Here is a list of all typedefs with links to the classes they belong to:
- n -
- name_index_mapt : path_storaget
- name_mapt : ansi_c_scopet
- named_check_statust : goto_check_ct
- named_subt : non_sharing_treet< derivedt, named_subtreest >, sharing_treet< derivedt, named_subtreest >, tree_nodet< treet, named_subtreest, sharing >
- named_termst : smt2_parsert
- natural_loopt : natural_loops_templatet< P, T, C >
- nesting_stackt : statement_list_typecheckt
- networkst : statement_list_parse_treet
- no_body_sett : goto_inlinet
- node_indext : dep_graph_domaint, function_indicest, graph_nodet< E >, grapht< N >, variable_sensitivity_dependence_domaint
- node_nrt : local_cfgt
- nodes_by_namet : call_grapht::directed_grapht, class_hierarchy_grapht
- nodest : call_grapht, grapht< N >, local_cfgt, mini_bdd_mgrt
- nodet : cfg_baset< T, P, I >, grapht< N >, instrumentert::cfg_visitort, natural_loops_templatet< P, T, C >, procedure_local_cfg_baset< T, java_bytecode_convert_methodt::method_with_amapt, java_bytecode_convert_methodt::method_offsett >, sharing_mapt< keyT, valueT, fail_if_equal, hashT, equalT >
- number_type : numberingt< keyt, hasht >, union_find< T, hasht >
- numbering_typet : union_find< T, hasht >
- numberingt : partial_order_concurrencyt