25 std::list<std::pair<symex_targett::sourcet, goto_statet>>;
47 std::map<irep_idt, goto_programt::targett>
67 std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<lexical_loopst::loopt>>
71 lexical_loopst::loopt &
ait supplies three of the four components needed: an abstract interpreter (in this case handling func...
dstringt has one field, an unsigned integer no which is an index into a static table of strings.
Base class for all expressions.
active_loop_infot(lexical_loopst::loopt &_loop)
std::size_t children_too_complex
Incremental counter on how many branches this loop has had killed.
lexical_loopst::loopt & loop
std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< lexical_loopst::loopt > > blacklisted_loops
Set of loop ID's that have been blacklisted.
Stack frames – these are used for function calls and for exceptions.
std::map< irep_idt, goto_programt::targett > catch_map
std::vector< active_loop_infot > active_loops
guardt guard_at_function_start
std::list< std::pair< symex_targett::sourcet, goto_statet > > goto_state_listt
std::optional< symbol_exprt > return_value_symbol
symex_targett::sourcet calling_location
std::unordered_map< irep_idt, loop_infot > loop_iterations
std::vector< irep_idt > parameter_names
goto_programt::const_targett end_of_function
std::map< goto_programt::const_targett, goto_state_listt, goto_programt::target_less_than > goto_state_map
std::set< irep_idt > local_objects
framet(symex_targett::sourcet _calling_location, const guardt &state_guard)
irep_idt function_identifier
std::shared_ptr< lexical_loopst > loops_info
instructionst::const_iterator const_targett
goto_statet class definition
Compute lexical loops in a goto_function.
A total order over targett and const_targett.
Functor to set the level 1 renaming of SSA expressions.
Identifies source in the context of symbolic execution.
Generate Equation using Symbolic Execution.