Function Contracts

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Take a look at the example below.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#define SUCCESS 0
#define FAILURE -1
int sum(const uint32_t a, const uint32_t b, uint32_t* out)
const uint64_t result = ((uint64_t) a) + ((uint64_t) b);
if (result > UINT32_MAX) return FAILURE;
*out = (uint32_t) result;
return SUCCESS;
// the proof harness
int main()
uint32_t a;
uint32_t b;
uint32_t out;
int rval = sum(a, b, &out);
return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

Function sum writes the sum of a and b to out, and returns SUCCESS; unless the result of the addition is too large to be represented as an uint32_t, in which case it returns FAILURE. Let's write a function contract for this function.

Function contracts are specified by attaching specification clauses to function declarations or definitions:

The following built-in constructs can also be used with functions contracts:

In our example, the developer may require from the caller to properly allocate all arguments, thus, pointers must be valid. We can specify the preconditions of a function using __CPROVER_requires (see the Requires & Ensures Clauses documentation for details) and we can specify an allocated object using a predicate called __CPROVER_is_fresh (see Memory Predicate for details). Thus, for the sum function, the set of preconditions are

/* Precondition */
__CPROVER_requires(__CPROVER_is_fresh(out, sizeof(*out)))
__CPROVER_bool __CPROVER_is_fresh(const void *mem, __CPROVER_size_t size)

We can use __CPROVER_ensures to specify postconditions (see Requires & Ensures Clauses for details). In our example, developers can use the built-in construct __CPROVER_return_value, which represents the return value of a function. As postconditions, one may list possible return values (in this case, either SUCCESS or FAILURE) as well as describe the main property of this function: if the function returns SUCCESS, then *out stores the result of a + b. We can also check that the value in *out will be preserved in case of failure by using __CPROVER_old, which refers to the value of a given object in the pre-state of a function (see History Variables for details). Thus, for the sum function, the set of postconditions are

/* Postconditions */
__CPROVER_ensures(__CPROVER_return_value == SUCCESS || __CPROVER_return_value == FAILURE)
__CPROVER_ensures((__CPROVER_return_value == SUCCESS) ==> (*out == (a + b)))
__CPROVER_ensures((__CPROVER_return_value == FAILURE) ==> (*out == __CPROVER_old(*out)))
void __CPROVER_old(const void *)

Finally, the assigns clause allows developers to define a frame condition (see Assigns Clause for details). In general, systems for describing the frame condition of a function use either writes or modifies semantics; this design is based on the former. This means that memory not specified by the assigns clause must not be written within the given function scope, even if the value(s) therein are not modified. In our example, since we expect that only the value that out points to may be modified, we annotate the function using __CPROVER_assigns(*out).

/* Write Set */

Here is the whole function with its contract.

int sum(const uint32_t a, const uint32_t b, uint32_t* out)
/* Precondition */
__CPROVER_requires(__CPROVER_is_fresh(out, sizeof(*out)))
/* Postconditions */
__CPROVER_ensures(__CPROVER_return_value == SUCCESS || __CPROVER_return_value == FAILURE)
__CPROVER_ensures((__CPROVER_return_value == SUCCESS) ==> (*out == (a + b)))
__CPROVER_ensures((__CPROVER_return_value == FAILURE) ==> (*out == __CPROVER_old(*out)))
/* Write Set */
const uint64_t result = ((uint64_t) a) + ((uint64_t) b);
if (result > UINT32_MAX) return FAILURE;
*out = (uint32_t) result;
return SUCCESS;

First, we have to prove that the function satisfies the contract.

goto-cc -o sum.goto *.c --function sum
goto-instrument --enforce-contract sum sum.goto sum-checking-contracts.goto
cbmc sum-checking-contracts.goto --function sum

The first command just compiles the GOTO program as usual, the second command instruments the code to check the function satisfies the contract, and the third one runs CBMC to do the checking.

In order to start the analysis in an arbitrary state when a function contract gets checked, the contract instrumentation pass automatically havocs all static variables of the program. To avoid havocing certain static variables, the command line switch --nondet-static-exclude name-of-variable can be passed to goto-instrument in addition to the other swtiches specifying the contract to check.

Now that we have proved that the function satisfies the contract, we can use the function contract in place of the function implementation wherever the function is called.

goto-cc -o foo.goto *.c --function foo
goto-instrument --replace-call-with-contract sum foo.goto foo-using-sum-contract.goto
cbmc foo-using-sum-contract.goto --function foo

The first command just compiles the GOTO program as usual, the second command instruments the code to use the function contract in place of the function implementation wherever is invoked, and the third one runs CBMC to check the program using contracts.

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