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__CPROVER_forall { *type* *identifier*; *boolean expression* }
__CPROVER_exists { *type* *identifier*; *boolean expression* }

While quantified expressions with arbitrary Boolean expressions are supported with an SMT backend, the SAT backend only supports bounded quantification under constant lower & upper bounds. This is because the SAT backend currently expands a universal quantifier (__CPROVER_forall) to a conjunction and an existential quantifier (__CPROVER_exists) to a disjunction on each value within the specified bound.

Concretely, with the SAT backend, the following syntax must be used for quantifiers:

__CPROVER_forall { *id* *type*; *range* ==> *boolean expression* }
__CPROVER_exists { *id* *type*; *range* && *boolean expression* }

where *range* is an expression of the form

*lower bound* <= *id* && *id* < *upper bound*

where *lower bound*and *upper bound* are constants. The bound predicates could be strict (e.g., *lower bound* < *id*), or non-strict (e.g., *upper bound* <= *id*), but both the bounds must be constants.


For __CPROVER_forall all *type* values for *identifier* must satisfy *boolean expression*.

int foo(int *arr, int len)
/* ... */
__CPROVER_ensures(__CPROVER_forall {
int i;
(0 <= i && i < len) ==> arr[i] == 0
/* every element in arr must be set to 0 */

For __CPROVER_exists some (at least one) *type* value for *identifier* must satisfy *boolean expression*.

int bar(int *arr, int len)
__CPROVER_requires(__CPROVER_exists {
int i;
(0 <= i && i < len) && arr[i] == 1
/* ... */
/* at least one element in arr must be set to 1 */

The examples above only work with the SMT backend, since len is not constant. However, if a constant maximum upper bound, say MAX_LEN, is known, then the following workaround may be used with the SAT backend:

int foo_sat(int *arr, int len)
/* ... */
__CPROVER_ensures(__CPROVER_forall {
int i;
(0 <= i && i < MAX_LEN) ==>
(i < len ==> arr[i] == 0)
/* every element in arr must be set to 0 */
int bar_sat(int *arr, int len)
__CPROVER_requires(__CPROVER_exists {
int i;
(0 <= i && i < MAX_LEN) &&
(i < len && arr[i] == 1)
/* ... */
/* at least one element in arr must be set to 1 */

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