update_exprt Class Reference

Operator to update elements in structs and arrays. More...

#include <std_expr.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for update_exprt:
+ Collaboration diagram for update_exprt:

Public Member Functions

 update_exprt (const exprt &_old, exprt _designator, exprt _new_value)
exprtold ()
const exprtold () const
exprt::operandstdesignator ()
const exprt::operandstdesignator () const
exprtnew_value ()
const exprtnew_value () const
with_exprt make_with_expr () const
 converts an update expr into a (possibly nested) with expression More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ternary_exprt
 ternary_exprt (const irep_idt &_id, exprt _op0, exprt _op1, exprt _op2, typet _type)
const exprtop3 () const =delete
exprtop3 ()=delete
exprtop0 ()
const exprtop0 () const
exprtop1 ()
const exprtop1 () const
exprtop2 ()
const exprtop2 () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from exprt
 exprt ()
 exprt (const irep_idt &_id)
 exprt (irep_idt _id, typet _type)
 exprt (irep_idt _id, typet _type, operandst &&_operands)
 exprt (const irep_idt &id, typet type, source_locationt loc)
typettype ()
 Return the type of the expression. More...
const typettype () const
bool has_operands () const
 Return true if there is at least one operand. More...
operandstoperands ()
const operandstoperands () const
exprtwith_source_location (source_locationt location) &
 Add the source location from location, if it is non-nil. More...
exprt && with_source_location (source_locationt location) &&
 Add the source location from location, if it is non-nil. More...
exprtwith_source_location (const exprt &other) &
 Add the source location from other, if it has any. More...
exprt && with_source_location (const exprt &other) &&
 Add the source location from other, if it has any. More...
void reserve_operands (operandst::size_type n)
void copy_to_operands (const exprt &expr)
 Copy the given argument to the end of exprt's operands. More...
void add_to_operands (const exprt &expr)
 Add the given argument to the end of exprt's operands. More...
void add_to_operands (exprt &&expr)
 Add the given argument to the end of exprt's operands. More...
void add_to_operands (exprt &&e1, exprt &&e2)
 Add the given arguments to the end of exprt's operands. More...
void add_to_operands (exprt &&e1, exprt &&e2, exprt &&e3)
 Add the given arguments to the end of exprt's operands. More...
bool is_constant () const
 Return whether the expression is a constant. More...
bool is_true () const
 Return whether the expression is a constant representing true. More...
bool is_false () const
 Return whether the expression is a constant representing false. More...
bool is_zero () const
 Return whether the expression is a constant representing 0. More...
bool is_one () const
 Return whether the expression is a constant representing 1. More...
bool is_boolean () const
 Return whether the expression represents a Boolean. More...
const source_locationtfind_source_location () const
 Get a source_locationt from the expression or from its operands (non-recursively). More...
const source_locationtsource_location () const
source_locationtadd_source_location ()
void drop_source_location ()
void visit (class expr_visitort &visitor)
 These are pre-order traversal visitors, i.e., the visitor is executed on a node before its children have been visited. More...
void visit (class const_expr_visitort &visitor) const
void visit_pre (std::function< void(exprt &)>)
void visit_pre (std::function< void(const exprt &)>) const
void visit_post (std::function< void(exprt &)>)
 These are post-order traversal visitors, i.e., the visitor is executed on a node after its children have been visited. More...
void visit_post (std::function< void(const exprt &)>) const
depth_iteratort depth_begin ()
depth_iteratort depth_end ()
const_depth_iteratort depth_begin () const
const_depth_iteratort depth_end () const
const_depth_iteratort depth_cbegin () const
const_depth_iteratort depth_cend () const
depth_iteratort depth_begin (std::function< exprt &()> mutate_root) const
const_unique_depth_iteratort unique_depth_begin () const
const_unique_depth_iteratort unique_depth_end () const
const_unique_depth_iteratort unique_depth_cbegin () const
const_unique_depth_iteratort unique_depth_cend () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from irept
bool is_nil () const
bool is_not_nil () const
 irept (const irep_idt &_id)
 irept (const irep_idt &_id, const named_subt &_named_sub, const subt &_sub)
 irept ()=default
const irep_idtid () const
const std::string & id_string () const
void id (const irep_idt &_data)
const ireptfind (const irep_idt &name) const
ireptadd (const irep_idt &name)
ireptadd (const irep_idt &name, irept irep)
const std::string & get_string (const irep_idt &name) const
const irep_idtget (const irep_idt &name) const
bool get_bool (const irep_idt &name) const
signed int get_int (const irep_idt &name) const
std::size_t get_size_t (const irep_idt &name) const
long long get_long_long (const irep_idt &name) const
void set (const irep_idt &name, const irep_idt &value)
void set (const irep_idt &name, irept irep)
void set (const irep_idt &name, const long long value)
void set_size_t (const irep_idt &name, const std::size_t value)
void remove (const irep_idt &name)
void move_to_sub (irept &irep)
void move_to_named_sub (const irep_idt &name, irept &irep)
bool operator== (const irept &other) const
bool operator!= (const irept &other) const
void swap (irept &irep)
bool operator< (const irept &other) const
 defines ordering on the internal representation More...
bool ordering (const irept &other) const
 defines ordering on the internal representation More...
int compare (const irept &i) const
 defines ordering on the internal representation comments are ignored More...
void clear ()
void make_nil ()
subtget_sub ()
const subtget_sub () const
named_subtget_named_sub ()
const named_subtget_named_sub () const
std::size_t hash () const
std::size_t full_hash () const
bool full_eq (const irept &other) const
std::string pretty (unsigned indent=0, unsigned max_indent=0) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from sharing_treet< irept, forward_list_as_mapt< irep_idt, irept > >
 sharing_treet (irep_idt _id)
 sharing_treet (irep_idt _id, named_subt _named_sub, subt _sub)
 sharing_treet ()
 sharing_treet (const sharing_treet &irep)
 sharing_treet (sharing_treet &&irep)
sharing_treetoperator= (const sharing_treet &irep)
sharing_treetoperator= (sharing_treet &&irep)
 ~sharing_treet ()
const dtread () const
dtwrite ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void check (const exprt &expr, const validation_modet vm=validation_modet::INVARIANT)
static void validate (const exprt &expr, const namespacet &ns, const validation_modet vm=validation_modet::INVARIANT)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ternary_exprt
static void check (const exprt &expr, const validation_modet vm=validation_modet::INVARIANT)
static void validate (const exprt &expr, const namespacet &, const validation_modet vm=validation_modet::INVARIANT)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from exprt
static void check (const exprt &, const validation_modet)
 Check that the expression is well-formed (shallow checks only, i.e., subexpressions and its type are not checked). More...
static void validate (const exprt &expr, const namespacet &, const validation_modet vm=validation_modet::INVARIANT)
 Check that the expression is well-formed, assuming that its subexpressions and type have all ready been checked for well-formedness. More...
static void validate_full (const exprt &expr, const namespacet &ns, const validation_modet vm=validation_modet::INVARIANT)
 Check that the expression is well-formed (full check, including checks of all subexpressions and the type) More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from irept
static bool is_comment (const irep_idt &name)
static std::size_t number_of_non_comments (const named_subt &)
 count the number of named_sub elements that are not comments More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from exprt
typedef std::vector< exprtoperandst
- Public Types inherited from irept
using baset = tree_implementationt
- Public Types inherited from sharing_treet< irept, forward_list_as_mapt< irep_idt, irept > >
using dt = tree_nodet< irept, forward_list_as_mapt< irep_idt, irept >, true >
using subt = typename dt::subt
using named_subt = typename dt::named_subt
using tree_implementationt = sharing_treet
 Used to refer to this class from derived classes. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from expr_protectedt
 expr_protectedt (irep_idt _id, typet _type)
 expr_protectedt (irep_idt _id, typet _type, operandst _operands)
exprtop0 ()
const exprtop0 () const
exprtop1 ()
const exprtop1 () const
exprtop2 ()
const exprtop2 () const
exprtop3 ()
const exprtop3 () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from exprt
exprtop0 ()
exprtop1 ()
exprtop2 ()
exprtop3 ()
const exprtop0 () const
const exprtop1 () const
const exprtop2 () const
const exprtop3 () const
exprtadd_expr (const irep_idt &name)
const exprtfind_expr (const irep_idt &name) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from sharing_treet< irept, forward_list_as_mapt< irep_idt, irept > >
void detach ()
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from sharing_treet< irept, forward_list_as_mapt< irep_idt, irept > >
static void remove_ref (dt *old_data)
static void nonrecursive_destructor (dt *old_data)
 Does the same as remove_ref, but using an explicit stack instead of recursion. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from sharing_treet< irept, forward_list_as_mapt< irep_idt, irept > >
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from sharing_treet< irept, forward_list_as_mapt< irep_idt, irept > >
static dt empty_d

Detailed Description

Operator to update elements in structs and arrays.

Definition at line 2654 of file std_expr.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ update_exprt()

update_exprt::update_exprt ( const exprt _old,
exprt  _designator,
exprt  _new_value 

Definition at line 2657 of file std_expr.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ check()

static void update_exprt::check ( const exprt expr,
const validation_modet  vm = validation_modet::INVARIANT 

Definition at line 2704 of file std_expr.h.

◆ designator() [1/2]

exprt::operandst& update_exprt::designator ( )

Definition at line 2681 of file std_expr.h.

◆ designator() [2/2]

const exprt::operandst& update_exprt::designator ( ) const

Definition at line 2686 of file std_expr.h.

◆ make_with_expr()

with_exprt update_exprt::make_with_expr ( ) const

converts an update expr into a (possibly nested) with expression

Definition at line 194 of file std_expr.cpp.

◆ new_value() [1/2]

exprt& update_exprt::new_value ( )

Definition at line 2691 of file std_expr.h.

◆ new_value() [2/2]

const exprt& update_exprt::new_value ( ) const

Definition at line 2696 of file std_expr.h.

◆ old() [1/2]

exprt& update_exprt::old ( )

Definition at line 2667 of file std_expr.h.

◆ old() [2/2]

const exprt& update_exprt::old ( ) const

Definition at line 2672 of file std_expr.h.

◆ validate()

static void update_exprt::validate ( const exprt expr,
const namespacet ns,
const validation_modet  vm = validation_modet::INVARIANT 

Definition at line 2711 of file std_expr.h.

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