40 const std::vector<exprt> &value_set);
108 const std::vector<shadow_memory_statet::shadowed_addresst> &
109 const typet &field_type,
132 const std::vector<exprt> &value_set,
133 const exprt &address);
146 const typet &field_type,
161 const typet &field_type,
172 const std::vector<std::pair<exprt, exprt>> &
186 const std::vector<exprt> &value_set,
197 const std::vector<exprt> &value_set,
198 const std::vector<shadow_memory_statet::shadowed_addresst> &
ait supplies three of the four components needed: an abstract interpreter (in this case handling func...
dstringt has one field, an unsigned integer no which is an index into a static table of strings.
Base class for all expressions.
Central data structure: state.
Class that provides messages with a built-in verbosity 'level'.
A namespacet is essentially one or two symbol tables bound together, to allow for symbol lookups in t...
The type of an expression, extends irept.
void replace_invalid_object_by_null(exprt &expr)
Replace an invalid object by a null pointer.
void shadow_memory_log_value_set_match(const namespacet &ns, const messaget &log, const exprt &address, const exprt &expr)
Logs a successful match between an address and a value within the value set.
std::optional< exprt > get_shadow_memory(const exprt &expr, const std::vector< exprt > &value_set, const std::vector< shadow_memory_statet::shadowed_addresst > &addresses, const namespacet &ns, const messaget &log, size_t &mux_size)
Get shadow memory values for a given expression within a specified value set.
exprt deref_expr(const exprt &expr)
Wraps a given expression into a dereference_exprt unless it is an address_of_exprt in which case it j...
bool contains_null_or_invalid(const std::vector< exprt > &value_set, const exprt &address)
Given a pointer expression check to see if it can be a null pointer or an invalid object within value...
const exprt & get_field_init_expr(const irep_idt &field_name, const goto_symex_statet &state)
Retrieve the expression that a field was initialised with within a given symex state.
exprt compute_or_over_bytes(const exprt &expr, const typet &field_type, const namespacet &ns, const messaget &log, const bool is_union)
Performs aggregation of the shadow memory field value over multiple bytes for fields whose type is _B...
bool check_value_set_contains_only_null_ptr(const namespacet &ns, const messaget &log, const std::vector< exprt > &value_set, const exprt &expr)
Checks if value_set contains only a NULL pointer expression of the same type of expr.
const typet & get_field_init_type(const irep_idt &field_name, const goto_symex_statet &state)
Retrieves the type of the shadow memory by returning the type of the shadow memory initializer value.
void shadow_memory_log_set_field(const namespacet &ns, const messaget &log, const irep_idt &field_name, const exprt &expr, const exprt &value)
Logs setting a value to a given shadow field.
void clean_pointer_expr(exprt &expr)
Clean the given pointer expression so that it has the right shape for being used for identifying shad...
std::vector< std::pair< exprt, exprt > > get_shadow_dereference_candidates(const namespacet &ns, const messaget &log, const exprt &matched_object, const std::vector< shadow_memory_statet::shadowed_addresst > &addresses, const typet &field_type, const exprt &expr, const typet &lhs_type, bool &exact_match)
Get a list of (condition, value) pairs for a certain pointer from the shadow memory,...
exprt compute_max_over_bytes(const exprt &expr, const typet &field_type, const namespacet &ns)
Performs aggregation of the shadow memory field value over multiple cells for fields whose type is a ...
exprt build_if_else_expr(const std::vector< std::pair< exprt, exprt > > &conds_values)
Build an if-then-else chain from a vector containing pairs of expressions.
void shadow_memory_log_get_field(const namespacet &ns, const messaget &log, const irep_idt &field_name, const exprt &expr)
Logs getting a value corresponding to a shadow memory field.
irep_idt extract_field_name(const exprt &string_expr)
Extracts the field name identifier from a string expression, e.g.
void shadow_memory_log_value_set(const namespacet &ns, const messaget &log, const std::vector< exprt > &value_set)
Logs the retrieval of the value associated with a given shadow memory field.
void shadow_memory_log_text_and_expr(const namespacet &ns, const messaget &log, const char *text, const exprt &expr)
Generic logging function that will log depending on the configured verbosity.