39 exprt::operandst::const_iterator
42 for(
const auto &identifier : goto_function.parameter_identifiers)
45 !identifier.empty(),
"function parameter must have an identifier");
57 if(
64 "not enough arguments, inserting non-deterministic value"
110 std::ostringstream error;
111 error << state.
pc->source_location().as_string() <<
": "
112 <<
"function call: parameter \"" << identifier
113 <<
"\" type mismatch:\ngot " << rhs.
130 rhs =
clean_expr(std::move(rhs), state,
138 if(
145 for(;
it1 != arguments.end();
152 ns.
154 va_arg.is_parameter =
161 else if(
262 "recursion unwinding assertion",
289 if(!goto_function.body_available())
294 const auto &symbol =
295 const std::string property_id =
301 "no body for callee " +
333 locality(identifier, state, goto_function);
347 "goto_symex::return_value::" +
368 if(
384 bool doing_path_exploration)
409 if(state.
threads.size() == 1 && !doing_path_exploration)
450 if(state.
reachable && call_lhs.is_not_nil())
454 "must have return value symbol when assigning call lhs");
463 const irep_idt &function_identifier,
471 for(
const auto &
param : goto_function.parameter_identifiers)
byte_extract_exprt make_byte_extract(const exprt &_op, const exprt &_offset, const typet &_type)
Construct a byte_extract_exprt with endianness and byte width matching the current configuration.
Expression classes for byte-level operators.
bitvector_typet c_index_type()
ait supplies three of the four components needed: an abstract interpreter (in this case handling func...
Internally generated symbol table entryThis is a symbol generated as part of translation to or modifi...
framet & new_frame(symex_targett::sourcet calling_location, const guardt &guard)
const framet & previous_frame()
dstringt has one field, an unsigned integer no which is an index into a static table of strings.
Expression in which some part is missing and can be substituted for another expression.
Base class for all expressions.
std::vector< exprt > operandst
typet & type()
Return the type of the expression.
The Boolean constant false.
Stack frames – these are used for function calls and for exceptions.
guardt guard_at_function_start
std::optional< symbol_exprt > return_value_symbol
symex_targett::sourcet calling_location
std::unordered_map< irep_idt, loop_infot > loop_iterations
std::vector< irep_idt > parameter_names
goto_programt::const_targett end_of_function
std::set< irep_idt > local_objects
irep_idt function_identifier
std::shared_ptr< lexical_loopst > loops_info
::goto_functiont goto_functiont
This class represents an instruction in the GOTO intermediate representation.
const exprt & call_lhs() const
Get the lhs of a FUNCTION_CALL (may be nil)
const exprt::operandst & call_arguments() const
Get the arguments of a FUNCTION_CALL.
const exprt & call_function() const
Get the function that is called for FUNCTION_CALL.
bool reachable
Is this code reachable? If not we can take shortcuts such as not entering function calls,...
const symex_level2t & get_level2() const
Central data structure: state.
ssa_exprt add_object(const symbol_exprt &expr, std::function< std::size_t(const irep_idt &)> index_generator, const namespacet &ns)
Instantiate the object expr.
call_stackt & call_stack()
renamedt< exprt, level > rename(exprt expr, const namespacet &ns)
Rewrites symbol expressions in exprt, applying a suffix to each symbol reflecting its most recent ver...
symbol_tablet symbol_table
contains symbols that are minted during symbolic execution, such as dynamically created objects etc.
symex_targett::sourcet source
std::vector< threadt > threads
void drop_existing_l1_name(const irep_idt &l1_identifier)
Drops an L1 name from the local L2 map.
virtual void symex_function_call_symbol(const get_goto_functiont &get_goto_function, statet &state, const exprt &lhs, const symbol_exprt &function, const exprt::operandst &arguments)
Symbolic execution of a call to a function call.
static get_goto_functiont get_goto_function(abstract_goto_modelt &goto_model)
Return a function to get/load a goto function from the given goto model Create a default delegate to ...
path_storaget & path_storage
Symbolic execution paths to be resumed later.
symex_target_equationt & target
The equation that this execution is building up.
virtual bool get_unwind_recursion(const irep_idt &identifier, unsigned thread_nr, unsigned unwind)
exprt clean_expr(exprt expr, statet &state, bool write)
Clean up an expression.
shadow_memoryt shadow_memory
Shadow memory instrumentation API.
void parameter_assignments(const irep_idt &function_identifier, const goto_functionst::goto_functiont &goto_function, statet &state, const exprt::operandst &arguments)
Iterates over arguments and assigns them to the parameters, which are symbols whose name and type are...
namespacet ns
Initialized just before symbolic execution begins, to point to both outer_symbol_table and the symbol...
virtual void vcc(const exprt &cond, const irep_idt &property_id, const std::string &msg, statet &state)
Symbolically execute a verification condition (assertion).
virtual void symex_end_of_function(statet &)
Symbolically execute a END_FUNCTION instruction.
void symex_assign(statet &state, const exprt &lhs, const exprt &rhs)
Symbolically execute an ASSIGN instruction or simulate such an execution for a synthetic assignment.
std::function< const goto_functionst::goto_functiont &(const irep_idt &)> get_goto_functiont
The type of delegate functions that retrieve a goto_functiont for a particular function identifier.
virtual void symex_function_call_post_clean(const get_goto_functiont &get_goto_function, statet &state, const exprt &cleaned_lhs, const symbol_exprt &function, const exprt::operandst &cleaned_arguments)
Symbolic execution of a function call by inlining.
messaget log
The messaget to write log messages to.
const symex_configt symex_config
The configuration to use for this symbolic execution.
void symex_assume_l2(statet &, const exprt &cond)
virtual void locality(const irep_idt &function_identifier, goto_symext::statet &state, const goto_functionst::goto_functiont &goto_function)
Preserves locality of parameters of a given function by applying L1 renaming to them.
virtual void symex_function_call(const get_goto_functiont &get_goto_function, statet &state, const goto_programt::instructiont &instruction)
Symbolically execute a FUNCTION_CALL instruction.
void populate_dirty_for_function(const irep_idt &id, const goto_functionst::goto_functiont &function)
Analyse the given function with dirtyt if it hasn't been seen before.
std::string pretty(unsigned indent=0, unsigned max_indent=0) const
const irep_idt & id() const
A very simple, cheap analysis to determine when dereference operations are trivially guarded by a che...
mstreamt & warning() const
bool lookup(const irep_idt &name, const symbolt *&symbol) const override
See documentation for namespace_baset::lookup().
Storage for symbolic execution paths to be resumed later.
incremental_dirtyt dirty
Local variables are considered 'dirty' if they've had an address taken and therefore may be referred ...
std::size_t get_unique_l1_index(const irep_idt &id, std::size_t minimum_index)
Provide a unique L1 index for a given id, starting from minimum_index.
std::shared_ptr< lexical_loopst > get_loop_analysis(const irep_idt &function_id)
std::unordered_map< irep_idt, local_safe_pointerst > safe_pointers
Map function identifiers to local_safe_pointerst instances.
void add_function_loops(const irep_idt &identifier, const goto_programt &body)
Generates a loop analysis for the instructions in goto_programt and keys it against function ID.
void symex_get_field(goto_symex_statet &state, const exprt &lhs, const exprt::operandst &arguments)
Symbolically executes a __CPROVER_get_field call.
void symex_field_local_init(goto_symex_statet &state, const ssa_exprt &expr)
Initialize local-scope shadow memory for local variables and parameters.
void symex_set_field(goto_symex_statet &state, const exprt::operandst &arguments)
Symbolically executes a __CPROVER_set_field call.
A side_effect_exprt that returns a non-deterministically chosen value.
Expression providing an SSA-renamed symbol of expressions.
Expression to hold a symbol (variable)
const irep_idt & get_identifier() const
bool has_symbol(const irep_idt &name) const
Check whether a symbol exists in the symbol table.
bool add(const symbolt &symbol)
Add a new symbol to the symbol table.
class symbol_exprt symbol_expr() const
Produces a symbol_exprt for a symbol.
typet type
Type of symbol.
irep_idt name
The unique identifier.
irep_idt irep_idt base_name
Name of module the symbol belongs to.
irep_idt mode
Language mode.
Functor for symex assignment.
virtual void function_return(const exprt &guard, const irep_idt &function_id, const sourcet &source, bool hidden)
Record return from a function.
virtual void location(const exprt &guard, const sourcet &source)
Record a location.
virtual void function_call(const exprt &guard, const irep_idt &function_id, const std::vector< renamedt< exprt, L2 > > &ssa_function_arguments, const sourcet &source, bool hidden)
Record a function call.
static exprt conditional_cast(const exprt &expr, const typet &type)
The type of an expression, extends irept.
Thrown when we encounter an instruction, parameters to an instruction etc.
symbolt & get_fresh_aux_symbol(const typet &type, const std::string &name_prefix, const std::string &basename_prefix, const source_locationt &source_location, const irep_idt &symbol_mode, const namespacet &ns, symbol_table_baset &symbol_table)
Installs a fresh-named symbol with respect to the given namespace ns with the requested name pattern ...
Fresh auxiliary symbol creation.
void symex_transition(goto_symext::statet &state)
Transition to the next instruction, which increments the internal program counter and initializes the...
const std::string & id2string(const irep_idt &d)
Storage of symbolic execution paths to resume.
Ranges: pair of begin and end iterators, which can be initialized from containers,...
ranget< iteratort > make_range(iteratort begin, iteratort end)
symbol_exprt return_value_symbol(const irep_idt &identifier, const namespacet &ns)
produces the symbol that is used to store the return value of the function with the given identifier
This condition should be used to document that assumptions that are made on goto_functions,...
This macro uses the wrapper function 'invariant_violated_string'.
const symbol_exprt & to_symbol_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a symbol_exprt.
const code_typet & to_code_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a code_typet.
void restore_from(const symex_level1t &other)
Insert the content of other into this renaming.
goto_programt::const_targett pc
Symbolic Execution of assignments.
static void pop_frame(goto_symext::statet &state, const path_storaget &path_storage, bool doing_path_exploration)
pop one call frame