No Matches
bv_pointerst Class Reference

#include <bv_pointers.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for bv_pointerst:
+ Collaboration diagram for bv_pointerst:


struct  postponedt

Public Member Functions

 bv_pointerst (const namespacet &, propt &, message_handlert &, bool get_array_constraints=false)
void finish_eager_conversion () override
endianness_mapt endianness_map (const typet &, bool little_endian) const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from boolbvt
 boolbvt (const namespacet &_ns, propt &_prop, message_handlert &message_handler, bool get_array_constraints=false)
virtual const bvtconvert_bv (const exprt &expr, const std::optional< std::size_t > expected_width={})
 Convert expression to vector of literalts, using an internal cache to speed up conversion if available.
exprt get (const exprt &expr) const override
 Return expr with variables replaced by values from satisfying assignment if available.
void set_to (const exprt &expr, bool value) override
 For a Boolean expression expr, add the constraint 'expr' if value is true, otherwise add 'not expr'.
void print_assignment (std::ostream &out) const override
 Print satisfying assignment to out.
exprt handle (const exprt &) override
 Generate a handle, which is an expression that has the same value as the argument in any model that is generated; this offers an efficient way to refer to the expression in subsequent calls to get or set_to.
void clear_cache () override
mp_integer get_value (const bvt &bv)
mp_integer get_value (const bvt &bv, std::size_t offset, std::size_t width)
const boolbv_maptget_map () const
virtual std::size_t boolbv_width (const typet &type) const
virtual endianness_mapt endianness_map (const typet &type) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from arrayst
 arrayst (const namespacet &_ns, propt &_prop, message_handlert &message_handler, bool get_array_constraints=false)
literalt record_array_equality (const equal_exprt &expr)
void record_array_index (const index_exprt &expr)
- Public Member Functions inherited from equalityt
 equalityt (propt &_prop, message_handlert &message_handler)
virtual literalt equality (const exprt &e1, const exprt &e2)
void finish_eager_conversion () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from prop_conv_solvert
 prop_conv_solvert (propt &_prop, message_handlert &message_handler)
virtual ~prop_conv_solvert ()=default
decision_proceduret::resultt dec_solve (const exprt &) override
 Implementation of the decision procedure.
void print_assignment (std::ostream &out) const override
 Print satisfying assignment to out.
std::string decision_procedure_text () const override
 Return a textual description of the decision procedure.
exprt get (const exprt &expr) const override
 Return expr with variables replaced by values from satisfying assignment if available.
tvt l_get (literalt a) const override
 Return value of literal l from satisfying assignment.
exprt handle (const exprt &expr) override
 Generate a handle, which is an expression that has the same value as the argument in any model that is generated; this offers an efficient way to refer to the expression in subsequent calls to get or set_to.
void set_frozen (literalt)
void set_frozen (const bvt &)
void set_all_frozen ()
literalt convert (const exprt &expr) override
 Convert a Boolean expression and return the corresponding literal.
bool is_in_conflict (const exprt &expr) const override
 Returns true if an expression is in the final conflict leading to UNSAT.
void set_to (const exprt &expr, bool value) override
 For a Boolean expression expr, add the constraint 'current_context => expr' if value is true, otherwise add 'current_context => not expr'.
void push () override
 Push a new context on the stack This context becomes a child context nested in the current context.
void push (const std::vector< exprt > &assumptions) override
 Push assumptions in form of literal_exprt
void pop () override
 Pop whatever is on top of the stack.
const cachetget_cache () const
const symbolstget_symbols () const
void set_time_limit_seconds (uint32_t lim) override
 Set the limit for the solver to time out in seconds.
std::size_t get_number_of_solver_calls () const override
 Return the number of incremental solver calls.
hardness_collectortget_hardness_collector ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from conflict_providert
virtual ~conflict_providert ()=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from prop_convt
virtual ~prop_convt ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from stack_decision_proceduret
virtual ~stack_decision_proceduret ()=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from decision_proceduret
void set_to_true (const exprt &)
 For a Boolean expression expr, add the constraint 'expr'.
void set_to_false (const exprt &)
 For a Boolean expression expr, add the constraint 'not expr'.
resultt operator() ()
 Run the decision procedure to solve the problem This corresponds to SMT-LIB's check-sat.
resultt operator() (const exprt &assumption)
 Run the decision procedure to solve the problem under the given assumption.
virtual ~decision_proceduret ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from solver_resource_limitst
virtual ~solver_resource_limitst ()=default

Protected Types

typedef boolbvt SUB
typedef std::list< postponedtpostponed_listt
- Protected Types inherited from boolbvt
typedef arrayst SUB
typedef std::unordered_map< const exprt, bvt, irep_hashbv_cachet
typedef std::list< quantifiertquantifier_listt
typedef std::vector< std::size_t > offset_mapt
- Protected Types inherited from arrayst
enum class  lazy_typet {
enum class  constraint_typet {
typedef std::list< array_equalitytarray_equalitiest
typedef std::set< exprtindex_sett
typedef std::map< std::size_t, index_settindex_mapt
typedef std::map< constraint_typet, size_tarray_constraint_countt
- Protected Types inherited from equalityt
typedef std::unordered_map< const exprt, unsigned, irep_hashelementst
typedef std::map< std::pair< unsigned, unsigned >, literaltequalitiest
typedef std::map< unsigned, exprtelements_revt
typedef std::unordered_map< const typet, typestructt, irep_hashtypemapt

Protected Member Functions

std::size_t get_object_width (const pointer_typet &) const
std::size_t get_offset_width (const pointer_typet &) const
std::size_t get_address_width (const pointer_typet &) const
bvt encode (const mp_integer &object, const pointer_typet &) const
virtual bvt convert_pointer_type (const exprt &)
virtual bvt add_addr (const exprt &)
literalt convert_rest (const exprt &) override
bvt convert_bitvector (const exprt &) override
 Converts an expression into its gate-level representation and returns a vector of literals corresponding to the outputs of the Boolean circuit.
exprt bv_get_rec (const exprt &, const bvt &, std::size_t offset) const override
std::optional< bvtconvert_address_of_rec (const exprt &)
bvt offset_arithmetic (const pointer_typet &, const bvt &, const mp_integer &)
bvt offset_arithmetic (const pointer_typet &, const bvt &, const mp_integer &factor, const exprt &index)
bvt offset_arithmetic (const pointer_typet &type, const bvt &bv, const exprt &factor, const exprt &index)
bvt offset_arithmetic (const pointer_typet &, const bvt &, const mp_integer &factor, const bvt &index_bv)
std::pair< exprt, exprtprepare_postponed_is_dynamic_object (std::vector< symbol_exprt > &placeholders) const
 Create Boolean functions describing all dynamic and all not-dynamic object encodings over placeholders as input Boolean variables representing object bits.
std::unordered_map< exprt, exprt, irep_hashprepare_postponed_object_size (std::vector< symbol_exprt > &placeholders) const
 Create Boolean functions describing all objects of each known object size over placeholders as input Boolean variables representing object bits.
bvt object_literals (const bvt &bv, const pointer_typet &type) const
 Given a pointer encoded in bv, extract the literals identifying the object that the pointer points to.
bvt offset_literals (const bvt &bv, const pointer_typet &type) const
 Given a pointer encoded in bv, extract the literals representing the offset into an object that the pointer points to.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from boolbvt
virtual bool boolbv_set_equality_to_true (const equal_exprt &expr)
bvt conversion_failed (const exprt &expr)
 Print that the expression of x has failed conversion, then return a vector of x's width.
bool type_conversion (const typet &src_type, const bvt &src, const typet &dest_type, bvt &dest)
virtual literalt convert_bv_rel (const binary_relation_exprt &)
 Flatten <, >, <= and >= expressions.
virtual literalt convert_typecast (const typecast_exprt &expr)
 conversion from bitvector types to boolean
virtual literalt convert_reduction (const unary_exprt &expr)
virtual literalt convert_onehot (const unary_exprt &expr)
virtual literalt convert_extractbit (const extractbit_exprt &expr)
virtual literalt convert_binary_overflow (const binary_overflow_exprt &expr)
virtual literalt convert_unary_overflow (const unary_overflow_exprt &expr)
virtual literalt convert_equality (const equal_exprt &expr)
virtual literalt convert_verilog_case_equality (const binary_relation_exprt &expr)
virtual literalt convert_ieee_float_rel (const binary_relation_exprt &)
virtual literalt convert_quantifier (const quantifier_exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_index (const exprt &array, const mp_integer &index)
 index operator with constant index
virtual bvt convert_index (const index_exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_bswap (const bswap_exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_byte_extract (const byte_extract_exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_byte_update (const byte_update_exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_constraint_select_one (const exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_if (const if_exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_struct (const struct_exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_array (const exprt &expr)
 Flatten array.
virtual bvt convert_complex (const complex_exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_complex_real (const complex_real_exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_complex_imag (const complex_imag_exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_array_comprehension (const array_comprehension_exprt &)
virtual bvt convert_let (const let_exprt &)
virtual bvt convert_array_of (const array_of_exprt &expr)
 Flatten arrays constructed from a single element.
virtual bvt convert_union (const union_exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_empty_union (const empty_union_exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_bv_typecast (const typecast_exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_add_sub (const exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_mult (const mult_exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_div (const div_exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_mod (const mod_exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_floatbv_op (const ieee_float_op_exprt &)
virtual bvt convert_floatbv_mod_rem (const binary_exprt &)
virtual bvt convert_floatbv_typecast (const floatbv_typecast_exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_member (const member_exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_with (const with_exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_update (const update_exprt &)
virtual bvt convert_update_bit (const update_bit_exprt &)
virtual bvt convert_update_bits (const update_bits_exprt &)
virtual bvt convert_case (const exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_cond (const cond_exprt &)
virtual bvt convert_shift (const binary_exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_bitwise (const exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_unary_minus (const unary_minus_exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_abs (const abs_exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_concatenation (const concatenation_exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_replication (const replication_exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_constant (const constant_exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_extractbits (const extractbits_exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_symbol (const exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_bv_reduction (const unary_exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_not (const not_exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_power (const binary_exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_function_application (const function_application_exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_bitreverse (const bitreverse_exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_saturating_add_sub (const binary_exprt &expr)
virtual bvt convert_overflow_result (const overflow_result_exprt &expr)
bvt convert_update_bits (bvt src, const exprt &index, const bvt &new_value)
void convert_with (const typet &type, const exprt &where, const exprt &new_value, const bvt &prev_bv, bvt &next_bv)
void convert_with_bv (const exprt &index, const exprt &new_value, const bvt &prev_bv, bvt &next_bv)
void convert_with_array (const array_typet &type, const exprt &index, const exprt &new_value, const bvt &prev_bv, bvt &next_bv)
void convert_with_union (const union_typet &type, const exprt &new_value, const bvt &prev_bv, bvt &next_bv)
void convert_with_struct (const struct_typet &type, const exprt &where, const exprt &new_value, const bvt &prev_bv, bvt &next_bv)
void convert_update_rec (const exprt::operandst &designator, std::size_t d, const typet &type, std::size_t offset, const exprt &new_value, bvt &bv)
virtual exprt bv_get_unbounded_array (const exprt &) const
exprt bv_get (const bvt &bv, const typet &type) const
exprt bv_get_cache (const exprt &expr) const
bool is_unbounded_array (const typet &type) const override
void finish_eager_conversion_quantifiers ()
offset_mapt build_offset_map (const struct_typet &src)
binding_exprt::variablest fresh_binding (const binding_exprt &)
 create new, unique variables for the given binding
- Protected Member Functions inherited from arrayst
virtual void finish_eager_conversion_arrays ()
void add_array_constraint (const lazy_constraintt &lazy, bool refine=true)
 adds array constraints (refine=true...lazily for the refinement loop)
void display_array_constraint_count ()
std::string enum_to_string (constraint_typet)
void add_array_constraints ()
void add_array_Ackermann_constraints ()
void add_array_constraints_equality (const index_sett &index_set, const array_equalityt &array_equality)
void add_array_constraints (const index_sett &index_set, const exprt &expr)
void add_array_constraints_if (const index_sett &index_set, const if_exprt &exprt)
void add_array_constraints_with (const index_sett &index_set, const with_exprt &expr)
void add_array_constraints_update (const index_sett &index_set, const update_exprt &expr)
void add_array_constraints_array_of (const index_sett &index_set, const array_of_exprt &exprt)
void add_array_constraints_array_constant (const index_sett &index_set, const array_exprt &exprt)
void add_array_constraints_comprehension (const index_sett &index_set, const array_comprehension_exprt &expr)
void update_index_map (bool update_all)
void update_index_map (std::size_t i)
 merge the indices into the root
void collect_arrays (const exprt &a)
void collect_indices ()
void collect_indices (const exprt &a)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from equalityt
virtual literalt equality2 (const exprt &e1, const exprt &e2)
virtual void add_equality_constraints ()
virtual void add_equality_constraints (const typestructt &typestruct)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from prop_conv_solvert
virtual std::optional< boolget_bool (const exprt &expr) const
 Get a boolean value from the model if the formula is satisfiable.
virtual literalt convert_bool (const exprt &expr)
virtual bool set_equality_to_true (const equal_exprt &expr)
virtual literalt get_literal (const irep_idt &symbol)
virtual void ignoring (const exprt &expr)

Static Protected Member Functions

static bvt object_offset_encoding (const bvt &object, const bvt &offset)
 Construct a pointer encoding from given encodings of object and offset.

Protected Attributes

pointer_logict pointer_logic
postponed_listt postponed_list
- Protected Attributes inherited from boolbvt
boolbv_widtht bv_width
bv_utilst bv_utils
functionst functions
boolbv_mapt map
bv_cachet bv_cache
quantifier_listt quantifier_list
numberingt< irep_idtstring_numbering
std::size_t scope_counter = 0
- Protected Attributes inherited from arrayst
const namespacetns
messaget log
array_equalitiest array_equalities
union_find< exprt, irep_hasharrays
index_mapt index_map
bool lazy_arrays
bool incremental_cache
bool get_array_constraints
std::list< lazy_constrainttlazy_array_constraints
std::map< exprt, boolexpr_map
array_constraint_countt array_constraint_count
std::set< std::size_t > update_indices
std::unordered_set< irep_idtarray_comprehension_args
- Protected Attributes inherited from equalityt
typemapt typemap
- Protected Attributes inherited from prop_conv_solvert
bool post_processing_done = false
symbolst symbols
cachet cache
messaget log
bvt assumption_stack
 Assumptions on the stack.
std::size_t context_literal_counter = 0
 To generate unique literal names for contexts.
std::vector< size_tcontext_size_stack
 assumption_stack is segmented in contexts; Number of assumptions in each context on the stack

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from boolbvt
enum class  unbounded_arrayt { U_NONE , U_ALL , U_AUTO }
- Public Types inherited from arrayst
typedef equalityt SUB
- Public Types inherited from equalityt
using SUB = prop_conv_solvert
- Public Types inherited from prop_conv_solvert
typedef std::map< irep_idt, literaltsymbolst
typedef std::unordered_map< exprt, literalt, irep_hashcachet
- Public Types inherited from decision_proceduret
enum class  resultt { D_SATISFIABLE , D_UNSATISFIABLE , D_ERROR }
 Result of running the decision procedure. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from boolbvt
unbounded_arrayt unbounded_array
- Public Attributes inherited from prop_conv_solvert
bool use_cache = true
bool equality_propagation = true
bool freeze_all = false
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from prop_conv_solvert
static const charcontext_prefix = "prop_conv::context$"

Detailed Description

Definition at line 16 of file bv_pointers.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ postponed_listt

Definition at line 85 of file bv_pointers.h.


Definition at line 38 of file bv_pointers.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ bv_pointerst()

bv_pointerst::bv_pointerst ( const namespacet _ns,
propt _prop,
message_handlert message_handler,
bool  get_array_constraints = false 

Definition at line 227 of file bv_pointers.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ add_addr()

bvt bv_pointerst::add_addr ( const exprt expr)

Definition at line 879 of file bv_pointers.cpp.

◆ bv_get_rec()

exprt bv_pointerst::bv_get_rec ( const exprt expr,
const bvt bv,
std::size_t  offset 
) const

Reimplemented from boolbvt.

Definition at line 754 of file bv_pointers.cpp.

◆ convert_address_of_rec()

std::optional< bvt > bv_pointerst::convert_address_of_rec ( const exprt expr)

Definition at line 237 of file bv_pointers.cpp.

◆ convert_bitvector()

bvt bv_pointerst::convert_bitvector ( const exprt expr)

Converts an expression into its gate-level representation and returns a vector of literals corresponding to the outputs of the Boolean circuit.

exprExpression to convert
A vector of literals corresponding to the outputs of the Boolean circuit

Reimplemented from boolbvt.

Definition at line 621 of file bv_pointers.cpp.

◆ convert_pointer_type()

bvt bv_pointerst::convert_pointer_type ( const exprt expr)

Definition at line 376 of file bv_pointers.cpp.

◆ convert_rest()

literalt bv_pointerst::convert_rest ( const exprt expr)

Reimplemented from boolbvt.

Definition at line 126 of file bv_pointers.cpp.

◆ encode()

bvt bv_pointerst::encode ( const mp_integer object,
const pointer_typet type 
) const

Definition at line 790 of file bv_pointers.cpp.

◆ endianness_map()

endianness_mapt bv_pointerst::endianness_map ( const typet type,
bool  little_endian 
) const

Reimplemented from boolbvt.

Definition at line 72 of file bv_pointers.cpp.

◆ finish_eager_conversion()

void bv_pointerst::finish_eager_conversion ( )

Reimplemented from boolbvt.

Definition at line 1005 of file bv_pointers.cpp.

◆ get_address_width()

std::size_t bv_pointerst::get_address_width ( const pointer_typet type) const

Definition at line 91 of file bv_pointers.cpp.

◆ get_object_width()

std::size_t bv_pointerst::get_object_width ( const pointer_typet ) const

Definition at line 77 of file bv_pointers.cpp.

◆ get_offset_width()

std::size_t bv_pointerst::get_offset_width ( const pointer_typet type) const

Definition at line 83 of file bv_pointers.cpp.

◆ object_literals()

bvt bv_pointerst::object_literals ( const bvt bv,
const pointer_typet type 
) const

Given a pointer encoded in bv, extract the literals identifying the object that the pointer points to.

bvEncoded pointer
typeType of the encoded pointer
Vector of literals identifying the object part of bv

Definition at line 96 of file bv_pointers.cpp.

◆ object_offset_encoding()

bvt bv_pointerst::object_offset_encoding ( const bvt object,
const bvt offset 

Construct a pointer encoding from given encodings of object and offset.

objectEncoded object
offsetEncoded offset
Pointer encoding

Definition at line 116 of file bv_pointers.cpp.

◆ offset_arithmetic() [1/4]

bvt bv_pointerst::offset_arithmetic ( const pointer_typet type,
const bvt bv,
const mp_integer x 

Definition at line 802 of file bv_pointers.cpp.

◆ offset_arithmetic() [2/4]

bvt bv_pointerst::offset_arithmetic ( const pointer_typet type,
const bvt bv,
const mp_integer factor,
const bvt index_bv 

Definition at line 853 of file bv_pointers.cpp.

◆ offset_arithmetic() [3/4]

bvt bv_pointerst::offset_arithmetic ( const pointer_typet type,
const bvt bv,
const mp_integer factor,
const exprt index 

Definition at line 813 of file bv_pointers.cpp.

◆ offset_arithmetic() [4/4]

bvt bv_pointerst::offset_arithmetic ( const pointer_typet type,
const bvt bv,
const exprt factor,
const exprt index 

Definition at line 831 of file bv_pointers.cpp.

◆ offset_literals()

bvt bv_pointerst::offset_literals ( const bvt bv,
const pointer_typet type 
) const

Given a pointer encoded in bv, extract the literals representing the offset into an object that the pointer points to.

bvEncoded pointer
typeType of the encoded pointer
Vector of literals identifying the offset part of bv

Definition at line 107 of file bv_pointers.cpp.

◆ prepare_postponed_is_dynamic_object()

std::pair< exprt, exprt > bv_pointerst::prepare_postponed_is_dynamic_object ( std::vector< symbol_exprt > &  placeholders) const

Create Boolean functions describing all dynamic and all not-dynamic object encodings over placeholders as input Boolean variables representing object bits.

Definition at line 897 of file bv_pointers.cpp.

◆ prepare_postponed_object_size()

std::unordered_map< exprt, exprt, irep_hash > bv_pointerst::prepare_postponed_object_size ( std::vector< symbol_exprt > &  placeholders) const

Create Boolean functions describing all objects of each known object size over placeholders as input Boolean variables representing object bits.

Definition at line 949 of file bv_pointers.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ pointer_logic

pointer_logict bv_pointerst::pointer_logic

Definition at line 31 of file bv_pointers.h.

◆ postponed_list

postponed_listt bv_pointerst::postponed_list

Definition at line 86 of file bv_pointers.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: