82 const typet &object_type,
111 const exprt &pointer,
ait supplies three of the four components needed: an abstract interpreter (in this case handling func...
Base class for pointer value set analysis.
dstringt has one field, an unsigned integer no which is an index into a static table of strings.
Base class for all expressions.
The Boolean constant false.
A namespacet is essentially one or two symbol tables bound together, to allow for symbol lookups in t...
The symbol table base class interface.
The type of an expression, extends irept.
Return value for build_reference_to; see that method for documentation.
Wrapper for a function dereferencing pointer expressions using a value set.
static bool memory_model_bytes(exprt &value, const typet &type, const exprt &offset, const namespacet &ns)
Replace value by an expression of type to_type corresponding to the value at memory address value + o...
valuet get_failure_value(const exprt &pointer, const typet &type)
exprt handle_dereference_base_case(const exprt &pointer, bool display_points_to_sets)
const bool exclude_null_derefs
Flag indicating whether value_set_dereferencet::dereference should disregard an apparent attempt to d...
symbol_table_baset & new_symbol_table
static bool dereference_type_compare(const typet &object_type, const typet &dereference_type, const namespacet &ns)
Check if the two types have matching number of ID_pointer levels, with the dereference type eventuall...
value_set_dereferencet(const namespacet &_ns, symbol_table_baset &_new_symbol_table, dereference_callbackt &_dereference_callback, const irep_idt _language_mode, bool _exclude_null_derefs, message_handlert &_message_handler)
virtual ~value_set_dereferencet()
message_handlert & message_handler
dereference_callbackt & dereference_callback
exprt dereference(const exprt &pointer, bool display_points_to_sets=false)
Dereference the given pointer-expression.
const irep_idt language_mode
language_mode: ID_java, ID_C or another language identifier if we know the source language in use,...
static valuet build_reference_to(const exprt &what, const exprt &pointer, const namespacet &ns)
static bool should_ignore_value(const exprt &what, bool exclude_null_derefs, const irep_idt &language_mode)
Determine whether possible alias what should be ignored when replacing a pointer by its referees.
static bool memory_model(exprt &value, const typet &type, const exprt &offset, const namespacet &ns)
Replace value by an expression of type to_type corresponding to the value at memory address value + o...
API to expression classes.