Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Author: Diffblue Ltd.
5 #include <util/arith_tools.h>
6 #include <util/byte_operators.h>
7 #include <util/c_types.h>
8 #include <util/range.h>
9 #include <util/simplify_expr.h>
10 #include <util/std_expr.h>
11 #include <util/string_constant.h>
25 #include <stack>
26 #include <unordered_set>
31  smt_base_solver_processt &solver_process,
32  const smt_commandt &command,
33  const std::unordered_map<irep_idt, smt_identifier_termt> &identifier_table)
34 {
35  solver_process.send(command);
36  auto response = solver_process.receive_response(identifier_table);
37  if(response.cast<smt_success_responset>())
38  return solver_process.receive_response(identifier_table);
39  else
40  return response;
41 }
45 static std::optional<std::string>
47 {
48  if(const auto error = response.cast<smt_error_responset>())
49  {
50  return "SMT solver returned an error message - " +
51  id2string(error->message());
52  }
53  if(response.cast<smt_unsupported_responset>())
54  {
55  return {"SMT solver does not support given command."};
56  }
57  return {};
58 }
72 static std::vector<exprt> gather_dependent_expressions(const exprt &root_expr)
73 {
74  std::vector<exprt> dependent_expressions;
76  std::stack<const exprt *> stack;
77  stack.push(&root_expr);
79  while(!stack.empty())
80  {
81  const exprt &expr_node = *stack.top();
82  stack.pop();
83  if(
84  can_cast_expr<symbol_exprt>(expr_node) ||
85  can_cast_expr<array_exprt>(expr_node) ||
86  can_cast_expr<array_of_exprt>(expr_node) ||
89  {
90  dependent_expressions.push_back(expr_node);
91  }
92  // The decision procedure does not depend on the values inside address of
93  // code typed expressions. We can build the address without knowing the
94  // value at that memory location. In this case the hypothetical compiled
95  // machine instructions at the address are not relevant to solving, only
96  // representing *which* function a pointer points to is needed.
97  const auto address_of = expr_try_dynamic_cast<address_of_exprt>(expr_node);
98  if(address_of && can_cast_type<code_typet>(address_of->object().type()))
99  continue;
100  for(auto &operand : expr_node.operands())
101  stack.push(&operand);
102  }
103  return dependent_expressions;
104 }
107  const array_exprt &array,
108  const smt_identifier_termt &array_identifier)
109 {
110  identifier_table.emplace(array_identifier.identifier(), array_identifier);
111  const std::vector<exprt> &elements = array.operands();
112  const typet &index_type = array.type().index_type();
113  for(std::size_t i = 0; i < elements.size(); ++i)
114  {
115  const smt_termt index = convert_expr_to_smt(from_integer(i, index_type));
116  const smt_assert_commandt element_definition{smt_core_theoryt::equal(
117  smt_array_theoryt::select(array_identifier, index),
118  convert_expr_to_smt(elements.at(i)))};
119  solver_process->send(element_definition);
120  }
121 }
124  const array_of_exprt &array,
125  const smt_identifier_termt &array_identifier)
126 {
127  const smt_sortt index_type =
129  const smt_identifier_termt array_index_identifier{
130  id2string(array_identifier.identifier()) + "_index", index_type};
131  const smt_termt element_value = convert_expr_to_smt(array.what());
133  const smt_assert_commandt elements_definition{smt_forall_termt{
134  {array_index_identifier},
136  smt_array_theoryt::select(array_identifier, array_index_identifier),
137  element_value)}};
138  solver_process->send(elements_definition);
139 }
142  const string_constantt &string,
143  const smt_identifier_termt &array_identifier)
144 {
145  initialize_array_elements(string.to_array_expr(), array_identifier);
146 }
148 template <typename t_exprt>
150  const t_exprt &array)
151 {
152  const smt_sortt array_sort = convert_type_to_smt_sort(array.type());
154  array_sort.cast<smt_array_sortt>(),
155  "Converting array typed expression to SMT should result in a term of array "
156  "sort.");
157  const smt_identifier_termt array_identifier{
158  "array_" + std::to_string(array_sequence()), array_sort};
159  solver_process->send(smt_declare_function_commandt{array_identifier, {}});
160  initialize_array_elements(array, array_identifier);
161  expression_identifiers.emplace(array, array_identifier);
162 }
165  const exprt &expr,
166  const irep_idt &symbol_identifier,
167  const std::unique_ptr<smt_base_solver_processt> &solver_process,
168  std::unordered_map<exprt, smt_identifier_termt, irep_hash>
169  &expression_identifiers,
170  std::unordered_map<irep_idt, smt_identifier_termt> &identifier_table)
171 {
172  const smt_declare_function_commandt function{
174  symbol_identifier, convert_type_to_smt_sort(expr.type())),
175  {}};
176  expression_identifiers.emplace(expr, function.identifier());
177  identifier_table.emplace(symbol_identifier, function.identifier());
178  solver_process->send(function);
179 }
184  const exprt &expr)
185 {
186  std::unordered_set<exprt, irep_hash> seen_expressions =
188  .map([](const std::pair<exprt, smt_identifier_termt> &expr_identifier) {
189  return expr_identifier.first;
190  });
191  std::stack<exprt> to_be_defined;
192  const auto push_dependencies_needed = [&](const exprt &expr) {
193  bool result = false;
194  for(const auto &dependency : gather_dependent_expressions(expr))
195  {
196  if(!seen_expressions.insert(dependency).second)
197  continue;
198  result = true;
199  to_be_defined.push(dependency);
200  }
201  return result;
202  };
203  push_dependencies_needed(expr);
204  while(!to_be_defined.empty())
205  {
206  const exprt current = to_be_defined.top();
207  if(push_dependencies_needed(current))
208  continue;
209  if(const auto symbol_expr = expr_try_dynamic_cast<symbol_exprt>(current))
210  {
212  *symbol_expr,
213  symbol_expr->get_identifier(),
217  }
218  else if(const auto array_expr = expr_try_dynamic_cast<array_exprt>(current))
219  define_array_function(*array_expr);
220  else if(
221  const auto array_of_expr = expr_try_dynamic_cast<array_of_exprt>(current))
222  {
223  define_array_function(*array_of_expr);
224  }
225  else if(
226  const auto string = expr_try_dynamic_cast<string_constantt>(current))
227  {
228  define_array_function(*string);
229  }
230  else if(
231  const auto nondet_symbol =
232  expr_try_dynamic_cast<nondet_symbol_exprt>(current))
233  {
235  *nondet_symbol,
236  nondet_symbol->get_identifier(),
240  }
241  to_be_defined.pop();
242  }
243 }
248  exprt expr,
249  const std::unordered_map<exprt, smt_identifier_termt, irep_hash>
250  &expression_identifiers)
251 {
252  expr.visit_pre([&](exprt &node) -> void {
253  auto find_result = expression_identifiers.find(node);
254  if(find_result == expression_identifiers.cend())
255  return;
256  const auto type = find_result->first.type();
257  node = symbol_exprt{find_result->second.identifier(), type};
258  });
259  return expr;
260 }
263  const namespacet &_ns,
264  std::unique_ptr<smt_base_solver_processt> _solver_process,
265  message_handlert &message_handler)
266  : ns{_ns},
267  number_of_solver_calls{0},
268  solver_process(std::move(_solver_process)),
269  log{message_handler},
270  object_map{initial_smt_object_map()},
271  struct_encoding{_ns}
272 {
273  solver_process->send(
275  solver_process->send(smt_set_logic_commandt{smt_logic_allt{}});
278 }
281 {
282  expr.visit_pre([&ns](exprt &expr) {
283  if(
284  auto prophecy_r_or_w_ok =
285  expr_try_dynamic_cast<prophecy_r_or_w_ok_exprt>(expr))
286  {
287  expr = simplify_expr(prophecy_r_or_w_ok->lower(ns), ns);
288  }
289  else if(
290  auto prophecy_pointer_in_range =
291  expr_try_dynamic_cast<prophecy_pointer_in_range_exprt>(expr))
292  {
293  expr = simplify_expr(prophecy_pointer_in_range->lower(ns), ns);
294  }
295  });
296  return expr;
297 }
300  const exprt &in_expr)
301 {
302  if(
303  expression_handle_identifiers.find(in_expr) !=
305  {
306  return;
307  }
309  const exprt lowered_expr = lower(in_expr);
311  define_dependent_functions(lowered_expr);
314  {},
315  convert_expr_to_smt(lowered_expr)};
316  expression_handle_identifiers.emplace(in_expr, function.identifier());
317  identifier_table.emplace(
318  function.identifier().identifier(), function.identifier());
319  solver_process->send(function);
320 }
323  const exprt &expr)
324 {
325  expr.visit_pre([&](const exprt &expr_node) {
326  if(!can_cast_type<array_typet>(expr_node.type()))
327  return;
328  if(const auto with_expr = expr_try_dynamic_cast<with_exprt>(expr_node))
329  {
330  for(auto operand_ite = ++with_expr->operands().begin();
331  operand_ite != with_expr->operands().end();
332  operand_ite += 2)
333  {
334  const auto index_expr = *operand_ite;
335  const auto index_term = convert_expr_to_smt(index_expr);
336  const auto index_identifier =
337  "index_" + std::to_string(index_sequence());
338  const auto index_definition =
339  smt_define_function_commandt{index_identifier, {}, index_term};
340  expression_identifiers.emplace(
341  index_expr, index_definition.identifier());
342  identifier_table.emplace(
343  index_identifier, index_definition.identifier());
344  solver_process->send(
345  smt_define_function_commandt{index_identifier, {}, index_term});
346  }
347  }
348  });
349 }
352  exprt root_expr)
353 {
354  root_expr.visit_pre([&](exprt &node) {
355  if(const auto pad = expr_try_dynamic_cast<nondet_padding_exprt>(node))
356  {
357  const auto instance = "padding_" + std::to_string(padding_sequence());
358  const auto term =
361  node = symbol_exprt{instance, node.type()};
362  }
363  });
364  return root_expr;
365 }
367 smt_termt
369 {
371  const exprt substituted = substitute_defined_padding(
373  track_expression_objects(substituted, ns, object_map);
375  substituted,
376  ns,
378  object_map,
382  substituted,
383  object_map,
387 }
390 {
392  debug << "`handle` -\n " << expr.pretty(2, 0) << messaget::eom;
393  });
395  return expr;
396 }
398 std::optional<smt_termt>
400 {
401  // Lookup the non-lowered form first.
402  const auto handle_find_result = expression_handle_identifiers.find(expr);
403  if(handle_find_result != expression_handle_identifiers.cend())
404  return handle_find_result->second;
405  const auto expr_find_result = expression_identifiers.find(expr);
406  if(expr_find_result != expression_identifiers.cend())
407  return expr_find_result->second;
409  // If that didn't yield any results, then try the lowered form.
410  const exprt lowered_expr = lower(expr);
411  const auto lowered_handle_find_result =
412  expression_handle_identifiers.find(lowered_expr);
413  if(lowered_handle_find_result != expression_handle_identifiers.cend())
414  return lowered_handle_find_result->second;
415  const auto lowered_expr_find_result =
416  expression_identifiers.find(lowered_expr);
417  if(lowered_expr_find_result != expression_identifiers.cend())
418  return lowered_expr_find_result->second;
419  return {};
420 }
423  const smt_termt &array,
424  const array_typet &type) const
425 {
427  type.is_complete(), "Array size is required for getting array values.");
428  const auto size = numeric_cast<std::size_t>(get(type.size()));
430  size,
431  "Size of array must be convertible to std::size_t for getting array value");
432  std::vector<exprt> elements;
433  const auto index_type = type.index_type();
434  elements.reserve(*size);
435  for(std::size_t index = 0; index < size; ++index)
436  {
437  const auto index_term = ::convert_expr_to_smt(
438  from_integer(index, index_type),
439  object_map,
443  auto element = get_expr(
444  smt_array_theoryt::select(array, index_term), type.element_type());
445  if(!element)
446  return {};
447  elements.push_back(std::move(*element));
448  }
449  return array_exprt{elements, type};
450 }
453  const smt_termt &struct_term,
454  const struct_tag_typet &type) const
455 {
456  const auto encoded_result =
457  get_expr(struct_term, struct_encoding.encode(type));
458  if(!encoded_result)
459  return {};
460  return {struct_encoding.decode(*encoded_result, type)};
461 }
464  const smt_termt &union_term,
465  const union_tag_typet &type) const
466 {
467  const auto encoded_result =
468  get_expr(union_term, struct_encoding.encode(type));
469  if(!encoded_result)
470  return {};
471  return {struct_encoding.decode(*encoded_result, type)};
472 }
475  const smt_termt &descriptor,
476  const typet &type) const
477 {
478  if(const auto array_type = type_try_dynamic_cast<array_typet>(type))
479  {
480  if(array_type->is_incomplete())
481  return {};
482  return get_expr(descriptor, *array_type);
483  }
484  if(const auto struct_type = type_try_dynamic_cast<struct_tag_typet>(type))
485  {
486  return get_expr(descriptor, *struct_type);
487  }
488  if(const auto union_type = type_try_dynamic_cast<union_tag_typet>(type))
489  {
490  return get_expr(descriptor, *union_type);
491  }
492  const smt_get_value_commandt get_value_command{descriptor};
493  const smt_responset response = get_response_to_command(
494  *solver_process, get_value_command, identifier_table);
495  const auto get_value_response = response.cast<smt_get_value_responset>();
496  if(!get_value_response)
497  {
498  throw analysis_exceptiont{
499  "Expected get-value response from solver, but received - " +
500  response.pretty()};
501  }
502  if(get_value_response->pairs().size() > 1)
503  {
504  throw analysis_exceptiont{
505  "Expected single valuation pair in get-value response from solver, but "
506  "received multiple pairs - " +
507  response.pretty()};
508  }
510  get_value_response->pairs()[0].get().value(), type, ns);
511 }
513 // This is a fall back which builds resulting expression based on getting the
514 // values of its operands. It is used during trace building in the case where
515 // certain kinds of expression appear on the left hand side of an
516 // assignment. For example in the following trace assignment -
517 // `byte_extract_little_endian(x, offset) = 1`
518 // `::get` will be called on `byte_extract_little_endian(x, offset)` and
519 // we build a resulting expression where `x` and `offset` are substituted
520 // with their values.
522  const exprt &expr,
523  const stack_decision_proceduret &decision_procedure)
524 {
525  exprt copy = expr;
526  for(auto &op : copy.operands())
527  {
528  exprt eval_op = decision_procedure.get(op);
529  if(eval_op.is_nil())
530  return nil_exprt{};
531  op = std::move(eval_op);
532  }
533  return copy;
534 }
537 {
539  debug << "`get` - \n " + expr.pretty(2, 0) << messaget::eom;
540  });
541  auto descriptor = [&]() -> std::optional<smt_termt> {
542  if(const auto index_expr = expr_try_dynamic_cast<index_exprt>(expr))
543  {
544  const auto array = get_identifier(index_expr->array());
545  const auto index = get_identifier(index_expr->index());
546  if(!array || !index)
547  return {};
548  return smt_array_theoryt::select(*array, *index);
549  }
550  if(auto identifier_descriptor = get_identifier(expr))
551  {
552  return identifier_descriptor;
553  }
554  const exprt lowered = lower(expr);
555  if(gather_dependent_expressions(lowered).empty())
556  {
559  "Objects in expressions being read should already be tracked from "
560  "point of being set/handled.");
562  lowered,
563  object_map,
567  }
568  return {};
569  }();
570  if(!descriptor)
571  {
574  "symbol expressions must have a known value",
576  return build_expr_based_on_getting_operands(expr, *this);
577  }
578  if(auto result = get_expr(*descriptor, expr.type()))
579  return std::move(*result);
580  return expr;
581 }
584  std::ostream &out) const
585 {
586  UNIMPLEMENTED_FEATURE("printing of assignments.");
587 }
589 std::string
591 {
592  return "incremental SMT2 solving via " + solver_process->description();
593 }
595 std::size_t
597 {
598  return number_of_solver_calls;
599 }
602  const exprt &in_expr,
603  bool value)
604 {
606  debug << "`set_to` (" << std::string{value ? "true" : "false"} << ") -\n "
607  << in_expr.pretty(2, 0) << messaget::eom;
608  });
609  const exprt lowered_expr = lower(in_expr);
612  define_dependent_functions(lowered_expr);
613  auto converted_term = [&]() -> smt_termt {
614  const auto expression_handle_identifier =
615  expression_handle_identifiers.find(lowered_expr);
616  if(expression_handle_identifier != expression_handle_identifiers.cend())
617  return expression_handle_identifier->second;
618  else
619  return convert_expr_to_smt(lowered_expr);
620  }();
621  if(!value)
622  converted_term = smt_core_theoryt::make_not(converted_term);
623  solver_process->send(smt_assert_commandt{converted_term});
624 }
627  const std::vector<exprt> &assumptions)
628 {
629  for(const auto &assumption : assumptions)
630  {
632  "pushing of assumption:\n " + assumption.pretty(2, 0));
633  }
634  UNIMPLEMENTED_FEATURE("`push` of empty assumptions.");
635 }
638 {
640 }
643 {
645 }
647 [[nodiscard]] static decision_proceduret::resultt
649  const smt_check_sat_response_kindt &response_kind)
650 {
651  if(response_kind.cast<smt_sat_responset>())
653  if(response_kind.cast<smt_unsat_responset>())
655  if(response_kind.cast<smt_unknown_responset>())
658 }
661 {
662  object_properties_defined.resize(object_map.size());
663  for(const auto &key_value : object_map)
664  {
665  const decision_procedure_objectt &object = key_value.second;
666  if(object_properties_defined[object.unique_id])
667  continue;
668  else
669  object_properties_defined[object.unique_id] = true;
670  define_dependent_functions(object.size);
672  object.unique_id, convert_expr_to_smt(object.size)));
674  object.unique_id, object.is_dynamic));
675  }
676 }
679 {
680  const exprt lowered = struct_encoding.encode(lower_enum(
682  ns));
684  if(lowered != expression)
685  debug << "lowered to -\n " << lowered.pretty(2, 0) << messaget::eom;
686  });
687  return lowered;
688 }
692 {
695  const smt_responset result = get_response_to_command(
697  if(const auto check_sat_response = result.cast<smt_check_sat_responset>())
698  {
699  if(check_sat_response->kind().cast<smt_unknown_responset>())
700  log.error() << "SMT2 solver returned \"unknown\"" << messaget::eom;
701  return lookup_decision_procedure_result(check_sat_response->kind());
702  }
703  if(const auto problem = get_problem_messages(result))
704  throw analysis_exceptiont{*problem};
705  throw analysis_exceptiont{"Unexpected kind of response from SMT solver."};
706 }
constant_exprt from_integer(const mp_integer &int_value, const typet &type)
Expression classes for byte-level operators.
exprt lower_byte_operators(const exprt &src, const namespacet &ns)
Rewrite an expression possibly containing byte-extract or -update expressions to more fundamental ope...
Thrown when an unexpected error occurs during the analysis (e.g., when the SAT solver returns an erro...
Array constructor from list of elements.
Definition: std_expr.h:1616
const array_typet & type() const
Definition: std_expr.h:1623
Array constructor from single element.
Definition: std_expr.h:1553
exprt & what()
Definition: std_expr.h:1570
const array_typet & type() const
Definition: std_expr.h:1560
Arrays with given size.
Definition: std_types.h:807
typet index_type() const
The type of the index expressions into any instance of this type.
Definition: std_types.cpp:33
const typet & element_type() const
The type of the elements of the array.
Definition: std_types.h:827
bool is_complete() const
Definition: std_types.h:852
const exprt & size() const
Definition: std_types.h:840
virtual exprt get(const exprt &) const =0
Return expr with variables replaced by values from satisfying assignment if available.
Result of running the decision procedure.
dstringt has one field, an unsigned integer no which is an index into a static table of strings.
Definition: dstring.h:38
Base class for all expressions.
Definition: expr.h:56
void visit_pre(std::function< void(exprt &)>)
Definition: expr.cpp:227
typet & type()
Return the type of the expression.
Definition: expr.h:84
operandst & operands()
Definition: expr.h:94
std::string pretty(unsigned indent=0, unsigned max_indent=0) const
Definition: irep.cpp:482
const irept & find(const irep_idt &name) const
Definition: irep.cpp:93
bool is_nil() const
Definition: irep.h:364
mstreamt & error() const
Definition: message.h:399
void conditional_output(mstreamt &mstream, const std::function< void(mstreamt &)> &output_generator) const
Generate output to message_stream using output_generator if the configured verbosity is at least as h...
Definition: message.cpp:139
mstreamt & debug() const
Definition: message.h:429
static eomt eom
Definition: message.h:297
A namespacet is essentially one or two symbol tables bound together, to allow for symbol lookups in t...
Definition: namespace.h:94
The NIL expression.
Definition: std_expr.h:3073
smt_object_sizet object_size_function
Implementation of the SMT formula for the object size function.
size_t number_of_solver_calls
The number of times dec_solve() has been called.
std::unordered_map< exprt, smt_identifier_termt, irep_hash > expression_identifiers
As part of the decision procedure's overall translation of CBMCs exprts into SMT terms,...
exprt handle(const exprt &expr) override
Generate a handle, which is an expression that has the same value as the argument in any model that i...
exprt lower(exprt expression) const
Performs a combination of transformations which reduces the set of possible expression forms by expre...
exprt substitute_defined_padding(exprt expr)
In the case where lowering passes insert instances of the anonymous nondet_padding_exprt,...
std::optional< exprt > get_expr(const smt_termt &descriptor, const typet &type) const
Gets the value of descriptor from the solver and returns the solver response expressed as an exprt of...
std::size_t get_number_of_solver_calls() const override
Return the number of incremental solver calls.
std::string decision_procedure_text() const override
Return a textual description of the decision procedure.
smt_is_dynamic_objectt is_dynamic_object_function
Implementation of the SMT formula for the dynamic object status lookup function.
void ensure_handle_for_expr_defined(const exprt &expr)
If a function has not been defined for handling expr, then a new function is defined.
void define_dependent_functions(const exprt &expr)
Defines any functions which expr depends on, which have not yet been defined, along with their depend...
void initialize_array_elements(const array_exprt &array, const smt_identifier_termt &array_identifier)
Generate and send to the SMT solver clauses asserting that each array element is as specified by arra...
void print_assignment(std::ostream &out) const override
Print satisfying assignment to out.
resultt dec_solve(const exprt &) override
Implementation of the decision procedure.
void push() override
Push a new context on the stack This context becomes a child context nested in the current context.
messaget log
For reporting errors, warnings and debugging information back to the user.
void pop() override
Pop whatever is on top of the stack.
class smt2_incremental_decision_proceduret::sequencet padding_sequence
std::optional< smt_termt > get_identifier(const exprt &expr) const
std::unordered_map< irep_idt, smt_identifier_termt > identifier_table
This maps from the unsorted/untyped string/symbol for the identifiers which we have declared in SMT s...
smt_object_mapt object_map
This map is used to track object related state.
class smt2_incremental_decision_proceduret::sequencet array_sequence
std::vector< bool > object_properties_defined
The size of each object and the dynamic object stus is separately defined as a pre-solving step.
void define_object_properties()
Sends the solver the definitions of the object sizes and dynamic memory statuses.
smt_termt convert_expr_to_smt(const exprt &expr)
Add objects in expr to object_map if needed and convert to smt.
const namespacet & ns
Namespace for looking up the expressions which symbol_exprts relate to.
exprt get(const exprt &expr) const override
Return expr with variables replaced by values from satisfying assignment if available.
type_size_mapt pointer_sizes_map
Precalculated type sizes used for pointer arithmetic.
std::unordered_map< exprt, smt_identifier_termt, irep_hash > expression_handle_identifiers
When the handle(exprt) member function is called, the decision procedure commands the SMT solver to d...
std::unique_ptr< smt_base_solver_processt > solver_process
For handling the lifetime of and communication with the separate SMT solver process.
void set_to(const exprt &expr, bool value) override
For a Boolean expression expr, add the constraint 'expr' if value is true, otherwise add 'not expr'.
class smt2_incremental_decision_proceduret::sequencet handle_sequence
smt2_incremental_decision_proceduret(const namespacet &_ns, std::unique_ptr< smt_base_solver_processt > solver_process, message_handlert &message_handler)
void define_array_function(const t_exprt &array)
Defines a function of array sort and asserts the element values from array_exprt or array_of_exprt.
static const smt_function_application_termt::factoryt< selectt > select
virtual void send(const smt_commandt &command)=0
Converts given SMT2 command to SMT2 string and sends it to the solver process.
virtual smt_responset receive_response(const std::unordered_map< irep_idt, smt_identifier_termt > &identifier_table)=0
const sub_classt * cast() const &
static const smt_function_application_termt::factoryt< equalt > equal
static const smt_function_application_termt::factoryt< nott > make_not
Stores identifiers in unescaped and unquoted form.
Definition: smt_terms.h:93
irep_idt identifier() const
Definition: smt_terms.cpp:81
std::string pretty(unsigned indent=0, unsigned max_indent=0) const
Definition: irep.cpp:482
const sub_classt * cast() const &
const sub_classt * cast() const &
typet encode(typet type) const
exprt decode(const exprt &encoded, const struct_tag_typet &original_type) const
Reconstructs a struct expression of the original_type using the data from the bit vector encoded expr...
A struct tag type, i.e., struct_typet with an identifier.
Definition: std_types.h:493
Expression to hold a symbol (variable)
Definition: std_expr.h:131
The type of an expression, extends irept.
Definition: type.h:29
A union tag type, i.e., union_typet with an identifier.
Definition: c_types.h:199
exprt construct_value_expr_from_smt(const smt_termt &value_term, const typet &type_to_construct, const namespacet &ns)
Given a value_term and a type_to_construct, this function constructs a value exprt with a value based...
static smt_sortt convert_type_to_smt_sort(const bool_typet &type)
static smt_termt convert_expr_to_smt(const symbol_exprt &symbol_expr)
exprt lower_enum(exprt expr, const namespacet &ns)
Function to lower expr and its sub-expressions containing enum types.
const std::string & id2string(const irep_idt &d)
Definition: irep.h:40
double log(double x)
Definition: math.c:2776
Expressions for use in incremental SMT2 decision procedure.
void track_expression_objects(const exprt &expression, const namespacet &ns, smt_object_mapt &object_map)
Finds all the object expressions in the given expression and adds them to the object map for cases wh...
bool objects_are_already_tracked(const exprt &expression, const smt_object_mapt &object_map)
Finds whether all base object expressions in the given expression are already tracked in the given ob...
smt_object_mapt initial_smt_object_map()
Constructs an initial object map containing the null object.
static struct_typet::componentst::iterator pad(struct_typet::componentst &components, struct_typet::componentst::iterator where, std::size_t pad_bits)
Definition: padding.cpp:154
Ranges: pair of begin and end iterators, which can be initialized from containers,...
ranget< iteratort > make_range(iteratort begin, iteratort end)
Definition: range.h:522
exprt simplify_expr(exprt src, const namespacet &ns)
static std::optional< std::string > get_problem_messages(const smt_responset &response)
Returns a message string describing the problem in the case where the response from the solver is an ...
static exprt lower_rw_ok_pointer_in_range(exprt expr, const namespacet &ns)
void send_function_definition(const exprt &expr, const irep_idt &symbol_identifier, const std::unique_ptr< smt_base_solver_processt > &solver_process, std::unordered_map< exprt, smt_identifier_termt, irep_hash > &expression_identifiers, std::unordered_map< irep_idt, smt_identifier_termt > &identifier_table)
static exprt substitute_identifiers(exprt expr, const std::unordered_map< exprt, smt_identifier_termt, irep_hash > &expression_identifiers)
Replaces the sub expressions of expr which have been defined as separate functions in the smt solver,...
static decision_proceduret::resultt lookup_decision_procedure_result(const smt_check_sat_response_kindt &response_kind)
static exprt build_expr_based_on_getting_operands(const exprt &expr, const stack_decision_proceduret &decision_procedure)
static std::vector< exprt > gather_dependent_expressions(const exprt &root_expr)
Find all sub expressions of the given expr which need to be expressed as separate smt commands.
static smt_responset get_response_to_command(smt_base_solver_processt &solver_process, const smt_commandt &command, const std::unordered_map< irep_idt, smt_identifier_termt > &identifier_table)
Issues a command to the solving process which is expected to optionally return a success status follo...
Decision procedure with incremental SMT2 solving.
Definition: invariant.h:549
This should be used to mark dead code.
Definition: invariant.h:525
Definition: invariant.h:463
Same as invariant, with one or more diagnostics attached Diagnostics can be of any type that has a sp...
Definition: invariant.h:437
API to expression classes.
const array_exprt & to_array_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to an array_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:1660
bool can_cast_expr< array_of_exprt >(const exprt &base)
Definition: std_expr.h:1582
bool can_cast_expr< nondet_symbol_exprt >(const exprt &base)
Definition: std_expr.h:327
bool can_cast_expr< symbol_exprt >(const exprt &base)
Definition: std_expr.h:256
bool can_cast_expr< array_exprt >(const exprt &base)
Definition: std_expr.h:1649
bool can_cast_type< bool_typet >(const typet &base)
Definition: std_types.h:44
bool can_cast_type< array_typet >(const typet &type)
Check whether a reference to a typet is a array_typet.
Definition: std_types.h:875
bool can_cast_type< code_typet >(const typet &type)
Check whether a reference to a typet is a code_typet.
Definition: std_types.h:775
bool can_cast_expr< string_constantt >(const exprt &base)
std::string to_string(const string_not_contains_constraintt &expr)
Used for debug printing.
Information the decision procedure holds about each object.
make_applicationt make_application
smt_declare_function_commandt declaration
The command for declaring the is_dynamic_object function.
smt_commandt make_definition(std::size_t unique_id, bool is_dynamic_object) const
Makes the command to define the resulting is_dynamic_object status for calls to the is_dynamic_object...
make_applicationt make_application
smt_commandt make_definition(std::size_t unique_id, smt_termt size) const
Makes the command to define the resulting size of calling the object size function with unique_id.
smt_declare_function_commandt declaration
The command for declaring the object size function.
void associate_pointer_sizes(const exprt &expression, const namespacet &ns, type_size_mapt &type_size_map, const smt_object_mapt &object_map, const smt_object_sizet::make_applicationt &object_size, const smt_is_dynamic_objectt::make_applicationt &is_dynamic_object)
This function populates the (pointer) type -> size map.
Utilities for making a map of types to associated sizes.