Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*******************************************************************\
3 Module: Generates string constraints for functions generating strings
4  from other types, in particular int, long, float, double, char, bool
6 Author: Romain Brenguier, romain.brenguier@diffblue.com
8 \*******************************************************************/
16 #include <util/bitvector_expr.h>
17 #include <util/floatbv_expr.h>
18 #include <util/ieee_float.h>
19 #include <util/mathematical_expr.h>
29 exprt get_exponent(const exprt &src, const ieee_float_spect &spec)
30 {
31  const extractbits_exprt exp_bits(src, spec.f, unsignedbv_typet(spec.e));
33  // Exponent is in biased form (numbers from -128 to 127 are encoded with
34  // integer from 0 to 255) we have to remove the bias.
35  return minus_exprt(
36  typecast_exprt(exp_bits, signedbv_typet(32)),
37  from_integer(spec.bias(), signedbv_typet(32)));
38 }
44 exprt get_fraction(const exprt &src, const ieee_float_spect &spec)
45 {
46  return extractbits_exprt(src, 0, unsignedbv_typet(spec.f));
47 }
60  const exprt &src,
61  const ieee_float_spect &spec,
62  const typet &type)
63 {
64  PRECONDITION(type.id() == ID_unsignedbv);
65  PRECONDITION(to_unsignedbv_type(type).get_width() > spec.f);
66  typecast_exprt fraction(get_fraction(src, spec), type);
67  exprt exponent = get_exponent(src, spec);
68  equal_exprt all_zeros(exponent, from_integer(0, exponent.type()));
69  exprt hidden_bit = from_integer((1 << spec.f), type);
70  bitor_exprt with_hidden_bit(fraction, hidden_bit);
71  return if_exprt(all_zeros, fraction, with_hidden_bit);
72 }
78 exprt constant_float(const double f, const ieee_float_spect &float_spec)
79 {
80  ieee_floatt fl(float_spec);
81  if(float_spec == ieee_float_spect::single_precision())
82  fl.from_float(f);
83  else if(float_spec == ieee_float_spect::double_precision())
84  fl.from_double(f);
85  else
87  return fl.to_expr();
88 }
94 {
95  exprt rounding =
97  return floatbv_typecast_exprt(f, rounding, signedbv_typet(32));
98 }
105 exprt floatbv_mult(const exprt &f, const exprt &g)
106 {
107  PRECONDITION(f.type() == g.type());
109  exprt mult(ID_floatbv_mult, f.type());
110  mult.copy_to_operands(f);
111  mult.copy_to_operands(g);
112  mult.copy_to_operands(from_integer(rounding, unsignedbv_typet(32)));
113  return mult;
114 }
123 {
124  exprt rounding =
126  return floatbv_typecast_exprt(i, rounding, spec.to_type());
127 }
142 {
143  exprt log_10_of_2 =
144  constant_float(0.30102999566398119521373889472449302, spec);
145  exprt bin_exp = get_exponent(f, spec);
146  exprt float_bin_exp = floatbv_of_int_expr(bin_exp, spec);
147  exprt dec_exp = floatbv_mult(float_bin_exp, log_10_of_2);
148  binary_relation_exprt negative_exp(dec_exp, ID_lt, constant_float(0.0, spec));
149  // Rounding to zero is not correct for negative numbers, so we substract 1.
150  minus_exprt dec_minus_one(dec_exp, constant_float(1.0, spec));
151  if_exprt adjust_for_neg(negative_exp, dec_minus_one, dec_exp);
152  return round_expr_to_zero(adjust_for_neg);
153 }
160 std::pair<exprt, string_constraintst>
163 {
164  PRECONDITION(f.arguments().size() == 3);
165  array_string_exprt res = array_pool.find(f.arguments()[1], f.arguments()[0]);
166  return add_axioms_for_string_of_float(res, f.arguments()[2]);
167 }
172 std::pair<exprt, string_constraintst>
175 {
177 }
191 std::pair<exprt, string_constraintst>
193  const array_string_exprt &res,
194  const exprt &f)
195 {
196  const floatbv_typet &type = to_floatbv_type(f.type());
197  const ieee_float_spect float_spec(type);
199  const typet &index_type = res.length_type();
201  // We will look at the first 5 digits of the fractional part.
202  // shifted is floor(f * 1e5)
203  const exprt shifting = constant_float(1e5, float_spec);
204  const exprt shifted = round_expr_to_zero(floatbv_mult(f, shifting));
205  // Numbers with greater or equal value to the following, should use
206  // the exponent notation.
207  const exprt max_non_exponent_notation = from_integer(100000, shifted.type());
208  // fractional_part is floor(f * 100000) % 100000
209  const mod_exprt fractional_part(shifted, max_non_exponent_notation);
210  const array_string_exprt fractional_part_str =
211  array_pool.fresh_string(index_type, char_type);
212  auto result1 =
213  add_axioms_for_fractional_part(fractional_part_str, fractional_part, 6);
215  // The axiom added to convert to integer should always be satisfiable even
216  // when the preconditions are not satisfied.
217  const mod_exprt integer_part(
218  round_expr_to_zero(f), max_non_exponent_notation);
219  // We should not need more than 8 characters to represent the integer
220  // part of the float.
221  const array_string_exprt integer_part_str =
222  array_pool.fresh_string(index_type, char_type);
223  auto result2 =
224  add_axioms_for_string_of_int(integer_part_str, integer_part, 8);
226  auto result3 =
227  add_axioms_for_concat(res, integer_part_str, fractional_part_str);
228  merge(result3.second, std::move(result1.second));
229  merge(result3.second, std::move(result2.second));
231  const auto return_code =
232  maximum(result1.first, maximum(result2.first, result3.first));
233  return {return_code, std::move(result3.second)};
234 }
243 std::pair<exprt, string_constraintst>
245  const array_string_exprt &res,
246  const exprt &int_expr,
247  size_t max_size)
248 {
249  PRECONDITION(int_expr.type().id() == ID_signedbv);
250  PRECONDITION(max_size >= 2);
251  string_constraintst constraints;
252  const typet &type = int_expr.type();
254  const typet &index_type = res.length_type();
255  const exprt ten = from_integer(10, type);
256  const exprt zero_char = from_integer('0', char_type);
257  const exprt nine_char = from_integer('9', char_type);
258  const exprt max = from_integer(max_size, index_type);
260  // We add axioms:
261  // a1 : 2 <= |res| <= max_size
262  // a2 : starts_with_dot && no_trailing_zero && is_number
263  // starts_with_dot: res[0] = '.'
264  // is_number: forall i:[1, max_size[. '0' < res[i] < '9'
265  // no_trailing_zero: forall j:[2, max_size[. !(|res| = j+1 && res[j] = '0')
266  // a3 : int_expr = sum_j 10^j (j < |res| ? res[j] - '0' : 0)
268  const and_exprt a1(
271  constraints.existential.push_back(a1);
273  equal_exprt starts_with_dot(res[0], from_integer('.', char_type));
275  exprt::operandst digit_constraints;
276  digit_constraints.push_back(starts_with_dot);
277  exprt sum = from_integer(0, type);
279  for(size_t j = 1; j < max_size; j++)
280  {
281  // after_end is |res| <= j
282  binary_relation_exprt after_end(
284  ID_le,
285  from_integer(j, res.length_type()));
286  mult_exprt ten_sum(sum, ten);
288  // sum = 10 * sum + after_end ? 0 : (res[j]-'0')
289  if_exprt to_add(
290  after_end,
291  from_integer(0, type),
292  typecast_exprt(minus_exprt(res[j], zero_char), type));
293  sum = plus_exprt(ten_sum, to_add);
296  binary_relation_exprt(res[j], ID_ge, zero_char),
297  binary_relation_exprt(res[j], ID_le, nine_char));
298  digit_constraints.push_back(is_number);
300  // There are no trailing zeros except for ".0" (i.e j=2)
301  if(j > 1)
302  {
303  not_exprt no_trailing_zero(and_exprt(
304  equal_exprt(
306  from_integer(j + 1, res.length_type())),
307  equal_exprt(res[j], zero_char)));
308  digit_constraints.push_back(no_trailing_zero);
309  }
310  }
312  exprt a2 = conjunction(digit_constraints);
313  constraints.existential.push_back(a2);
315  equal_exprt a3(int_expr, sum);
316  constraints.existential.push_back(a3);
318  return {from_integer(0, signedbv_typet(32)), std::move(constraints)};
319 }
336 std::pair<exprt, string_constraintst>
338  const array_string_exprt &res,
339  const exprt &float_expr)
340 {
341  string_constraintst constraints;
343  const typet float_type = float_spec.to_type();
344  const signedbv_typet int_type(32);
345  const typet &index_type = res.length_type();
348  // This is used for rounding float to integers.
349  exprt round_to_zero_expr = from_integer(ieee_floatt::ROUND_TO_ZERO, int_type);
351  // `bin_exponent` is $e$ in the formulas
352  exprt bin_exponent = get_exponent(float_expr, float_spec);
354  // $m$ from the formula is a value between 0.0 and 2.0 represented
355  // with values in the range 0x000000 0xFFFFFF so 1 corresponds to 0x800000.
356  // `bin_significand_int` represents $m * 0x800000$
357  exprt bin_significand_int =
358  get_significand(float_expr, float_spec, unsignedbv_typet(32));
359  // `bin_significand` represents $m$ and is obtained
360  // by multiplying `binary_significand_as_int` by
361  // 1/0x800000 = 2^-23 = 1.1920928955078125 * 10^-7
362  exprt bin_significand = floatbv_mult(
363  floatbv_typecast_exprt(bin_significand_int, round_to_zero_expr, float_type),
364  constant_float(1.1920928955078125e-7, float_spec));
366  // This is a first approximation of the exponent that will adjust
367  // if the fraction we get is greater than 10
368  exprt dec_exponent_estimate =
369  estimate_decimal_exponent(float_expr, float_spec);
371  // Table for values of $2^x / 10^(floor(log_10(2)*x))$ where x=Range[0,128]
372  std::vector<double> two_power_e_over_ten_power_d_table(
373  {1, 2, 4, 8, 1.6, 3.2, 6.4, 1.28,
374  2.56, 5.12, 1.024, 2.048, 4.096, 8.192, 1.6384, 3.2768,
375  6.5536, 1.31072, 2.62144, 5.24288, 1.04858, 2.09715, 4.19430, 8.38861,
376  1.67772, 3.35544, 6.71089, 1.34218, 2.68435, 5.36871, 1.07374, 2.14748,
377  4.29497, 8.58993, 1.71799, 3.43597, 6.87195, 1.37439, 2.74878, 5.49756,
378  1.09951, 2.19902, 4.39805, 8.79609, 1.75922, 3.51844, 7.03687, 1.40737,
379  2.81475, 5.62950, 1.12590, 2.25180, 4.50360, 9.00720, 1.80144, 3.60288,
380  7.20576, 1.44115, 2.88230, 5.76461, 1.15292, 2.30584, 4.61169, 9.22337,
381  1.84467, 3.68935, 7.37870, 1.47574, 2.95148, 5.90296, 1.18059, 2.36118,
382  4.72237, 9.44473, 1.88895, 3.77789, 7.55579, 1.51116, 3.02231, 6.04463,
383  1.20893, 2.41785, 4.83570, 9.67141, 1.93428, 3.86856, 7.73713, 1.54743,
384  3.09485, 6.18970, 1.23794, 2.47588, 4.95176, 9.90352, 1.98070, 3.96141,
385  7.92282, 1.58456, 3.16913, 6.33825, 1.26765, 2.53530, 5.07060, 1.01412,
386  2.02824, 4.05648, 8.11296, 1.62259, 3.24519, 6.49037, 1.29807, 2.59615,
387  5.1923, 1.03846, 2.07692, 4.15384, 8.30767, 1.66153, 3.32307, 6.64614,
388  1.32923, 2.65846, 5.31691, 1.06338, 2.12676, 4.25353, 8.50706, 1.70141});
390  // Table for values of $2^x / 10^(floor(log_10(2)*x))$ where x=Range[-128,-1]
391  std::vector<double> two_power_e_over_ten_power_d_table_negatives(
392  {2.93874, 5.87747, 1.17549, 2.35099, 4.70198, 9.40395, 1.88079, 3.76158,
393  7.52316, 1.50463, 3.00927, 6.01853, 1.20371, 2.40741, 4.81482, 9.62965,
394  1.92593, 3.85186, 7.70372, 1.54074, 3.08149, 6.16298, 1.23260, 2.46519,
395  4.93038, 9.86076, 1.97215, 3.94430, 7.88861, 1.57772, 3.15544, 6.31089,
396  1.26218, 2.52435, 5.04871, 1.00974, 2.01948, 4.03897, 8.07794, 1.61559,
397  3.23117, 6.46235, 1.29247, 2.58494, 5.16988, 1.03398, 2.06795, 4.13590,
398  8.27181, 1.65436, 3.30872, 6.61744, 1.32349, 2.64698, 5.29396, 1.05879,
399  2.11758, 4.23516, 8.47033, 1.69407, 3.38813, 6.77626, 1.35525, 2.71051,
400  5.42101, 1.08420, 2.16840, 4.33681, 8.67362, 1.73472, 3.46945, 6.93889,
401  1.38778, 2.77556, 5.55112, 1.11022, 2.22045, 4.44089, 8.88178, 1.77636,
402  3.55271, 7.10543, 1.42109, 2.84217, 5.68434, 1.13687, 2.27374, 4.54747,
403  9.09495, 1.81899, 3.63798, 7.27596, 1.45519, 2.91038, 5.82077, 1.16415,
404  2.32831, 4.65661, 9.31323, 1.86265, 3.72529, 7.45058, 1.49012, 2.98023,
405  5.96046, 1.19209, 2.38419, 4.76837, 9.53674, 1.90735, 3.81470, 7.62939,
406  1.52588, 3.05176, 6.10352, 1.22070, 2.44141, 4.88281, 9.76563, 1.95313,
407  3.90625, 7.81250, 1.56250, 3.12500, 6.25000, 1.25000, 2.50000, 5});
409  // bias_table used to find the bias factor
410  exprt conversion_factor_table_size = from_integer(
411  two_power_e_over_ten_power_d_table_negatives.size() +
412  two_power_e_over_ten_power_d_table.size(),
413  int_type);
414  array_exprt conversion_factor_table(
415  {}, array_typet(float_type, conversion_factor_table_size));
416  for(const auto &negative : two_power_e_over_ten_power_d_table_negatives)
417  conversion_factor_table.copy_to_operands(
418  constant_float(negative, float_spec));
419  for(const auto &positive : two_power_e_over_ten_power_d_table)
420  conversion_factor_table.copy_to_operands(
421  constant_float(positive, float_spec));
423  // The index in the table, corresponding to exponent e is e+128
424  plus_exprt shifted_index(bin_exponent, from_integer(128, int_type));
426  // bias_factor is $2^e / 10^(floor(log_10(2)*e))$ that is $2^e/10^d$
427  index_exprt conversion_factor(
428  conversion_factor_table, shifted_index, float_type);
430  // `dec_significand` is $n = m * bias_factor$
431  exprt dec_significand = floatbv_mult(conversion_factor, bin_significand);
432  exprt dec_significand_int = round_expr_to_zero(dec_significand);
434  // `dec_exponent` is $d$ in the formulas
435  // it is obtained from the approximation, checking whether it is not too small
436  binary_relation_exprt estimate_too_small(
437  dec_significand_int, ID_ge, from_integer(10, int_type));
438  if_exprt decimal_exponent(
439  estimate_too_small,
440  plus_exprt(dec_exponent_estimate, from_integer(1, int_type)),
441  dec_exponent_estimate);
443  // `dec_significand` is divided by 10 if it exceeds 10
444  dec_significand = if_exprt(
445  estimate_too_small,
446  floatbv_mult(dec_significand, constant_float(0.1, float_spec)),
447  dec_significand);
448  dec_significand_int = round_expr_to_zero(dec_significand);
449  array_string_exprt string_expr_integer_part =
450  array_pool.fresh_string(index_type, char_type);
451  auto result1 = add_axioms_for_string_of_int(
452  string_expr_integer_part, dec_significand_int, 3);
453  minus_exprt fractional_part(
454  dec_significand, floatbv_of_int_expr(dec_significand_int, float_spec));
456  // shifted_float is floor(float_expr * 1e5)
457  exprt shifting = constant_float(1e5, float_spec);
458  exprt shifted_float =
459  round_expr_to_zero(floatbv_mult(fractional_part, shifting));
461  // Numbers with greater or equal value to the following, should use
462  // the exponent notation.
463  exprt max_non_exponent_notation = from_integer(100000, shifted_float.type());
465  // fractional_part_shifted is floor(float_expr * 100000) % 100000
466  const mod_exprt fractional_part_shifted(
467  shifted_float, max_non_exponent_notation);
469  array_string_exprt string_fractional_part =
470  array_pool.fresh_string(index_type, char_type);
471  auto result2 = add_axioms_for_fractional_part(
472  string_fractional_part, fractional_part_shifted, 6);
474  // string_expr_with_fractional_part =
475  // concat(string_with_do, string_fractional_part)
476  const array_string_exprt string_expr_with_fractional_part =
477  array_pool.fresh_string(index_type, char_type);
478  auto result3 = add_axioms_for_concat(
479  string_expr_with_fractional_part,
480  string_expr_integer_part,
481  string_fractional_part);
483  // string_expr_with_E = concat(string_fraction, string_lit_E)
484  const array_string_exprt stringE =
485  array_pool.fresh_string(index_type, char_type);
486  auto result4 = add_axioms_for_constant(stringE, "E");
487  const array_string_exprt string_expr_with_E =
488  array_pool.fresh_string(index_type, char_type);
489  auto result5 = add_axioms_for_concat(
490  string_expr_with_E, string_expr_with_fractional_part, stringE);
492  // exponent_string = string_of_int(decimal_exponent)
493  const array_string_exprt exponent_string =
494  array_pool.fresh_string(index_type, char_type);
495  auto result6 =
496  add_axioms_for_string_of_int(exponent_string, decimal_exponent, 3);
498  // string_expr = concat(string_expr_with_E, exponent_string)
499  auto result7 =
500  add_axioms_for_concat(res, string_expr_with_E, exponent_string);
502  const exprt return_code = maximum(
503  result1.first,
504  maximum(
505  result2.first,
506  maximum(
507  result3.first,
508  maximum(
509  result4.first,
510  maximum(result5.first, maximum(result6.first, result7.first))))));
511  merge(result7.second, std::move(result1.second));
512  merge(result7.second, std::move(result2.second));
513  merge(result7.second, std::move(result3.second));
514  merge(result7.second, std::move(result4.second));
515  merge(result7.second, std::move(result5.second));
516  merge(result7.second, std::move(result6.second));
517  return {return_code, std::move(result7.second)};
518 }
526 std::pair<exprt, string_constraintst>
529 {
530  PRECONDITION(f.arguments().size() == 3);
531  const array_string_exprt res =
532  array_pool.find(f.arguments()[1], f.arguments()[0]);
533  const exprt &arg = f.arguments()[2];
535 }
constant_exprt from_integer(const mp_integer &int_value, const typet &type)
Definition: arith_tools.cpp:99
API to expression classes for bitvectors.
const floatbv_typet & to_floatbv_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a floatbv_typet.
const unsignedbv_typet & to_unsignedbv_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to an unsignedbv_typet.
floatbv_typet float_type()
Definition: c_types.cpp:177
bitvector_typet char_type()
Definition: c_types.cpp:106
Boolean AND.
Definition: std_expr.h:2125
Array constructor from list of elements.
Definition: std_expr.h:1621
exprt get_or_create_length(const array_string_exprt &s)
Get the length of an array_string_exprt from the array_pool.
Definition: array_pool.cpp:26
array_string_exprt fresh_string(const typet &index_type, const typet &char_type)
Construct a string expression whose length and content are new variables.
Definition: array_pool.cpp:57
array_string_exprt find(const exprt &pointer, const exprt &length)
Creates a new array if the pointer is not pointing to an array.
Definition: array_pool.cpp:184
const typet & length_type() const
Definition: string_expr.h:70
exprt & content()
Definition: string_expr.h:75
Arrays with given size.
Definition: std_types.h:807
A base class for relations, i.e., binary predicates whose two operands have the same type.
Definition: std_expr.h:762
Bit-wise OR.
Definition: std_expr.h:1366
Base class for all expressions.
Definition: expr.h:56
std::vector< exprt > operandst
Definition: expr.h:58
void copy_to_operands(const exprt &expr)
Copy the given argument to the end of exprt's operands.
Definition: expr.h:163
typet & type()
Return the type of the expression.
Definition: expr.h:84
Extracts a sub-range of a bit-vector operand.
Semantic type conversion from/to floating-point formats.
Definition: floatbv_expr.h:19
Fixed-width bit-vector with IEEE floating-point interpretation.
Application of (mathematical) function.
static ieee_float_spect single_precision()
Definition: ieee_float.h:70
class floatbv_typet to_type() const
Definition: ieee_float.cpp:25
mp_integer bias() const
Definition: ieee_float.cpp:20
static ieee_float_spect double_precision()
Definition: ieee_float.h:76
std::size_t f
Definition: ieee_float.h:26
std::size_t e
Definition: ieee_float.h:26
constant_exprt to_expr() const
Definition: ieee_float.cpp:703
void from_float(const float f)
void from_double(const double d)
The trinary if-then-else operator.
Definition: std_expr.h:2380
Array index operator.
Definition: std_expr.h:1470
const irep_idt & id() const
Definition: irep.h:388
Binary minus.
Definition: std_expr.h:1061
Modulo defined as lhs-(rhs * truncate(lhs/rhs)).
Definition: std_expr.h:1228
Binary multiplication Associativity is not specified.
Definition: std_expr.h:1107
Boolean negation.
Definition: std_expr.h:2337
The plus expression Associativity is not specified.
Definition: std_expr.h:1002
Fixed-width bit-vector with two's complement interpretation.
std::pair< exprt, string_constraintst > add_axioms_from_double(const function_application_exprt &f)
Add axioms corresponding to the String.valueOf(D) java function.
std::pair< exprt, string_constraintst > add_axioms_for_concat(const array_string_exprt &res, const array_string_exprt &s1, const array_string_exprt &s2)
Add axioms enforcing that res is equal to the concatenation of s1 and s2.
std::pair< exprt, string_constraintst > add_axioms_for_fractional_part(const array_string_exprt &res, const exprt &int_expr, size_t max_size)
Add axioms for representing the fractional part of a floating point starting with a dot.
std::pair< exprt, string_constraintst > add_axioms_for_string_of_int(const array_string_exprt &res, const exprt &input_int, size_t max_size)
Add axioms enforcing that the string corresponds to the result of String.valueOf(I) or String....
std::pair< exprt, string_constraintst > add_axioms_from_float_scientific_notation(const array_string_exprt &res, const exprt &f)
Add axioms to write the float in scientific notation.
std::pair< exprt, string_constraintst > add_axioms_for_string_of_float(const function_application_exprt &f)
String representation of a float value.
std::pair< exprt, string_constraintst > add_axioms_for_constant(const array_string_exprt &res, irep_idt sval, const exprt &guard=true_exprt())
Add axioms ensuring that the provided string expression and constant are equal.
const typet & subtype() const
Definition: type.h:187
Semantic type conversion.
Definition: std_expr.h:2073
The type of an expression, extends irept.
Definition: type.h:29
Fixed-width bit-vector with unsigned binary interpretation.
API to expression classes for floating-point arithmetic.
API to expression classes for 'mathematical' expressions.
bool is_number(const typet &type)
Returns true if the type is a rational, real, integer, natural, complex, unsignedbv,...
This should be used to mark dead code.
Definition: invariant.h:525
Definition: invariant.h:463
exprt conjunction(const exprt::operandst &op)
1) generates a conjunction for two or more operands 2) for one operand, returns the operand 3) return...
Definition: std_expr.cpp:83
Generates string constraints to link results from string functions with their arguments.
exprt maximum(const exprt &a, const exprt &b)
void merge(string_constraintst &result, string_constraintst other)
Merge two sets of constraints by appending to the first one.
exprt floatbv_of_int_expr(const exprt &i, const ieee_float_spect &spec)
Convert integers to floating point to be used in operations with other values that are in floating po...
exprt floatbv_mult(const exprt &f, const exprt &g)
Multiplication of expressions representing floating points.
exprt get_significand(const exprt &src, const ieee_float_spect &spec, const typet &type)
Gets the significand as a java integer, looking for the hidden bit.
exprt estimate_decimal_exponent(const exprt &f, const ieee_float_spect &spec)
Estimate the decimal exponent that should be used to represent a given floating point value in decima...
exprt get_exponent(const exprt &src, const ieee_float_spect &spec)
Gets the unbiased exponent in a floating-point bit-vector.
exprt constant_float(const double f, const ieee_float_spect &float_spec)
Create an expression to represent a float or double value.
exprt round_expr_to_zero(const exprt &f)
Round a float expression to an integer closer to 0.
exprt get_fraction(const exprt &src, const ieee_float_spect &spec)
Gets the fraction without hidden bit.
binary_relation_exprt less_than_or_equal_to(exprt lhs, exprt rhs)
Definition: string_expr.h:37
binary_relation_exprt greater_than(exprt lhs, exprt rhs)
Definition: string_expr.h:26
Collection of constraints of different types: existential formulas, universal formulas,...
std::vector< exprt > existential
const type_with_subtypet & to_type_with_subtype(const typet &type)
Definition: type.h:208