Loop Contracts

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CBMC offers support for loop contracts, which includes four basic clauses:

  • an assigns clause for declaring the memory locations assignable by the loop,
  • an invariant clause for establishing safety properties,
  • a decreases clause for establishing termination,

The three clauses need to be declared in this sequence to avoid errors. Each loop contract should only have one assigns clause that contains all assigned targets. Loop contracts are not used by default. To enable CBMC to check for loop contracts, add the --apply-loop-contract flag at the goto-instrument step.

These clauses formally describe an abstraction of a loop for the purpose of an unbounded proof. CBMC also provides a series of built-in constructs to aid writing loop contracts (e.g., history variables and quantifiers). CBMC will use the abstraction in place of the loop and prove the invariants of the loop only if the loop contracts describes a sound and inductive abstraction of the loop.


Binary Search Unbounded Proof

Consider an implementation of the binary search algorithm below.

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define NOT_FOUND (-1)
int binary_search(int val, int *buf, int size)
if(size <= 0 || buf == NULL) return NOT_FOUND;
int lb = 0, ub = size - 1;
int mid = ((unsigned int)lb + (unsigned int)ub) >> 1;
while(lb <= ub)
if(buf[mid] == val) break;
if(buf[mid] < val)
lb = mid + 1;
ub = mid - 1;
mid = ((unsigned int)lb + (unsigned int)ub) >> 1;
return lb > ub ? NOT_FOUND : mid;
int main() {
int val, size;
int *buf = size >= 0 ? malloc(size * sizeof(int)) : NULL;
int idx = binary_search(val, buf, size);
if(idx != NOT_FOUND)
assert(buf[idx] == val);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
void * malloc(__CPROVER_size_t malloc_size)
Definition: stdlib.c:212

The function stores a lower bound lb and an upper bound ub initialized to the bounds on the buffer buf, i.e., to 0 and size-1 respectively. In each iteration, the midpoint mid is compared against the target value val and in case of a mismatch either the lower half or the upper half of the buffer is searched recursively. A developer might be interested in verifying two high-level properties on the loop on all possible buffers buf and values val:

  1. an out-of-bound access should never occur (at buf[mid] lookup)
  2. the loop must eventually always terminate

To prove the first (memory-safety) property, we may declare a _loop invariant_ that must be preserved across all loop iterations. In this case, two invariant clauses would together imply that buf[mid] lookup is always safe. The first invariant clause would establish that the bounds (lb and ub) are always valid:

__CPROVER_loop_invariant(0L <= lb && lb - 1L <= ub && ub < size)

Note that in the second conjunct, the lb - 1 == ub case is possible when the value val is not found in the buffer buf. The second invariant clause would establish that the midpoint mid is always a valid index. In this particular case we can in fact establish a stronger invariant, that mid is indeed always the midpoint of lb and ub in every iteration:

__CPROVER_loop_invariant(mid == (lb + ub) / 2L)

To prove the second (termination) property, we may declare a _decreases clause_ that indicates a bounded numeric measure which must monotonically decrease with each loop iteration. In this case, it is easy to see that lb and ub are approaching closer together with each iteration, since either lb must increase or ub must decrease in each iteration.

__CPROVER_decreases(ub - lb)

The loop together with all its contracts is shown below.

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define NOT_FOUND (-1)
int binary_search(int val, int *buf, int size)
if(size <= 0 || buf == NULL) return NOT_FOUND;
int lb = 0, ub = size - 1;
int mid = ((unsigned int)lb + (unsigned int)ub) >> 1;
while(lb <= ub)
__CPROVER_loop_invariant(0L <= lb && lb - 1L <= ub && ub < size)
__CPROVER_loop_invariant(mid == ((unsigned int)lb + (unsigned int)ub) >> 1)
__CPROVER_decreases(ub - lb)
if(buf[mid] == val) break;
if(buf[mid] < val)
lb = mid + 1;
ub = mid - 1;
mid = ((unsigned int)lb + (unsigned int)ub) >> 1;
return lb > ub ? NOT_FOUND : mid;
int main() {
int val, size;
int *buf = size >= 0 ? malloc(size * sizeof(int)) : NULL;
int idx = binary_search(val, buf, size);
if(idx != NOT_FOUND)
assert(buf[idx] == val);

With CBMC we can now generate an unbounded proof using these contracts:

goto-cc -o binary_search.goto binary_search.c
goto-instrument --apply-loop-contracts binary_search.goto binary_search_inst.goto
cbmc binary_search_inst.goto --pointer-check --bounds-check --signed-overflow-check

The first command compiles the program to a GOTO binary, next we instrument the loops using the annotated loop contracts, and finally we verify the instrumented GOTO binary with desired checks.

Array Wipe Unbounded Proof

This example uses the forall quantifiers hence requires solving with the --smt2 flag.

void array_wipe(__CPROVER_size_t len, char * array)
__CPROVER_assume(array != NULL); // pre-condition
for (__CPROVER_size_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
__CPROVER_assigns(i, __CPROVER_object_upto(array, len))
__CPROVER_loop_invariant(i >= 0 && i <= len)
__CPROVER_loop_invariant(__CPROVER_forall { size_t j; (0 <= j && j < i) ==> array[j] == 0 } )
array[i] = 0; //set all array indices to 0
__CPROVER_assert(__CPROVER_forall { size_t j; (0 <= j && j < len) ==> array[j] == 0 }, "array is set to 0"); // post-condition
void __CPROVER_object_upto(void *ptr, __CPROVER_size_t size)
void __CPROVER_assert(__CPROVER_bool assertion, const char *description)
void __CPROVER_assume(__CPROVER_bool assumption)

Caution With Nested Loop

Due to the nature of Assigns Clauses, we need to be aware of the non-deterministic value of the assigned target. In the example below,

const unsigned table[256] = {1, 2, 3, ..., 256};
void nested_loop_example() {
unsigned t = 0;
for( j=0; j<18; j++ )
__CPROVER_assigns(t, j, k) // t and k are also assigns targets of the outer loop as they are assigned in the inner loop
__CPROVER_loop_invariant(0 <= j && j <= 18 && t < 256) // without t < 256, the program state for the inductive step allows t to have arbitrary value
__CPROVER_decreases(18 - j)
for( k=0; k<48; k++ )
__CPROVER_assigns(t, k)
__CPROVER_loop_invariant(0 <= k && k <= 48 && t < 256)
__CPROVER_decreases(48 - k)
t = table[t];

If t < 256 is not included in the outer loop invariant, the inner loop invariant t < 256 will immediately fail at loop entry because, in the inductive step of the outer loop, the assigns target t of the outer loop will be a non-deterministic value which can be greater than 256. With the predicate t<256 in the outer loop's invariants will restrict t to be less than 256 in the proof of the inductive step of the outer loop.

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