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shadow_memory_util.cpp File Reference

Symex Shadow Memory Instrumentation Utilities. More...

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void shadow_memory_log_set_field (const namespacet &ns, const messaget &log, const irep_idt &field_name, const exprt &expr, const exprt &value)
 Logs setting a value to a given shadow field.
void shadow_memory_log_get_field (const namespacet &ns, const messaget &log, const irep_idt &field_name, const exprt &expr)
 Logs getting a value corresponding to a shadow memory field.
void shadow_memory_log_value_set (const namespacet &ns, const messaget &log, const std::vector< exprt > &value_set)
 Logs the retrieval of the value associated with a given shadow memory field.
void shadow_memory_log_value_set_match (const namespacet &ns, const messaget &log, const exprt &address, const exprt &expr)
 Logs a successful match between an address and a value within the value set.
void shadow_memory_log_text_and_expr (const namespacet &ns, const messaget &log, const char *text, const exprt &expr)
 Generic logging function that will log depending on the configured verbosity.
static void log_value_set_match (const namespacet &ns, const messaget &log, const shadow_memory_statet::shadowed_addresst &shadowed_address, const exprt &matched_base_address, const value_set_dereferencet::valuet &dereference, const exprt &expr, const value_set_dereferencet::valuet &shadow_dereference)
 Log a match between an address and the value set.
static void log_try_shadow_address (const namespacet &ns, const messaget &log, const shadow_memory_statet::shadowed_addresst &shadowed_address)
 Log trying out a match between an object and a (target) shadow address.
static void log_shadow_memory_message (const messaget &log, const char *text)
 Generic logging function to log a text if DEBUG_SHADOW_MEMORY is defined.
static void log_are_types_incompatible (const namespacet &ns, const exprt &expr, const shadow_memory_statet::shadowed_addresst &shadowed_address, const messaget &log)
static void log_value_set_contains_only_null (const messaget &log, const namespacet &ns, const exprt &expr, const exprt &null_pointer)
static void log_shadow_memory_incompatible_types (const messaget &log, const namespacet &ns, const exprt &expr, const shadow_memory_statet::shadowed_addresst &shadowed_address)
irep_idt extract_field_name (const exprt &string_expr)
 Extracts the field name identifier from a string expression, e.g.
static void remove_array_type_l2 (typet &type)
 If the given type is an array type, then remove the L2 level renaming from its size.
exprt deref_expr (const exprt &expr)
 Wraps a given expression into a dereference_exprt unless it is an address_of_exprt in which case it just unboxes it and returns its content.
void clean_pointer_expr (exprt &expr)
 Clean the given pointer expression so that it has the right shape for being used for identifying shadow memory.
void replace_invalid_object_by_null (exprt &expr)
 Replace an invalid object by a null pointer.
const exprtget_field_init_expr (const irep_idt &field_name, const goto_symex_statet &state)
 Retrieve the expression that a field was initialised with within a given symex state.
const typetget_field_init_type (const irep_idt &field_name, const goto_symex_statet &state)
 Retrieves the type of the shadow memory by returning the type of the shadow memory initializer value.
bool contains_null_or_invalid (const std::vector< exprt > &value_set, const exprt &address)
 Given a pointer expression check to see if it can be a null pointer or an invalid object within value_set.
static exprt conditional_cast_floatbv_to_unsignedbv (const exprt &value)
 Casts a given (float) bitvector expression to an unsigned bitvector.
static void extract_bytes_of_bv (const exprt &value, const typet &type, const typet &field_type, exprt::operandst &values)
 Extract byte-sized elements from the input bitvector-typed expression value and places them into the array values.
static void extract_bytes_of_expr (exprt element, const typet &field_type, const namespacet &ns, const messaget &log, const bool is_union, exprt::operandst &values)
 Extract the components from the input expression value and places them into the array values.
static exprt or_values (const exprt::operandst &values, const typet &field_type)
 Translate a list of values into an or expression.
exprt compute_or_over_bytes (const exprt &expr, const typet &field_type, const namespacet &ns, const messaget &log, const bool is_union)
 Performs aggregation of the shadow memory field value over multiple bytes for fields whose type is _Bool.
std::pair< exprt, exprtcompare_to_collection (const std::vector< exprt >::const_iterator &expr_iterator, const std::vector< exprt >::const_iterator &end)
 Create an expression comparing the element at expr_iterator with the following elements of the collection (or nil_exprtif none) and return a pair (condition, element) such that if the condition is true, then the element is the max of the collection in the interval denoted by expr_iterator and end.
static exprt combine_condition_and_max_values (const std::vector< std::pair< exprt, exprt > > &conditions_and_values)
 Combine each (condition, value) element in the input collection into a if-then-else expression such as (cond_1 ? val_1 : (cond_2 ? val_2 : ... : val_n))
static exprt create_max_expr (const std::vector< exprt > &values)
 Create an expression encoding the max operation over the collection values
exprt compute_max_over_bytes (const exprt &expr, const typet &field_type, const namespacet &ns)
 Performs aggregation of the shadow memory field value over multiple cells for fields whose type is a signed/unsigned bitvector (where the value is arbitrary up until the max represented by the bitvector size).
exprt build_if_else_expr (const std::vector< std::pair< exprt, exprt > > &conds_values)
 Build an if-then-else chain from a vector containing pairs of expressions.
static bool are_types_compatible (const typet &expr_type, const typet &shadow_type)
 Checks given types (object type and shadow memory field type) for equality.
static void clean_string_constant (exprt &expr)
 Simplify &string_constant[0] to &string_constant to facilitate expression equality for exact matching.
static void adjust_array_types (typet &type)
 Flattens type of the form pointer_type(array_type(element_type)) to pointer_type(element_type) and pointer_type(string_constant_type) to pointer_type(char).
static exprt get_matched_base_cond (const exprt &shadowed_address, const exprt &matched_base_address, const namespacet &ns, const messaget &log)
 Function that compares the two arguments shadowed_address and matched_base_address, simplifies the comparison expression and if the lhs and rhs are structurally identical returns true, otherwise returns the comparison.
static exprt get_matched_expr_cond (const exprt &dereference_pointer, const exprt &expr, const namespacet &ns, const messaget &log)
 Function that compares the two arguments dereference_pointer and expr, simplifies the comparison expression and if the lhs and rhs are structurally identical returns true, otherwise returns the comparison.
static value_set_dereferencet::valuet get_shadow_dereference (const exprt &shadow, const object_descriptor_exprt &matched_base_descriptor, const exprt &expr, const namespacet &ns, const messaget &log)
 Retrieve the shadow value a pointer expression may point to.
std::vector< std::pair< exprt, exprt > > get_shadow_dereference_candidates (const namespacet &ns, const messaget &log, const exprt &matched_object, const std::vector< shadow_memory_statet::shadowed_addresst > &addresses, const typet &field_type, const exprt &expr, const typet &lhs_type, bool &exact_match)
 Get a list of (condition, value) pairs for a certain pointer from the shadow memory, where each pair denotes the value of the pointer expression if the condition evaluates to true.
static object_descriptor_exprt normalize (const object_descriptor_exprt &expr, const namespacet &ns)
bool check_value_set_contains_only_null_ptr (const namespacet &ns, const messaget &log, const std::vector< exprt > &value_set, const exprt &expr)
 Checks if value_set contains only a NULL pointer expression of the same type of expr.
static std::vector< std::pair< exprt, exprt > > get_shadow_memory_for_matched_object (const exprt &expr, const exprt &matched_object, const std::vector< shadow_memory_statet::shadowed_addresst > &addresses, const namespacet &ns, const messaget &log, bool &exact_match)
 Used for set_field and shadow memory copy.
std::optional< exprtget_shadow_memory (const exprt &expr, const std::vector< exprt > &value_set, const std::vector< shadow_memory_statet::shadowed_addresst > &addresses, const namespacet &ns, const messaget &log, size_t &mux_size)
 Get shadow memory values for a given expression within a specified value set.

Detailed Description

Symex Shadow Memory Instrumentation Utilities.

Definition in file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

Function Documentation

◆ adjust_array_types()

static void adjust_array_types ( typet type)

Flattens type of the form pointer_type(array_type(element_type)) to pointer_type(element_type) and pointer_type(string_constant_type) to pointer_type(char).

type type will be changed.

Definition at line 704 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ are_types_compatible()

static bool are_types_compatible ( const typet expr_type,
const typet shadow_type 

Checks given types (object type and shadow memory field type) for equality.

We're inspecting only pointer types here - if the two types given are not pointer types, then we assume it to be vacuously true.

expr_typeThe type of the real object.
shadow_typeThe type of the shadow memory field's value.
True if types equal, false otherwise.

Definition at line 658 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ build_if_else_expr()

exprt build_if_else_expr ( const std::vector< std::pair< exprt, exprt > > &  conds_values)

Build an if-then-else chain from a vector containing pairs of expressions.

conds_valuesContains pairs <e1, e2>, where e1 is going to be used as an antecedent for an if_expr, and e2 is going to be used as the consequent.
An if_exprt of the form if e1 then e2 else if e3 then e4 else ...
the expression created will not have the first condition as the first element will serve fallback if all the other conditions are false.

Definition at line 631 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ check_value_set_contains_only_null_ptr()

bool check_value_set_contains_only_null_ptr ( const namespacet ns,
const messaget log,
const std::vector< exprt > &  value_set,
const exprt expr 

Checks if value_set contains only a NULL pointer expression of the same type of expr.

nsthe namespace within which we're going to perform symbol lookups
logthe message log to which we're going to print debugging messages, if debugging is set
value_setthe collection to check if it contains only the NULL pointer
expra pointer-typed expression
true if value_set contains only a NULL pointer expression

Definition at line 1027 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ clean_pointer_expr()

void clean_pointer_expr ( exprt expr)

Clean the given pointer expression so that it has the right shape for being used for identifying shadow memory.

This handles some quirks regarding array sizes containing L2 symbols and string constants not having char-pointer type.

exprThe pointer to the original memory, e.g. as passed to __CPROVER_field_get.

Definition at line 252 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ clean_string_constant()

static void clean_string_constant ( exprt expr)

Simplify &string_constant[0] to &string_constant to facilitate expression equality for exact matching.

expression expr will be changed.

Definition at line 689 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ combine_condition_and_max_values()

static exprt combine_condition_and_max_values ( const std::vector< std::pair< exprt, exprt > > &  conditions_and_values)

Combine each (condition, value) element in the input collection into a if-then-else expression such as (cond_1 ? val_1 : (cond_2 ? val_2 : ... : val_n))

conditions_and_valuescollection containing codnition-value pairs
the combined max expression

Definition at line 556 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ compare_to_collection()

std::pair< exprt, exprt > compare_to_collection ( const std::vector< exprt >::const_iterator &  expr_iterator,
const std::vector< exprt >::const_iterator &  end 

Create an expression comparing the element at expr_iterator with the following elements of the collection (or nil_exprtif none) and return a pair (condition, element) such that if the condition is true, then the element is the max of the collection in the interval denoted by expr_iterator and end.

expr_iteratorthe iterator pointing at the element to compare to.
endthe end of collection iterator.
A pair (cond, elem) containing the condition and the max element.

Definition at line 523 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ compute_max_over_bytes()

exprt compute_max_over_bytes ( const exprt expr,
const typet field_type,
const namespacet ns 

Performs aggregation of the shadow memory field value over multiple cells for fields whose type is a signed/unsigned bitvector (where the value is arbitrary up until the max represented by the bitvector size).

exprthe expression to extract the max from
field_typethe type of the shadow memory field to return
nsthe namespace to perform type-lookups into
the aggregated max byte-sized value contained in expr Note that the expr type size must be known at compile time.

Definition at line 600 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ compute_or_over_bytes()

exprt compute_or_over_bytes ( const exprt expr,
const typet field_type,
const namespacet ns,
const messaget log,
const bool  is_union 

Performs aggregation of the shadow memory field value over multiple bytes for fields whose type is _Bool.

exprthe type to compute the or over each of its bytes
field_typethe type of the shadow memory (must be c_bool or bool)
nsthe namespace within which we're going to perform symbol lookups
logthe message log to which we're going to print debugging messages, if debugging is set
is_uniontrue if the expression expr is part of a union.
the aggregated or byte-sized value contained in expr

Definition at line 439 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ conditional_cast_floatbv_to_unsignedbv()

static exprt conditional_cast_floatbv_to_unsignedbv ( const exprt value)

Casts a given (float) bitvector expression to an unsigned bitvector.

valueThe expression that we are to conditionally cast.
An unsigned bitvector expression if eligible - id otherwise.

Definition at line 347 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ contains_null_or_invalid()

bool contains_null_or_invalid ( const std::vector< exprt > &  value_set,
const exprt address 

Given a pointer expression check to see if it can be a null pointer or an invalid object within value_set.

addressA pointer expressions that we are using as the query.
value_setThe search space for the query.
true if the object can be null or invalid in the value set, false otherwise.

Definition at line 318 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ create_max_expr()

static exprt create_max_expr ( const std::vector< exprt > &  values)

Create an expression encoding the max operation over the collection values

valuesan exprt that encodes the max of values
an exprt encoding the max operation over the collection values

Definition at line 586 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ deref_expr()

exprt deref_expr ( const exprt expr)

Wraps a given expression into a dereference_exprt unless it is an address_of_exprt in which case it just unboxes it and returns its content.

Definition at line 242 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ extract_bytes_of_bv()

static void extract_bytes_of_bv ( const exprt value,
const typet type,
const typet field_type,
exprt::operandst values 

Extract byte-sized elements from the input bitvector-typed expression value and places them into the array values.

valuethe bitvector typed expression to extract the bytes from
typethe type of the expression expr (it must be bitvector)
field_typethe type of the shadow memory
valuesthe vector where all the extracted bytes of value will be placed.

Definition at line 366 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ extract_bytes_of_expr()

static void extract_bytes_of_expr ( exprt  element,
const typet field_type,
const namespacet ns,
const messaget log,
const bool  is_union,
exprt::operandst values 

Extract the components from the input expression value and places them into the array values.

elementthe expression to extract the bytes from
field_typethe type of the shadow memory
nsthe namespace within which we're going to perform symbol lookups
logthe message log to which we're going to print debugging messages, if debugging is set
is_uniontrue if the expression element is part of a union
valuesthe vector where all the extracted components of element will be placed.

Definition at line 395 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ extract_field_name()

irep_idt extract_field_name ( const exprt string_expr)

Extracts the field name identifier from a string expression, e.g.

as passed as argument to a __CPROVER_field_decl_local call.

string_exprThe string argument expression
The identifier denoted by the string argument expression

Definition at line 212 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ get_field_init_expr()

const exprt & get_field_init_expr ( const irep_idt field_name,
const goto_symex_statet state 

Retrieve the expression that a field was initialised with within a given symex state.

field_nameThe field whose initialisation expression we want to retrieve.
stateThe goto symex state within which we want to search for the expression.
The expression the field was initialised with.

Definition at line 299 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ get_field_init_type()

const typet & get_field_init_type ( const irep_idt field_name,
const goto_symex_statet state 

Retrieves the type of the shadow memory by returning the type of the shadow memory initializer value.

field_nameThe name of the field whose value type we want to query.
stateThe symex_state within which the query is executed (the field's value is looked up).
The type of the value the field was initialised with (actually, the type of the value the field currently is associated with, but it's invariant since the declaration).

Definition at line 312 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ get_matched_base_cond()

static exprt get_matched_base_cond ( const exprt shadowed_address,
const exprt matched_base_address,
const namespacet ns,
const messaget log 

Function that compares the two arguments shadowed_address and matched_base_address, simplifies the comparison expression and if the lhs and rhs are structurally identical returns true, otherwise returns the comparison.

the comparison expression of shadowed_address and matched_base_address (or a true_exprt if identical modulo simplification).

Definition at line 729 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ get_matched_expr_cond()

static exprt get_matched_expr_cond ( const exprt dereference_pointer,
const exprt expr,
const namespacet ns,
const messaget log 

Function that compares the two arguments dereference_pointer and expr, simplifies the comparison expression and if the lhs and rhs are structurally identical returns true, otherwise returns the comparison.

the comparison expression of dereference_pointer and expr (or a true_exprt if identical modulo simplification).

Definition at line 768 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ get_shadow_dereference()

static value_set_dereferencet::valuet get_shadow_dereference ( const exprt shadow,
const object_descriptor_exprt matched_base_descriptor,
const exprt expr,
const namespacet ns,
const messaget log 

Retrieve the shadow value a pointer expression may point to.

shadowThe shadow expression.
matched_base_descriptorThe base descriptor for the shadow object.
exprThe pointer expression.
nsThe namespace within which we're going to perform symbol lookups.
logThe message log to which we're going to print debugging messages, if debugging is set.
A valuet object denoting the dereferenced object within shadow memory, guarded by a appropriate condition (of the form pointer == &shadow_object).

Definition at line 811 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ get_shadow_dereference_candidates()

std::vector< std::pair< exprt, exprt > > get_shadow_dereference_candidates ( const namespacet ns,
const messaget log,
const exprt matched_object,
const std::vector< shadow_memory_statet::shadowed_addresst > &  addresses,
const typet field_type,
const exprt expr,
const typet lhs_type,
bool exact_match 

Get a list of (condition, value) pairs for a certain pointer from the shadow memory, where each pair denotes the value of the pointer expression if the condition evaluates to true.

A vector of pair<expr, expr> corresponding to a condition and value. (See above for explanation).

Definition at line 850 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ get_shadow_memory()

std::optional< exprt > get_shadow_memory ( const exprt expr,
const std::vector< exprt > &  value_set,
const std::vector< shadow_memory_statet::shadowed_addresst > &  addresses,
const namespacet ns,
const messaget log,
size_t mux_size 

Get shadow memory values for a given expression within a specified value set.

if potential values are present for that object inside the value set, then we get back an if e1 then e2 else (if e3 else e4... expression, where e1, e3, ... are guards (conditions) and e2, e4, etc are the possible values of the object within the value set.

Definition at line 1140 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ get_shadow_memory_for_matched_object()

static std::vector< std::pair< exprt, exprt > > get_shadow_memory_for_matched_object ( const exprt expr,
const exprt matched_object,
const std::vector< shadow_memory_statet::shadowed_addresst > &  addresses,
const namespacet ns,
const messaget log,
bool exact_match 

Used for set_field and shadow memory copy.

Definition at line 1048 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ log_are_types_incompatible()

static void log_are_types_incompatible ( const namespacet ns,
const exprt expr,
const shadow_memory_statet::shadowed_addresst shadowed_address,
const messaget log 

Definition at line 167 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ log_shadow_memory_incompatible_types()

static void log_shadow_memory_incompatible_types ( const messaget log,
const namespacet ns,
const exprt expr,
const shadow_memory_statet::shadowed_addresst shadowed_address 

Definition at line 198 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ log_shadow_memory_message()

static void log_shadow_memory_message ( const messaget log,
const char text 

Generic logging function to log a text if DEBUG_SHADOW_MEMORY is defined.

Definition at line 160 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ log_try_shadow_address()

static void log_try_shadow_address ( const namespacet ns,
const messaget log,
const shadow_memory_statet::shadowed_addresst shadowed_address 

Log trying out a match between an object and a (target) shadow address.

Definition at line 145 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ log_value_set_contains_only_null()

static void log_value_set_contains_only_null ( const messaget log,
const namespacet ns,
const exprt expr,
const exprt null_pointer 

Definition at line 181 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ log_value_set_match()

static void log_value_set_match ( const namespacet ns,
const messaget log,
const shadow_memory_statet::shadowed_addresst shadowed_address,
const exprt matched_base_address,
const value_set_dereferencet::valuet dereference,
const exprt expr,
const value_set_dereferencet::valuet shadow_dereference 

Log a match between an address and the value set.

This version of the function reports more details, including the base address, the pointer and the shadow value.

Definition at line 113 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ normalize()

Definition at line 978 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ or_values()

static exprt or_values ( const exprt::operandst values,
const typet field_type 

Translate a list of values into an or expression.

Used here in the implementation of aggregation of boolean-typed fields.

field_typeThe type of the values of the or expression (expected to be the same).
valuesA list (std::vector) of values collected previously, passed through immediately to the constructed expression as operands.
A newly constructed or_exprt over the possible values given.

Definition at line 430 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ remove_array_type_l2()

static void remove_array_type_l2 ( typet type)

If the given type is an array type, then remove the L2 level renaming from its size.

typeType to be modified

Definition at line 233 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ replace_invalid_object_by_null()

void replace_invalid_object_by_null ( exprt expr)

Replace an invalid object by a null pointer.

Works recursively on the operands (child nodes) of the expression, as well.

exprThe (root) expression where substitution will happen.

Definition at line 280 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ shadow_memory_log_get_field()

void shadow_memory_log_get_field ( const namespacet ns,
const messaget log,
const irep_idt field_name,
const exprt expr 

Logs getting a value corresponding to a shadow memory field.

Mainly used for debugging purposes.

Definition at line 48 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ shadow_memory_log_set_field()

void shadow_memory_log_set_field ( const namespacet ns,
const messaget log,
const irep_idt field_name,
const exprt expr,
const exprt value 

Logs setting a value to a given shadow field.

Mainly for use for debugging purposes.

Definition at line 31 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ shadow_memory_log_text_and_expr()

void shadow_memory_log_text_and_expr ( const namespacet ns,
const messaget log,
const char text,
const exprt expr 

Generic logging function that will log depending on the configured verbosity.

The log will be a specific message given to it, along with an expression passed along to it.

Definition at line 95 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ shadow_memory_log_value_set()

void shadow_memory_log_value_set ( const namespacet ns,
const messaget log,
const std::vector< exprt > &  value_set 

Logs the retrieval of the value associated with a given shadow memory field.

Mainly for use for debugging purposes. Dual to shadow_memory_log_get_field.

Definition at line 63 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.

◆ shadow_memory_log_value_set_match()

void shadow_memory_log_value_set_match ( const namespacet ns,
const messaget log,
const exprt address,
const exprt expr 

Logs a successful match between an address and a value within the value set.

Definition at line 79 of file shadow_memory_util.cpp.