Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*******************************************************************\
3 Module: Generates string constraints for functions generating strings
4  from other types, in particular int, long, float, double, char, bool
6 Author: Romain Brenguier, romain.brenguier@diffblue.com
8 \*******************************************************************/
16 #include <util/deprecate.h>
17 #include <util/mathematical_expr.h>
18 #include <util/simplify_expr.h>
20 #include <cmath>
28 static unsigned long to_integer_or_default(
29  const exprt &expr,
30  unsigned long def,
31  const namespacet &ns)
32 {
33  if(const auto i = numeric_cast<unsigned long>(simplify_expr(expr, ns)))
34  return *i;
35  return def;
36 }
42 DEPRECATED(SINCE(2017, 10, 5, "use add_axioms_for_string_of_int instead"))
43 std::pair<exprt, string_constraintst>
44 string_constraint_generatort::add_axioms_from_long(
46 {
47  PRECONDITION(f.arguments().size() == 3 || f.arguments().size() == 4);
48  const array_string_exprt res =
49  array_pool.find(f.arguments()[1], f.arguments()[0]);
50  if(f.arguments().size() == 4)
51  return add_axioms_for_string_of_int_with_radix(
52  res, f.arguments()[2], f.arguments()[3], 0);
53  else
54  return add_axioms_for_string_of_int(res, f.arguments()[2], 0);
55 }
63 DEPRECATED(SINCE(2017, 10, 5, "Java specific, should be implemented in Java"))
64 std::pair<exprt, string_constraintst>
65 string_constraint_generatort::add_axioms_from_bool(
66  const array_string_exprt &res,
67  const exprt &b)
68 {
69  const typet &char_type = to_type_with_subtype(res.content().type()).subtype();
70  PRECONDITION(b.type() == bool_typet() || b.type().id() == ID_c_bool);
71  string_constraintst constraints;
72  typecast_exprt eq(b, bool_typet());
74  // We add axioms:
75  // a1 : eq => res = |"true"|
76  // a2 : forall i < |"true"|. eq => res[i]="true"[i]
77  // a3 : !eq => res = |"false"|
78  // a4 : forall i < |"false"|. !eq => res[i]="false"[i]
80  std::string str_true = "true";
81  const implies_exprt a1(
82  eq, equal_to(array_pool.get_or_create_length(res), str_true.length()));
83  constraints.existential.push_back(a1);
85  for(std::size_t i = 0; i < str_true.length(); i++)
86  {
87  exprt chr = from_integer(str_true[i], char_type);
88  implies_exprt a2(eq, equal_exprt(res[i], chr));
89  constraints.existential.push_back(a2);
90  }
92  std::string str_false = "false";
93  const implies_exprt a3(
94  not_exprt(eq),
95  equal_to(array_pool.get_or_create_length(res), str_false.length()));
96  constraints.existential.push_back(a3);
98  for(std::size_t i = 0; i < str_false.length(); i++)
99  {
100  exprt chr = from_integer(str_false[i], char_type);
101  implies_exprt a4(not_exprt(eq), equal_exprt(res[i], chr));
102  constraints.existential.push_back(a4);
103  }
105  return {from_integer(0, get_return_code_type()), std::move(constraints)};
106 }
116 std::pair<exprt, string_constraintst>
118  const array_string_exprt &res,
119  const exprt &input_int,
120  size_t max_size)
121 {
122  const constant_exprt radix = from_integer(10, input_int.type());
124  res, input_int, radix, max_size);
125 }
136 std::pair<exprt, string_constraintst>
138  const array_string_exprt &res,
139  const exprt &input_int,
140  const exprt &radix,
141  size_t max_size)
142 {
143  PRECONDITION(max_size < std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max());
144  const typet &type = input_int.type();
145  PRECONDITION(type.id() == ID_signedbv);
149  const unsigned long radix_ul = to_integer_or_default(radix, 0, ns);
150  CHECK_RETURN((radix_ul >= 2 && radix_ul <= 36) || radix_ul == 0);
152  if(max_size == 0)
153  {
154  max_size = max_printed_string_length(type, radix_ul);
155  CHECK_RETURN(max_size < std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max());
156  }
159  const typecast_exprt radix_as_char(radix, char_type);
160  const typecast_exprt radix_input_type(radix, type);
161  const bool strict_formatting = true;
164  res, radix_as_char, radix_ul, max_size, strict_formatting);
166  input_int,
167  type,
168  strict_formatting,
169  res,
170  max_size,
171  radix_input_type,
172  radix_ul);
173  result2.existential.push_back(conjunction(std::move(result1)));
174  return {from_integer(0, get_return_code_type()), std::move(result2)};
175 }
181 static exprt int_of_hex_char(const exprt &chr)
182 {
183  const exprt zero_char = from_integer('0', chr.type());
184  const exprt nine_char = from_integer('9', chr.type());
185  const exprt a_char = from_integer('a', chr.type());
186  return if_exprt(
187  binary_relation_exprt(chr, ID_gt, nine_char),
188  plus_exprt(from_integer(10, chr.type()), minus_exprt(chr, a_char)),
189  minus_exprt(chr, zero_char));
190 }
198 DEPRECATED(SINCE(2017, 10, 5, "use add_axioms_for_string_of_int_with_radix"))
199 std::pair<exprt, string_constraintst>
200 string_constraint_generatort::add_axioms_from_int_hex(
201  const array_string_exprt &res,
202  const exprt &i)
203 {
204  const typet &type = i.type();
205  PRECONDITION(type.id() == ID_signedbv);
206  string_constraintst constraints;
207  const typet &index_type = res.length_type();
208  const typet &char_type = to_type_with_subtype(res.content().type()).subtype();
209  exprt sixteen = from_integer(16, index_type);
210  exprt minus_char = from_integer('-', char_type);
211  exprt zero_char = from_integer('0', char_type);
212  exprt nine_char = from_integer('9', char_type);
213  exprt a_char = from_integer('a', char_type);
214  exprt f_char = from_integer('f', char_type);
216  size_t max_size = 8;
217  constraints.existential.push_back(and_exprt(
218  greater_than(array_pool.get_or_create_length(res), 0),
219  less_than_or_equal_to(array_pool.get_or_create_length(res), max_size)));
221  for(size_t size = 1; size <= max_size; size++)
222  {
223  exprt sum = from_integer(0, type);
224  exprt all_numbers = true_exprt();
225  exprt chr = res[0];
227  for(size_t j = 0; j < size; j++)
228  {
229  chr = res[j];
230  exprt chr_int = int_of_hex_char(chr);
231  sum = plus_exprt(mult_exprt(sum, sixteen), typecast_exprt(chr_int, type));
233  and_exprt(
234  binary_relation_exprt(chr, ID_ge, zero_char),
235  binary_relation_exprt(chr, ID_le, nine_char)),
236  and_exprt(
237  binary_relation_exprt(chr, ID_ge, a_char),
238  binary_relation_exprt(chr, ID_le, f_char)));
239  all_numbers = and_exprt(all_numbers, is_number);
240  }
242  const equal_exprt premise =
243  equal_to(array_pool.get_or_create_length(res), size);
244  constraints.existential.push_back(
245  implies_exprt(premise, and_exprt(equal_exprt(i, sum), all_numbers)));
247  // disallow 0s at the beginning
248  if(size > 1)
249  constraints.existential.push_back(
250  implies_exprt(premise, not_exprt(equal_exprt(res[0], zero_char))));
251  }
252  return {from_integer(0, get_return_code_type()), std::move(constraints)};
253 }
258 std::pair<exprt, string_constraintst>
261 {
262  PRECONDITION(f.arguments().size() == 3);
263  const array_string_exprt res =
264  array_pool.find(f.arguments()[1], f.arguments()[0]);
265  return add_axioms_from_int_hex(res, f.arguments()[2]);
266 }
278 std::vector<exprt>
280  const array_string_exprt &str,
281  const exprt &radix_as_char,
282  const unsigned long radix_ul,
283  const std::size_t max_size,
284  const bool strict_formatting)
285 {
286  std::vector<exprt> conjuncts;
288  const typet &index_type = str.length_type();
290  const exprt &chr = str[0];
291  const equal_exprt starts_with_minus(chr, from_integer('-', char_type));
292  const equal_exprt starts_with_plus(chr, from_integer('+', char_type));
293  const exprt starts_with_digit =
294  is_digit_with_radix(chr, strict_formatting, radix_as_char, radix_ul);
296  // |str| > 0
297  const exprt non_empty = greater_or_equal_to(
298  array_pool.get_or_create_length(str), from_integer(1, index_type));
299  conjuncts.push_back(non_empty);
301  if(strict_formatting)
302  {
303  // str[0] = '-' || is_digit_with_radix(str[0], radix)
304  const or_exprt correct_first(starts_with_minus, starts_with_digit);
305  conjuncts.push_back(correct_first);
306  }
307  else
308  {
309  // str[0] = '-' || str[0] = '+' || is_digit_with_radix(str[0], radix)
310  const or_exprt correct_first(
311  starts_with_minus, starts_with_digit, starts_with_plus);
312  conjuncts.push_back(correct_first);
313  }
315  // str[0]='+' or '-' ==> |str| > 1
316  const implies_exprt contains_digit(
317  or_exprt(starts_with_minus, starts_with_plus),
319  array_pool.get_or_create_length(str), from_integer(2, index_type)));
320  conjuncts.push_back(contains_digit);
322  // |str| <= max_size
323  conjuncts.push_back(
326  // forall 1 <= i < |str| . is_digit_with_radix(str[i], radix)
327  // We unfold the above because we know that it will be used for all i up to
328  // |str|, and |str| <= max_size.
329  for(std::size_t index = 1; index < max_size; ++index)
330  {
332  const implies_exprt character_at_index_is_digit(
335  from_integer(index + 1, index_type)),
337  str[index], strict_formatting, radix_as_char, radix_ul));
338  conjuncts.push_back(character_at_index_is_digit);
339  }
341  if(strict_formatting)
342  {
343  const exprt zero_char = from_integer('0', char_type);
345  // no_leading_zero : str[0] = '0' => |str| = 1
346  const implies_exprt no_leading_zero(
347  equal_exprt(chr, zero_char),
348  equal_to(
349  array_pool.get_or_create_length(str), from_integer(1, index_type)));
350  conjuncts.push_back(no_leading_zero);
352  // no_leading_zero_after_minus : str[0]='-' => str[1]!='0'
353  implies_exprt no_leading_zero_after_minus(
354  starts_with_minus, not_exprt(equal_exprt(str[1], zero_char)));
355  conjuncts.push_back(no_leading_zero_after_minus);
356  }
357  return conjuncts;
358 }
374  const exprt &input_int,
375  const typet &type,
376  const bool strict_formatting,
377  const array_string_exprt &str,
378  const std::size_t max_string_length,
379  const exprt &radix,
380  const unsigned long radix_ul)
381 {
382  string_constraintst constraints;
385  const equal_exprt starts_with_minus(str[0], from_integer('-', char_type));
386  const constant_exprt zero_expr = from_integer(0, type);
389  str[0], char_type, type, strict_formatting, radix_ul);
394  constraints.existential.push_back(implies_exprt(
396  equal_exprt(input_int, sum)));
398  for(size_t size = 2; size <= max_string_length; size++)
399  {
400  // sum_0 := numeric value of res[0] (which is 0 if res[0] is '-')
401  // For each 1<=j<max_string_length, we have:
402  // sum_j := radix * sum_{j-1} + numeric value of res[j]
403  // no_overflow_j := sum_{j-1} == (radix * sum_{j-1} / radix)
404  // && sum_j >= sum_{j - 1}
405  // (the first part avoid overflows in the multiplication and the second
406  // one in the addition of the definition of sum_j)
407  // For all 1<=size<=max_string_length we add axioms:
408  // a5 : |res| >= size => no_overflow_j (only added when overflow possible)
409  // a6 : |res| == size && res[0] is a digit for radix =>
410  // input_int == sum_{size-1}
411  // a7 : |res| == size && res[0] == '-' => input_int == -sum_{size-1}
413  const mult_exprt radix_sum(sum, radix);
414  // new_sum = radix * sum + (numeric value of res[j])
415  const exprt new_sum = plus_exprt(
416  radix_sum,
418  str[size - 1], char_type, type, strict_formatting, radix_ul));
420  // An overflow can happen when reaching the last index which can contain
421  // a digit, which is `max_string_length - 2` because of the space left for
422  // a minus sign. That assumes that we were able to identify the radix. If we
423  // weren't then we check for overflow on every index.
424  std::optional<exprt> no_overflow;
425  if(size - 1 >= max_string_length - 2 || radix_ul == 0)
426  {
427  no_overflow = and_exprt{equal_exprt(sum, div_exprt(radix_sum, radix)),
428  binary_relation_exprt(new_sum, ID_ge, radix_sum)};
429  }
430  sum = new_sum;
432  exprt length_expr = array_pool.get_or_create_length(str);
434  if(no_overflow.has_value())
435  {
436  const binary_predicate_exprt string_length_ge_size{
437  length_expr, ID_ge, from_integer(size, length_expr.type())};
438  const implies_exprt a5(string_length_ge_size, *no_overflow);
439  constraints.existential.push_back(a5);
440  }
442  const equal_exprt string_length_equals_size = equal_to(length_expr, size);
444  const implies_exprt a6(
445  and_exprt(string_length_equals_size, not_exprt(starts_with_minus)),
446  equal_exprt(input_int, sum));
447  constraints.existential.push_back(a6);
449  const implies_exprt a7(
450  and_exprt(string_length_equals_size, starts_with_minus),
451  equal_exprt(input_int, unary_minus_exprt(sum)));
452  constraints.existential.push_back(a7);
453  }
454  return constraints;
455 }
460  const typet &target_int_type)
461 {
462  PRECONDITION(f.arguments().size() == 1 || f.arguments().size() == 2);
463  PRECONDITION(target_int_type.id() == ID_signedbv);
466  const exprt radix =
467  f.arguments().size() == 1
468  ? static_cast<exprt>(from_integer(10, target_int_type))
469  : static_cast<exprt>(typecast_exprt(f.arguments()[1], target_int_type));
470  // Most of the time we can evaluate radix as an integer. The value 0 is used
471  // to indicate when we can't tell what the radix is.
472  const unsigned long radix_ul = to_integer_or_default(radix, 0, ns);
473  PRECONDITION((radix_ul >= 2 && radix_ul <= 36) || radix_ul == 0);
475  const std::size_t max_string_length =
476  max_printed_string_length(target_int_type, radix_ul);
478  return {str, radix, radix_ul, max_string_length};
479 }
488 std::pair<exprt, string_constraintst>
491 {
492  irep_idt called_function = to_symbol_expr(f.function()).get_identifier();
494  called_function == ID_cprover_string_is_valid_int_func ||
495  called_function == ID_cprover_string_is_valid_long_func);
496  const signedbv_typet target_int_type{static_cast<size_t>(
497  called_function == ID_cprover_string_is_valid_int_func ? 32 : 64)};
498  auto args = unpack_parseint_arguments(f, target_int_type);
500  const typet &char_type =
501  to_type_with_subtype(args.str.content().type()).subtype();
502  const typecast_exprt radix_as_char(args.radix, char_type);
503  const bool strict_formatting = false;
508  args.str,
509  radix_as_char,
510  args.radix_ul,
511  args.max_string_length,
512  strict_formatting);
514  return {typecast_exprt{conjunction(conjuncts), f.type()}, {}};
515 }
524 std::pair<exprt, string_constraintst>
527 {
528  auto args = unpack_parseint_arguments(f, f.type());
530  const typet &type = f.type();
532  const symbol_exprt input_int = fresh_symbol("parsed_int", type);
533  const bool strict_formatting = false;
536  input_int,
537  type,
538  strict_formatting,
539  args.str,
540  args.max_string_length,
541  args.radix,
542  args.radix_ul);
544  return {input_int, std::move(constraints2)};
545 }
556  const exprt &chr,
557  const bool strict_formatting,
558  const exprt &radix_as_char,
559  const unsigned long radix_ul)
560 {
561  PRECONDITION((radix_ul >= 2 && radix_ul <= 36) || radix_ul == 0);
562  const typet &char_type = chr.type();
563  const exprt zero_char = from_integer('0', char_type);
565  const and_exprt is_digit_when_radix_le_10(
566  binary_relation_exprt(chr, ID_ge, zero_char),
567  binary_relation_exprt(chr, ID_lt, plus_exprt(zero_char, radix_as_char)));
569  if(radix_ul <= 10 && radix_ul != 0)
570  {
571  return is_digit_when_radix_le_10;
572  }
573  else
574  {
575  const exprt nine_char = from_integer('9', char_type);
576  const exprt a_char = from_integer('a', char_type);
577  const constant_exprt ten_char_type = from_integer(10, char_type);
579  const minus_exprt radix_minus_ten(radix_as_char, ten_char_type);
581  or_exprt is_digit_when_radix_gt_10(
582  and_exprt(
583  binary_relation_exprt(chr, ID_ge, zero_char),
584  binary_relation_exprt(chr, ID_le, nine_char)),
585  and_exprt(
586  binary_relation_exprt(chr, ID_ge, a_char),
588  chr, ID_lt, plus_exprt(a_char, radix_minus_ten))));
590  if(!strict_formatting)
591  {
592  exprt A_char = from_integer('A', char_type);
593  is_digit_when_radix_gt_10.copy_to_operands(and_exprt(
594  binary_relation_exprt(chr, ID_ge, A_char),
596  chr, ID_lt, plus_exprt(A_char, radix_minus_ten))));
597  }
599  if(radix_ul == 0)
600  {
601  return if_exprt(
602  binary_relation_exprt(radix_as_char, ID_le, ten_char_type),
603  is_digit_when_radix_le_10,
604  is_digit_when_radix_gt_10);
605  }
606  else
607  {
608  return std::move(is_digit_when_radix_gt_10);
609  }
610  }
611 }
624  const exprt &chr,
625  const typet &char_type,
626  const typet &type,
627  const bool strict_formatting,
628  const unsigned long radix_ul)
629 {
630  const constant_exprt zero_char = from_integer('0', char_type);
634  const binary_relation_exprt upper_case_lower_case_or_digit(
635  chr, ID_ge, zero_char);
637  if(radix_ul <= 10 && radix_ul != 0)
638  {
640  return typecast_exprt(
641  if_exprt(
642  upper_case_lower_case_or_digit,
643  minus_exprt(chr, zero_char),
644  from_integer(0, char_type)),
645  type);
646  }
647  else
648  {
649  const constant_exprt a_char = from_integer('a', char_type);
650  const binary_relation_exprt lower_case(chr, ID_ge, a_char);
651  const constant_exprt A_char = from_integer('A', char_type);
652  const binary_relation_exprt upper_case_or_lower_case(chr, ID_ge, A_char);
653  const constant_exprt ten_int = from_integer(10, char_type);
655  if(strict_formatting)
656  {
659  return typecast_exprt(
660  if_exprt(
661  lower_case,
662  plus_exprt(minus_exprt(chr, a_char), ten_int),
663  if_exprt(
664  upper_case_lower_case_or_digit,
665  minus_exprt(chr, zero_char),
666  from_integer(0, char_type))),
667  type);
668  }
669  else
670  {
674  return typecast_exprt(
675  if_exprt(
676  lower_case,
677  plus_exprt(minus_exprt(chr, a_char), ten_int),
678  if_exprt(
679  upper_case_or_lower_case,
680  plus_exprt(minus_exprt(chr, A_char), ten_int),
681  if_exprt(
682  upper_case_lower_case_or_digit,
683  minus_exprt(chr, zero_char),
684  from_integer(0, char_type)))),
685  type);
686  }
687  }
688 }
697 size_t max_printed_string_length(const typet &type, unsigned long radix_ul)
698 {
699  if(radix_ul == 0)
700  {
701  radix_ul = 2;
702  }
703  double n_bits = static_cast<double>(to_bitvector_type(type).get_width());
704  double radix = static_cast<double>(radix_ul);
705  bool signed_type = type.id() == ID_signedbv;
724  double max = signed_type
725  ? floor(static_cast<double>(n_bits - 1) / log2(radix)) + 2.0
726  : ceil(static_cast<double>(n_bits) / log2(radix));
727  return static_cast<size_t>(max);
728 }
constant_exprt from_integer(const mp_integer &int_value, const typet &type)
Definition: arith_tools.cpp:99
array_string_exprt get_string_expr(array_poolt &array_pool, const exprt &expr)
Fetch the string_exprt corresponding to the given refined_string_exprt.
Definition: array_pool.cpp:199
const bitvector_typet & to_bitvector_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a bitvector_typet.
bitvector_typet char_type()
Definition: c_types.cpp:106
Boolean AND.
Definition: std_expr.h:2125
exprt get_or_create_length(const array_string_exprt &s)
Get the length of an array_string_exprt from the array_pool.
Definition: array_pool.cpp:26
array_string_exprt find(const exprt &pointer, const exprt &length)
Creates a new array if the pointer is not pointing to an array.
Definition: array_pool.cpp:184
const typet & length_type() const
Definition: string_expr.h:70
exprt & content()
Definition: string_expr.h:75
A base class for expressions that are predicates, i.e., Boolean-typed, and that take exactly two argu...
Definition: std_expr.h:731
A base class for relations, i.e., binary predicates whose two operands have the same type.
Definition: std_expr.h:762
std::size_t get_width() const
Definition: std_types.h:925
The Boolean type.
Definition: std_types.h:36
A constant literal expression.
Definition: std_expr.h:3000
Definition: std_expr.h:1157
dstringt has one field, an unsigned integer no which is an index into a static table of strings.
Definition: dstring.h:38
Definition: std_expr.h:1366
Base class for all expressions.
Definition: expr.h:56
void copy_to_operands(const exprt &expr)
Copy the given argument to the end of exprt's operands.
Definition: expr.h:163
typet & type()
Return the type of the expression.
Definition: expr.h:84
Application of (mathematical) function.
The trinary if-then-else operator.
Definition: std_expr.h:2380
Boolean implication.
Definition: std_expr.h:2188
const irept & find(const irep_idt &name) const
Definition: irep.cpp:93
const irep_idt & id() const
Definition: irep.h:388
Binary minus.
Definition: std_expr.h:1061
Binary multiplication Associativity is not specified.
Definition: std_expr.h:1107
A namespacet is essentially one or two symbol tables bound together, to allow for symbol lookups in t...
Definition: namespace.h:94
Boolean negation.
Definition: std_expr.h:2337
Boolean OR.
Definition: std_expr.h:2233
The plus expression Associativity is not specified.
Definition: std_expr.h:1002
Fixed-width bit-vector with two's complement interpretation.
std::pair< exprt, string_constraintst > add_axioms_for_is_valid_int(const function_application_exprt &f)
Check a string is a valid integer, using the same rules as Java Integer.parseInt.
std::pair< exprt, string_constraintst > add_axioms_from_int_hex(const array_string_exprt &res, const exprt &i)
Add axioms stating that the string res corresponds to the integer argument written in hexadecimal.
std::vector< exprt > get_conjuncts_for_correct_number_format(const array_string_exprt &str, const exprt &radix_as_char, const unsigned long radix_ul, const std::size_t max_size, const bool strict_formatting)
Add axioms making the return value true if the given string is a correct number in the given radix.
parseint_argumentst unpack_parseint_arguments(const function_application_exprt &f, const typet &target_int_type)
std::pair< exprt, string_constraintst > add_axioms_for_string_of_int_with_radix(const array_string_exprt &res, const exprt &input_int, const exprt &radix, size_t max_size)
Add axioms enforcing that the string corresponds to the result of String.valueOf(II) or String....
std::pair< exprt, string_constraintst > add_axioms_for_string_of_int(const array_string_exprt &res, const exprt &input_int, size_t max_size)
Add axioms enforcing that the string corresponds to the result of String.valueOf(I) or String....
string_constraintst add_axioms_for_characters_in_integer_string(const exprt &input_int, const typet &type, const bool strict_formatting, const array_string_exprt &str, const std::size_t max_string_length, const exprt &radix, const unsigned long radix_ul)
Add axioms connecting the characters in the input string to the value of the output integer.
std::pair< exprt, string_constraintst > add_axioms_for_parse_int(const function_application_exprt &f)
Integer value represented by a string.
Expression to hold a symbol (variable)
Definition: std_expr.h:131
const irep_idt & get_identifier() const
Definition: std_expr.h:160
The Boolean constant true.
Definition: std_expr.h:3073
const typet & subtype() const
Definition: type.h:187
Semantic type conversion.
Definition: std_expr.h:2073
The type of an expression, extends irept.
Definition: type.h:29
The unary minus expression.
Definition: std_expr.h:484
#define SINCE(year, month, day, msg)
Definition: deprecate.h:26
#define DEPRECATED(msg)
Definition: deprecate.h:23
double ceil(double x)
Definition: math.c:1387
double log2(double x)
Definition: math.c:2987
double floor(double x)
Definition: math.c:1451
API to expression classes for 'mathematical' expressions.
bool is_number(const typet &type)
Returns true if the type is a rational, real, integer, natural, complex, unsignedbv,...
exprt simplify_expr(exprt src, const namespacet &ns)
Definition: invariant.h:495
Definition: invariant.h:463
exprt conjunction(const exprt::operandst &op)
1) generates a conjunction for two or more operands 2) for one operand, returns the operand 3) return...
Definition: std_expr.cpp:83
const symbol_exprt & to_symbol_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a symbol_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:272
Generates string constraints to link results from string functions with their arguments.
signedbv_typet get_return_code_type()
size_t max_printed_string_length(const typet &type, unsigned long radix_ul)
Calculate the string length needed to represent any value of the given type using the given radix.
static unsigned long to_integer_or_default(const exprt &expr, unsigned long def, const namespacet &ns)
If the expression is a constant expression then we get the value of it as an unsigned long.
static exprt int_of_hex_char(const exprt &chr)
Returns the integer value represented by the character.
exprt get_numeric_value_from_character(const exprt &chr, const typet &char_type, const typet &type, const bool strict_formatting, const unsigned long radix_ul)
Get the numeric value of a character, assuming that the radix is large enough.
exprt is_digit_with_radix(const exprt &chr, const bool strict_formatting, const exprt &radix_as_char, const unsigned long radix_ul)
Check if a character is a digit with respect to the given radix, e.g.
binary_relation_exprt less_than_or_equal_to(exprt lhs, exprt rhs)
Definition: string_expr.h:37
binary_relation_exprt greater_or_equal_to(exprt lhs, exprt rhs)
Definition: string_expr.h:20
binary_relation_exprt greater_than(exprt lhs, exprt rhs)
Definition: string_expr.h:26
equal_exprt equal_to(exprt lhs, exprt rhs)
Definition: string_expr.h:55
Argument block for parseInt and cousins, common to parseInt itself and CProverString....
Collection of constraints of different types: existential formulas, universal formulas,...
std::vector< exprt > existential
const type_with_subtypet & to_type_with_subtype(const typet &type)
Definition: type.h:208