15#include <unordered_set>
63 values = std::move(other.values);
81 typedef std::optional<mp_integer>
88 using object_map_dt = std::map<object_numberingt::number_type, offsett>;
96 exprt to_expr(
const object_map_dt::value_type &it)
119 dest.
130 return insert(dest, it.first, it.second);
228 return !(*
289 void output(std::ostream &out,
const std::string &indent =
423 const std::string &suffix,
492 const std::string &suffix,
500 const std::string &suffix,
ait supplies three of the four components needed: an abstract interpreter (in this case handling func...
Data structure for representing an arbitrary statement in a program.
dstringt has one field, an unsigned integer no which is an index into a static table of strings.
Base class for all expressions.
std::vector< exprt > operandst
A namespacet is essentially one or two symbol tables bound together, to allow for symbol lookups in t...
Base type for structs and unions.
Expression to hold a symbol (variable)
The type of an expression, extends irept.
std::list< exprt > valuest
State type in value_set_domaint, used in value-set analysis and goto-symex.
virtual void apply_code_rec(const codet &code, const namespacet &ns)
Subclass customisation point for applying code to this domain:
sharing_mapt< irep_idt, entryt > valuest
Map representing the entire value set, mapping from string LHS IDs to RHS expression sets.
bool make_union(const value_sett &new_values)
Merges an entire existing value_sett's data into this one.
bool eval_pointer_offset(exprt &expr, const namespacet &ns) const
Tries to resolve any pointer_offset_exprt expressions in expr to constant integers using this value-s...
const entryt * find_entry(const irep_idt &id) const
Finds an entry in this value-set.
std::vector< exprt > get_value_set(exprt expr, const namespacet &ns) const
Gets values pointed to by expr, including following dereference operators (i.e.
value_sett(value_sett &&other)
virtual void get_value_set_rec(const exprt &expr, object_mapt &dest, bool &includes_nondet_pointer, const std::string &suffix, const typet &original_type, const namespacet &ns) const
Subclass customisation point for recursion over RHS expression.
xmlt output_xml(void) const
Output the value set formatted as XML.
void output(std::ostream &out, const std::string &indent="") const
Pretty-print this value-set.
void dereference_rec(const exprt &src, exprt &dest) const
Sets dest to src with any wrapping typecasts removed.
void erase_symbol(const symbol_exprt &symbol_expr, const namespacet &ns)
valuest values
Stores the LHS ID -> RHS expression set map.
unsigned location_number
Matches the location_number field of the instruction that corresponds to this value_sett instance in ...
value_sett(const value_sett &other)=default
static object_numberingt object_numbering
Global shared object numbering, used to abbreviate expressions stored in value sets.
bool insert(object_mapt &dest, const object_map_dt::value_type &it) const
Merges an existing element into an object map.
void erase_struct_union_symbol(const struct_union_typet &struct_union_type, const std::string &erase_prefix, const namespacet &ns)
std::optional< mp_integer > offsett
Represents the offset into an object: either a unique integer offset, or an unknown value,...
void get_reference_set_rec(const exprt &expr, object_mapt &dest, const namespacet &ns) const
See get_reference_set.
bool insert(object_mapt &dest, const exprt &src, const mp_integer &offset_value) const
Adds an expression to an object map, with known offset.
exprt to_expr(const object_map_dt::value_type &it) const
Converts an object_map_dt element object_number -> offset into an object_descriptor_exprt with ....
void erase_values_from_entry(const irep_idt &index, const std::unordered_set< exprt, irep_hash > &values_to_erase)
Update the entry stored at index by erasing any values listed in values_to_erase.
void update_entry(const entryt &e, const typet &type, const object_mapt &new_values, bool add_to_sets)
Adds or replaces an entry in this value-set.
void assign(const exprt &lhs, const exprt &rhs, const namespacet &ns, bool is_simplified, bool add_to_sets)
Transforms this value-set by executing executing the assignment lhs := rhs against it.
bool insert(object_mapt &dest, const exprt &expr, const offsett &offset) const
Adds an expression and offset to an object map.
reference_counting< object_map_dt, empty_object_map > object_mapt
Reference-counts instances of object_map_dt, such that multiple instructions' value_sett instances ca...
virtual void assign_rec(const exprt &lhs, const object_mapt &values_rhs, const std::string &suffix, const namespacet &ns, bool add_to_sets)
Subclass customisation point for recursion over LHS expression:
insert_actiont get_insert_action(const object_mapt &dest, object_numberingt::number_type n, const offsett &offset) const
Determines what would happen if object number n was inserted into map dest with offset offset – the p...
void set(object_mapt &dest, const object_map_dt::value_type &it) const
Sets an element in object map dest to match an existing element it from a different map.
bool make_union(object_mapt &dest, const object_mapt &src) const
Merges two RHS expression sets.
virtual bool field_sensitive(const irep_idt &id, const typet &type)
Determines whether an identifier of a given type should have its fields distinguished.
void guard(const exprt &expr, const namespacet &ns)
Transforms this value-set by assuming an expression holds.
value_sett & operator=(value_sett &&other)
virtual ~value_sett()=default
value_sett & operator=(const value_sett &other)=delete
bool make_union_would_change(const object_mapt &dest, const object_mapt &src) const
Determines whether merging two RHS expression sets would cause any change.
void do_end_function(const exprt &lhs, const namespacet &ns)
Transforms this value-set by assigning this function's return value to a given LHS expression.
static const object_map_dt empty_object_map
bool insert(object_mapt &dest, const exprt &src) const
Adds an expression to an object map, with unknown offset.
void do_function_call(const irep_idt &function, const exprt::operandst &arguments, const namespacet &ns)
Transforms this value-set by executing the actual -> formal parameter assignments for a particular ca...
void get_reference_set(const exprt &expr, object_mapt &dest, const namespacet &ns) const
See the other overload of get_reference_set.
void get_reference_set(const exprt &expr, value_setst::valuest &dest, const namespacet &ns) const
Gets the set of expressions that expr may refer to, according to this value set.
virtual void apply_assign_side_effects(const exprt &lhs, const exprt &rhs, const namespacet &)
Subclass customisation point to apply global side-effects to this domain, after RHS values are read b...
std::map< object_numberingt::number_type, offsett > object_map_dt
Represents a set of expressions (exprt instances) with corresponding offsets (offsett instances).
virtual void adjust_assign_rhs_values(const exprt &rhs, const namespacet &, object_mapt &rhs_values) const
Subclass customisation point to filter or otherwise alter the value-set returned from get_value_set b...
std::optional< irep_idt > get_index_of_symbol(irep_idt identifier, const typet &type, const std::string &suffix, const namespacet &ns) const
Get the index of the symbol and suffix.
void apply_code(const codet &code, const namespacet &ns)
Transforms this value-set by executing a given statement against it.
void erase_symbol_rec(const typet &type, const std::string &erase_prefix, const namespacet &ns)
Represents a row of a value_sett.
entryt(const irep_idt &_identifier, const std::string &_suffix)
bool operator!=(const entryt &other) const
bool operator==(const entryt &other) const