This is the complete list of members for bv_pointerst, including all inherited members.
add_addr(const exprt &) | bv_pointerst | protectedvirtual |
add_array_Ackermann_constraints() | arrayst | protected |
add_array_constraint(const lazy_constraintt &lazy, bool refine=true) | arrayst | protected |
add_array_constraints() | arrayst | protected |
add_array_constraints(const index_sett &index_set, const exprt &expr) | arrayst | protected |
add_array_constraints_array_constant(const index_sett &index_set, const array_exprt &exprt) | arrayst | protected |
add_array_constraints_array_of(const index_sett &index_set, const array_of_exprt &exprt) | arrayst | protected |
add_array_constraints_comprehension(const index_sett &index_set, const array_comprehension_exprt &expr) | arrayst | protected |
add_array_constraints_equality(const index_sett &index_set, const array_equalityt &array_equality) | arrayst | protected |
add_array_constraints_if(const index_sett &index_set, const if_exprt &exprt) | arrayst | protected |
add_array_constraints_update(const index_sett &index_set, const update_exprt &expr) | arrayst | protected |
add_array_constraints_with(const index_sett &index_set, const with_exprt &expr) | arrayst | protected |
add_constraints_to_prop(const exprt &expr, bool value) | prop_conv_solvert | private |
add_equality_constraints() | equalityt | protectedvirtual |
add_equality_constraints(const typestructt &typestruct) | equalityt | protectedvirtual |
array_comprehension_args | arrayst | protected |
array_constraint_count | arrayst | protected |
array_constraint_countt typedef | arrayst | protected |
array_equalities | arrayst | protected |
array_equalitiest typedef | arrayst | protected |
arrays | arrayst | protected |
arrayst(const namespacet &_ns, propt &_prop, message_handlert &message_handler, bool get_array_constraints=false) | arrayst | |
assumption_stack | prop_conv_solvert | protected |
boolbv_set_equality_to_true(const equal_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
boolbv_width(const typet &type) const | boolbvt | inlinevirtual |
boolbvt(const namespacet &_ns, propt &_prop, message_handlert &message_handler, bool get_array_constraints=false) | boolbvt | inline |
build_offset_map(const struct_typet &src) | boolbvt | protected |
bv_cache | boolbvt | protected |
bv_cachet typedef | boolbvt | protected |
bv_get(const bvt &bv, const typet &type) const | boolbvt | protected |
bv_get_cache(const exprt &expr) const | boolbvt | protected |
bv_get_rec(const exprt &, const bvt &, std::size_t offset) const override | bv_pointerst | protectedvirtual |
bv_get_unbounded_array(const exprt &) const | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
bv_pointerst(const namespacet &, propt &, message_handlert &, bool get_array_constraints=false) | bv_pointerst | |
bv_utils | boolbvt | protected |
bv_width | boolbvt | protected |
cache | prop_conv_solvert | protected |
cachet typedef | prop_conv_solvert | |
clear_cache() override | boolbvt | inlinevirtual |
collect_arrays(const exprt &a) | arrayst | protected |
collect_indices() | arrayst | protected |
collect_indices(const exprt &a) | arrayst | protected |
constraint_typet enum name | arrayst | protected |
context_literal_counter | prop_conv_solvert | protected |
context_prefix | prop_conv_solvert | protectedstatic |
context_size_stack | prop_conv_solvert | protected |
conversion_failed(const exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protected |
convert(const exprt &expr) override | prop_conv_solvert | virtual |
convert_abs(const abs_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_add_sub(const exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_address_of_rec(const exprt &) | bv_pointerst | protected |
convert_array(const exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_array_comprehension(const array_comprehension_exprt &) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_array_of(const array_of_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_binary_overflow(const binary_overflow_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_bitreverse(const bitreverse_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_bitvector(const exprt &) override | bv_pointerst | protectedvirtual |
convert_bitwise(const exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_bool(const exprt &expr) | prop_conv_solvert | protectedvirtual |
convert_bswap(const bswap_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_bv(const exprt &expr, const std::optional< std::size_t > expected_width={}) | boolbvt | virtual |
convert_bv_reduction(const unary_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_bv_rel(const binary_relation_exprt &) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_bv_typecast(const typecast_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_byte_extract(const byte_extract_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_byte_update(const byte_update_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_case(const exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_complex(const complex_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_complex_imag(const complex_imag_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_complex_real(const complex_real_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_concatenation(const concatenation_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_cond(const cond_exprt &) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_constant(const constant_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_constraint_select_one(const exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_div(const div_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_empty_union(const empty_union_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_equality(const equal_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_extractbit(const extractbit_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_extractbits(const extractbits_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_floatbv_mod_rem(const binary_exprt &) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_floatbv_op(const ieee_float_op_exprt &) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_floatbv_round_to_integral(const floatbv_round_to_integral_exprt &) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_floatbv_typecast(const floatbv_typecast_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_function_application(const function_application_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_ieee_float_rel(const binary_relation_exprt &) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_if(const if_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_index(const exprt &array, const mp_integer &index) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_index(const index_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_let(const let_exprt &) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_member(const member_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_mod(const mod_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_mult(const mult_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_not(const not_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_onehot(const unary_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_overflow_result(const overflow_result_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_pointer_type(const exprt &) | bv_pointerst | protectedvirtual |
convert_power(const binary_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_quantifier(const quantifier_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_reduction(const unary_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_replication(const replication_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_rest(const exprt &) override | bv_pointerst | protectedvirtual |
convert_saturating_add_sub(const binary_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_shift(const binary_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_struct(const struct_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_symbol(const exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_typecast(const typecast_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_unary_minus(const unary_minus_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_unary_overflow(const unary_overflow_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_union(const union_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_update(const update_exprt &) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_update_bit(const update_bit_exprt &) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_update_bits(const update_bits_exprt &) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_update_bits(bvt src, const exprt &index, const bvt &new_value) | boolbvt | protected |
convert_update_rec(const exprt::operandst &designator, std::size_t d, const typet &type, std::size_t offset, const exprt &new_value, bvt &bv) | boolbvt | protected |
convert_verilog_case_equality(const binary_relation_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_with(const with_exprt &expr) | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
convert_with(const typet &type, const exprt &where, const exprt &new_value, const bvt &prev_bv, bvt &next_bv) | boolbvt | protected |
convert_with_array(const array_typet &type, const exprt &index, const exprt &new_value, const bvt &prev_bv, bvt &next_bv) | boolbvt | protected |
convert_with_bv(const exprt &index, const exprt &new_value, const bvt &prev_bv, bvt &next_bv) | boolbvt | protected |
convert_with_struct(const struct_typet &type, const exprt &where, const exprt &new_value, const bvt &prev_bv, bvt &next_bv) | boolbvt | protected |
convert_with_union(const union_typet &type, const exprt &new_value, const bvt &prev_bv, bvt &next_bv) | boolbvt | protected |
dec_solve(const exprt &) override | prop_conv_solvert | virtual |
decision_procedure_text() const override | prop_conv_solvert | virtual |
display_array_constraint_count() | arrayst | protected |
elements_revt typedef | equalityt | protected |
elementst typedef | equalityt | protected |
encode(const mp_integer &object, const pointer_typet &) const | bv_pointerst | protected |
endianness_map(const typet &, bool little_endian) const override | bv_pointerst | virtual |
boolbvt::endianness_map(const typet &type) const | boolbvt | virtual |
enum_to_string(constraint_typet) | arrayst | protected |
equalitiest typedef | equalityt | protected |
equality(const exprt &e1, const exprt &e2) | equalityt | virtual |
equality2(const exprt &e1, const exprt &e2) | equalityt | protectedvirtual |
equality_propagation | prop_conv_solvert | |
equalityt(propt &_prop, message_handlert &message_handler) | equalityt | inline |
expr_map | arrayst | protected |
finish_eager_conversion() override | bv_pointerst | virtual |
finish_eager_conversion_arrays() | arrayst | inlineprotectedvirtual |
finish_eager_conversion_quantifiers() | boolbvt | protected |
freeze_all | prop_conv_solvert | |
fresh_binding(const binding_exprt &) | boolbvt | protected |
functions | boolbvt | protected |
get(const exprt &expr) const override | boolbvt | virtual |
get_address_width(const pointer_typet &) const | bv_pointerst | protected |
get_array_constraints | arrayst | protected |
get_bool(const exprt &expr) const | prop_conv_solvert | protectedvirtual |
get_cache() const | prop_conv_solvert | inline |
get_hardness_collector() | prop_conv_solvert | inline |
get_literal(const irep_idt &symbol) | prop_conv_solvert | protectedvirtual |
get_map() const | boolbvt | inline |
get_number_of_solver_calls() const override | prop_conv_solvert | virtual |
get_object_width(const pointer_typet &) const | bv_pointerst | protected |
get_offset_width(const pointer_typet &) const | bv_pointerst | protected |
get_symbols() const | prop_conv_solvert | inline |
get_value(const bvt &bv) | boolbvt | inline |
get_value(const bvt &bv, std::size_t offset, std::size_t width) | boolbvt | |
handle(const exprt &) override | boolbvt | virtual |
ignoring(const exprt &expr) | prop_conv_solvert | protectedvirtual |
incremental_cache | arrayst | protected |
index_map | arrayst | protected |
index_mapt typedef | arrayst | protected |
index_sett typedef | arrayst | protected |
is_in_conflict(const exprt &expr) const override | prop_conv_solvert | virtual |
is_unbounded_array(const typet &type) const override | boolbvt | protectedvirtual |
l_get(literalt a) const override | prop_conv_solvert | inlinevirtual |
lazy_array_constraints | arrayst | protected |
lazy_arrays | arrayst | protected |
lazy_typet enum name | arrayst | protected |
log | arrayst | protected |
map | boolbvt | protected |
message_handler | arrayst | protected |
ns | arrayst | protected |
object_literals(const bvt &bv, const pointer_typet &type) const | bv_pointerst | protected |
object_offset_encoding(const bvt &object, const bvt &offset) | bv_pointerst | protectedstatic |
offset_arithmetic(const pointer_typet &, const bvt &, const mp_integer &) | bv_pointerst | protected |
offset_arithmetic(const pointer_typet &, const bvt &, const mp_integer &factor, const exprt &index) | bv_pointerst | protected |
offset_arithmetic(const pointer_typet &type, const bvt &bv, const exprt &factor, const exprt &index) | bv_pointerst | protected |
offset_arithmetic(const pointer_typet &, const bvt &, const mp_integer &factor, const bvt &index_bv) | bv_pointerst | protected |
offset_literals(const bvt &bv, const pointer_typet &type) const | bv_pointerst | protected |
offset_mapt typedef | boolbvt | protected |
operator()() | decision_proceduret | |
operator()(const exprt &assumption) | decision_proceduret | |
pointer_logic | bv_pointerst | protected |
pop() override | prop_conv_solvert | virtual |
post_processing_done | prop_conv_solvert | protected |
postponed_list | bv_pointerst | protected |
postponed_listt typedef | bv_pointerst | protected |
prepare_postponed_is_dynamic_object(std::vector< symbol_exprt > &placeholders) const | bv_pointerst | protected |
prepare_postponed_object_size(std::vector< symbol_exprt > &placeholders) const | bv_pointerst | protected |
print_assignment(std::ostream &out) const override | boolbvt | virtual |
prop | prop_conv_solvert | protected |
prop_conv_solvert(propt &_prop, message_handlert &message_handler) | prop_conv_solvert | inline |
push() override | prop_conv_solvert | virtual |
push(const std::vector< exprt > &assumptions) override | prop_conv_solvert | virtual |
quantifier_list | boolbvt | protected |
quantifier_listt typedef | boolbvt | protected |
record_array_equality(const equal_exprt &expr) | arrayst | |
record_array_index(const index_exprt &expr) | arrayst | |
resultt enum name | decision_proceduret | |
scope_counter | boolbvt | protected |
set_all_frozen() | prop_conv_solvert | |
set_equality_to_true(const equal_exprt &expr) | prop_conv_solvert | protectedvirtual |
set_frozen(literalt) | prop_conv_solvert | |
set_frozen(const bvt &) | prop_conv_solvert | |
set_time_limit_seconds(uint32_t lim) override | prop_conv_solvert | inlinevirtual |
set_to(const exprt &expr, bool value) override | boolbvt | virtual |
set_to_false(const exprt &) | decision_proceduret | |
set_to_true(const exprt &) | decision_proceduret | |
string_numbering | boolbvt | protected |
SUB typedef | bv_pointerst | protected |
symbols | prop_conv_solvert | protected |
symbolst typedef | prop_conv_solvert | |
type_conversion(const typet &src_type, const bvt &src, const typet &dest_type, bvt &dest) | boolbvt | protected |
typemap | equalityt | protected |
typemapt typedef | equalityt | protected |
unbounded_array | boolbvt | |
unbounded_arrayt enum name | boolbvt | |
update_index_map(bool update_all) | arrayst | protected |
update_index_map(std::size_t i) | arrayst | protected |
update_indices | arrayst | protected |
use_cache | prop_conv_solvert | |
~conflict_providert()=default | conflict_providert | virtual |
~decision_proceduret() | decision_proceduret | virtual |
~prop_conv_solvert()=default | prop_conv_solvert | virtual |
~prop_convt() | prop_convt | inlinevirtual |
~solver_resource_limitst()=default | solver_resource_limitst | virtual |
~stack_decision_proceduret()=default | stack_decision_proceduret | virtual |