Here is a list of all typedefs with links to the classes they belong to:
- d -
- d_ct : sharing_nodet< keyT, valueT, equalT >
- d_it : sharing_nodet< keyT, valueT, equalT >
- d_lt : sharing_nodet< keyT, valueT, equalT >
- data_dependency_context_ptrt : data_dependency_contextt
- data_depst : variable_sensitivity_dependence_domaint
- data_typet : cfg_baset< T, P, I >::entry_mapt, data_dpt, event_grapht::critical_cyclet, expanding_vectort< T >, numberingt< keyt, hasht >, value_set_fit::object_map_dt
- datat : sharing_nodet< keyT, valueT, equalT >
- datatype_mapt : smt2_convt
- dead_mapt : goto_program2codet
- decl_deadt : full_slicert
- decl_identifierst : goto_programt
- declaration_hop_instrumentationt : goto_convertt
- declaratorst : ansi_c_declarationt, cpp_declarationt
- declared_enum_constants_mapt : dump_ct
- defined_expressionst : smt2_convt
- delta_viewt : sharing_mapt< keyT, valueT, fail_if_equal, hashT, equalT >
- dep_node_to_cfgt : full_slicert
- dependenciest : data_dependency_contextt
- depst : dep_graph_domaint
- diff_pairt : interpretert
- difference_type : cmdlinet::option_namest::option_names_iteratort, concat_iteratort< first_iteratort, second_iteratort >, dense_integer_mapt< K, V, KeyToDenseInteger >::iterator_templatet< UnderlyingIterator, UnderlyingValue >, depth_iterator_baset< depth_iterator_t >, filter_iteratort< iteratort >, map_iteratort< iteratort, outputt >, symbol_table_baset::iteratort, zip_iteratort< first_iteratort, second_iteratort, same_size >
- differences_mapt : unified_difft
- differencest : unified_difft
- distinguish_mapt : disjunctive_polynomial_accelerationt, sat_path_enumeratort
- distinguish_valuest : disjunctive_polynomial_accelerationt, sat_path_enumeratort
- domain_mapt : history_sensitive_storaget
- domaint : mathematical_function_typet, value_set_analysis_templatet< VSDT >
- dt : non_sharing_treet< derivedt, named_subtreest >, sharing_treet< derivedt, named_subtreest >
- dynamic_initializationst : cpp_typecheckt
- dynamic_object_id_sett : value_set_fit
- dynamic_typest : interpretert