Frees Clauses

Frees Clauses

A frees clause allows the user to specify a set of pointers that may be freed by a function or by the function it calls, transitively. A function contract may have zero or more frees clauses. When no clause is provided the empty set is used as default. Contracts can also have an empty frees clause. When more than one frees clause is given, the sets of pointers they contain are unioned together to yield a single set of pointers.


The clause has the following syntax (square brackets denote optional expressions [ ] ):


Where targets has the following syntax:

targets ::= cond-target-group (';' cond-target-group)* ';'?
cond-target-group ::= (condition ':')? target (',' target)*
target ::= lvalue-expr
| __CPROVER_freeable(lvalue-expr)

A frees clause target must be either:

  • an lvalue expression with a pointer type,
  • a call to the built-in function __CPROVER_freeable
  • a call to a user-defined side effect free and deterministic function returning the type void (itself containing direct or indirect calls to __CPROVER_freeable or to functions that call __CPROVER_freeable);


int foo(char *arr1, char *arr2, size_t size)
// `arr1` is freeable only if the condition `size > 0 && arr1` holds
size > 0 && arr1: arr1;
// `arr2` is always freeable
if(size > 0 && arr1)
return 0;
void free(void *ptr)
Definition: stdlib.c:317


The set of pointers specified by the frees clause of the contract is interpreted at the function call-site where the contract is being checked or used to abstract a function call.

For contract checking

When checking a contract against a function, each pointer that the function attempts to free gets checked for membership in the set of pointers specified by the frees clause.

For replacement of function calls by contracts

When replacing a function call by a contract, each pointer of the frees clause gets non-deterministically freed between the evaluation of preconditions and before the evaluation of post-conditions.

Specifying parametric sets of freeable pointers using C functions

Users can define parametric sets of freeable pointers by writing functions that return the void type and call (directly or indirectly) the built-in function __CPROVER_freeable:

void my_freeable_set(char **arr, size_t size)
// The first 3 pointers are freeable
// if the array is at least of size 3.
if (arr && size > 3) {
void __CPROVER_freeable(void *ptr)

Calling the built-in function:

void __CPROVER_freeable(void *ptr);

in the context of a frees clause specifies that ptr is freeable in that context.

void my_function(char **arr, size_t size)
// arr is considered freeable in the context of this clause.
my_freeable_set(arr, size)
// body ...

Frees clause related predicates

The predicate:

__CPROVER_bool __CPROVER_is_freeable(void *ptr);
__CPROVER_bool __CPROVER_is_freeable(const void *mem)

can only be used in pre and post conditions, in contract checking or replacement modes. It returns true if and only if the pointer satisfies the preconditions of the free function from stdlib.h (see here), that is if and only if the pointer points to a valid dynamically allocated object and has offset zero.

The predicate:

__CPROVER_bool __CPROVER_was_freed(void *ptr);
__CPROVER_bool __CPROVER_was_freed(const void *mem)

can only be used in post conditions and returns true if and only if the pointer was freed during the execution of the function under analysis.