44 "The last instruction of a goto_program must be END_FUNCTION");
47 log.progress() <<
48 <<
" from " <<
l_call_site->location_number <<
" to "
109 log.progress() <<
"ai_three_way_merget::visit_edge_function_call edge from "
134 log.progress() <<
"gives a new history... ";
138 log.progress() <<
"merges with existing history... ";
tmp !=
"Three-way merge requires domain support");
154 log.progress() <<
"applying transformer... ";
tmp2 !=
"Three-way merge requires domain support");
171 log.progress() <<
"three way merge... ";
175 log.progress() <<
"merging... ";
194 log.debug() <<
"p_callee_end = ";
198 log.debug() <<
"s_callee_end = ";
202 log.debug() <<
"p_return_site = ";
206 log.debug() <<
"s_working = ";
goto_programt::const_targett locationt
std::unique_ptr< ai_storage_baset > storage
virtual statet & get_state(trace_ptrt p)
Get the state for the given history, creating it with the factory if it doesn't exist.
virtual ctrace_set_ptrt abstract_traces_before(locationt l) const
Returns all of the histories that have reached the start of the instruction.
bool visit_edge(const irep_idt &function_id, trace_ptrt p, const irep_idt &to_function_id, locationt to_l, trace_ptrt caller_history, const namespacet &ns, working_sett &working_set)
virtual void output(const namespacet &ns, const irep_idt &function_id, const goto_programt &goto_program, std::ostream &out) const
Output the abstract states for a single function.
message_handlert & message_handler
virtual bool fixedpoint(trace_ptrt starting_trace, const irep_idt &function_id, const goto_programt &goto_program, const goto_functionst &goto_functions, const namespacet &ns)
Run the fixedpoint algorithm until it reaches a fixed point.
virtual std::unique_ptr< statet > make_temporary_state(const statet &s)
Make a copy of a state.
ai_history_baset::trace_ptrt trace_ptrt
void put_in_working_set(working_sett &working_set, trace_ptrt t)
trace_ptrt get_next(working_sett &working_set)
Get the next location from the work queue.
trace_sett working_sett
The work queue, sorted using the history's ordering operator.
virtual bool merge(const statet &src, trace_ptrt from, trace_ptrt to)
Merge the state src, flowing from tracet from to tracet to, into the state currently stored for trace...
The interface offered by a domain, allows code to manipulate domains without knowing their exact type...
A history object is an abstraction / representation of the control-flow part of a set of traces.
static const trace_ptrt no_caller_history
bool visit_edge_function_call(const irep_idt &calling_function_id, trace_ptrt p_call, locationt l_return, const irep_idt &callee_function_id, working_sett &working_set, const goto_programt &callee, const goto_functionst &goto_functions, const namespacet &ns) override
ait supplies three of the four components needed: an abstract interpreter (in this case handling func...
dstringt has one field, an unsigned integer no which is an index into a static table of strings.
A collection of goto functions.
A generic container class for the GOTO intermediate representation of one function.
unsigned get_verbosity() const
Class that provides messages with a built-in verbosity 'level'.
A namespacet is essentially one or two symbol tables bound together, to allow for symbol lookups in t...
This condition should be used to document that assumptions that are made on goto_functions,...
This macro uses the wrapper function 'invariant_violated_string'.
An abstract interpreter, based on the default recursive-interprocedural that uses variable sensitivit...
There are different ways of handling arrays, structures, unions and pointers.