27 const std::size_t unique_id,
"Object identifiers are expected to have bit vector sort");
ait supplies three of the four components needed: an abstract interpreter (in this case handling func...
struct configt::bv_encodingt bv_encoding
A function generated from a command.
static const smt_function_application_termt::factoryt< equalt > equal
std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< const smt_sortt > > parameter_sorts() const
Stores identifiers in unescaped and unquoted form.
static smt_sortt convert_type_to_smt_sort(const bool_typet &type)
static smt_declare_function_commandt make_object_size_function_declaration()
Data structure for smt sorts.
This macro uses the wrapper function 'invariant_violated_string'.
make_applicationt make_application
smt_commandt make_definition(std::size_t unique_id, smt_termt size) const
Makes the command to define the resulting size of calling the object size function with unique_id.
smt_declare_function_commandt declaration
The command for declaring the object size function.