45 state.
ait supplies three of the four components needed: an abstract interpreter (in this case handling func...
dstringt has one field, an unsigned integer no which is an index into a static table of strings.
exprt apply(const namespacet &ns, goto_symex_statet &state, exprt expr, bool write) const
Turn an expression expr into a field-sensitive SSA expression.
This class represents an instruction in the GOTO intermediate representation.
const symbol_exprt & decl_symbol() const
Get the declared symbol for DECL.
unsigned atomic_section_id
Central data structure: state.
ssa_exprt declare(ssa_exprt ssa, const namespacet &ns)
Add invalid (or a failed symbol) to the value_set if ssa is a pointer, ensure that level2 index of sy...
ssa_exprt add_object(const symbol_exprt &expr, std::function< std::size_t(const irep_idt &)> index_generator, const namespacet &ns)
Instantiate the object expr.
call_stackt & call_stack()
field_sensitivityt field_sensitivity
symex_targett::sourcet source
virtual void symex_decl(statet &state)
Symbolically execute a DECL instruction.
path_storaget & path_storage
Symbolic execution paths to be resumed later.
symex_target_equationt & target
The equation that this execution is building up.
shadow_memoryt shadow_memory
Shadow memory instrumentation API.
namespacet ns
Initialized just before symbolic execution begins, to point to both outer_symbol_table and the symbol...
bool lookup(const irep_idt &name, const symbolt *&symbol) const override
See documentation for namespace_baset::lookup().
incremental_dirtyt dirty
Local variables are considered 'dirty' if they've had an address taken and therefore may be referred ...
std::size_t get_unique_l1_index(const irep_idt &id, std::size_t minimum_index)
Provide a unique L1 index for a given id, starting from minimum_index.
void symex_field_local_init(goto_symex_statet &state, const ssa_exprt &expr)
Initialize local-scope shadow memory for local variables and parameters.
Expression providing an SSA-renamed symbol of expressions.
Expression to hold a symbol (variable)
const irep_idt & get_identifier() const
virtual void shared_write(const exprt &guard, const ssa_exprt &ssa_object, unsigned atomic_section_id, const sourcet &source)
Write to a shared variable ssa_object: we effectively assign a value from this thread to be visible b...
virtual void decl(const exprt &guard, const ssa_exprt &ssa_lhs, const exprt &initializer, const sourcet &source, assignment_typet assignment_type)
Declare a fresh variable.
Storage of symbolic execution paths to resume.
API to expression classes.
goto_programt::const_targett pc