- cond_target_exprt_to_car_mapt : instrument_spec_assignst
- conditionst : goto_check_ct
- cone_mapt : cone_of_influencet
- const_iterator : abstract_object_sett, cfg_baset< T, P, I >::entry_mapt, dense_integer_mapt< K, V, KeyToDenseInteger >, event_grapht::critical_cyclet, expanding_vectort< T >, fixed_keys_map_wrappert< mapt >, forward_list_as_mapt< keyt, mappedt >, guarded_range_domaint, irep_hash_mapt< Key, T >, json_objectt, loop_templatet< T, C >, numberingt< keyt, hasht >, range_domaint, union_find< T, hasht >, value_set_fit::object_map_dt
- const_iteratort : sparse_vectort< T >, symbol_table_baset
- const_mapped_type : lazy_goto_functions_mapt
- const_pointer : lazy_goto_functions_mapt
- const_reference : lazy_goto_functions_mapt
- const_reverse_iterator : fixed_keys_map_wrappert< mapt >
- const_targetst : goto_programt, goto_programt::instructiont
- const_targett : goto_programt, goto_programt::instructiont
- constant_pointer_abstract_pointert : constant_pointer_abstract_objectt
- constant_poolt : java_bytecode_parsert
- constant_struct_pointert : full_struct_abstract_objectt
- constraintst : container_encoding_targett
- context_abstract_object_ptrt : context_abstract_objectt
- continuation_stack_storet : write_stackt
- control_dep_callst : variable_sensitivity_dependence_domaint
- control_dep_candidatest : variable_sensitivity_dependence_domaint
- control_depst : variable_sensitivity_dependence_domaint
- conversion_functiont : character_refine_preprocesst, java_string_library_preprocesst
- conversion_inputt : character_refine_preprocesst
- convertedt : dump_ct
- converterst : smt2_convt
- counterst : frequency_mapt
- coverage_innert : symex_coveraget
- coverage_lines_mapt : goto_program_coverage_recordt
- coveraget : symex_coveraget
- covered_locationst : instrument_spec_assignst
- cpp_id_mapt : cpp_idt
- cse_ptrt : call_stack_historyt
- cstate_ptrt : ai_baset, ai_storage_baset
- ctrace_set_ptrt : ai_baset, ai_storage_baset