Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*******************************************************************\
3 Module: SMT Backend
5 Author: Daniel Kroening, kroening@kroening.com
7 \*******************************************************************/
12 #include "smt2_conv.h"
14 #include <util/arith_tools.h>
15 #include <util/bitvector_expr.h>
16 #include <util/byte_operators.h>
17 #include <util/c_types.h>
18 #include <util/config.h>
19 #include <util/expr_iterator.h>
20 #include <util/expr_util.h>
21 #include <util/fixedbv.h>
22 #include <util/floatbv_expr.h>
23 #include <util/format_expr.h>
24 #include <util/ieee_float.h>
25 #include <util/invariant.h>
26 #include <util/mathematical_expr.h>
27 #include <util/namespace.h>
30 #include <util/prefix.h>
31 #include <util/range.h>
32 #include <util/simplify_expr.h>
33 #include <util/std_expr.h>
34 #include <util/string2int.h>
35 #include <util/string_constant.h>
36 #include <util/threeval.h>
43 #include "smt2_tokenizer.h"
45 #include <cstdint>
47 // Mark different kinds of error conditions
49 // Unexpected types and other combinations not implemented and not
50 // expected to be needed
53 // General todos
57  const namespacet &_ns,
58  const std::string &_benchmark,
59  const std::string &_notes,
60  const std::string &_logic,
61  solvert _solver,
62  std::ostream &_out)
63  : use_FPA_theory(false),
64  use_array_of_bool(false),
65  use_as_const(false),
66  use_check_sat_assuming(false),
67  use_datatypes(false),
68  use_lambda_for_array(false),
69  emit_set_logic(true),
70  ns(_ns),
71  out(_out),
72  benchmark(_benchmark),
73  notes(_notes),
74  logic(_logic),
75  solver(_solver),
76  boolbv_width(_ns),
77  pointer_logic(_ns),
78  no_boolean_variables(0)
79 {
80  // We set some defaults differently
81  // for some solvers.
83  switch(solver)
84  {
85  case solvert::GENERIC:
86  break;
88  case solvert::BITWUZLA:
89  use_FPA_theory = true;
90  use_array_of_bool = true;
91  use_as_const = true;
93  use_lambda_for_array = false;
94  emit_set_logic = false;
95  break;
97  case solvert::BOOLECTOR:
98  break;
101  use_FPA_theory = true;
102  use_array_of_bool = true;
103  use_as_const = true;
104  use_check_sat_assuming = true;
105  emit_set_logic = false;
106  break;
108  case solvert::CVC3:
109  break;
111  case solvert::CVC4:
112  logic = "ALL";
113  use_array_of_bool = true;
114  use_as_const = true;
115  break;
117  case solvert::CVC5:
118  logic = "ALL";
119  use_FPA_theory = true;
120  use_array_of_bool = true;
121  use_as_const = true;
122  use_check_sat_assuming = true;
123  use_datatypes = true;
124  break;
126  case solvert::MATHSAT:
127  break;
129  case solvert::YICES:
130  break;
132  case solvert::Z3:
133  use_array_of_bool = true;
134  use_as_const = true;
135  use_check_sat_assuming = true;
136  use_lambda_for_array = true;
137  emit_set_logic = false;
138  use_datatypes = true;
139  break;
140  }
142  write_header();
143 }
146 {
147  return "SMT2";
148 }
150 void smt2_convt::print_assignment(std::ostream &os) const
151 {
152  // Boolean stuff
154  for(std::size_t v=0; v<boolean_assignment.size(); v++)
155  os << "b" << v << "=" << boolean_assignment[v] << "\n";
157  // others
158 }
161 {
162  if(l.is_true())
163  return tvt(true);
164  if(l.is_false())
165  return tvt(false);
168  l.var_no() < boolean_assignment.size(),
169  "variable number shall be within bounds");
170  return tvt(boolean_assignment[l.var_no()]^l.sign());
171 }
174 {
175  out << "; SMT 2" << "\n";
177  switch(solver)
178  {
179  // clang-format off
180  case solvert::GENERIC: break;
181  case solvert::BITWUZLA: out << "; Generated for Bitwuzla\n"; break;
182  case solvert::BOOLECTOR: out << "; Generated for Boolector\n"; break;
184  out << "; Generated for the CPROVER SMT2 solver\n"; break;
185  case solvert::CVC3: out << "; Generated for CVC 3\n"; break;
186  case solvert::CVC4: out << "; Generated for CVC 4\n"; break;
187  case solvert::CVC5: out << "; Generated for CVC 5\n"; break;
188  case solvert::MATHSAT: out << "; Generated for MathSAT\n"; break;
189  case solvert::YICES: out << "; Generated for Yices\n"; break;
190  case solvert::Z3: out << "; Generated for Z3\n"; break;
191  // clang-format on
192  }
194  out << "(set-info :source \"" << notes << "\")" << "\n";
196  out << "(set-option :produce-models true)" << "\n";
198  // We use a broad mixture of logics, so on some solvers
199  // its better not to declare here.
200  // set-logic should come after setting options
201  if(emit_set_logic && !logic.empty())
202  out << "(set-logic " << logic << ")" << "\n";
203 }
206 {
207  out << "\n";
209  // fix up the object sizes
210  for(const auto &object : object_sizes)
211  define_object_size(object.second, object.first);
213  if(use_check_sat_assuming && !assumptions.empty())
214  {
215  out << "(check-sat-assuming (";
216  for(const auto &assumption : assumptions)
217  convert_literal(assumption);
218  out << "))\n";
219  }
220  else
221  {
222  // add the assumptions, if any
223  if(!assumptions.empty())
224  {
225  out << "; assumptions\n";
227  for(const auto &assumption : assumptions)
228  {
229  out << "(assert ";
230  convert_literal(assumption);
231  out << ")"
232  << "\n";
233  }
234  }
236  out << "(check-sat)\n";
237  }
239  out << "\n";
242  {
243  for(const auto &id : smt2_identifiers)
244  out << "(get-value (" << id << "))"
245  << "\n";
246  }
248  out << "\n";
250  out << "(exit)\n";
252  out << "; end of SMT2 file"
253  << "\n";
254 }
257 static bool is_zero_width(const typet &type, const namespacet &ns)
258 {
259  if(type.id() == ID_empty)
260  return true;
261  else if(type.id() == ID_struct_tag)
262  return is_zero_width(ns.follow_tag(to_struct_tag_type(type)), ns);
263  else if(type.id() == ID_union_tag)
264  return is_zero_width(ns.follow_tag(to_union_tag_type(type)), ns);
265  else if(type.id() == ID_struct || type.id() == ID_union)
266  {
267  for(const auto &comp : to_struct_union_type(type).components())
268  {
269  if(!is_zero_width(comp.type(), ns))
270  return false;
271  }
272  return true;
273  }
274  else if(auto array_type = type_try_dynamic_cast<array_typet>(type))
275  {
276  // we ignore array_type->size().is_zero() for now as there may be
277  // out-of-bounds accesses that we need to model
278  return is_zero_width(array_type->element_type(), ns);
279  }
280  else
281  return false;
282 }
285  const irep_idt &id,
286  const object_size_exprt &expr)
287 {
288  const exprt &ptr = expr.pointer();
289  std::size_t pointer_width = boolbv_width(ptr.type());
290  std::size_t number = 0;
291  std::size_t h=pointer_width-1;
292  std::size_t l=pointer_width-config.bv_encoding.object_bits;
294  for(const auto &o : pointer_logic.objects)
295  {
296  const typet &type = o.type();
297  auto size_expr = size_of_expr(type, ns);
299  if(
300  (o.id() != ID_symbol && o.id() != ID_string_constant) ||
301  !size_expr.has_value())
302  {
303  ++number;
304  continue;
305  }
307  find_symbols(*size_expr);
308  out << "(assert (=> (= "
309  << "((_ extract " << h << " " << l << ") ";
310  convert_expr(ptr);
311  out << ") (_ bv" << number << " " << config.bv_encoding.object_bits << "))"
312  << "(= " << id << " ";
313  convert_expr(*size_expr);
314  out << ")))\n";
316  ++number;
317  }
318 }
321 {
322  if(assumption.is_nil())
323  write_footer();
324  else
325  {
326  assumptions.push_back(convert(assumption));
327  write_footer();
328  assumptions.pop_back();
329  }
331  out.flush();
333 }
335 exprt smt2_convt::get(const exprt &expr) const
336 {
337  if(expr.id()==ID_symbol)
338  {
339  const irep_idt &id=to_symbol_expr(expr).get_identifier();
341  identifier_mapt::const_iterator it=identifier_map.find(id);
343  if(it!=identifier_map.end())
344  return it->second.value;
345  return expr;
346  }
347  else if(expr.id()==ID_nondet_symbol)
348  {
351  identifier_mapt::const_iterator it=identifier_map.find(id);
353  if(it!=identifier_map.end())
354  return it->second.value;
355  }
356  else if(expr.id() == ID_literal)
357  {
358  auto l = to_literal_expr(expr).get_literal();
359  if(l_get(l).is_true())
360  return true_exprt();
361  else
362  return false_exprt();
363  }
364  else if(expr.id() == ID_not)
365  {
366  auto op = get(to_not_expr(expr).op());
367  if(op.is_true())
368  return false_exprt();
369  else if(op.is_false())
370  return true_exprt();
371  }
372  else if(
373  expr.is_constant() || expr.id() == ID_empty_union ||
374  (!expr.has_operands() && (expr.id() == ID_struct || expr.id() == ID_array)))
375  {
376  return expr;
377  }
378  else if(expr.has_operands())
379  {
380  exprt copy = expr;
381  for(auto &op : copy.operands())
382  {
383  exprt eval_op = get(op);
384  if(eval_op.is_nil())
385  return nil_exprt{};
386  op = std::move(eval_op);
387  }
388  return copy;
389  }
391  return nil_exprt();
392 }
395  const irept &src,
396  const typet &type)
397 {
398  // See http://www.grammatech.com/resources/smt/SMTLIBTutorial.pdf for the
399  // syntax of SMTlib2 literals.
400  //
401  // A literal expression is one of the following forms:
402  //
403  // * Numeral -- this is a natural number in decimal and is of the form:
404  // 0|([1-9][0-9]*)
405  // * Decimal -- this is a decimal expansion of a real number of the form:
406  // (0|[1-9][0-9]*)[.]([0-9]+)
407  // * Binary -- this is a natural number in binary and is of the form:
408  // #b[01]+
409  // * Hex -- this is a natural number in hexadecimal and is of the form:
410  // #x[0-9a-fA-F]+
411  //
412  // Right now I'm not parsing decimals. It'd be nice if we had a real YACC
413  // parser here, but whatever.
415  mp_integer value;
417  if(!src.id().empty())
418  {
419  const std::string &s=src.id_string();
421  if(s.size()>=2 && s[0]=='#' && s[1]=='b')
422  {
423  // Binary #b010101
424  value=string2integer(s.substr(2), 2);
425  }
426  else if(s.size()>=2 && s[0]=='#' && s[1]=='x')
427  {
428  // Hex #x012345
429  value=string2integer(s.substr(2), 16);
430  }
431  else
432  {
433  // Numeral
434  value=string2integer(s);
435  }
436  }
437  else if(src.get_sub().size()==2 &&
438  src.get_sub()[0].id()=="-") // (- 100)
439  {
440  value=-string2integer(src.get_sub()[1].id_string());
441  }
442  else if(src.get_sub().size()==3 &&
443  src.get_sub()[0].id()=="_" &&
444  // (_ bvDECIMAL_VALUE SIZE)
445  src.get_sub()[1].id_string().substr(0, 2)=="bv")
446  {
447  value=string2integer(src.get_sub()[1].id_string().substr(2));
448  }
449  else if(src.get_sub().size()==4 &&
450  src.get_sub()[0].id()=="fp") // (fp signbv exponentbv significandbv)
451  {
452  if(type.id()==ID_floatbv)
453  {
454  const floatbv_typet &floatbv_type=to_floatbv_type(type);
457  parse_literal(src.get_sub()[2], unsignedbv_typet(floatbv_type.get_e()));
458  constant_exprt s3 =
459  parse_literal(src.get_sub()[3], unsignedbv_typet(floatbv_type.get_f()));
461  const auto s1_int = numeric_cast_v<mp_integer>(s1);
462  const auto s2_int = numeric_cast_v<mp_integer>(s2);
463  const auto s3_int = numeric_cast_v<mp_integer>(s3);
465  // stitch the bits together
466  value = bitwise_or(
467  s1_int << (floatbv_type.get_e() + floatbv_type.get_f()),
468  bitwise_or((s2_int << floatbv_type.get_f()), s3_int));
469  }
470  else
471  value=0;
472  }
473  else if(src.get_sub().size()==4 &&
474  src.get_sub()[0].id()=="_" &&
475  src.get_sub()[1].id()=="+oo") // (_ +oo e s)
476  {
477  std::size_t e = unsafe_string2size_t(src.get_sub()[2].id_string());
478  std::size_t s = unsafe_string2size_t(src.get_sub()[3].id_string());
480  }
481  else if(src.get_sub().size()==4 &&
482  src.get_sub()[0].id()=="_" &&
483  src.get_sub()[1].id()=="-oo") // (_ -oo e s)
484  {
485  std::size_t e = unsafe_string2size_t(src.get_sub()[2].id_string());
486  std::size_t s = unsafe_string2size_t(src.get_sub()[3].id_string());
488  }
489  else if(src.get_sub().size()==4 &&
490  src.get_sub()[0].id()=="_" &&
491  src.get_sub()[1].id()=="NaN") // (_ NaN e s)
492  {
493  std::size_t e = unsafe_string2size_t(src.get_sub()[2].id_string());
494  std::size_t s = unsafe_string2size_t(src.get_sub()[3].id_string());
495  return ieee_floatt::NaN(ieee_float_spect(s - 1, e)).to_expr();
496  }
498  if(type.id()==ID_signedbv ||
499  type.id()==ID_unsignedbv ||
500  type.id()==ID_c_enum ||
501  type.id()==ID_c_bool)
502  {
503  return from_integer(value, type);
504  }
505  else if(type.id()==ID_c_enum_tag)
506  {
507  constant_exprt result =
510  // restore the c_enum_tag type
511  result.type() = type;
512  return result;
513  }
514  else if(type.id()==ID_fixedbv ||
515  type.id()==ID_floatbv)
516  {
517  std::size_t width=boolbv_width(type);
518  return constant_exprt(integer2bvrep(value, width), type);
519  }
520  else if(type.id()==ID_integer ||
521  type.id()==ID_range)
522  {
523  return from_integer(value, type);
524  }
525  else
527  "smt2_convt::parse_literal should not be of unsupported type " +
528  type.id_string());
529 }
532  const irept &src,
533  const array_typet &type)
534 {
535  std::unordered_map<int64_t, exprt> operands_map;
536  walk_array_tree(&operands_map, src, type);
537  exprt::operandst operands;
538  // Try to find the default value, if there is none then set it
539  auto maybe_default_op = operands_map.find(-1);
540  exprt default_op;
541  if(maybe_default_op == operands_map.end())
542  default_op = nil_exprt();
543  else
544  default_op = maybe_default_op->second;
545  int64_t i = 0;
546  auto maybe_size = numeric_cast<std::int64_t>(type.size());
547  if(maybe_size.has_value())
548  {
549  while(i < maybe_size.value())
550  {
551  auto found_op = operands_map.find(i);
552  if(found_op != operands_map.end())
553  operands.emplace_back(found_op->second);
554  else
555  operands.emplace_back(default_op);
556  i++;
557  }
558  }
559  else
560  {
561  // Array size is unknown, keep adding with known indexes in order
562  // until we fail to find one.
563  auto found_op = operands_map.find(i);
564  while(found_op != operands_map.end())
565  {
566  operands.emplace_back(found_op->second);
567  i++;
568  found_op = operands_map.find(i);
569  }
570  operands.emplace_back(default_op);
571  }
572  return array_exprt(operands, type);
573 }
576  std::unordered_map<int64_t, exprt> *operands_map,
577  const irept &src,
578  const array_typet &type)
579 {
580  if(src.get_sub().size()==4 && src.get_sub()[0].id()=="store")
581  {
582  // This is the SMT syntax being parsed here
583  // (store array index value)
584  // Recurse
585  walk_array_tree(operands_map, src.get_sub()[1], type);
586  const auto index_expr = parse_rec(src.get_sub()[2], type.size().type());
587  const constant_exprt index_constant = to_constant_expr(index_expr);
588  mp_integer tempint;
589  bool failure = to_integer(index_constant, tempint);
590  if(failure)
591  return;
592  long index = tempint.to_long();
593  exprt value = parse_rec(src.get_sub()[3], type.element_type());
594  operands_map->emplace(index, value);
595  }
596  else if(src.get_sub().size()==2 &&
597  src.get_sub()[0].get_sub().size()==3 &&
598  src.get_sub()[0].get_sub()[0].id()=="as" &&
599  src.get_sub()[0].get_sub()[1].id()=="const")
600  {
601  // (as const type_info default_value)
602  exprt default_value = parse_rec(src.get_sub()[1], type.element_type());
603  operands_map->emplace(-1, default_value);
604  }
605  else
606  {
607  auto bindings_it = current_bindings.find(src.id());
608  if(bindings_it != current_bindings.end())
609  walk_array_tree(operands_map, bindings_it->second, type);
610  }
611 }
614  const irept &src,
615  const union_typet &type)
616 {
617  // these are always flat
618  PRECONDITION(!type.components().empty());
619  const union_typet::componentt &first=type.components().front();
620  std::size_t width=boolbv_width(type);
621  exprt value = parse_rec(src, unsignedbv_typet(width));
622  if(value.is_nil())
623  return nil_exprt();
624  const typecast_exprt converted(value, first.type());
625  return union_exprt(first.get_name(), converted, type);
626 }
630 {
631  const struct_typet::componentst &components =
632  type.components();
634  struct_exprt result(exprt::operandst(components.size(), nil_exprt()), type);
636  if(components.empty())
637  return result;
639  if(use_datatypes)
640  {
641  // Structs look like:
642  // (mk-struct.1 <component0> <component1> ... <componentN>)
643  std::size_t j = 1;
644  for(std::size_t i=0; i<components.size(); i++)
645  {
646  const struct_typet::componentt &c=components[i];
647  if(is_zero_width(components[i].type(), ns))
648  {
649  result.operands()[i] = nil_exprt{};
650  }
651  else
652  {
654  src.get_sub().size() > j, "insufficient number of component values");
655  result.operands()[i] = parse_rec(src.get_sub()[j], c.type());
656  ++j;
657  }
658  }
659  }
660  else
661  {
662  // These are just flattened, i.e., we expect to see a monster bit vector.
663  std::size_t total_width=boolbv_width(type);
664  const auto l = parse_literal(src, unsignedbv_typet(total_width));
666  const irep_idt binary =
667  integer2binary(numeric_cast_v<mp_integer>(l), total_width);
669  CHECK_RETURN(binary.size() == total_width);
671  std::size_t offset=0;
673  for(std::size_t i=0; i<components.size(); i++)
674  {
675  if(is_zero_width(components[i].type(), ns))
676  continue;
678  std::size_t component_width=boolbv_width(components[i].type());
681  offset + component_width <= total_width,
682  "struct component bits shall be within struct bit vector");
684  std::string component_binary=
685  "#b"+id2string(binary).substr(
686  total_width-offset-component_width, component_width);
688  result.operands()[i]=
689  parse_rec(irept(component_binary), components[i].type());
691  offset+=component_width;
692  }
693  }
695  return result;
696 }
698 exprt smt2_convt::parse_rec(const irept &src, const typet &type)
699 {
700  if(src.get_sub().size() == 3 && src.get_sub()[0].id() == ID_let)
701  {
702  // This is produced by Z3
703  // (let (....) (....))
704  auto previous_bindings = current_bindings;
705  for(const auto &binding : src.get_sub()[1].get_sub())
706  {
707  const irep_idt &name = binding.get_sub()[0].id();
708  current_bindings.emplace(name, binding.get_sub()[1]);
709  }
710  exprt result = parse_rec(src.get_sub()[2], type);
711  current_bindings = std::move(previous_bindings);
712  return result;
713  }
715  auto bindings_it = current_bindings.find(src.id());
716  if(bindings_it != current_bindings.end())
717  {
718  return parse_rec(bindings_it->second, type);
719  }
721  if(
722  type.id() == ID_signedbv || type.id() == ID_unsignedbv ||
723  type.id() == ID_integer || type.id() == ID_rational ||
724  type.id() == ID_real || type.id() == ID_c_enum ||
725  type.id() == ID_c_enum_tag || type.id() == ID_fixedbv ||
726  type.id() == ID_floatbv || type.id() == ID_c_bool || type.id() == ID_range)
727  {
728  return parse_literal(src, type);
729  }
730  else if(type.id()==ID_bool)
731  {
732  if(src.id()==ID_1 || src.id()==ID_true)
733  return true_exprt();
734  else if(src.id()==ID_0 || src.id()==ID_false)
735  return false_exprt();
736  }
737  else if(type.id()==ID_pointer)
738  {
739  // these come in as bit-vector literals
740  std::size_t width=boolbv_width(type);
741  constant_exprt bv_expr = parse_literal(src, unsignedbv_typet(width));
743  mp_integer v = numeric_cast_v<mp_integer>(bv_expr);
745  // split into object and offset
747  pointer_logict::pointert ptr{numeric_cast_v<std::size_t>(v / pow), v % pow};
749  bv_expr.get_value(),
751  }
752  else if(type.id()==ID_struct)
753  {
754  return parse_struct(src, to_struct_type(type));
755  }
756  else if(type.id() == ID_struct_tag)
757  {
758  auto struct_expr =
760  // restore the tag type
761  struct_expr.type() = type;
762  return std::move(struct_expr);
763  }
764  else if(type.id()==ID_union)
765  {
766  return parse_union(src, to_union_type(type));
767  }
768  else if(type.id() == ID_union_tag)
769  {
770  auto union_expr = parse_union(src, ns.follow_tag(to_union_tag_type(type)));
771  // restore the tag type
772  union_expr.type() = type;
773  return union_expr;
774  }
775  else if(type.id()==ID_array)
776  {
777  return parse_array(src, to_array_type(type));
778  }
780  return nil_exprt();
781 }
784  const exprt &expr,
785  const pointer_typet &result_type)
786 {
787  if(
788  expr.id() == ID_symbol || expr.is_constant() ||
789  expr.id() == ID_string_constant || expr.id() == ID_label)
790  {
791  const std::size_t object_bits = config.bv_encoding.object_bits;
792  const std::size_t max_objects = std::size_t(1) << object_bits;
793  const mp_integer object_id = pointer_logic.add_object(expr);
795  if(object_id >= max_objects)
796  {
797  throw analysis_exceptiont{
798  "too many addressed objects: maximum number of objects is set to 2^n=" +
799  std::to_string(max_objects) +
800  " (with n=" + std::to_string(object_bits) + "); " +
801  "use the `--object-bits n` option to increase the maximum number"};
802  }
804  out << "(concat (_ bv" << object_id << " " << object_bits << ")"
805  << " (_ bv0 " << boolbv_width(result_type) - object_bits << "))";
806  }
807  else if(expr.id()==ID_index)
808  {
809  const index_exprt &index_expr = to_index_expr(expr);
811  const exprt &array = index_expr.array();
812  const exprt &index = index_expr.index();
814  if(index.is_zero())
815  {
816  if(array.type().id()==ID_pointer)
817  convert_expr(array);
818  else if(array.type().id()==ID_array)
819  convert_address_of_rec(array, result_type);
820  else
822  }
823  else
824  {
825  // this is really pointer arithmetic
826  index_exprt new_index_expr = index_expr;
827  new_index_expr.index() = from_integer(0, index.type());
829  address_of_exprt address_of_expr(
830  new_index_expr,
833  plus_exprt plus_expr{address_of_expr, index};
835  convert_expr(plus_expr);
836  }
837  }
838  else if(expr.id()==ID_member)
839  {
840  const member_exprt &member_expr=to_member_expr(expr);
842  const exprt &struct_op=member_expr.struct_op();
843  const typet &struct_op_type = struct_op.type();
846  struct_op_type.id() == ID_struct || struct_op_type.id() == ID_struct_tag,
847  "member expression operand shall have struct type");
849  const struct_typet &struct_type =
850  struct_op_type.id() == ID_struct_tag
851  ? ns.follow_tag(to_struct_tag_type(struct_op_type))
852  : to_struct_type(struct_op_type);
854  const irep_idt &component_name = member_expr.get_component_name();
856  const auto offset = member_offset(struct_type, component_name, ns);
857  CHECK_RETURN(offset.has_value() && *offset >= 0);
859  unsignedbv_typet index_type(boolbv_width(result_type));
861  // pointer arithmetic
862  out << "(bvadd ";
863  convert_address_of_rec(struct_op, result_type);
864  convert_expr(from_integer(*offset, index_type));
865  out << ")"; // bvadd
866  }
867  else if(expr.id()==ID_if)
868  {
869  const if_exprt &if_expr = to_if_expr(expr);
871  out << "(ite ";
872  convert_expr(if_expr.cond());
873  out << " ";
874  convert_address_of_rec(if_expr.true_case(), result_type);
875  out << " ";
876  convert_address_of_rec(if_expr.false_case(), result_type);
877  out << ")";
878  }
879  else
881  false,
882  "operand of address of expression should not be of kind " +
883  expr.id_string());
884 }
886 static bool has_quantifier(const exprt &expr)
887 {
888  bool result = false;
889  expr.visit_post([&result](const exprt &node) {
890  if(node.id() == ID_exists || node.id() == ID_forall)
891  result = true;
892  });
893  return result;
894 }
897 {
898  PRECONDITION(expr.is_boolean());
900  // Three cases where no new handle is needed.
902  if(expr.is_true())
903  return const_literal(true);
904  else if(expr.is_false())
905  return const_literal(false);
906  else if(expr.id()==ID_literal)
907  return to_literal_expr(expr).get_literal();
909  // Need a new handle
911  out << "\n";
913  exprt prepared_expr = prepare_for_convert_expr(expr);
915  literalt l(no_boolean_variables, false);
918  out << "; convert\n";
919  out << "; Converting var_no " << l.var_no() << " with expr ID of "
920  << expr.id_string() << "\n";
921  // We're converting the expression, so store it in the defined_expressions
922  // store and in future we use the literal instead of the whole expression
923  // Note that here we are always converting, so we do not need to consider
924  // other literal kinds, only "|B###|"
926  // Z3 refuses get-value when a defined symbol contains a quantifier.
927  if(has_quantifier(prepared_expr))
928  {
929  out << "(declare-fun ";
930  convert_literal(l);
931  out << " () Bool)\n";
932  out << "(assert (= ";
933  convert_literal(l);
934  out << ' ';
935  convert_expr(prepared_expr);
936  out << "))\n";
937  }
938  else
939  {
940  auto identifier =
941  convert_identifier(std::string{"B"} + std::to_string(l.var_no()));
942  defined_expressions[expr] = identifier;
943  smt2_identifiers.insert(identifier);
944  out << "(define-fun " << identifier << " () Bool ";
945  convert_expr(prepared_expr);
946  out << ")\n";
947  }
949  return l;
950 }
953 {
954  // We can only improve Booleans.
955  if(!expr.is_boolean())
956  return expr;
958  return literal_exprt(convert(expr));
959 }
962 {
963  if(l==const_literal(false))
964  out << "false";
965  else if(l==const_literal(true))
966  out << "true";
967  else
968  {
969  if(l.sign())
970  out << "(not ";
972  const auto identifier =
975  out << identifier;
977  if(l.sign())
978  out << ")";
980  smt2_identifiers.insert(identifier);
981  }
982 }
985 {
987 }
989 void smt2_convt::push(const std::vector<exprt> &_assumptions)
990 {
991  INVARIANT(assumptions.empty(), "nested contexts are not supported");
993  assumptions.reserve(_assumptions.size());
994  for(auto &assumption : _assumptions)
995  assumptions.push_back(convert(assumption));
996 }
999 {
1000  assumptions.clear();
1001 }
1003 static bool is_smt2_simple_identifier(const std::string &identifier)
1004 {
1005  if(identifier.empty())
1006  return false;
1008  if(isdigit(identifier[0]))
1009  return false;
1011  for(auto ch : id2string(identifier))
1012  {
1014  return false;
1015  }
1017  return true;
1018 }
1020 std::string smt2_convt::convert_identifier(const irep_idt &identifier)
1021 {
1022  // Is this a "simple identifier"?
1023  if(is_smt2_simple_identifier(id2string(identifier)))
1024  return id2string(identifier);
1026  // Backslashes are disallowed in quoted symbols just for simplicity.
1027  // Otherwise, for Common Lisp compatibility they would have to be treated
1028  // as escaping symbols.
1030  std::string result = "|";
1032  for(auto ch : identifier)
1033  {
1034  switch(ch)
1035  {
1036  case '|':
1037  case '\\':
1038  case '&': // we use the & for escaping
1039  result+='&';
1040  result+=std::to_string(ch);
1041  result+=';';
1042  break;
1044  case '$': // $ _is_ allowed
1045  default:
1046  result+=ch;
1047  }
1048  }
1050  result += '|';
1052  return result;
1053 }
1055 std::string smt2_convt::type2id(const typet &type) const
1056 {
1057  if(type.id()==ID_floatbv)
1058  {
1059  ieee_float_spect spec(to_floatbv_type(type));
1060  return "f"+std::to_string(spec.width())+"_"+std::to_string(spec.f);
1061  }
1062  else if(type.id() == ID_bv)
1063  {
1064  return "B" + std::to_string(to_bitvector_type(type).get_width());
1065  }
1066  else if(type.id()==ID_unsignedbv)
1067  {
1068  return "u"+std::to_string(to_unsignedbv_type(type).get_width());
1069  }
1070  else if(type.id()==ID_c_bool)
1071  {
1072  return "u"+std::to_string(to_c_bool_type(type).get_width());
1073  }
1074  else if(type.id()==ID_signedbv)
1075  {
1076  return "s"+std::to_string(to_signedbv_type(type).get_width());
1077  }
1078  else if(type.id()==ID_bool)
1079  {
1080  return "b";
1081  }
1082  else if(type.id()==ID_c_enum_tag)
1083  {
1084  return type2id(ns.follow_tag(to_c_enum_tag_type(type)).underlying_type());
1085  }
1086  else if(type.id() == ID_pointer)
1087  {
1088  return "p" + std::to_string(to_pointer_type(type).get_width());
1089  }
1090  else if(type.id() == ID_struct_tag)
1091  {
1092  if(use_datatypes)
1093  return datatype_map.at(type);
1094  else
1095  return "S" + std::to_string(boolbv_width(type));
1096  }
1097  else if(type.id() == ID_union_tag)
1098  {
1099  return "U" + std::to_string(boolbv_width(type));
1100  }
1101  else if(type.id() == ID_array)
1102  {
1103  return "A" + type2id(to_array_type(type).element_type());
1104  }
1105  else
1106  {
1108  }
1109 }
1111 std::string smt2_convt::floatbv_suffix(const exprt &expr) const
1112 {
1113  PRECONDITION(!expr.operands().empty());
1114  return "_" + type2id(to_multi_ary_expr(expr).op0().type()) + "->" +
1115  type2id(expr.type());
1116 }
1119 {
1122  if(expr.id()==ID_symbol)
1123  {
1124  const irep_idt &id = to_symbol_expr(expr).get_identifier();
1125  out << convert_identifier(id);
1126  return;
1127  }
1129  if(expr.id()==ID_smt2_symbol)
1130  {
1131  const irep_idt &id = to_smt2_symbol(expr).get_identifier();
1132  out << id;
1133  return;
1134  }
1137  !expr.operands().empty(), "non-symbol expressions shall have operands");
1139  out << '('
1140  << convert_identifier(
1141  "float_bv." + expr.id_string() + floatbv_suffix(expr));
1143  for(const auto &op : expr.operands())
1144  {
1145  out << ' ';
1146  convert_expr(op);
1147  }
1149  out << ')';
1150 }
1152 void smt2_convt::convert_string_literal(const std::string &s)
1153 {
1154  out << '"';
1155  for(auto ch : s)
1156  {
1157  // " is escaped by double-quoting
1158  if(ch == '"')
1159  out << '"';
1160  out << ch;
1161  }
1162  out << '"';
1163 }
1166 {
1167  // try hash table first
1168  auto converter_result = converters.find(expr.id());
1169  if(converter_result != converters.end())
1170  {
1171  converter_result->second(expr);
1172  return; // done
1173  }
1175  // huge monster case split over expression id
1176  if(expr.id()==ID_symbol)
1177  {
1178  const irep_idt &id = to_symbol_expr(expr).get_identifier();
1179  DATA_INVARIANT(!id.empty(), "symbol must have identifier");
1180  out << convert_identifier(id);
1181  }
1182  else if(expr.id()==ID_nondet_symbol)
1183  {
1184  const irep_idt &id = to_nondet_symbol_expr(expr).get_identifier();
1185  DATA_INVARIANT(!id.empty(), "nondet symbol must have identifier");
1186  out << convert_identifier("nondet_" + id2string(id));
1187  }
1188  else if(expr.id()==ID_smt2_symbol)
1189  {
1190  const irep_idt &id = to_smt2_symbol(expr).get_identifier();
1191  DATA_INVARIANT(!id.empty(), "smt2 symbol must have identifier");
1192  out << id;
1193  }
1194  else if(expr.id()==ID_typecast)
1195  {
1197  }
1198  else if(expr.id()==ID_floatbv_typecast)
1199  {
1201  }
1202  else if(expr.id()==ID_struct)
1203  {
1205  }
1206  else if(expr.id()==ID_union)
1207  {
1209  }
1210  else if(expr.is_constant())
1211  {
1213  }
1214  else if(expr.id() == ID_concatenation && expr.operands().size() == 1)
1215  {
1217  expr.type() == expr.operands().front().type(),
1218  "concatenation over a single operand should have matching types",
1219  expr.pretty());
1221  convert_expr(expr.operands().front());
1222  }
1223  else if(expr.id()==ID_concatenation ||
1224  expr.id()==ID_bitand ||
1225  expr.id()==ID_bitor ||
1226  expr.id()==ID_bitxor ||
1227  expr.id()==ID_bitnand ||
1228  expr.id()==ID_bitnor)
1229  {
1231  expr.operands().size() >= 2,
1232  "given expression should have at least two operands",
1233  expr.id_string());
1235  out << "(";
1237  if(expr.id()==ID_concatenation)
1238  out << "concat";
1239  else if(expr.id()==ID_bitand)
1240  out << "bvand";
1241  else if(expr.id()==ID_bitor)
1242  out << "bvor";
1243  else if(expr.id()==ID_bitxor)
1244  out << "bvxor";
1245  else if(expr.id()==ID_bitnand)
1246  out << "bvnand";
1247  else if(expr.id()==ID_bitnor)
1248  out << "bvnor";
1250  for(const auto &op : expr.operands())
1251  {
1252  out << " ";
1253  flatten2bv(op);
1254  }
1256  out << ")";
1257  }
1258  else if(expr.id()==ID_bitnot)
1259  {
1260  const bitnot_exprt &bitnot_expr = to_bitnot_expr(expr);
1262  out << "(bvnot ";
1263  convert_expr(bitnot_expr.op());
1264  out << ")";
1265  }
1266  else if(expr.id()==ID_unary_minus)
1267  {
1268  const unary_minus_exprt &unary_minus_expr = to_unary_minus_expr(expr);
1270  if(
1271  unary_minus_expr.type().id() == ID_rational ||
1272  unary_minus_expr.type().id() == ID_integer ||
1273  unary_minus_expr.type().id() == ID_real)
1274  {
1275  out << "(- ";
1276  convert_expr(unary_minus_expr.op());
1277  out << ")";
1278  }
1279  else if(unary_minus_expr.type().id() == ID_floatbv)
1280  {
1281  // this has no rounding mode
1282  if(use_FPA_theory)
1283  {
1284  out << "(fp.neg ";
1285  convert_expr(unary_minus_expr.op());
1286  out << ")";
1287  }
1288  else
1289  convert_floatbv(unary_minus_expr);
1290  }
1291  else
1292  {
1293  out << "(bvneg ";
1294  convert_expr(unary_minus_expr.op());
1295  out << ")";
1296  }
1297  }
1298  else if(expr.id()==ID_unary_plus)
1299  {
1300  // A no-op (apart from type promotion)
1301  convert_expr(to_unary_plus_expr(expr).op());
1302  }
1303  else if(expr.id()==ID_sign)
1304  {
1305  const sign_exprt &sign_expr = to_sign_expr(expr);
1307  const typet &op_type = sign_expr.op().type();
1309  if(op_type.id()==ID_floatbv)
1310  {
1311  if(use_FPA_theory)
1312  {
1313  out << "(fp.isNegative ";
1314  convert_expr(sign_expr.op());
1315  out << ")";
1316  }
1317  else
1318  convert_floatbv(sign_expr);
1319  }
1320  else if(op_type.id()==ID_signedbv)
1321  {
1322  std::size_t op_width=to_signedbv_type(op_type).get_width();
1324  out << "(bvslt ";
1325  convert_expr(sign_expr.op());
1326  out << " (_ bv0 " << op_width << "))";
1327  }
1328  else
1330  false,
1331  "sign should not be applied to unsupported type",
1332  sign_expr.type().id_string());
1333  }
1334  else if(expr.id()==ID_if)
1335  {
1336  const if_exprt &if_expr = to_if_expr(expr);
1338  out << "(ite ";
1339  convert_expr(if_expr.cond());
1340  out << " ";
1341  convert_expr(if_expr.true_case());
1342  out << " ";
1343  convert_expr(if_expr.false_case());
1344  out << ")";
1345  }
1346  else if(expr.id()==ID_and ||
1347  expr.id()==ID_or ||
1348  expr.id()==ID_xor)
1349  {
1351  expr.is_boolean(),
1352  "logical and, or, and xor expressions should have Boolean type");
1354  expr.operands().size() >= 2,
1355  "logical and, or, and xor expressions should have at least two operands");
1357  out << "(" << expr.id();
1358  for(const auto &op : expr.operands())
1359  {
1360  out << " ";
1361  convert_expr(op);
1362  }
1363  out << ")";
1364  }
1365  else if(expr.id()==ID_implies)
1366  {
1367  const implies_exprt &implies_expr = to_implies_expr(expr);
1370  implies_expr.is_boolean(), "implies expression should have Boolean type");
1372  out << "(=> ";
1373  convert_expr(implies_expr.op0());
1374  out << " ";
1375  convert_expr(implies_expr.op1());
1376  out << ")";
1377  }
1378  else if(expr.id()==ID_not)
1379  {
1380  const not_exprt &not_expr = to_not_expr(expr);
1383  not_expr.is_boolean(), "not expression should have Boolean type");
1385  out << "(not ";
1386  convert_expr(not_expr.op());
1387  out << ")";
1388  }
1389  else if(expr.id() == ID_equal)
1390  {
1391  const equal_exprt &equal_expr = to_equal_expr(expr);
1394  equal_expr.op0().type() == equal_expr.op1().type(),
1395  "operands of equal expression shall have same type");
1397  if(is_zero_width(equal_expr.lhs().type(), ns))
1398  {
1400  }
1401  else
1402  {
1403  out << "(= ";
1404  convert_expr(equal_expr.op0());
1405  out << " ";
1406  convert_expr(equal_expr.op1());
1407  out << ")";
1408  }
1409  }
1410  else if(expr.id() == ID_notequal)
1411  {
1412  const notequal_exprt &notequal_expr = to_notequal_expr(expr);
1415  notequal_expr.op0().type() == notequal_expr.op1().type(),
1416  "operands of not equal expression shall have same type");
1418  out << "(not (= ";
1419  convert_expr(notequal_expr.op0());
1420  out << " ";
1421  convert_expr(notequal_expr.op1());
1422  out << "))";
1423  }
1424  else if(expr.id()==ID_ieee_float_equal ||
1425  expr.id()==ID_ieee_float_notequal)
1426  {
1427  // These are not the same as (= A B)
1428  // because of NaN and negative zero.
1429  const auto &rel_expr = to_binary_relation_expr(expr);
1432  rel_expr.lhs().type() == rel_expr.rhs().type(),
1433  "operands of float equal and not equal expressions shall have same type");
1435  // The FPA theory properly treats NaN and negative zero.
1436  if(use_FPA_theory)
1437  {
1438  if(rel_expr.id() == ID_ieee_float_notequal)
1439  out << "(not ";
1441  out << "(fp.eq ";
1442  convert_expr(rel_expr.lhs());
1443  out << " ";
1444  convert_expr(rel_expr.rhs());
1445  out << ")";
1447  if(rel_expr.id() == ID_ieee_float_notequal)
1448  out << ")";
1449  }
1450  else
1451  convert_floatbv(expr);
1452  }
1453  else if(expr.id()==ID_le ||
1454  expr.id()==ID_lt ||
1455  expr.id()==ID_ge ||
1456  expr.id()==ID_gt)
1457  {
1459  }
1460  else if(expr.id()==ID_plus)
1461  {
1462  convert_plus(to_plus_expr(expr));
1463  }
1464  else if(expr.id()==ID_floatbv_plus)
1465  {
1467  }
1468  else if(expr.id()==ID_minus)
1469  {
1471  }
1472  else if(expr.id()==ID_floatbv_minus)
1473  {
1475  }
1476  else if(expr.id()==ID_div)
1477  {
1478  convert_div(to_div_expr(expr));
1479  }
1480  else if(expr.id()==ID_floatbv_div)
1481  {
1483  }
1484  else if(expr.id()==ID_mod)
1485  {
1486  convert_mod(to_mod_expr(expr));
1487  }
1488  else if(expr.id() == ID_euclidean_mod)
1489  {
1491  }
1492  else if(expr.id()==ID_mult)
1493  {
1494  convert_mult(to_mult_expr(expr));
1495  }
1496  else if(expr.id()==ID_floatbv_mult)
1497  {
1499  }
1500  else if(expr.id() == ID_floatbv_rem)
1501  {
1503  }
1504  else if(expr.id()==ID_address_of)
1505  {
1506  const address_of_exprt &address_of_expr = to_address_of_expr(expr);
1508  address_of_expr.object(), to_pointer_type(address_of_expr.type()));
1509  }
1510  else if(expr.id() == ID_array_of)
1511  {
1512  const auto &array_of_expr = to_array_of_expr(expr);
1515  array_of_expr.type().id() == ID_array,
1516  "array of expression shall have array type");
1518  if(use_as_const)
1519  {
1520  out << "((as const ";
1521  convert_type(array_of_expr.type());
1522  out << ") ";
1523  convert_expr(array_of_expr.what());
1524  out << ")";
1525  }
1526  else
1527  {
1528  defined_expressionst::const_iterator it =
1529  defined_expressions.find(array_of_expr);
1530  CHECK_RETURN(it != defined_expressions.end());
1531  out << it->second;
1532  }
1533  }
1534  else if(expr.id() == ID_array_comprehension)
1535  {
1536  const auto &array_comprehension = to_array_comprehension_expr(expr);
1539  array_comprehension.type().id() == ID_array,
1540  "array_comprehension expression shall have array type");
1543  {
1544  out << "(lambda ((";
1545  convert_expr(array_comprehension.arg());
1546  out << " ";
1547  convert_type(array_comprehension.type().size().type());
1548  out << ")) ";
1549  convert_expr(array_comprehension.body());
1550  out << ")";
1551  }
1552  else
1553  {
1554  const auto &it = defined_expressions.find(array_comprehension);
1555  CHECK_RETURN(it != defined_expressions.end());
1556  out << it->second;
1557  }
1558  }
1559  else if(expr.id()==ID_index)
1560  {
1562  }
1563  else if(expr.id()==ID_ashr ||
1564  expr.id()==ID_lshr ||
1565  expr.id()==ID_shl)
1566  {
1567  const shift_exprt &shift_expr = to_shift_expr(expr);
1568  const typet &type = shift_expr.type();
1570  if(type.id()==ID_unsignedbv ||
1571  type.id()==ID_signedbv ||
1572  type.id()==ID_bv)
1573  {
1574  if(shift_expr.id() == ID_ashr)
1575  out << "(bvashr ";
1576  else if(shift_expr.id() == ID_lshr)
1577  out << "(bvlshr ";
1578  else if(shift_expr.id() == ID_shl)
1579  out << "(bvshl ";
1580  else
1583  convert_expr(shift_expr.op());
1584  out << " ";
1586  // SMT2 requires the shift distance to have the same width as
1587  // the value that is shifted -- odd!
1589  if(shift_expr.distance().type().id() == ID_integer)
1590  {
1591  const mp_integer i =
1592  numeric_cast_v<mp_integer>(to_constant_expr(shift_expr.distance()));
1594  // shift distance must be bit vector
1595  std::size_t width_op0 = boolbv_width(shift_expr.op().type());
1596  exprt tmp=from_integer(i, unsignedbv_typet(width_op0));
1597  convert_expr(tmp);
1598  }
1599  else if(
1600  shift_expr.distance().type().id() == ID_signedbv ||
1601  shift_expr.distance().type().id() == ID_unsignedbv ||
1602  shift_expr.distance().type().id() == ID_c_enum ||
1603  shift_expr.distance().type().id() == ID_c_bool)
1604  {
1605  std::size_t width_op0 = boolbv_width(shift_expr.op().type());
1606  std::size_t width_op1 = boolbv_width(shift_expr.distance().type());
1608  if(width_op0==width_op1)
1609  convert_expr(shift_expr.distance());
1610  else if(width_op0>width_op1)
1611  {
1612  out << "((_ zero_extend " << width_op0-width_op1 << ") ";
1613  convert_expr(shift_expr.distance());
1614  out << ")"; // zero_extend
1615  }
1616  else // width_op0<width_op1
1617  {
1618  out << "((_ extract " << width_op0-1 << " 0) ";
1619  convert_expr(shift_expr.distance());
1620  out << ")"; // extract
1621  }
1622  }
1623  else
1625  "unsupported distance type for " + shift_expr.id_string() + ": " +
1626  type.id_string());
1628  out << ")"; // bv*sh
1629  }
1630  else
1632  "unsupported type for " + shift_expr.id_string() + ": " +
1633  type.id_string());
1634  }
1635  else if(expr.id() == ID_rol || expr.id() == ID_ror)
1636  {
1637  const shift_exprt &shift_expr = to_shift_expr(expr);
1638  const typet &type = shift_expr.type();
1640  if(
1641  type.id() == ID_unsignedbv || type.id() == ID_signedbv ||
1642  type.id() == ID_bv)
1643  {
1644  // SMT-LIB offers rotate_left and rotate_right, but these require a
1645  // constant distance.
1646  if(shift_expr.id() == ID_rol)
1647  out << "((_ rotate_left";
1648  else if(shift_expr.id() == ID_ror)
1649  out << "((_ rotate_right";
1650  else
1653  out << ' ';
1655  auto distance_int_op = numeric_cast<mp_integer>(shift_expr.distance());
1657  if(distance_int_op.has_value())
1658  {
1659  out << distance_int_op.value();
1660  }
1661  else
1663  "distance type for " + shift_expr.id_string() + "must be constant");
1665  out << ") ";
1666  convert_expr(shift_expr.op());
1668  out << ")"; // rotate_*
1669  }
1670  else
1672  "unsupported type for " + shift_expr.id_string() + ": " +
1673  type.id_string());
1674  }
1675  else if(expr.id() == ID_named_term)
1676  {
1677  const auto &named_term_expr = to_named_term_expr(expr);
1678  out << "(! ";
1679  convert(named_term_expr.value());
1680  out << " :named "
1681  << convert_identifier(named_term_expr.symbol().get_identifier()) << ')';
1682  }
1683  else if(expr.id()==ID_with)
1684  {
1685  convert_with(to_with_expr(expr));
1686  }
1687  else if(expr.id()==ID_update)
1688  {
1690  }
1691  else if(expr.id() == ID_update_bit)
1692  {
1694  }
1695  else if(expr.id() == ID_update_bits)
1696  {
1698  }
1699  else if(expr.id() == ID_object_address)
1700  {
1701  out << "(object-address ";
1703  id2string(to_object_address_expr(expr).object_identifier()));
1704  out << ')';
1705  }
1706  else if(expr.id() == ID_element_address)
1707  {
1708  // We turn this binary expression into a ternary expression
1709  // by adding the size of the array elements as third argument.
1710  const auto &element_address_expr = to_element_address_expr(expr);
1712  auto element_size_expr_opt =
1713  ::size_of_expr(element_address_expr.element_type(), ns);
1714  CHECK_RETURN(element_size_expr_opt.has_value());
1716  out << "(element-address-" << type2id(expr.type()) << ' ';
1717  convert_expr(element_address_expr.base());
1718  out << ' ';
1719  convert_expr(element_address_expr.index());
1720  out << ' ';
1722  *element_size_expr_opt, element_address_expr.index().type()));
1723  out << ')';
1724  }
1725  else if(expr.id() == ID_field_address)
1726  {
1727  const auto &field_address_expr = to_field_address_expr(expr);
1728  out << "(field-address-" << type2id(expr.type()) << ' ';
1729  convert_expr(field_address_expr.base());
1730  out << ' ';
1731  convert_string_literal(id2string(field_address_expr.component_name()));
1732  out << ')';
1733  }
1734  else if(expr.id()==ID_member)
1735  {
1737  }
1738  else if(expr.id()==ID_pointer_offset)
1739  {
1740  const auto &op = to_pointer_offset_expr(expr).pointer();
1743  op.type().id() == ID_pointer,
1744  "operand of pointer offset expression shall be of pointer type");
1746  std::size_t offset_bits =
1748  std::size_t result_width=boolbv_width(expr.type());
1750  // max extract width
1751  if(offset_bits>result_width)
1752  offset_bits=result_width;
1754  // too few bits?
1755  if(result_width>offset_bits)
1756  out << "((_ zero_extend " << result_width-offset_bits << ") ";
1758  out << "((_ extract " << offset_bits-1 << " 0) ";
1759  convert_expr(op);
1760  out << ")";
1762  if(result_width>offset_bits)
1763  out << ")"; // zero_extend
1764  }
1765  else if(expr.id()==ID_pointer_object)
1766  {
1767  const auto &op = to_pointer_object_expr(expr).pointer();
1770  op.type().id() == ID_pointer,
1771  "pointer object expressions should be of pointer type");
1773  std::size_t ext=boolbv_width(expr.type())-config.bv_encoding.object_bits;
1774  std::size_t pointer_width = boolbv_width(op.type());
1776  if(ext>0)
1777  out << "((_ zero_extend " << ext << ") ";
1779  out << "((_ extract "
1780  << pointer_width-1 << " "
1781  << pointer_width-config.bv_encoding.object_bits << ") ";
1782  convert_expr(op);
1783  out << ")";
1785  if(ext>0)
1786  out << ")"; // zero_extend
1787  }
1788  else if(expr.id() == ID_is_dynamic_object)
1789  {
1791  }
1792  else if(expr.id() == ID_is_invalid_pointer)
1793  {
1794  const auto &op = to_unary_expr(expr).op();
1795  std::size_t pointer_width = boolbv_width(op.type());
1796  out << "(= ((_ extract "
1797  << pointer_width-1 << " "
1798  << pointer_width-config.bv_encoding.object_bits << ") ";
1799  convert_expr(op);
1800  out << ") (_ bv" << pointer_logic.get_invalid_object()
1801  << " " << config.bv_encoding.object_bits << "))";
1802  }
1803  else if(expr.id()==ID_string_constant)
1804  {
1805  defined_expressionst::const_iterator it=defined_expressions.find(expr);
1806  CHECK_RETURN(it != defined_expressions.end());
1807  out << it->second;
1808  }
1809  else if(expr.id()==ID_extractbit)
1810  {
1811  const extractbit_exprt &extractbit_expr = to_extractbit_expr(expr);
1813  if(extractbit_expr.index().is_constant())
1814  {
1815  const mp_integer i =
1816  numeric_cast_v<mp_integer>(to_constant_expr(extractbit_expr.index()));
1818  out << "(= ((_ extract " << i << " " << i << ") ";
1819  flatten2bv(extractbit_expr.src());
1820  out << ") #b1)";
1821  }
1822  else
1823  {
1824  out << "(= ((_ extract 0 0) ";
1825  // the arguments of the shift need to have the same width
1826  out << "(bvlshr ";
1827  flatten2bv(extractbit_expr.src());
1828  out << ' ';
1829  typecast_exprt tmp(extractbit_expr.index(), extractbit_expr.src().type());
1830  convert_expr(tmp);
1831  out << ")) #b1)"; // bvlshr, extract, =
1832  }
1833  }
1834  else if(expr.id()==ID_extractbits)
1835  {
1836  const extractbits_exprt &extractbits_expr = to_extractbits_expr(expr);
1837  auto width = boolbv_width(expr.type());
1839  if(extractbits_expr.index().is_constant())
1840  {
1841  mp_integer index_i =
1842  numeric_cast_v<mp_integer>(to_constant_expr(extractbits_expr.index()));
1844  out << "((_ extract " << (width + index_i - 1) << " " << index_i << ") ";
1845  flatten2bv(extractbits_expr.src());
1846  out << ")";
1847  }
1848  else
1849  {
1850  #if 0
1851  out << "(= ((_ extract 0 0) ";
1852  // the arguments of the shift need to have the same width
1853  out << "(bvlshr ";
1854  convert_expr(expr.op0());
1855  typecast_exprt tmp(expr.op0().type());
1856  tmp.op0()=expr.op1();
1857  convert_expr(tmp);
1858  out << ")) bin1)"; // bvlshr, extract, =
1859  #endif
1860  SMT2_TODO("smt2: extractbits with non-constant index");
1861  }
1862  }
1863  else if(expr.id()==ID_replication)
1864  {
1865  const replication_exprt &replication_expr = to_replication_expr(expr);
1867  mp_integer times = numeric_cast_v<mp_integer>(replication_expr.times());
1869  out << "((_ repeat " << times << ") ";
1870  flatten2bv(replication_expr.op());
1871  out << ")";
1872  }
1873  else if(expr.id()==ID_byte_extract_little_endian ||
1874  expr.id()==ID_byte_extract_big_endian)
1875  {
1877  false, "byte_extract ops should be lowered in prepare_for_convert_expr");
1878  }
1879  else if(expr.id()==ID_byte_update_little_endian ||
1880  expr.id()==ID_byte_update_big_endian)
1881  {
1883  false, "byte_update ops should be lowered in prepare_for_convert_expr");
1884  }
1885  else if(expr.id()==ID_abs)
1886  {
1887  const abs_exprt &abs_expr = to_abs_expr(expr);
1889  const typet &type = abs_expr.type();
1891  if(type.id()==ID_signedbv)
1892  {
1893  std::size_t result_width = to_signedbv_type(type).get_width();
1895  out << "(ite (bvslt ";
1896  convert_expr(abs_expr.op());
1897  out << " (_ bv0 " << result_width << ")) ";
1898  out << "(bvneg ";
1899  convert_expr(abs_expr.op());
1900  out << ") ";
1901  convert_expr(abs_expr.op());
1902  out << ")";
1903  }
1904  else if(type.id()==ID_fixedbv)
1905  {
1906  std::size_t result_width=to_fixedbv_type(type).get_width();
1908  out << "(ite (bvslt ";
1909  convert_expr(abs_expr.op());
1910  out << " (_ bv0 " << result_width << ")) ";
1911  out << "(bvneg ";
1912  convert_expr(abs_expr.op());
1913  out << ") ";
1914  convert_expr(abs_expr.op());
1915  out << ")";
1916  }
1917  else if(type.id()==ID_floatbv)
1918  {
1919  if(use_FPA_theory)
1920  {
1921  out << "(fp.abs ";
1922  convert_expr(abs_expr.op());
1923  out << ")";
1924  }
1925  else
1926  convert_floatbv(abs_expr);
1927  }
1928  else
1930  }
1931  else if(expr.id()==ID_isnan)
1932  {
1933  const isnan_exprt &isnan_expr = to_isnan_expr(expr);
1935  const typet &op_type = isnan_expr.op().type();
1937  if(op_type.id()==ID_fixedbv)
1938  out << "false";
1939  else if(op_type.id()==ID_floatbv)
1940  {
1941  if(use_FPA_theory)
1942  {
1943  out << "(fp.isNaN ";
1944  convert_expr(isnan_expr.op());
1945  out << ")";
1946  }
1947  else
1948  convert_floatbv(isnan_expr);
1949  }
1950  else
1952  }
1953  else if(expr.id()==ID_isfinite)
1954  {
1955  const isfinite_exprt &isfinite_expr = to_isfinite_expr(expr);
1957  const typet &op_type = isfinite_expr.op().type();
1959  if(op_type.id()==ID_fixedbv)
1960  out << "true";
1961  else if(op_type.id()==ID_floatbv)
1962  {
1963  if(use_FPA_theory)
1964  {
1965  out << "(and ";
1967  out << "(not (fp.isNaN ";
1968  convert_expr(isfinite_expr.op());
1969  out << "))";
1971  out << "(not (fp.isInfinite ";
1972  convert_expr(isfinite_expr.op());
1973  out << "))";
1975  out << ")";
1976  }
1977  else
1978  convert_floatbv(isfinite_expr);
1979  }
1980  else
1982  }
1983  else if(expr.id()==ID_isinf)
1984  {
1985  const isinf_exprt &isinf_expr = to_isinf_expr(expr);
1987  const typet &op_type = isinf_expr.op().type();
1989  if(op_type.id()==ID_fixedbv)
1990  out << "false";
1991  else if(op_type.id()==ID_floatbv)
1992  {
1993  if(use_FPA_theory)
1994  {
1995  out << "(fp.isInfinite ";
1996  convert_expr(isinf_expr.op());
1997  out << ")";
1998  }
1999  else
2000  convert_floatbv(isinf_expr);
2001  }
2002  else
2004  }
2005  else if(expr.id()==ID_isnormal)
2006  {
2007  const isnormal_exprt &isnormal_expr = to_isnormal_expr(expr);
2009  const typet &op_type = isnormal_expr.op().type();
2011  if(op_type.id()==ID_fixedbv)
2012  out << "true";
2013  else if(op_type.id()==ID_floatbv)
2014  {
2015  if(use_FPA_theory)
2016  {
2017  out << "(fp.isNormal ";
2018  convert_expr(isnormal_expr.op());
2019  out << ")";
2020  }
2021  else
2022  convert_floatbv(isnormal_expr);
2023  }
2024  else
2026  }
2027  else if(
2030  expr.id() == ID_overflow_result_plus ||
2031  expr.id() == ID_overflow_result_minus)
2032  {
2033  const bool keep_result = can_cast_expr<overflow_result_exprt>(expr);
2035  const auto &op0 = to_binary_expr(expr).op0();
2036  const auto &op1 = to_binary_expr(expr).op1();
2039  keep_result || expr.is_boolean(),
2040  "overflow plus and overflow minus expressions shall be of Boolean type");
2042  bool subtract = can_cast_expr<minus_overflow_exprt>(expr) ||
2043  expr.id() == ID_overflow_result_minus;
2044  const typet &op_type = op0.type();
2045  std::size_t width=boolbv_width(op_type);
2047  if(op_type.id()==ID_signedbv)
2048  {
2049  // an overflow occurs if the top two bits of the extended sum differ
2050  out << "(let ((?sum (";
2051  out << (subtract?"bvsub":"bvadd");
2052  out << " ((_ sign_extend 1) ";
2053  convert_expr(op0);
2054  out << ")";
2055  out << " ((_ sign_extend 1) ";
2056  convert_expr(op1);
2057  out << ")))) "; // sign_extend, bvadd/sub
2058  if(keep_result)
2059  {
2060  if(use_datatypes)
2061  {
2062  const std::string &smt_typename = datatype_map.at(expr.type());
2064  // use the constructor for the Z3 datatype
2065  out << "(mk-" << smt_typename;
2066  }
2067  else
2068  out << "(concat";
2070  out << " ((_ extract " << width - 1 << " 0) ?sum) ";
2071  if(!use_datatypes)
2072  out << "(ite ";
2073  }
2074  out << "(not (= "
2075  "((_ extract " << width << " " << width << ") ?sum) "
2076  "((_ extract " << (width-1) << " " << (width-1) << ") ?sum)";
2077  out << "))"; // =, not
2078  if(keep_result)
2079  {
2080  if(!use_datatypes)
2081  out << " #b1 #b0)";
2082  out << ")"; // concat
2083  }
2084  out << ")"; // let
2085  }
2086  else if(op_type.id()==ID_unsignedbv ||
2087  op_type.id()==ID_pointer)
2088  {
2089  // overflow is simply carry-out
2090  out << "(let ((?sum (" << (subtract ? "bvsub" : "bvadd");
2091  out << " ((_ zero_extend 1) ";
2092  convert_expr(op0);
2093  out << ")";
2094  out << " ((_ zero_extend 1) ";
2095  convert_expr(op1);
2096  out << "))))"; // zero_extend, bvsub/bvadd
2097  if(keep_result && !use_datatypes)
2098  out << " ?sum";
2099  else
2100  {
2101  if(keep_result && use_datatypes)
2102  {
2103  const std::string &smt_typename = datatype_map.at(expr.type());
2105  // use the constructor for the Z3 datatype
2106  out << "(mk-" << smt_typename;
2107  out << " ((_ extract " << width - 1 << " 0) ?sum) ";
2108  }
2110  out << "(= ";
2111  out << "((_ extract " << width << " " << width << ") ?sum)";
2112  out << "#b1)"; // =
2114  if(keep_result && use_datatypes)
2115  out << ")"; // mk
2116  }
2117  out << ")"; // let
2118  }
2119  else
2121  false,
2122  "overflow check should not be performed on unsupported type",
2123  op_type.id_string());
2124  }
2125  else if(
2127  expr.id() == ID_overflow_result_mult)
2128  {
2129  const bool keep_result = can_cast_expr<overflow_result_exprt>(expr);
2131  const auto &op0 = to_binary_expr(expr).op0();
2132  const auto &op1 = to_binary_expr(expr).op1();
2135  keep_result || expr.is_boolean(),
2136  "overflow mult expression shall be of Boolean type");
2138  // No better idea than to multiply with double the bits and then compare
2139  // with max value.
2141  const typet &op_type = op0.type();
2142  std::size_t width=boolbv_width(op_type);
2144  if(op_type.id()==ID_signedbv)
2145  {
2146  out << "(let ( (prod (bvmul ((_ sign_extend " << width << ") ";
2147  convert_expr(op0);
2148  out << ") ((_ sign_extend " << width << ") ";
2149  convert_expr(op1);
2150  out << ")) )) ";
2151  if(keep_result)
2152  {
2153  if(use_datatypes)
2154  {
2155  const std::string &smt_typename = datatype_map.at(expr.type());
2157  // use the constructor for the Z3 datatype
2158  out << "(mk-" << smt_typename;
2159  }
2160  else
2161  out << "(concat";
2163  out << " ((_ extract " << width - 1 << " 0) prod) ";
2164  if(!use_datatypes)
2165  out << "(ite ";
2166  }
2167  out << "(or (bvsge prod (_ bv" << power(2, width-1) << " "
2168  << width*2 << "))";
2169  out << " (bvslt prod (bvneg (_ bv" << power(2, width - 1) << " "
2170  << width * 2 << "))))";
2171  if(keep_result)
2172  {
2173  if(!use_datatypes)
2174  out << " #b1 #b0)";
2175  out << ")"; // concat
2176  }
2177  out << ")";
2178  }
2179  else if(op_type.id()==ID_unsignedbv)
2180  {
2181  out << "(let ((prod (bvmul ((_ zero_extend " << width << ") ";
2182  convert_expr(op0);
2183  out << ") ((_ zero_extend " << width << ") ";
2184  convert_expr(op1);
2185  out << ")))) ";
2186  if(keep_result)
2187  {
2188  if(use_datatypes)
2189  {
2190  const std::string &smt_typename = datatype_map.at(expr.type());
2192  // use the constructor for the Z3 datatype
2193  out << "(mk-" << smt_typename;
2194  }
2195  else
2196  out << "(concat";
2198  out << " ((_ extract " << width - 1 << " 0) prod) ";
2199  if(!use_datatypes)
2200  out << "(ite ";
2201  }
2202  out << "(bvuge prod (_ bv" << power(2, width) << " " << width * 2 << "))";
2203  if(keep_result)
2204  {
2205  if(!use_datatypes)
2206  out << " #b1 #b0)";
2207  out << ")"; // concat
2208  }
2209  out << ")";
2210  }
2211  else
2213  false,
2214  "overflow check should not be performed on unsupported type",
2215  op_type.id_string());
2216  }
2217  else if(expr.id() == ID_saturating_plus || expr.id() == ID_saturating_minus)
2218  {
2219  const bool subtract = expr.id() == ID_saturating_minus;
2220  const auto &op_type = expr.type();
2221  const auto &op0 = to_binary_expr(expr).op0();
2222  const auto &op1 = to_binary_expr(expr).op1();
2224  if(op_type.id() == ID_signedbv)
2225  {
2226  auto width = to_signedbv_type(op_type).get_width();
2228  // compute sum with one extra bit
2229  out << "(let ((?sum (";
2230  out << (subtract ? "bvsub" : "bvadd");
2231  out << " ((_ sign_extend 1) ";
2232  convert_expr(op0);
2233  out << ")";
2234  out << " ((_ sign_extend 1) ";
2235  convert_expr(op1);
2236  out << ")))) "; // sign_extend, bvadd/sub
2238  // pick one of MAX, MIN, or the sum
2239  out << "(ite (= "
2240  "((_ extract "
2241  << width << " " << width
2242  << ") ?sum) "
2243  "((_ extract "
2244  << (width - 1) << " " << (width - 1) << ") ?sum)";
2245  out << ") "; // =
2247  // no overflow and no underflow case, return the sum
2248  out << "((_ extract " << width - 1 << " 0) ?sum) ";
2250  // MAX
2251  out << "(ite (= ((_ extract " << width << " " << width << ") ?sum) #b0) ";
2252  convert_expr(to_signedbv_type(op_type).largest_expr());
2254  // MIN
2255  convert_expr(to_signedbv_type(op_type).smallest_expr());
2256  out << ")))"; // ite, ite, let
2257  }
2258  else if(op_type.id() == ID_unsignedbv)
2259  {
2260  auto width = to_unsignedbv_type(op_type).get_width();
2262  // compute sum with one extra bit
2263  out << "(let ((?sum (" << (subtract ? "bvsub" : "bvadd");
2264  out << " ((_ zero_extend 1) ";
2265  convert_expr(op0);
2266  out << ")";
2267  out << " ((_ zero_extend 1) ";
2268  convert_expr(op1);
2269  out << "))))"; // zero_extend, bvsub/bvadd
2271  // pick one of MAX, MIN, or the sum
2272  out << "(ite (= ((_ extract " << width << " " << width << ") ?sum) #b0) ";
2274  // no overflow and no underflow case, return the sum
2275  out << " ((_ extract " << width - 1 << " 0) ?sum) ";
2277  // overflow when adding, underflow when subtracting
2278  if(subtract)
2279  convert_expr(to_unsignedbv_type(op_type).smallest_expr());
2280  else
2281  convert_expr(to_unsignedbv_type(op_type).largest_expr());
2283  // MIN
2284  out << "))"; // ite, let
2285  }
2286  else
2288  false,
2289  "saturating_plus/minus on unsupported type",
2290  op_type.id_string());
2291  }
2292  else if(expr.id()==ID_array)
2293  {
2294  defined_expressionst::const_iterator it=defined_expressions.find(expr);
2295  CHECK_RETURN(it != defined_expressions.end());
2296  out << it->second;
2297  }
2298  else if(expr.id()==ID_literal)
2299  {
2300  convert_literal(to_literal_expr(expr).get_literal());
2301  }
2302  else if(expr.id()==ID_forall ||
2303  expr.id()==ID_exists)
2304  {
2305  const quantifier_exprt &quantifier_expr = to_quantifier_expr(expr);
2308  // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability/throw)
2309  throw "MathSAT does not support quantifiers";
2311  if(quantifier_expr.id() == ID_forall)
2312  out << "(forall ";
2313  else if(quantifier_expr.id() == ID_exists)
2314  out << "(exists ";
2316  out << '(';
2317  bool first = true;
2318  for(const auto &bound : quantifier_expr.variables())
2319  {
2320  if(first)
2321  first = false;
2322  else
2323  out << ' ';
2324  out << '(';
2325  convert_expr(bound);
2326  out << ' ';
2327  convert_type(bound.type());
2328  out << ')';
2329  }
2330  out << ") ";
2332  convert_expr(quantifier_expr.where());
2334  out << ')';
2335  }
2336  else if(
2337  const auto object_size = expr_try_dynamic_cast<object_size_exprt>(expr))
2338  {
2340  }
2341  else if(expr.id()==ID_let)
2342  {
2343  const let_exprt &let_expr=to_let_expr(expr);
2344  const auto &variables = let_expr.variables();
2345  const auto &values = let_expr.values();
2347  out << "(let (";
2348  bool first = true;
2350  for(auto &binding : make_range(variables).zip(values))
2351  {
2352  if(first)
2353  first = false;
2354  else
2355  out << ' ';
2357  out << '(';
2358  convert_expr(binding.first);
2359  out << ' ';
2360  convert_expr(binding.second);
2361  out << ')';
2362  }
2364  out << ") "; // bindings
2366  convert_expr(let_expr.where());
2367  out << ')'; // let
2368  }
2369  else if(expr.id()==ID_constraint_select_one)
2370  {
2372  "smt2_convt::convert_expr: '" + expr.id_string() +
2373  "' is not yet supported");
2374  }
2375  else if(expr.id() == ID_bswap)
2376  {
2377  const bswap_exprt &bswap_expr = to_bswap_expr(expr);
2380  bswap_expr.op().type() == bswap_expr.type(),
2381  "operand of byte swap expression shall have same type as the expression");
2383  // first 'let' the operand
2384  out << "(let ((bswap_op ";
2385  convert_expr(bswap_expr.op());
2386  out << ")) ";
2388  if(
2389  bswap_expr.type().id() == ID_signedbv ||
2390  bswap_expr.type().id() == ID_unsignedbv)
2391  {
2392  const std::size_t width =
2393  to_bitvector_type(bswap_expr.type()).get_width();
2395  const std::size_t bits_per_byte = bswap_expr.get_bits_per_byte();
2397  // width must be multiple of bytes
2399  width % bits_per_byte == 0,
2400  "bit width indicated by type of bswap expression should be a multiple "
2401  "of the number of bits per byte");
2403  const std::size_t bytes = width / bits_per_byte;
2405  if(bytes <= 1)
2406  out << "bswap_op";
2407  else
2408  {
2409  // do a parallel 'let' for each byte
2410  out << "(let (";
2412  for(std::size_t byte = 0; byte < bytes; byte++)
2413  {
2414  if(byte != 0)
2415  out << ' ';
2416  out << "(bswap_byte_" << byte << ' ';
2417  out << "((_ extract " << (byte * bits_per_byte + (bits_per_byte - 1))
2418  << " " << (byte * bits_per_byte) << ") bswap_op)";
2419  out << ')';
2420  }
2422  out << ") ";
2424  // now stitch back together with 'concat'
2425  out << "(concat";
2427  for(std::size_t byte = 0; byte < bytes; byte++)
2428  out << " bswap_byte_" << byte;
2430  out << ')'; // concat
2431  out << ')'; // let bswap_byte_*
2432  }
2433  }
2434  else
2435  UNEXPECTEDCASE("bswap must get bitvector operand");
2437  out << ')'; // let bswap_op
2438  }
2439  else if(expr.id() == ID_popcount)
2440  {
2441  convert_expr(simplify_expr(to_popcount_expr(expr).lower(), ns));
2442  }
2443  else if(expr.id() == ID_count_leading_zeros)
2444  {
2446  }
2447  else if(expr.id() == ID_count_trailing_zeros)
2448  {
2450  }
2451  else if(expr.id() == ID_find_first_set)
2452  {
2454  }
2455  else if(expr.id() == ID_bitreverse)
2456  {
2458  }
2459  else if(expr.id() == ID_zero_extend)
2460  {
2461  convert_expr(to_zero_extend_expr(expr).lower());
2462  }
2463  else if(expr.id() == ID_function_application)
2464  {
2465  const auto &function_application_expr = to_function_application_expr(expr);
2466  // do not use parentheses if there function is a constant
2467  if(function_application_expr.arguments().empty())
2468  {
2469  convert_expr(function_application_expr.function());
2470  }
2471  else
2472  {
2473  out << '(';
2474  convert_expr(function_application_expr.function());
2475  for(auto &op : function_application_expr.arguments())
2476  {
2477  out << ' ';
2478  convert_expr(op);
2479  }
2480  out << ')';
2481  }
2482  }
2483  else
2485  false,
2486  "smt2_convt::convert_expr should not be applied to unsupported type",
2487  expr.id_string());
2488 }
2491 {
2492  const exprt &src = expr.op();
2494  typet dest_type = expr.type();
2495  if(dest_type.id()==ID_c_enum_tag)
2496  dest_type=ns.follow_tag(to_c_enum_tag_type(dest_type));
2498  typet src_type = src.type();
2499  if(src_type.id()==ID_c_enum_tag)
2500  src_type=ns.follow_tag(to_c_enum_tag_type(src_type));
2502  if(dest_type.id()==ID_bool)
2503  {
2504  // this is comparison with zero
2505  if(src_type.id()==ID_signedbv ||
2506  src_type.id()==ID_unsignedbv ||
2507  src_type.id()==ID_c_bool ||
2508  src_type.id()==ID_fixedbv ||
2509  src_type.id()==ID_pointer ||
2510  src_type.id()==ID_integer)
2511  {
2512  out << "(not (= ";
2513  convert_expr(src);
2514  out << " ";
2515  convert_expr(from_integer(0, src_type));
2516  out << "))";
2517  }
2518  else if(src_type.id()==ID_floatbv)
2519  {
2520  if(use_FPA_theory)
2521  {
2522  out << "(not (fp.isZero ";
2523  convert_expr(src);
2524  out << "))";
2525  }
2526  else
2527  convert_floatbv(expr);
2528  }
2529  else
2530  {
2531  UNEXPECTEDCASE("TODO typecast1 "+src_type.id_string()+" -> bool");
2532  }
2533  }
2534  else if(dest_type.id()==ID_c_bool)
2535  {
2536  std::size_t to_width=boolbv_width(dest_type);
2537  out << "(ite ";
2538  out << "(not (= ";
2539  convert_expr(src);
2540  out << " ";
2541  convert_expr(from_integer(0, src_type));
2542  out << "))"; // not, =
2543  out << " (_ bv1 " << to_width << ")";
2544  out << " (_ bv0 " << to_width << ")";
2545  out << ")"; // ite
2546  }
2547  else if(dest_type.id()==ID_signedbv ||
2548  dest_type.id()==ID_unsignedbv ||
2549  dest_type.id()==ID_c_enum ||
2550  dest_type.id()==ID_bv)
2551  {
2552  std::size_t to_width=boolbv_width(dest_type);
2554  if(src_type.id()==ID_signedbv || // from signedbv
2555  src_type.id()==ID_unsignedbv || // from unsigedbv
2556  src_type.id()==ID_c_bool ||
2557  src_type.id()==ID_c_enum ||
2558  src_type.id()==ID_bv)
2559  {
2560  std::size_t from_width=boolbv_width(src_type);
2562  if(from_width==to_width)
2563  convert_expr(src); // ignore
2564  else if(from_width<to_width) // extend
2565  {
2566  if(src_type.id()==ID_signedbv)
2567  out << "((_ sign_extend ";
2568  else
2569  out << "((_ zero_extend ";
2571  out << (to_width-from_width)
2572  << ") "; // ind
2573  convert_expr(src);
2574  out << ")";
2575  }
2576  else // chop off extra bits
2577  {
2578  out << "((_ extract " << (to_width-1) << " 0) ";
2579  convert_expr(src);
2580  out << ")";
2581  }
2582  }
2583  else if(src_type.id()==ID_fixedbv) // from fixedbv to int
2584  {
2585  const fixedbv_typet &fixedbv_type=to_fixedbv_type(src_type);
2587  std::size_t from_width=fixedbv_type.get_width();
2588  std::size_t from_integer_bits=fixedbv_type.get_integer_bits();
2589  std::size_t from_fraction_bits=fixedbv_type.get_fraction_bits();
2591  // we might need to round up in case of negative numbers
2592  // e.g., (int)(-1.00001)==1
2594  out << "(let ((?tcop ";
2595  convert_expr(src);
2596  out << ")) ";
2598  out << "(bvadd ";
2600  if(to_width>from_integer_bits)
2601  {
2602  out << "((_ sign_extend "
2603  << (to_width-from_integer_bits) << ") ";
2604  out << "((_ extract " << (from_width-1) << " "
2605  << from_fraction_bits << ") ";
2606  convert_expr(src);
2607  out << "))";
2608  }
2609  else
2610  {
2611  out << "((_ extract " << (from_fraction_bits+to_width-1)
2612  << " " << from_fraction_bits << ") ";
2613  convert_expr(src);
2614  out << ")";
2615  }
2617  out << " (ite (and ";
2619  // some fraction bit is not zero
2620  out << "(not (= ((_ extract " << (from_fraction_bits-1) << " 0) ?tcop) "
2621  "(_ bv0 " << from_fraction_bits << ")))";
2623  // number negative
2624  out << " (= ((_ extract " << (from_width-1) << " " << (from_width-1)
2625  << ") ?tcop) #b1)";
2627  out << ")"; // and
2629  out << " (_ bv1 " << to_width << ") (_ bv0 " << to_width << "))"; // ite
2630  out << ")"; // bvadd
2631  out << ")"; // let
2632  }
2633  else if(src_type.id()==ID_floatbv) // from floatbv to int
2634  {
2635  if(dest_type.id()==ID_bv)
2636  {
2637  // this is _NOT_ a semantic conversion, but bit-wise
2639  if(use_FPA_theory)
2640  {
2641  defined_expressionst::const_iterator it =
2642  defined_expressions.find(expr);
2643  CHECK_RETURN(it != defined_expressions.end());
2644  out << it->second;
2645  }
2646  else
2647  {
2648  // straight-forward if width matches
2649  convert_expr(src);
2650  }
2651  }
2652  else if(dest_type.id()==ID_signedbv)
2653  {
2654  // this should be floatbv_typecast, not typecast
2656  "typecast unexpected "+src_type.id_string()+" -> "+
2657  dest_type.id_string());
2658  }
2659  else if(dest_type.id()==ID_unsignedbv)
2660  {
2661  // this should be floatbv_typecast, not typecast
2663  "typecast unexpected "+src_type.id_string()+" -> "+
2664  dest_type.id_string());
2665  }
2666  }
2667  else if(src_type.id()==ID_bool) // from boolean to int
2668  {
2669  out << "(ite ";
2670  convert_expr(src);
2672  if(dest_type.id()==ID_fixedbv)
2673  {
2674  fixedbv_spect spec(to_fixedbv_type(dest_type));
2675  out << " (concat (_ bv1 "
2676  << spec.integer_bits << ") " <<
2677  "(_ bv0 " << spec.get_fraction_bits() << ")) " <<
2678  "(_ bv0 " << spec.width << ")";
2679  }
2680  else
2681  {
2682  out << " (_ bv1 " << to_width << ")";
2683  out << " (_ bv0 " << to_width << ")";
2684  }
2686  out << ")";
2687  }
2688  else if(src_type.id()==ID_pointer) // from pointer to int
2689  {
2690  std::size_t from_width=boolbv_width(src_type);
2692  if(from_width<to_width) // extend
2693  {
2694  out << "((_ sign_extend ";
2695  out << (to_width-from_width)
2696  << ") ";
2697  convert_expr(src);
2698  out << ")";
2699  }
2700  else // chop off extra bits
2701  {
2702  out << "((_ extract " << (to_width-1) << " 0) ";
2703  convert_expr(src);
2704  out << ")";
2705  }
2706  }
2707  else if(src_type.id()==ID_integer) // from integer to bit-vector
2708  {
2709  // must be constant
2710  if(src.is_constant())
2711  {
2712  mp_integer i = numeric_cast_v<mp_integer>(to_constant_expr(src));
2713  out << "(_ bv" << i << " " << to_width << ")";
2714  }
2715  else
2716  SMT2_TODO("can't convert non-constant integer to bitvector");
2717  }
2718  else if(
2719  src_type.id() == ID_struct ||
2720  src_type.id() == ID_struct_tag) // flatten a struct to a bit-vector
2721  {
2722  if(use_datatypes)
2723  {
2725  boolbv_width(src_type) == boolbv_width(dest_type),
2726  "bit vector with of source and destination type shall be equal");
2727  flatten2bv(src);
2728  }
2729  else
2730  {
2732  boolbv_width(src_type) == boolbv_width(dest_type),
2733  "bit vector with of source and destination type shall be equal");
2734  convert_expr(src); // nothing else to do!
2735  }
2736  }
2737  else if(
2738  src_type.id() == ID_union ||
2739  src_type.id() == ID_union_tag) // flatten a union
2740  {
2742  boolbv_width(src_type) == boolbv_width(dest_type),
2743  "bit vector with of source and destination type shall be equal");
2744  convert_expr(src); // nothing else to do!
2745  }
2746  else if(src_type.id()==ID_c_bit_field)
2747  {
2748  std::size_t from_width=boolbv_width(src_type);
2750  if(from_width==to_width)
2751  convert_expr(src); // ignore
2752  else
2753  {
2755  typecast_exprt tmp(typecast_exprt(src, t), dest_type);
2756  convert_typecast(tmp);
2757  }
2758  }
2759  else
2760  {
2761  std::ostringstream e_str;
2762  e_str << src_type.id() << " -> " << dest_type.id()
2763  << " src == " << format(src);
2764  UNEXPECTEDCASE("TODO typecast2 " + e_str.str());
2765  }
2766  }
2767  else if(dest_type.id()==ID_fixedbv) // to fixedbv
2768  {
2769  const fixedbv_typet &fixedbv_type=to_fixedbv_type(dest_type);
2770  std::size_t to_fraction_bits=fixedbv_type.get_fraction_bits();
2771  std::size_t to_integer_bits=fixedbv_type.get_integer_bits();
2773  if(src_type.id()==ID_unsignedbv ||
2774  src_type.id()==ID_signedbv ||
2775  src_type.id()==ID_c_enum)
2776  {
2777  // integer to fixedbv
2779  std::size_t from_width=to_bitvector_type(src_type).get_width();
2780  out << "(concat ";
2782  if(from_width==to_integer_bits)
2783  convert_expr(src);
2784  else if(from_width>to_integer_bits)
2785  {
2786  // too many integer bits
2787  out << "((_ extract " << (to_integer_bits-1) << " 0) ";
2788  convert_expr(src);
2789  out << ")";
2790  }
2791  else
2792  {
2793  // too few integer bits
2795  from_width < to_integer_bits,
2796  "from_width should be smaller than to_integer_bits as other case "
2797  "have been handled above");
2798  if(dest_type.id()==ID_unsignedbv)
2799  {
2800  out << "(_ zero_extend "
2801  << (to_integer_bits-from_width) << ") ";
2802  convert_expr(src);
2803  out << ")";
2804  }
2805  else
2806  {
2807  out << "((_ sign_extend "
2808  << (to_integer_bits-from_width) << ") ";
2809  convert_expr(src);
2810  out << ")";
2811  }
2812  }
2814  out << "(_ bv0 " << to_fraction_bits << ")";
2815  out << ")"; // concat
2816  }
2817  else if(src_type.id()==ID_bool) // bool to fixedbv
2818  {
2819  out << "(concat (concat"
2820  << " (_ bv0 " << (to_integer_bits-1) << ") ";
2821  flatten2bv(src); // produces #b0 or #b1
2822  out << ") (_ bv0 "
2823  << to_fraction_bits
2824  << "))";
2825  }
2826  else if(src_type.id()==ID_fixedbv) // fixedbv to fixedbv
2827  {
2828  const fixedbv_typet &from_fixedbv_type=to_fixedbv_type(src_type);
2829  std::size_t from_fraction_bits=from_fixedbv_type.get_fraction_bits();
2830  std::size_t from_integer_bits=from_fixedbv_type.get_integer_bits();
2831  std::size_t from_width=from_fixedbv_type.get_width();
2833  out << "(let ((?tcop ";
2834  convert_expr(src);
2835  out << ")) ";
2837  out << "(concat ";
2839  if(to_integer_bits<=from_integer_bits)
2840  {
2841  out << "((_ extract "
2842  << (from_fraction_bits+to_integer_bits-1) << " "
2843  << from_fraction_bits
2844  << ") ?tcop)";
2845  }
2846  else
2847  {
2849  to_integer_bits > from_integer_bits,
2850  "to_integer_bits should be greater than from_integer_bits as the"
2851  "other case has been handled above");
2852  out << "((_ sign_extend "
2853  << (to_integer_bits-from_integer_bits)
2854  << ") ((_ extract "
2855  << (from_width-1) << " "
2856  << from_fraction_bits
2857  << ") ?tcop))";
2858  }
2860  out << " ";
2862  if(to_fraction_bits<=from_fraction_bits)
2863  {
2864  out << "((_ extract "
2865  << (from_fraction_bits-1) << " "
2866  << (from_fraction_bits-to_fraction_bits)
2867  << ") ?tcop)";
2868  }
2869  else
2870  {
2872  to_fraction_bits > from_fraction_bits,
2873  "to_fraction_bits should be greater than from_fraction_bits as the"
2874  "other case has been handled above");
2875  out << "(concat ((_ extract "
2876  << (from_fraction_bits-1) << " 0) ";
2877  convert_expr(src);
2878  out << ")"
2879  << " (_ bv0 " << to_fraction_bits-from_fraction_bits
2880  << "))";
2881  }
2883  out << "))"; // concat, let
2884  }
2885  else
2886  UNEXPECTEDCASE("unexpected typecast to fixedbv");
2887  }
2888  else if(dest_type.id()==ID_pointer)
2889  {
2890  std::size_t to_width=boolbv_width(dest_type);
2892  if(src_type.id()==ID_pointer) // pointer to pointer
2893  {
2894  // this just passes through
2895  convert_expr(src);
2896  }
2897  else if(
2898  src_type.id() == ID_unsignedbv || src_type.id() == ID_signedbv ||
2899  src_type.id() == ID_bv)
2900  {
2901  // integer to pointer
2903  std::size_t from_width=boolbv_width(src_type);
2905  if(from_width==to_width)
2906  convert_expr(src);
2907  else if(from_width<to_width)
2908  {
2909  out << "((_ sign_extend "
2910  << (to_width-from_width)
2911  << ") ";
2912  convert_expr(src);
2913  out << ")"; // sign_extend
2914  }
2915  else // from_width>to_width
2916  {
2917  out << "((_ extract " << to_width << " 0) ";
2918  convert_expr(src);
2919  out << ")"; // extract
2920  }
2921  }
2922  else
2923  UNEXPECTEDCASE("TODO typecast3 "+src_type.id_string()+" -> pointer");
2924  }
2925  else if(dest_type.id()==ID_range)
2926  {
2927  auto &dest_range_type = to_range_type(dest_type);
2928  const auto dest_size =
2929  dest_range_type.get_to() - dest_range_type.get_from() + 1;
2930  const auto dest_width = address_bits(dest_size);
2931  if(src_type.id() == ID_range)
2932  {
2933  auto &src_range_type = to_range_type(src_type);
2934  const auto src_size =
2935  src_range_type.get_to() - src_range_type.get_from() + 1;
2936  const auto src_width = address_bits(src_size);
2937  if(src_width < dest_width)
2938  {
2939  out << "((_ zero_extend " << dest_width - src_width << ") ";
2940  convert_expr(src);
2941  out << ')'; // zero_extend
2942  }
2943  else if(src_width > dest_width)
2944  {
2945  out << "((_ extract " << dest_width - 1 << " 0) ";
2946  convert_expr(src);
2947  out << ')'; // extract
2948  }
2949  else // src_width == dest_width
2950  {
2951  convert_expr(src);
2952  }
2953  }
2954  else
2955  SMT2_TODO("typecast from " + src_type.id_string() + " to range");
2956  }
2957  else if(dest_type.id()==ID_floatbv)
2958  {
2959  // Typecast from integer to floating-point should have be been
2960  // converted to ID_floatbv_typecast during symbolic execution,
2961  // adding the rounding mode. See
2962  // smt2_convt::convert_floatbv_typecast.
2963  // The exception is bool and c_bool to float.
2964  const auto &dest_floatbv_type = to_floatbv_type(dest_type);
2966  if(src_type.id()==ID_bool)
2967  {
2968  constant_exprt val(irep_idt(), dest_type);
2970  ieee_floatt a(dest_floatbv_type);
2972  mp_integer significand;
2973  mp_integer exponent;
2975  out << "(ite ";
2976  convert_expr(src);
2977  out << " ";
2979  significand = 1;
2980  exponent = 0;
2981  a.build(significand, exponent);
2982  val.set_value(integer2bvrep(a.pack(), a.spec.width()));
2984  convert_constant(val);
2985  out << " ";
2987  significand = 0;
2988  exponent = 0;
2989  a.build(significand, exponent);
2990  val.set_value(integer2bvrep(a.pack(), a.spec.width()));
2992  convert_constant(val);
2993  out << ")";
2994  }
2995  else if(src_type.id()==ID_c_bool)
2996  {
2997  // turn into proper bool
2998  const typecast_exprt tmp(src, bool_typet());
2999  convert_typecast(typecast_exprt(tmp, dest_type));
3000  }
3001  else if(src_type.id() == ID_bv)
3002  {
3003  if(to_bv_type(src_type).get_width() != dest_floatbv_type.get_width())
3004  {
3005  UNEXPECTEDCASE("Typecast bv -> float with wrong width");
3006  }
3008  if(use_FPA_theory)
3009  {
3010  out << "((_ to_fp " << dest_floatbv_type.get_e() << " "
3011  << dest_floatbv_type.get_f() + 1 << ") ";
3012  convert_expr(src);
3013  out << ')';
3014  }
3015  else
3016  convert_expr(src);
3017  }
3018  else
3019  UNEXPECTEDCASE("Unknown typecast "+src_type.id_string()+" -> float");
3020  }
3021  else if(dest_type.id()==ID_integer)
3022  {
3023  if(src_type.id()==ID_bool)
3024  {
3025  out << "(ite ";
3026  convert_expr(src);
3027  out <<" 1 0)";
3028  }
3029  else
3030  UNEXPECTEDCASE("Unknown typecast "+src_type.id_string()+" -> integer");
3031  }
3032  else if(dest_type.id()==ID_c_bit_field)
3033  {
3034  std::size_t from_width=boolbv_width(src_type);
3035  std::size_t to_width=boolbv_width(dest_type);
3037  if(from_width==to_width)
3038  convert_expr(src); // ignore
3039  else
3040  {
3042  typecast_exprt tmp(typecast_exprt(src, t), dest_type);
3043  convert_typecast(tmp);
3044  }
3045  }
3046  else
3048  "TODO typecast8 "+src_type.id_string()+" -> "+dest_type.id_string());
3049 }
3052 {
3053  const exprt &src=expr.op();
3054  // const exprt &rounding_mode=expr.rounding_mode();
3055  const typet &src_type=src.type();
3056  const typet &dest_type=expr.type();
3058  if(dest_type.id()==ID_floatbv)
3059  {
3060  if(src_type.id()==ID_floatbv)
3061  {
3062  // float to float
3064  /* ISO 9899:1999
3065  * Real floating types
3066  * 1 When a float is promoted to double or long double, or a
3067  * double is promoted to long double, its value is unchanged.
3068  *
3069  * 2 When a double is demoted to float, a long double is
3070  * demoted to double or float, or a value being represented in
3071  * greater precision and range than required by its semantic
3072  * type (see is explicitly converted to its semantic
3073  * type, if the value being converted can be represented
3074  * exactly in the new type, it is unchanged. If the value
3075  * being converted is in the range of values that can be
3076  * represented but cannot be represented exactly, the result
3077  * is either the nearest higher or nearest lower representable
3078  * value, chosen in an implementation-defined manner. If the
3079  * value being converted is outside the range of values that
3080  * can be represented, the behavior is undefined.
3081  */
3083  const floatbv_typet &dst=to_floatbv_type(dest_type);
3085  if(use_FPA_theory)
3086  {
3087  out << "((_ to_fp " << dst.get_e() << " "
3088  << dst.get_f() + 1 << ") ";
3090  out << " ";
3091  convert_expr(src);
3092  out << ")";
3093  }
3094  else
3095  convert_floatbv(expr);
3096  }
3097  else if(src_type.id()==ID_unsignedbv)
3098  {
3099  // unsigned to float
3101  /* ISO 9899:1999
3102  * Real floating and integer
3103  * 2 When a value of integer type is converted to a real
3104  * floating type, if the value being converted can be
3105  * represented exactly in the new type, it is unchanged. If the
3106  * value being converted is in the range of values that can be
3107  * represented but cannot be represented exactly, the result is
3108  * either the nearest higher or nearest lower representable
3109  * value, chosen in an implementation-defined manner. If the
3110  * value being converted is outside the range of values that can
3111  * be represented, the behavior is undefined.
3112  */
3114  const floatbv_typet &dst=to_floatbv_type(dest_type);
3116  if(use_FPA_theory)
3117  {
3118  out << "((_ to_fp_unsigned " << dst.get_e() << " "
3119  << dst.get_f() + 1 << ") ";
3121  out << " ";
3122  convert_expr(src);
3123  out << ")";
3124  }
3125  else
3126  convert_floatbv(expr);
3127  }
3128  else if(src_type.id()==ID_signedbv)
3129  {
3130  // signed to float
3132  const floatbv_typet &dst=to_floatbv_type(dest_type);
3134  if(use_FPA_theory)
3135  {
3136  out << "((_ to_fp " << dst.get_e() << " "
3137  << dst.get_f() + 1 << ") ";
3139  out << " ";
3140  convert_expr(src);
3141  out << ")";
3142  }
3143  else
3144  convert_floatbv(expr);
3145  }
3146  else if(src_type.id()==ID_c_enum_tag)
3147  {
3148  // enum to float
3150  // We first convert to 'underlying type'
3151  floatbv_typecast_exprt tmp=expr;
3152  tmp.op() = typecast_exprt(
3153  src, ns.follow_tag(to_c_enum_tag_type(src_type)).underlying_type());
3155  }
3156  else
3158  "TODO typecast11 "+src_type.id_string()+" -> "+dest_type.id_string());
3159  }
3160  else if(dest_type.id()==ID_signedbv)
3161  {
3162  if(use_FPA_theory)
3163  {
3164  std::size_t dest_width=to_signedbv_type(dest_type).get_width();
3165  out << "((_ fp.to_sbv " << dest_width << ") ";
3167  out << " ";
3168  convert_expr(src);
3169  out << ")";
3170  }
3171  else
3172  convert_floatbv(expr);
3173  }
3174  else if(dest_type.id()==ID_unsignedbv)
3175  {
3176  if(use_FPA_theory)
3177  {
3178  std::size_t dest_width=to_unsignedbv_type(dest_type).get_width();
3179  out << "((_ fp.to_ubv " << dest_width << ") ";
3181  out << " ";
3182  convert_expr(src);
3183  out << ")";
3184  }
3185  else
3186  convert_floatbv(expr);
3187  }
3188  else
3189  {
3191  "TODO typecast12 "+src_type.id_string()+" -> "+dest_type.id_string());
3192  }
3193 }
3196 {
3197  const struct_typet &struct_type =
3198  expr.type().id() == ID_struct_tag
3200  : to_struct_type(expr.type());
3202  const struct_typet::componentst &components=
3203  struct_type.components();
3206  components.size() == expr.operands().size(),
3207  "number of struct components as indicated by the struct type shall be equal"
3208  "to the number of operands of the struct expression");
3210  DATA_INVARIANT(!components.empty(), "struct shall have struct components");
3212  if(use_datatypes)
3213  {
3214  const std::string &smt_typename = datatype_map.at(struct_type);
3216  // use the constructor for the Z3 datatype
3217  out << "(mk-" << smt_typename;
3219  std::size_t i=0;
3220  for(struct_typet::componentst::const_iterator
3221  it=components.begin();
3222  it!=components.end();
3223  it++, i++)
3224  {
3225  if(is_zero_width(it->type(), ns))
3226  continue;
3227  out << " ";
3228  convert_expr(expr.operands()[i]);
3229  }
3231  out << ")";
3232  }
3233  else
3234  {
3235  auto convert_operand = [this](const exprt &op) {
3236  // may need to flatten array-theory arrays in there
3237  if(op.type().id() == ID_array && use_array_theory(op))
3238  flatten_array(op);
3239  else if(op.type().id() == ID_bool)
3240  flatten2bv(op);
3241  else
3242  convert_expr(op);
3243  };
3245  // SMT-LIB 2 concat is binary only
3246  std::size_t n_concat = 0;
3247  for(std::size_t i = components.size(); i > 1; i--)
3248  {
3249  if(is_zero_width(components[i - 1].type(), ns))
3250  continue;
3251  else if(i > 2 || !is_zero_width(components[0].type(), ns))
3252  {
3253  ++n_concat;
3254  out << "(concat ";
3255  }
3257  convert_operand(expr.operands()[i - 1]);
3259  out << " ";
3260  }
3262  if(!is_zero_width(components[0].type(), ns))
3263  convert_operand(expr.op0());
3265  out << std::string(n_concat, ')');
3266  }
3267 }
3271 {
3272  const array_typet &array_type = to_array_type(expr.type());
3273  const auto &size_expr = array_type.size();
3274  PRECONDITION(size_expr.is_constant());
3276  mp_integer size = numeric_cast_v<mp_integer>(to_constant_expr(size_expr));
3277  CHECK_RETURN_WITH_DIAGNOSTICS(size != 0, "can't convert zero-sized array");
3279  out << "(let ((?far ";
3280  convert_expr(expr);
3281  out << ")) ";
3283  for(mp_integer i=size; i!=0; --i)
3284  {
3285  if(i!=1)
3286  out << "(concat ";
3287  out << "(select ?far ";
3288  convert_expr(from_integer(i - 1, array_type.index_type()));
3289  out << ")";
3290  if(i!=1)
3291  out << " ";
3292  }
3294  // close the many parentheses
3295  for(mp_integer i=size; i>1; --i)
3296  out << ")";
3298  out << ")"; // let
3299 }
3302 {
3303  const exprt &op=expr.op();
3305  std::size_t total_width = boolbv_width(expr.type());
3307  std::size_t member_width=boolbv_width(op.type());
3309  if(total_width==member_width)
3310  {
3311  flatten2bv(op);
3312  }
3313  else
3314  {
3315  // we will pad with zeros, but non-det would be better
3317  total_width > member_width,
3318  "total_width should be greater than member_width as member_width can be"
3319  "at most as large as total_width and the other case has been handled "
3320  "above");
3321  out << "(concat ";
3322  out << "(_ bv0 "
3323  << (total_width-member_width) << ") ";
3324  flatten2bv(op);
3325  out << ")";
3326  }
3327 }
3330 {
3331  const typet &expr_type=expr.type();
3333  if(expr_type.id()==ID_unsignedbv ||
3334  expr_type.id()==ID_signedbv ||
3335  expr_type.id()==ID_bv ||
3336  expr_type.id()==ID_c_enum ||
3337  expr_type.id()==ID_c_enum_tag ||
3338  expr_type.id()==ID_c_bool ||
3339  expr_type.id()==ID_c_bit_field)
3340  {
3341  const std::size_t width = boolbv_width(expr_type);
3343  const mp_integer value = bvrep2integer(expr.get_value(), width, false);
3345  out << "(_ bv" << value
3346  << " " << width << ")";
3347  }
3348  else if(expr_type.id()==ID_fixedbv)
3349  {
3350  const fixedbv_spect spec(to_fixedbv_type(expr_type));
3352  const mp_integer v = bvrep2integer(expr.get_value(), spec.width, false);
3354  out << "(_ bv" << v << " " << spec.width << ")";
3355  }
3356  else if(expr_type.id()==ID_floatbv)
3357  {
3358  const floatbv_typet &floatbv_type=
3359  to_floatbv_type(expr_type);
3361  if(use_FPA_theory)
3362  {
3363  /* CBMC stores floating point literals in the most
3364  computationally useful form; biased exponents and
3365  significands including the hidden bit. Thus some encoding
3366  is needed to get to IEEE-754 style representations. */
3368  ieee_floatt v=ieee_floatt(expr);
3369  size_t e=floatbv_type.get_e();
3370  size_t f=floatbv_type.get_f()+1;
3372  /* Should be sufficient, but not currently supported by mathsat */
3373  #if 0
3374  mp_integer binary = v.pack();
3376  out << "((_ to_fp " << e << " " << f << ")"
3377  << " #b" << integer2binary(v.pack(), v.spec.width()) << ")";
3378  #endif
3380  if(v.is_NaN())
3381  {
3382  out << "(_ NaN " << e << " " << f << ")";
3383  }
3384  else if(v.is_infinity())
3385  {
3386  if(v.get_sign())
3387  out << "(_ -oo " << e << " " << f << ")";
3388  else
3389  out << "(_ +oo " << e << " " << f << ")";
3390  }
3391  else
3392  {
3393  // Zero, normal or subnormal
3395  mp_integer binary = v.pack();
3396  std::string binaryString(integer2binary(v.pack(), v.spec.width()));
3398  out << "(fp "
3399  << "#b" << binaryString.substr(0, 1) << " "
3400  << "#b" << binaryString.substr(1, e) << " "
3401  << "#b" << binaryString.substr(1+e, f-1) << ")";
3402  }
3403  }
3404  else
3405  {
3406  // produce corresponding bit-vector
3407  const ieee_float_spect spec(floatbv_type);
3408  const mp_integer v = bvrep2integer(expr.get_value(), spec.width(), false);
3409  out << "(_ bv" << v << " " << spec.width() << ")";
3410  }
3411  }
3412  else if(expr_type.id()==ID_pointer)
3413  {
3414  if(expr.is_null_pointer())
3415  {
3416  out << "(_ bv0 " << boolbv_width(expr_type)
3417  << ")";
3418  }
3419  else
3420  {
3421  // just treat the pointer as a bit vector
3422  const std::size_t width = boolbv_width(expr_type);
3424  const mp_integer value = bvrep2integer(expr.get_value(), width, false);
3426  out << "(_ bv" << value << " " << width << ")";
3427  }
3428  }
3429  else if(expr_type.id()==ID_bool)
3430  {
3431  if(expr.is_true())
3432  out << "true";
3433  else if(expr.is_false())
3434  out << "false";
3435  else
3436  UNEXPECTEDCASE("unknown Boolean constant");
3437  }
3438  else if(expr_type.id()==ID_array)
3439  {
3440  defined_expressionst::const_iterator it=defined_expressions.find(expr);
3441  CHECK_RETURN(it != defined_expressions.end());
3442  out << it->second;
3443  }
3444  else if(expr_type.id()==ID_rational)
3445  {
3446  std::string value=id2string(expr.get_value());
3447  const bool negative = has_prefix(value, "-");
3449  if(negative)
3450  out << "(- ";
3452  size_t pos=value.find("/");
3454  if(pos==std::string::npos)
3455  out << value << ".0";
3456  else
3457  {
3458  out << "(/ " << value.substr(0, pos) << ".0 "
3459  << value.substr(pos+1) << ".0)";
3460  }
3462  if(negative)
3463  out << ')';
3464  }
3465  else if(expr_type.id()==ID_integer)
3466  {
3467  const auto value = id2string(expr.get_value());
3469  // SMT2 has no negative integer literals
3470  if(has_prefix(value, "-"))
3471  out << "(- " << value.substr(1, std::string::npos) << ')';
3472  else
3473  out << value;
3474  }
3475  else if(expr_type.id() == ID_range)
3476  {
3477  auto &range_type = to_range_type(expr_type);
3478  const auto size = range_type.get_to() - range_type.get_from() + 1;
3479  const auto width = address_bits(size);
3480  const auto value_int = numeric_cast_v<mp_integer>(expr);
3481  out << "(_ bv" << (value_int - range_type.get_from()) << " " << width
3482  << ")";
3483  }
3484  else
3485  UNEXPECTEDCASE("unknown constant: "+expr_type.id_string());
3486 }
3489 {
3490  if(expr.type().id() == ID_integer)
3491  {
3492  out << "(mod ";
3493  convert_expr(expr.op0());
3494  out << ' ';
3495  convert_expr(expr.op1());
3496  out << ')';
3497  }
3498  else
3500  "unsupported type for euclidean_mod: " + expr.type().id_string());
3501 }
3504 {
3505  if(expr.type().id()==ID_unsignedbv ||
3506  expr.type().id()==ID_signedbv)
3507  {
3508  if(expr.type().id()==ID_unsignedbv)
3509  out << "(bvurem ";
3510  else
3511  out << "(bvsrem ";
3513  convert_expr(expr.op0());
3514  out << " ";
3515  convert_expr(expr.op1());
3516  out << ")";
3517  }
3518  else
3519  UNEXPECTEDCASE("unsupported type for mod: "+expr.type().id_string());
3520 }
3523 {
3524  std::vector<mp_integer> dynamic_objects;
3525  pointer_logic.get_dynamic_objects(dynamic_objects);
3527  if(dynamic_objects.empty())
3528  out << "false";
3529  else
3530  {
3531  std::size_t pointer_width = boolbv_width(expr.op().type());
3533  out << "(let ((?obj ((_ extract "
3534  << pointer_width-1 << " "
3535  << pointer_width-config.bv_encoding.object_bits << ") ";
3536  convert_expr(expr.op());
3537  out << "))) ";
3539  if(dynamic_objects.size()==1)
3540  {
3541  out << "(= (_ bv" << dynamic_objects.front()
3542  << " " << config.bv_encoding.object_bits << ") ?obj)";
3543  }
3544  else
3545  {
3546  out << "(or";
3548  for(const auto &object : dynamic_objects)
3549  out << " (= (_ bv" << object
3550  << " " << config.bv_encoding.object_bits << ") ?obj)";
3552  out << ")"; // or
3553  }
3555  out << ")"; // let
3556  }
3557 }
3560 {
3561  const typet &op_type=expr.op0().type();
3563  if(op_type.id()==ID_unsignedbv ||
3564  op_type.id()==ID_bv)
3565  {
3566  out << "(";
3567  if(expr.id()==ID_le)
3568  out << "bvule";
3569  else if(expr.id()==ID_lt)
3570  out << "bvult";
3571  else if(expr.id()==ID_ge)
3572  out << "bvuge";
3573  else if(expr.id()==ID_gt)
3574  out << "bvugt";
3576  out << " ";
3577  convert_expr(expr.op0());
3578  out << " ";
3579  convert_expr(expr.op1());
3580  out << ")";
3581  }
3582  else if(op_type.id()==ID_signedbv ||
3583  op_type.id()==ID_fixedbv)
3584  {
3585  out << "(";
3586  if(expr.id()==ID_le)
3587  out << "bvsle";
3588  else if(expr.id()==ID_lt)
3589  out << "bvslt";
3590  else if(expr.id()==ID_ge)
3591  out << "bvsge";
3592  else if(expr.id()==ID_gt)
3593  out << "bvsgt";
3595  out << " ";
3596  convert_expr(expr.op0());
3597  out << " ";
3598  convert_expr(expr.op1());
3599  out << ")";
3600  }
3601  else if(op_type.id()==ID_floatbv)
3602  {
3603  if(use_FPA_theory)
3604  {
3605  out << "(";
3606  if(expr.id()==ID_le)
3607  out << "fp.leq";
3608  else if(expr.id()==ID_lt)
3609  out << "fp.lt";
3610  else if(expr.id()==ID_ge)
3611  out << "fp.geq";
3612  else if(expr.id()==ID_gt)
3613  out << "fp.gt";
3615  out << " ";
3616  convert_expr(expr.op0());
3617  out << " ";
3618  convert_expr(expr.op1());
3619  out << ")";
3620  }
3621  else
3622  convert_floatbv(expr);
3623  }
3624  else if(op_type.id()==ID_rational ||
3625  op_type.id()==ID_integer)
3626  {
3627  out << "(";
3628  out << expr.id();
3630  out << " ";
3631  convert_expr(expr.op0());
3632  out << " ";
3633  convert_expr(expr.op1());
3634  out << ")";
3635  }
3636  else if(op_type.id() == ID_pointer)
3637  {
3638  const exprt same_object = ::same_object(expr.op0(), expr.op1());
3640  out << "(and ";
3643  out << " (";
3644  if(expr.id() == ID_le)
3645  out << "bvsle";
3646  else if(expr.id() == ID_lt)
3647  out << "bvslt";
3648  else if(expr.id() == ID_ge)
3649  out << "bvsge";
3650  else if(expr.id() == ID_gt)
3651  out << "bvsgt";
3653  out << ' ';
3654  convert_expr(pointer_offset(expr.op0()));
3655  out << ' ';
3656  convert_expr(pointer_offset(expr.op1()));
3657  out << ')';
3659  out << ')';
3660  }
3661  else
3663  "unsupported type for "+expr.id_string()+": "+op_type.id_string());
3664 }
3667 {
3668  if(
3669  expr.type().id() == ID_rational || expr.type().id() == ID_integer ||
3670  expr.type().id() == ID_real)
3671  {
3672  // these are multi-ary in SMT-LIB2
3673  out << "(+";
3675  for(const auto &op : expr.operands())
3676  {
3677  out << ' ';
3678  convert_expr(op);
3679  }
3681  out << ')';
3682  }
3683  else if(
3684  expr.type().id() == ID_unsignedbv || expr.type().id() == ID_signedbv ||
3685  expr.type().id() == ID_fixedbv || expr.type().id() == ID_range)
3686  {
3687  // These could be chained, i.e., need not be binary,
3688  // but at least MathSat doesn't like that.
3689  if(expr.operands().size() == 2)
3690  {
3691  out << "(bvadd ";
3692  convert_expr(expr.op0());
3693  out << " ";
3694  convert_expr(expr.op1());
3695  out << ")";
3696  }
3697  else
3698  {
3700  }
3701  }
3702  else if(expr.type().id() == ID_floatbv)
3703  {
3704  // Floating-point additions should have be been converted
3705  // to ID_floatbv_plus during symbolic execution, adding
3706  // the rounding mode. See smt2_convt::convert_floatbv_plus.
3708  }
3709  else if(expr.type().id() == ID_pointer)
3710  {
3711  if(expr.operands().size() == 2)
3712  {
3713  exprt p = expr.op0(), i = expr.op1();
3715  if(p.type().id() != ID_pointer)
3716  p.swap(i);
3719  p.type().id() == ID_pointer,
3720  "one of the operands should have pointer type");
3722  const auto &base_type = to_pointer_type(expr.type()).base_type();
3724  base_type.id() != ID_empty, "no pointer arithmetic over void pointers");
3726  auto element_size_opt = pointer_offset_size(base_type, ns);
3727  CHECK_RETURN(element_size_opt.has_value() && *element_size_opt >= 0);
3728  mp_integer element_size = *element_size_opt;
3730  // First convert the pointer operand
3731  out << "(let ((?pointerop ";
3732  convert_expr(p);
3733  out << ")) ";
3735  // The addition is done on the offset part only.
3736  const std::size_t pointer_width = boolbv_width(p.type());
3737  const std::size_t offset_bits =
3738  pointer_width - config.bv_encoding.object_bits;
3740  out << "(concat ";
3741  out << "((_ extract " << pointer_width - 1 << ' ' << offset_bits
3742  << ") ?pointerop) ";
3743  out << "(bvadd ((_ extract " << offset_bits - 1 << " 0) ?pointerop) ";
3745  if(element_size >= 2)
3746  {
3747  out << "(bvmul ((_ extract " << offset_bits - 1 << " 0) ";
3748  convert_expr(i);
3749  out << ") (_ bv" << element_size << " " << offset_bits << "))";
3750  }
3751  else
3752  {
3753  out << "((_ extract " << offset_bits - 1 << " 0) ";
3754  convert_expr(i);
3755  out << ')'; // extract
3756  }
3758  out << ")))"; // bvadd, concat, let
3759  }
3760  else
3761  {
3763  }
3764  }
3765  else
3766  UNEXPECTEDCASE("unsupported type for +: " + expr.type().id_string());
3767 }
3773 {
3776  /* CProver uses the x86 numbering of the rounding-mode
3777  * 0 == FE_TONEAREST
3778  * 1 == FE_DOWNWARD
3779  * 2 == FE_UPWARD
3780  * 3 == FE_TOWARDZERO
3781  * These literal values must be used rather than the macros
3782  * the macros from fenv.h to avoid portability problems.
3783  */
3785  if(expr.is_constant())
3786  {
3787  const constant_exprt &cexpr=to_constant_expr(expr);
3789  mp_integer value = numeric_cast_v<mp_integer>(cexpr);
3791  if(value==0)
3792  out << "roundNearestTiesToEven";
3793  else if(value==1)
3794  out << "roundTowardNegative";
3795  else if(value==2)
3796  out << "roundTowardPositive";
3797  else if(value==3)
3798  out << "roundTowardZero";
3799  else
3801  false,
3802  "Rounding mode should have value 0, 1, 2, or 3",
3803  id2string(cexpr.get_value()));
3804  }
3805  else
3806  {
3807  std::size_t width=to_bitvector_type(expr.type()).get_width();
3809  // Need to make the choice above part of the model
3810  out << "(ite (= (_ bv0 " << width << ") ";
3811  convert_expr(expr);
3812  out << ") roundNearestTiesToEven ";
3814  out << "(ite (= (_ bv1 " << width << ") ";
3815  convert_expr(expr);
3816  out << ") roundTowardNegative ";
3818  out << "(ite (= (_ bv2 " << width << ") ";
3819  convert_expr(expr);
3820  out << ") roundTowardPositive ";
3822  // TODO: add some kind of error checking here
3823  out << "roundTowardZero";
3825  out << ")))";
3826  }
3827 }
3830 {
3831  const typet &type=expr.type();
3834  type.id() == ID_floatbv ||
3835  (type.id() == ID_complex &&
3836  to_complex_type(type).subtype().id() == ID_floatbv));
3838  if(use_FPA_theory)
3839  {
3840  if(type.id()==ID_floatbv)
3841  {
3842  out << "(fp.add ";
3844  out << " ";
3845  convert_expr(expr.lhs());
3846  out << " ";
3847  convert_expr(expr.rhs());
3848  out << ")";
3849  }
3850  else if(type.id()==ID_complex)
3851  {
3852  SMT2_TODO("+ for floatbv complex");
3853  }
3854  else
3856  false,
3857  "type should not be one of the unsupported types",
3858  type.id_string());
3859  }
3860  else
3861  convert_floatbv(expr);
3862 }
3865 {
3866  if(expr.type().id()==ID_integer)
3867  {
3868  out << "(- ";
3869  convert_expr(expr.op0());
3870  out << " ";
3871  convert_expr(expr.op1());
3872  out << ")";
3873  }
3874  else if(expr.type().id()==ID_unsignedbv ||
3875  expr.type().id()==ID_signedbv ||
3876  expr.type().id()==ID_fixedbv)
3877  {
3878  if(expr.op0().type().id()==ID_pointer &&
3879  expr.op1().type().id()==ID_pointer)
3880  {
3881  // Pointer difference
3882  const auto &base_type = to_pointer_type(expr.op0().type()).base_type();
3884  base_type.id() != ID_empty, "no pointer arithmetic over void pointers");
3885  auto element_size_opt = pointer_offset_size(base_type, ns);
3886  CHECK_RETURN(element_size_opt.has_value() && *element_size_opt >= 1);
3887  mp_integer element_size = *element_size_opt;
3889  if(element_size >= 2)
3890  out << "(bvsdiv ";
3893  boolbv_width(expr.op0().type()) == boolbv_width(expr.type()),
3894  "bitvector width of operand shall be equal to the bitvector width of "
3895  "the expression");
3897  out << "(bvsub ";
3898  convert_expr(expr.op0());
3899  out << " ";
3900  convert_expr(expr.op1());
3901  out << ")";
3903  if(element_size >= 2)
3904  out << " (_ bv" << element_size << " " << boolbv_width(expr.type())
3905  << "))";
3906  }
3907  else
3908  {
3909  out << "(bvsub ";
3910  convert_expr(expr.op0());
3911  out << " ";
3912  convert_expr(expr.op1());
3913  out << ")";
3914  }
3915  }
3916  else if(expr.type().id()==ID_floatbv)
3917  {
3918  // Floating-point subtraction should have be been converted
3919  // to ID_floatbv_minus during symbolic execution, adding
3920  // the rounding mode. See smt2_convt::convert_floatbv_minus.
3922  }
3923  else if(expr.type().id()==ID_pointer)
3924  {
3925  if(
3926  expr.op0().type().id() == ID_pointer &&
3927  (expr.op1().type().id() == ID_unsignedbv ||
3928  expr.op1().type().id() == ID_signedbv))
3929  {
3930  // rewrite p-o to p+(-o)
3931  return convert_plus(
3932  plus_exprt(expr.op0(), unary_minus_exprt(expr.op1())));
3933  }
3934  else
3936  "unsupported operand types for -: " + expr.op0().type().id_string() +
3937  " and " + expr.op1().type().id_string());
3938  }
3939  else
3940  UNEXPECTEDCASE("unsupported type for -: "+expr.type().id_string());
3941 }
3944 {
3946  expr.type().id() == ID_floatbv,
3947  "type of ieee floating point expression shall be floatbv");
3949  if(use_FPA_theory)
3950  {
3951  out << "(fp.sub ";
3953  out << " ";
3954  convert_expr(expr.lhs());
3955  out << " ";
3956  convert_expr(expr.rhs());
3957  out << ")";
3958  }
3959  else
3960  convert_floatbv(expr);
3961 }
3964 {
3965  if(expr.type().id()==ID_unsignedbv ||
3966  expr.type().id()==ID_signedbv)
3967  {
3968  if(expr.type().id()==ID_unsignedbv)
3969  out << "(bvudiv ";
3970  else
3971  out << "(bvsdiv ";
3973  convert_expr(expr.op0());
3974  out << " ";
3975  convert_expr(expr.op1());
3976  out << ")";
3977  }
3978  else if(expr.type().id()==ID_fixedbv)
3979  {
3980  fixedbv_spect spec(to_fixedbv_type(expr.type()));
3981  std::size_t fraction_bits=spec.get_fraction_bits();
3983  out << "((_ extract " << spec.width-1 << " 0) ";
3984  out << "(bvsdiv ";
3986  out << "(concat ";
3987  convert_expr(expr.op0());
3988  out << " (_ bv0 " << fraction_bits << ")) ";
3990  out << "((_ sign_extend " << fraction_bits << ") ";
3991  convert_expr(expr.op1());
3992  out << ")";
3994  out << "))";
3995  }
3996  else if(expr.type().id()==ID_floatbv)
3997  {
3998  // Floating-point division should have be been converted
3999  // to ID_floatbv_div during symbolic execution, adding
4000  // the rounding mode. See smt2_convt::convert_floatbv_div.
4002  }
4003  else
4004  UNEXPECTEDCASE("unsupported type for /: "+expr.type().id_string());
4005 }
4008 {
4010  expr.type().id() == ID_floatbv,
4011  "type of ieee floating point expression shall be floatbv");
4013  if(use_FPA_theory)
4014  {
4015  out << "(fp.div ";
4017  out << " ";
4018  convert_expr(expr.lhs());
4019  out << " ";
4020  convert_expr(expr.rhs());
4021  out << ")";
4022  }
4023  else
4024  convert_floatbv(expr);
4025 }
4028 {
4029  // re-write to binary if needed
4030  if(expr.operands().size()>2)
4031  {
4032  // strip last operand
4033  exprt tmp=expr;
4034  tmp.operands().pop_back();
4036  // recursive call
4037  return convert_mult(mult_exprt(tmp, expr.operands().back()));
4038  }
4041  expr.operands().size() == 2,
4042  "expression should have been converted to a variant with two operands");
4044  if(expr.type().id()==ID_unsignedbv ||
4045  expr.type().id()==ID_signedbv)
4046  {
4047  // Note that bvmul is really unsigned,
4048  // but this is irrelevant as we chop-off any extra result
4049  // bits.
4050  out << "(bvmul ";
4051  convert_expr(expr.op0());
4052  out << " ";
4053  convert_expr(expr.op1());
4054  out << ")";
4055  }
4056  else if(expr.type().id()==ID_floatbv)
4057  {
4058  // Floating-point multiplication should have be been converted
4059  // to ID_floatbv_mult during symbolic execution, adding
4060  // the rounding mode. See smt2_convt::convert_floatbv_mult.
4062  }
4063  else if(expr.type().id()==ID_fixedbv)
4064  {
4065  fixedbv_spect spec(to_fixedbv_type(expr.type()));
4066  std::size_t fraction_bits=spec.get_fraction_bits();
4068  out << "((_ extract "
4069  << spec.width+fraction_bits-1 << " "
4070  << fraction_bits << ") ";
4072  out << "(bvmul ";
4074  out << "((_ sign_extend " << fraction_bits << ") ";
4075  convert_expr(expr.op0());
4076  out << ") ";
4078  out << "((_ sign_extend " << fraction_bits << ") ";
4079  convert_expr(expr.op1());
4080  out << ")";
4082  out << "))"; // bvmul, extract
4083  }
4084  else if(expr.type().id()==ID_rational ||
4085  expr.type().id()==ID_integer ||
4086  expr.type().id()==ID_real)
4087  {
4088  out << "(*";
4090  for(const auto &op : expr.operands())
4091  {
4092  out << " ";
4093  convert_expr(op);
4094  }
4096  out << ")";
4097  }
4098  else
4099  UNEXPECTEDCASE("unsupported type for *: "+expr.type().id_string());
4100 }
4103 {
4105  expr.type().id() == ID_floatbv,
4106  "type of ieee floating point expression shall be floatbv");
4108  if(use_FPA_theory)
4109  {
4110  out << "(fp.mul ";
4112  out << " ";
4113  convert_expr(expr.lhs());
4114  out << " ";
4115  convert_expr(expr.rhs());
4116  out << ")";
4117  }
4118  else
4119  convert_floatbv(expr);
4120 }
4123 {
4125  expr.type().id() == ID_floatbv,
4126  "type of ieee floating point expression shall be floatbv");
4128  if(use_FPA_theory)
4129  {
4130  // Note that these do not have a rounding mode
4131  out << "(fp.rem ";
4132  convert_expr(expr.lhs());
4133  out << " ";
4134  convert_expr(expr.rhs());
4135  out << ")";
4136  }
4137  else
4138  {
4139  SMT2_TODO(
4140  "smt2_convt::convert_floatbv_rem to be implemented when not using "
4141  "FPA_theory");
4142  }
4143 }
4146 {
4147  // get rid of "with" that has more than three operands
4149  if(expr.operands().size()>3)
4150  {
4151  std::size_t s=expr.operands().size();
4153  // strip off the trailing two operands
4154  with_exprt tmp = expr;
4155  tmp.operands().resize(s-2);
4157  with_exprt new_with_expr(
4158  tmp, expr.operands()[s - 2], expr.operands().back());
4160  // recursive call
4161  return convert_with(new_with_expr);
4162  }
4165  expr.operands().size() == 3,
4166  "with expression should have been converted to a version with three "
4167  "operands above");
4169  const typet &expr_type = expr.type();
4171  if(expr_type.id()==ID_array)
4172  {
4173  const array_typet &array_type=to_array_type(expr_type);
4175  if(use_array_theory(expr))
4176  {
4177  out << "(store ";
4178  convert_expr(expr.old());
4179  out << " ";
4180  convert_expr(typecast_exprt(expr.where(), array_type.index_type()));
4181  out << " ";
4182  convert_expr(expr.new_value());
4183  out << ")";
4184  }
4185  else
4186  {
4187  // fixed-width
4188  std::size_t array_width=boolbv_width(array_type);
4189  std::size_t sub_width = boolbv_width(array_type.element_type());
4190  std::size_t index_width=boolbv_width(expr.where().type());
4192  // We mask out the updated bits with AND,
4193  // and then OR-in the shifted new value.
4195  out << "(let ((distance? ";
4196  out << "(bvmul (_ bv" << sub_width << " " << array_width << ") ";
4198  // SMT2 says that the shift distance needs to be as wide
4199  // as the stuff we are shifting.
4200  if(array_width>index_width)
4201  {
4202  out << "((_ zero_extend " << array_width-index_width << ") ";
4203  convert_expr(expr.where());
4204  out << ")";
4205  }
4206  else
4207  {
4208  out << "((_ extract " << array_width-1 << " 0) ";
4209  convert_expr(expr.where());
4210  out << ")";
4211  }
4213  out << "))) "; // bvmul, distance?
4215  out << "(bvor ";
4216  out << "(bvand ";
4217  out << "(bvnot ";
4218  out << "(bvshl (_ bv" << power(2, sub_width) - 1 << " " << array_width
4219  << ") ";
4220  out << "distance?)) "; // bvnot, bvlshl
4221  convert_expr(expr.old());
4222  out << ") "; // bvand
4223  out << "(bvshl ";
4224  out << "((_ zero_extend " << array_width-sub_width << ") ";
4225  convert_expr(expr.new_value());
4226  out << ") distance?)))"; // zero_extend, bvshl, bvor, let
4227  }
4228  }
4229  else if(expr_type.id() == ID_struct || expr_type.id() == ID_struct_tag)
4230  {
4231  const struct_typet &struct_type =
4232  expr_type.id() == ID_struct_tag
4233  ? ns.follow_tag(to_struct_tag_type(expr_type))
4234  : to_struct_type(expr_type);
4236  const exprt &index = expr.where();
4237  const exprt &value = expr.new_value();
4239  const irep_idt &component_name=index.get(ID_component_name);
4242  struct_type.has_component(component_name),
4243  "struct should have accessed component");
4245  if(use_datatypes)
4246  {
4247  const std::string &smt_typename = datatype_map.at(expr_type);
4249  out << "(update-" << smt_typename << "." << component_name << " ";
4250  convert_expr(expr.old());
4251  out << " ";
4252  convert_expr(value);
4253  out << ")";
4254  }
4255  else
4256  {
4257  std::size_t struct_width=boolbv_width(struct_type);
4259  // figure out the offset and width of the member
4260  const boolbv_widtht::membert &m =
4261  boolbv_width.get_member(struct_type, component_name);
4263  out << "(let ((?withop ";
4264  convert_expr(expr.old());
4265  out << ")) ";
4267  if(m.width==struct_width)
4268  {
4269  // the struct is the same as the member, no concat needed,
4270  // ?withop won't be used
4271  convert_expr(value);
4272  }
4273  else if(m.offset==0)
4274  {
4275  // the member is at the beginning
4276  out << "(concat "
4277  << "((_ extract " << (struct_width-1) << " "
4278  << m.width << ") ?withop) ";
4279  convert_expr(value);
4280  out << ")"; // concat
4281  }
4282  else if(m.offset+m.width==struct_width)
4283  {
4284  // the member is at the end
4285  out << "(concat ";
4286  convert_expr(value);
4287  out << " ((_ extract " << (m.offset - 1) << " 0) ?withop))";
4288  }
4289  else
4290  {
4291  // most general case, need two concat-s
4292  out << "(concat (concat "
4293  << "((_ extract " << (struct_width-1) << " "
4294  << (m.offset+m.width) << ") ?withop) ";
4295  convert_expr(value);
4296  out << ") ((_ extract " << (m.offset-1) << " 0) ?withop)";
4297  out << ")"; // concat
4298  }
4300  out << ")"; // let ?withop
4301  }
4302  }
4303  else if(expr_type.id() == ID_union || expr_type.id() == ID_union_tag)
4304  {
4305  const exprt &value = expr.new_value();
4307  std::size_t total_width = boolbv_width(expr_type);
4309  std::size_t member_width=boolbv_width(value.type());
4311  if(total_width==member_width)
4312  {
4313  flatten2bv(value);
4314  }
4315  else
4316  {
4318  total_width > member_width,
4319  "total width should be greater than member_width as member_width is at "
4320  "most as large as total_width and the other case has been handled "
4321  "above");
4322  out << "(concat ";
4323  out << "((_ extract "
4324  << (total_width-1)
4325  << " " << member_width << ") ";
4326  convert_expr(expr.old());
4327  out << ") ";
4328  flatten2bv(value);
4329  out << ")";
4330  }
4331  }
4332  else if(expr_type.id()==ID_bv ||
4333  expr_type.id()==ID_unsignedbv ||
4334  expr_type.id()==ID_signedbv)
4335  {
4336  if(expr.new_value().type().id() == ID_bool)
4337  {
4339  update_bit_exprt(expr.old(), expr.where(), expr.new_value()));
4340  }
4341  else
4342  {
4344  update_bits_exprt(expr.old(), expr.where(), expr.new_value()));
4345  }
4346  }
4347  else
4349  "with expects struct, union, or array type, but got "+
4350  expr.type().id_string());
4351 }
4354 {
4355  PRECONDITION(expr.operands().size() == 3);
4357  SMT2_TODO("smt2_convt::convert_update to be implemented");
4358 }
4361 {
4362  return convert_expr(expr.lower());
4363 }
4366 {
4367  return convert_expr(expr.lower());
4368 }
4371 {
4372  const typet &array_op_type = expr.array().type();
4374  if(array_op_type.id()==ID_array)
4375  {
4376  const array_typet &array_type=to_array_type(array_op_type);
4378  if(use_array_theory(expr.array()))
4379  {
4380  if(expr.is_boolean() && !use_array_of_bool)
4381  {
4382  out << "(= ";
4383  out << "(select ";
4384  convert_expr(expr.array());
4385  out << " ";
4386  convert_expr(typecast_exprt(expr.index(), array_type.index_type()));
4387  out << ")";
4388  out << " #b1)";
4389  }
4390  else
4391  {
4392  out << "(select ";
4393  convert_expr(expr.array());
4394  out << " ";
4395  convert_expr(typecast_exprt(expr.index(), array_type.index_type()));
4396  out << ")";
4397  }
4398  }
4399  else
4400  {
4401  // fixed size
4402  std::size_t array_width=boolbv_width(array_type);
4404  unflatten(wheret::BEGIN, array_type.element_type());
4406  std::size_t sub_width = boolbv_width(array_type.element_type());
4407  std::size_t index_width=boolbv_width(expr.index().type());
4409  out << "((_ extract " << sub_width-1 << " 0) ";
4410  out << "(bvlshr ";
4411  convert_expr(expr.array());
4412  out << " ";
4413  out << "(bvmul (_ bv" << sub_width << " " << array_width << ") ";
4415  // SMT2 says that the shift distance must be the same as
4416  // the width of what we shift.
4417  if(array_width>index_width)
4418  {
4419  out << "((_ zero_extend " << array_width-index_width << ") ";
4420  convert_expr(expr.index());
4421  out << ")"; // zero_extend
4422  }
4423  else
4424  {
4425  out << "((_ extract " << array_width-1 << " 0) ";
4426  convert_expr(expr.index());
4427  out << ")"; // extract
4428  }
4430  out << ")))"; // mult, bvlshr, extract
4432  unflatten(wheret::END, array_type.element_type());
4433  }
4434  }
4435  else
4437  false, "index with unsupported array type: " + array_op_type.id_string());
4438 }
4441 {
4442  const member_exprt &member_expr=to_member_expr(expr);
4443  const exprt &struct_op=member_expr.struct_op();
4444  const typet &struct_op_type = struct_op.type();
4445  const irep_idt &name=member_expr.get_component_name();
4447  if(struct_op_type.id() == ID_struct || struct_op_type.id() == ID_struct_tag)
4448  {
4449  const struct_typet &struct_type =
4450  struct_op_type.id() == ID_struct_tag
4451  ? ns.follow_tag(to_struct_tag_type(struct_op_type))
4452  : to_struct_type(struct_op_type);
4455  struct_type.has_component(name), "struct should have accessed component");
4457  if(use_datatypes)
4458  {
4459  const std::string &smt_typename = datatype_map.at(struct_type);
4461  out << "(" << smt_typename << "."
4462  << struct_type.get_component(name).get_name()
4463  << " ";
4464  convert_expr(struct_op);
4465  out << ")";
4466  }
4467  else
4468  {
4469  // we extract
4470  const auto &member_offset = boolbv_width.get_member(struct_type, name);
4472  if(expr.type().id() == ID_bool)
4473  out << "(= ";
4474  out << "((_ extract " << (member_offset.offset + member_offset.width - 1)
4475  << " " << member_offset.offset << ") ";
4476  convert_expr(struct_op);
4477  out << ")";
4478  if(expr.type().id() == ID_bool)
4479  out << " #b1)";
4480  }
4481  }
4482  else if(
4483  struct_op_type.id() == ID_union || struct_op_type.id() == ID_union_tag)
4484  {
4485  std::size_t width=boolbv_width(expr.type());
4487  width != 0, "failed to get union member width");
4489  if(use_datatypes)
4490  {
4491  unflatten(wheret::BEGIN, expr.type());
4493  out << "((_ extract " << (width - 1) << " 0) ";
4494  convert_expr(struct_op);
4495  out << ")";
4497  unflatten(wheret::END, expr.type());
4498  }
4499  else
4500  {
4501  out << "((_ extract " << (width - 1) << " 0) ";
4502  convert_expr(struct_op);
4503  out << ")";
4504  }
4505  }
4506  else
4508  "convert_member on an unexpected type "+struct_op_type.id_string());
4509 }
4512 {
4513  const typet &type = expr.type();
4515  if(type.id()==ID_bool)
4516  {
4517  out << "(ite ";
4518  convert_expr(expr); // this returns a Bool
4519  out << " #b1 #b0)"; // this is a one-bit bit-vector
4520  }
4521  else if(type.id()==ID_array)
4522  {
4523  if(use_array_theory(expr))
4524  {
4525  // concatenate elements
4526  const array_typet &array_type = to_array_type(type);
4528  mp_integer size =
4529  numeric_cast_v<mp_integer>(to_constant_expr(array_type.size()));
4531  // SMT-LIB 2 concat is binary only
4532  std::size_t n_concat = 0;
4533  for(mp_integer i = size; i > 1; --i)
4534  {
4535  ++n_concat;
4536  out << "(concat ";
4538  flatten2bv(
4539  index_exprt{expr, from_integer(i - 1, array_type.index_type())});
4541  out << " ";
4542  }
4544  flatten2bv(index_exprt{expr, from_integer(0, array_type.index_type())});
4546  out << std::string(n_concat, ')'); // concat
4547  }
4548  else
4549  convert_expr(expr);
4550  }
4551  else if(type.id() == ID_struct || type.id() == ID_struct_tag)
4552  {
4553  if(use_datatypes)
4554  {
4555  // concatenate elements
4556  const struct_typet &struct_type =
4557  type.id() == ID_struct_tag ? ns.follow_tag(to_struct_tag_type(type))
4558  : to_struct_type(type);
4560  const struct_typet::componentst &components=
4561  struct_type.components();
4563  // SMT-LIB 2 concat is binary only
4564  std::size_t n_concat = 0;
4565  for(std::size_t i=components.size(); i>1; i--)
4566  {
4567  if(is_zero_width(components[i - 1].type(), ns))
4568  continue;
4569  else if(i > 2 || !is_zero_width(components[0].type(), ns))
4570  {
4571  ++n_concat;
4572  out << "(concat ";
4573  }
4575  flatten2bv(member_exprt{expr, components[i - 1]});
4577  out << " ";
4578  }
4580  if(!is_zero_width(components[0].type(), ns))
4581  {
4582  flatten2bv(member_exprt{expr, components[0]});
4583  }
4585  out << std::string(n_concat, ')'); // concat
4586  }
4587  else
4588  convert_expr(expr);
4589  }
4590  else if(type.id()==ID_floatbv)
4591  {
4593  !use_FPA_theory,
4594  "floatbv expressions should be flattened when using FPA theory");
4596  convert_expr(expr);
4597  }
4598  else
4599  convert_expr(expr);
4600 }
4603  wheret where,
4604  const typet &type,
4605  unsigned nesting)
4606 {
4607  if(type.id()==ID_bool)
4608  {
4609  if(where==wheret::BEGIN)
4610  out << "(= "; // produces a bool
4611  else
4612  out << " #b1)";
4613  }
4614  else if(type.id() == ID_array)
4615  {
4618  if(where == wheret::BEGIN)
4619  out << "(let ((?ufop" << nesting << " ";
4620  else
4621  {
4622  out << ")) ";
4624  const array_typet &array_type = to_array_type(type);
4626  std::size_t subtype_width = boolbv_width(array_type.element_type());
4629  array_type.size().is_constant(),
4630  "cannot unflatten arrays of non-constant size");
4631  mp_integer size =
4632  numeric_cast_v<mp_integer>(to_constant_expr(array_type.size()));
4634  for(mp_integer i = 1; i < size; ++i)
4635  out << "(store ";
4637  out << "((as const ";
4638  convert_type(array_type);
4639  out << ") ";
4640  // use element at index 0 as default value
4641  unflatten(wheret::BEGIN, array_type.element_type(), nesting + 1);
4642  out << "((_ extract " << subtype_width - 1 << " "
4643  << "0) ?ufop" << nesting << ")";
4644  unflatten(wheret::END, array_type.element_type(), nesting + 1);
4645  out << ") ";
4647  std::size_t offset = subtype_width;
4648  for(mp_integer i = 1; i < size; ++i, offset += subtype_width)
4649  {
4650  convert_expr(from_integer(i, array_type.index_type()));
4651  out << ' ';
4652  unflatten(wheret::BEGIN, array_type.element_type(), nesting + 1);
4653  out << "((_ extract " << offset + subtype_width - 1 << " " << offset
4654  << ") ?ufop" << nesting << ")";
4655  unflatten(wheret::END, array_type.element_type(), nesting + 1);
4656  out << ")"; // store
4657  }
4659  out << ")"; // let
4660  }
4661  }
4662  else if(type.id() == ID_struct || type.id() == ID_struct_tag)
4663  {
4664  if(use_datatypes)
4665  {
4666  // extract members
4667  if(where==wheret::BEGIN)
4668  out << "(let ((?ufop" << nesting << " ";
4669  else
4670  {
4671  out << ")) ";
4673  const std::string &smt_typename = datatype_map.at(type);
4675  out << "(mk-" << smt_typename;
4677  const struct_typet &struct_type =
4678  type.id() == ID_struct_tag ? ns.follow_tag(to_struct_tag_type(type))
4679  : to_struct_type(type);
4681  const struct_typet::componentst &components=
4682  struct_type.components();
4684  std::size_t offset=0;
4686  std::size_t i=0;
4687  for(struct_typet::componentst::const_iterator
4688  it=components.begin();
4689  it!=components.end();
4690  it++, i++)
4691  {
4692  if(is_zero_width(it->type(), ns))
4693  continue;
4695  std::size_t member_width=boolbv_width(it->type());
4697  out << " ";
4698  unflatten(wheret::BEGIN, it->type(), nesting+1);
4699  out << "((_ extract " << offset+member_width-1 << " "
4700  << offset << ") ?ufop" << nesting << ")";
4701  unflatten(wheret::END, it->type(), nesting+1);
4702  offset+=member_width;
4703  }
4705  out << "))"; // mk-, let
4706  }
4707  }
4708  else
4709  {
4710  // nop, already a bv
4711  }
4712  }
4713  else
4714  {
4715  // nop
4716  }
4717 }
4719 void smt2_convt::set_to(const exprt &expr, bool value)
4720 {
4721  PRECONDITION(expr.is_boolean());
4723  if(expr.id()==ID_and && value)
4724  {
4725  for(const auto &op : expr.operands())
4726  set_to(op, true);
4727  return;
4728  }
4730  if(expr.id()==ID_or && !value)
4731  {
4732  for(const auto &op : expr.operands())
4733  set_to(op, false);
4734  return;
4735  }
4737  if(expr.id()==ID_not)
4738  {
4739  return set_to(to_not_expr(expr).op(), !value);
4740  }
4742  out << "\n";
4744  // special treatment for "set_to(a=b, true)" where
4745  // a is a new symbol
4747  if(expr.id() == ID_equal && value)
4748  {
4749  const equal_exprt &equal_expr=to_equal_expr(expr);
4750  if(is_zero_width(equal_expr.lhs().type(), ns))
4751  {
4752  // ignore equality checking over expressions with empty (void) type
4753  return;
4754  }
4756  if(equal_expr.lhs().id()==ID_symbol)
4757  {
4758  const irep_idt &identifier=
4759  to_symbol_expr(equal_expr.lhs()).get_identifier();
4761  if(
4762  identifier_map.find(identifier) == identifier_map.end() &&
4763  equal_expr.lhs() != equal_expr.rhs())
4764  {
4765  auto id_entry = identifier_map.insert(
4766  {identifier, identifiert{equal_expr.lhs().type(), false}});
4767  CHECK_RETURN(id_entry.second);
4769  find_symbols(id_entry.first->second.type);
4770  exprt prepared_rhs = prepare_for_convert_expr(equal_expr.rhs());
4772  std::string smt2_identifier=convert_identifier(identifier);
4773  smt2_identifiers.insert(smt2_identifier);
4775  out << "; set_to true (equal)\n";
4777  if(equal_expr.lhs().type().id() == ID_mathematical_function)
4778  {
4779  // We avoid define-fun, since it has been reported to cause
4780  // trouble with Z3's parser.
4781  out << "(declare-fun " << smt2_identifier;
4783  auto &mathematical_function_type =
4784  to_mathematical_function_type(equal_expr.lhs().type());
4786  out << " (";
4787  bool first = true;
4789  for(auto &t : mathematical_function_type.domain())
4790  {
4791  if(first)
4792  first = false;
4793  else
4794  out << ' ';
4796  convert_type(t);
4797  }
4799  out << ") ";
4800  convert_type(mathematical_function_type.codomain());
4801  out << ")\n";
4803  out << "(assert (= " << smt2_identifier << ' ';
4804  convert_expr(prepared_rhs);
4805  out << ')' << ')' << '\n';
4806  }
4807  else
4808  {
4809  out << "(define-fun " << smt2_identifier;
4810  out << " () ";
4811  convert_type(equal_expr.lhs().type());
4812  out << ' ';
4813  if(
4814  equal_expr.lhs().type().id() != ID_array ||
4815  use_array_theory(prepared_rhs))
4816  {
4817  convert_expr(prepared_rhs);
4818  }
4819  else
4820  {
4821  unflatten(wheret::BEGIN, equal_expr.lhs().type());
4823  convert_expr(prepared_rhs);
4825  unflatten(wheret::END, equal_expr.lhs().type());
4826  }
4827  out << ')' << '\n';
4828  }
4830  return; // done
4831  }
4832  }
4833  }
4835  exprt prepared_expr = prepare_for_convert_expr(expr);
4837 #if 0
4838  out << "; CONV: "
4839  << format(expr) << "\n";
4840 #endif
4842  out << "; set_to " << (value?"true":"false") << "\n"
4843  << "(assert ";
4844  if(!value)
4845  {
4846  out << "(not ";
4847  }
4848  const auto found_literal = defined_expressions.find(expr);
4849  if(!(found_literal == defined_expressions.end()))
4850  {
4851  // This is a converted expression, we can just assert the literal name
4852  // since the expression is already defined
4853  out << found_literal->second;
4854  set_values[found_literal->second] = value;
4855  }
4856  else
4857  {
4858  convert_expr(prepared_expr);
4859  }
4860  if(!value)
4861  {
4862  out << ")";
4863  }
4864  out << ")\n";
4865  return;
4866 }
4875 {
4876  exprt lowered_expr = expr;
4878  for(auto it = lowered_expr.depth_begin(), itend = lowered_expr.depth_end();
4879  it != itend;
4880  ++it)
4881  {
4882  if(
4883  it->id() == ID_byte_extract_little_endian ||
4884  it->id() == ID_byte_extract_big_endian)
4885  {
4886  it.mutate() = lower_byte_extract(to_byte_extract_expr(*it), ns);
4887  }
4888  else if(
4889  it->id() == ID_byte_update_little_endian ||
4890  it->id() == ID_byte_update_big_endian)
4891  {
4892  it.mutate() = lower_byte_update(to_byte_update_expr(*it), ns);
4893  }
4894  }
4896  return lowered_expr;
4897 }
4907 {
4908  // First, replace byte operators, because they may introduce new array
4909  // expressions that must be seen by find_symbols:
4910  exprt lowered_expr = lower_byte_operators(expr);
4912  !has_byte_operator(lowered_expr),
4913  "lower_byte_operators should remove all byte operators");
4915  // Perform rewrites that may introduce new symbols
4916  for(auto it = lowered_expr.depth_begin(), itend = lowered_expr.depth_end();
4917  it != itend;) // no ++it
4918  {
4919  if(
4920  auto prophecy_r_or_w_ok =
4921  expr_try_dynamic_cast<prophecy_r_or_w_ok_exprt>(*it))
4922  {
4923  exprt lowered = simplify_expr(prophecy_r_or_w_ok->lower(ns), ns);
4924  it.mutate() = lowered;
4925  it.next_sibling_or_parent();
4926  }
4927  else if(
4928  auto prophecy_pointer_in_range =
4929  expr_try_dynamic_cast<prophecy_pointer_in_range_exprt>(*it))
4930  {
4931  exprt lowered = simplify_expr(prophecy_pointer_in_range->lower(ns), ns);
4932  it.mutate() = lowered;
4933  it.next_sibling_or_parent();
4934  }
4935  else
4936  ++it;
4937  }
4939  // Now create symbols for all composite expressions present in lowered_expr:
4940  find_symbols(lowered_expr);
4942  return lowered_expr;
4943 }
4946 {
4947  if(is_zero_width(expr.type(), ns))
4948  return;
4950  // recursive call on type
4951  find_symbols(expr.type());
4953  if(expr.id() == ID_exists || expr.id() == ID_forall)
4954  {
4955  std::unordered_map<irep_idt, std::optional<identifiert>> shadowed_syms;
4957  // do not declare the quantified symbol, but record
4958  // as 'bound symbol'
4959  const auto &q_expr = to_quantifier_expr(expr);
4960  for(const auto &symbol : q_expr.variables())
4961  {
4962  const auto identifier = symbol.get_identifier();
4963  auto id_entry =
4964  identifier_map.insert({identifier, identifiert{symbol.type(), true}});
4965  shadowed_syms.insert(
4966  {identifier,
4967  id_entry.second ? std::nullopt
4968  : std::optional{id_entry.first->second}});
4969  }
4970  find_symbols(q_expr.where());
4971  for(const auto &[id, shadowed_val] : shadowed_syms)
4972  {
4973  auto previous_entry = identifier_map.find(id);
4974  if(!shadowed_val.has_value())
4975  identifier_map.erase(previous_entry);
4976  else
4977  previous_entry->second = std::move(*shadowed_val);
4978  }
4979  return;
4980  }
4982  // recursive call on operands
4983  for(const auto &op : expr.operands())
4984  find_symbols(op);
4986  if(expr.id()==ID_symbol ||
4987  expr.id()==ID_nondet_symbol)
4988  {
4989  // we don't track function-typed symbols
4990  if(expr.type().id()==ID_code)
4991  return;
4993  irep_idt identifier;
4995  if(expr.id()==ID_symbol)
4996  identifier=to_symbol_expr(expr).get_identifier();
4997  else
4998  identifier="nondet_"+
4999  id2string(to_nondet_symbol_expr(expr).get_identifier());
5001  auto id_entry =
5002  identifier_map.insert({identifier, identifiert{expr.type(), false}});
5004  if(id_entry.second)
5005  {
5006  std::string smt2_identifier=convert_identifier(identifier);
5007  smt2_identifiers.insert(smt2_identifier);
5009  out << "; find_symbols\n";
5010  out << "(declare-fun " << smt2_identifier;
5012  if(expr.type().id() == ID_mathematical_function)
5013  {
5014  auto &mathematical_function_type =
5016  out << " (";
5017  bool first = true;
5019  for(auto &type : mathematical_function_type.domain())
5020  {
5021  if(first)
5022  first = false;
5023  else
5024  out << ' ';
5025  convert_type(type);
5026  }
5028  out << ") ";
5029  convert_type(mathematical_function_type.codomain());
5030  }
5031  else
5032  {
5033  out << " () ";
5034  convert_type(expr.type());
5035  }
5037  out << ")" << "\n";
5038  }
5039  }
5040  else if(expr.id() == ID_array_of)
5041  {
5042  if(!use_as_const)
5043  {
5044  if(defined_expressions.find(expr) == defined_expressions.end())
5045  {
5046  const auto &array_of = to_array_of_expr(expr);
5047  const auto &array_type = array_of.type();
5049  const irep_idt id =
5050  "array_of." + std::to_string(defined_expressions.size());
5051  out << "; the following is a substitute for lambda i. x\n";
5052  out << "(declare-fun " << id << " () ";
5053  convert_type(array_type);
5054  out << ")\n";
5056  if(!is_zero_width(array_type.element_type(), ns))
5057  {
5058  // use a quantifier-based initialization instead of lambda
5059  out << "(assert (forall ((i ";
5060  convert_type(array_type.index_type());
5061  out << ")) (= (select " << id << " i) ";
5062  if(array_type.element_type().id() == ID_bool && !use_array_of_bool)
5063  {
5064  out << "(ite ";
5065  convert_expr(array_of.what());
5066  out << " #b1 #b0)";
5067  }
5068  else
5069  {
5070  convert_expr(array_of.what());
5071  }
5072  out << ")))\n";
5073  }
5075  defined_expressions[expr] = id;
5076  }
5077  }
5078  }
5079  else if(expr.id() == ID_array_comprehension)
5080  {
5082  {
5083  if(defined_expressions.find(expr) == defined_expressions.end())
5084  {
5085  const auto &array_comprehension = to_array_comprehension_expr(expr);
5086  const auto &array_type = array_comprehension.type();
5087  const auto &array_size = array_type.size();
5089  const irep_idt id =
5090  "array_comprehension." + std::to_string(defined_expressions.size());
5091  out << "(declare-fun " << id << " () ";
5092  convert_type(array_type);
5093  out << ")\n";
5095  out << "; the following is a substitute for lambda i . x(i)\n";
5096  out << "; universally quantified initialization of the array\n";
5097  out << "(assert (forall ((";
5098  convert_expr(array_comprehension.arg());
5099  out << " ";
5100  convert_type(array_size.type());
5101  out << ")) (=> (and (bvule (_ bv0 " << boolbv_width(array_size.type())
5102  << ") ";
5103  convert_expr(array_comprehension.arg());
5104  out << ") (bvult ";
5105  convert_expr(array_comprehension.arg());
5106  out << " ";
5107  convert_expr(array_size);
5108  out << ")) (= (select " << id << " ";
5109  convert_expr(array_comprehension.arg());
5110  out << ") ";
5111  if(array_type.element_type().id() == ID_bool && !use_array_of_bool)
5112  {
5113  out << "(ite ";
5114  convert_expr(array_comprehension.body());
5115  out << " #b1 #b0)";
5116  }
5117  else
5118  {
5119  convert_expr(array_comprehension.body());
5120  }
5121  out << "))))\n";
5123  defined_expressions[expr] = id;
5124  }
5125  }
5126  }
5127  else if(expr.id()==ID_array)
5128  {
5129  if(defined_expressions.find(expr)==defined_expressions.end())
5130  {
5131  const array_typet &array_type=to_array_type(expr.type());
5133  const irep_idt id = "array." + std::to_string(defined_expressions.size());
5134  out << "; the following is a substitute for an array constructor" << "\n";
5135  out << "(declare-fun " << id << " () ";
5136  convert_type(array_type);
5137  out << ")" << "\n";
5139  if(!is_zero_width(array_type.element_type(), ns))
5140  {
5141  for(std::size_t i = 0; i < expr.operands().size(); i++)
5142  {
5143  out << "(assert (= (select " << id << " ";
5144  convert_expr(from_integer(i, array_type.index_type()));
5145  out << ") "; // select
5146  if(array_type.element_type().id() == ID_bool && !use_array_of_bool)
5147  {
5148  out << "(ite ";
5149  convert_expr(expr.operands()[i]);
5150  out << " #b1 #b0)";
5151  }
5152  else
5153  {
5154  convert_expr(expr.operands()[i]);
5155  }
5156  out << "))"
5157  << "\n"; // =, assert
5158  }
5159  }
5161  defined_expressions[expr]=id;
5162  }
5163  }
5164  else if(expr.id()==ID_string_constant)
5165  {
5166  if(defined_expressions.find(expr)==defined_expressions.end())
5167  {
5168  // introduce a temporary array.
5170  const array_typet &array_type=to_array_type(tmp.type());
5172  const irep_idt id =
5173  "string." + std::to_string(defined_expressions.size());
5174  out << "; the following is a substitute for a string" << "\n";
5175  out << "(declare-fun " << id << " () ";
5176  convert_type(array_type);
5177  out << ")" << "\n";
5179  for(std::size_t i=0; i<tmp.operands().size(); i++)
5180  {
5181  out << "(assert (= (select " << id << ' ';
5182  convert_expr(from_integer(i, array_type.index_type()));
5183  out << ") "; // select
5184  convert_expr(tmp.operands()[i]);
5185  out << "))" << "\n";
5186  }
5188  defined_expressions[expr]=id;
5189  }
5190  }
5191  else if(
5192  const auto object_size = expr_try_dynamic_cast<object_size_exprt>(expr))
5193  {
5194  if(object_sizes.find(*object_size) == object_sizes.end())
5195  {
5196  const irep_idt id = convert_identifier(
5197  "object_size." + std::to_string(object_sizes.size()));
5198  out << "(declare-fun " << id << " () ";
5200  out << ")"
5201  << "\n";
5203  object_sizes[*object_size] = id;
5204  }
5205  }
5206  // clang-format off
5207  else if(!use_FPA_theory &&
5208  expr.operands().size() >= 1 &&
5209  (expr.id() == ID_floatbv_plus ||
5210  expr.id() == ID_floatbv_minus ||
5211  expr.id() == ID_floatbv_mult ||
5212  expr.id() == ID_floatbv_div ||
5213  expr.id() == ID_floatbv_typecast ||
5214  expr.id() == ID_ieee_float_equal ||
5215  expr.id() == ID_ieee_float_notequal ||
5216  ((expr.id() == ID_lt ||
5217  expr.id() == ID_gt ||
5218  expr.id() == ID_le ||
5219  expr.id() == ID_ge ||
5220  expr.id() == ID_isnan ||
5221  expr.id() == ID_isnormal ||
5222  expr.id() == ID_isfinite ||
5223  expr.id() == ID_isinf ||
5224  expr.id() == ID_sign ||
5225  expr.id() == ID_unary_minus ||
5226  expr.id() == ID_typecast ||
5227  expr.id() == ID_abs) &&
5228  to_multi_ary_expr(expr).op0().type().id() == ID_floatbv)))
5229  // clang-format on
5230  {
5231  irep_idt function =
5232  convert_identifier("float_bv." + expr.id_string() + floatbv_suffix(expr));
5234  if(bvfp_set.insert(function).second)
5235  {
5236  out << "; this is a model for " << expr.id() << " : "
5237  << type2id(to_multi_ary_expr(expr).op0().type()) << " -> "
5238  << type2id(expr.type()) << "\n"
5239  << "(define-fun " << function << " (";
5241  for(std::size_t i = 0; i < expr.operands().size(); i++)
5242  {
5243  if(i!=0)
5244  out << " ";
5245  out << "(op" << i << ' ';
5246  convert_type(expr.operands()[i].type());
5247  out << ')';
5248  }
5250  out << ") ";
5251  convert_type(expr.type()); // return type
5252  out << ' ';
5254  exprt tmp1=expr;
5255  for(std::size_t i = 0; i < tmp1.operands().size(); i++)
5256  tmp1.operands()[i]=
5257  smt2_symbolt("op"+std::to_string(i), tmp1.operands()[i].type());
5259  exprt tmp2=float_bv(tmp1);
5260  tmp2=letify(tmp2);
5261  CHECK_RETURN(!tmp2.is_nil());
5263  convert_expr(tmp2);
5265  out << ")\n"; // define-fun
5266  }
5267  }
5268  else if(
5269  use_FPA_theory && expr.id() == ID_typecast &&
5270  to_typecast_expr(expr).op().type().id() == ID_floatbv &&
5271  expr.type().id() == ID_bv)
5272  {
5273  // This is _NOT_ a semantic conversion, but bit-wise.
5274  if(defined_expressions.find(expr) == defined_expressions.end())
5275  {
5276  // This conversion is non-trivial as it requires creating a
5277  // new bit-vector variable and then asserting that it converts
5278  // to the required floating-point number.
5279  const irep_idt id =
5280  "bvfromfloat." + std::to_string(defined_expressions.size());
5281  out << "(declare-fun " << id << " () ";
5282  convert_type(expr.type());
5283  out << ')' << '\n';
5285  const typecast_exprt &tc = to_typecast_expr(expr);
5286  const auto &floatbv_type = to_floatbv_type(tc.op().type());
5287  out << "(assert (= ";
5288  out << "((_ to_fp " << floatbv_type.get_e() << " "
5289  << floatbv_type.get_f() + 1 << ") " << id << ')';
5290  convert_expr(tc.op());
5291  out << ')'; // =
5292  out << ')' << '\n';
5294  defined_expressions[expr] = id;
5295  }
5296  }
5297  else if(expr.id() == ID_initial_state)
5298  {
5299  irep_idt function = "initial-state";
5301  if(state_fkt_declared.insert(function).second)
5302  {
5303  out << "(declare-fun " << function << " (";
5304  convert_type(to_unary_expr(expr).op().type());
5305  out << ") ";
5306  convert_type(expr.type()); // return type
5307  out << ")\n"; // declare-fun
5308  }
5309  }
5310  else if(expr.id() == ID_evaluate)
5311  {
5312  irep_idt function = "evaluate-" + type2id(expr.type());
5314  if(state_fkt_declared.insert(function).second)
5315  {
5316  out << "(declare-fun " << function << " (";
5317  convert_type(to_binary_expr(expr).op0().type());
5318  out << ' ';
5319  convert_type(to_binary_expr(expr).op1().type());
5320  out << ") ";
5321  convert_type(expr.type()); // return type
5322  out << ")\n"; // declare-fun
5323  }
5324  }
5325  else if(
5326  expr.id() == ID_state_is_cstring ||
5327  expr.id() == ID_state_is_dynamic_object ||
5328  expr.id() == ID_state_live_object || expr.id() == ID_state_writeable_object)
5329  {
5330  irep_idt function =
5331  expr.id() == ID_state_is_cstring ? "state-is-cstring"
5332  : expr.id() == ID_state_is_dynamic_object ? "state-is-dynamic-object"
5333  : expr.id() == ID_state_live_object ? "state-live-object"
5334  : "state-writeable-object";
5336  if(state_fkt_declared.insert(function).second)
5337  {
5338  out << "(declare-fun " << function << " (";
5339  convert_type(to_binary_expr(expr).op0().type());
5340  out << ' ';
5341  convert_type(to_binary_expr(expr).op1().type());
5342  out << ") ";
5343  convert_type(expr.type()); // return type
5344  out << ")\n"; // declare-fun
5345  }
5346  }
5347  else if(
5348  expr.id() == ID_state_r_ok || expr.id() == ID_state_w_ok ||
5349  expr.id() == ID_state_rw_ok)
5350  {
5351  irep_idt function = expr.id() == ID_state_r_ok ? "state-r-ok"
5352  : expr.id() == ID_state_w_ok ? "state-w-ok"
5353  : "state-rw-ok";
5355  if(state_fkt_declared.insert(function).second)
5356  {
5357  out << "(declare-fun " << function << " (";
5358  convert_type(to_ternary_expr(expr).op0().type());
5359  out << ' ';
5360  convert_type(to_ternary_expr(expr).op1().type());
5361  out << ' ';
5362  convert_type(to_ternary_expr(expr).op2().type());
5363  out << ") ";
5364  convert_type(expr.type()); // return type
5365  out << ")\n"; // declare-fun
5366  }
5367  }
5368  else if(expr.id() == ID_update_state)
5369  {
5370  irep_idt function =
5371  "update-state-" + type2id(to_multi_ary_expr(expr).op2().type());
5373  if(state_fkt_declared.insert(function).second)
5374  {
5375  out << "(declare-fun " << function << " (";
5376  convert_type(to_multi_ary_expr(expr).op0().type());
5377  out << ' ';
5378  convert_type(to_multi_ary_expr(expr).op1().type());
5379  out << ' ';
5380  convert_type(to_multi_ary_expr(expr).op2().type());
5381  out << ") ";
5382  convert_type(expr.type()); // return type
5383  out << ")\n"; // declare-fun
5384  }
5385  }
5386  else if(expr.id() == ID_enter_scope_state)
5387  {
5388  irep_idt function =
5389  "enter-scope-state-" + type2id(to_binary_expr(expr).op1().type());
5391  if(state_fkt_declared.insert(function).second)
5392  {
5393  out << "(declare-fun " << function << " (";
5394  convert_type(to_binary_expr(expr).op0().type());
5395  out << ' ';
5396  convert_type(to_binary_expr(expr).op1().type());
5397  out << ' ';
5399  out << ") ";
5400  convert_type(expr.type()); // return type
5401  out << ")\n"; // declare-fun
5402  }
5403  }
5404  else if(expr.id() == ID_exit_scope_state)
5405  {
5406  irep_idt function =
5407  "exit-scope-state-" + type2id(to_binary_expr(expr).op1().type());
5409  if(state_fkt_declared.insert(function).second)
5410  {
5411  out << "(declare-fun " << function << " (";
5412  convert_type(to_binary_expr(expr).op0().type());
5413  out << ' ';
5414  convert_type(to_binary_expr(expr).op1().type());
5415  out << ") ";
5416  convert_type(expr.type()); // return type
5417  out << ")\n"; // declare-fun
5418  }
5419  }
5420  else if(expr.id() == ID_allocate)
5421  {
5422  irep_idt function = "allocate";
5424  if(state_fkt_declared.insert(function).second)
5425  {
5426  out << "(declare-fun " << function << " (";
5427  convert_type(to_binary_expr(expr).op0().type());
5428  out << ' ';
5429  convert_type(to_binary_expr(expr).op1().type());
5430  out << ") ";
5431  convert_type(expr.type()); // return type
5432  out << ")\n"; // declare-fun
5433  }
5434  }
5435  else if(expr.id() == ID_reallocate)
5436  {
5437  irep_idt function = "reallocate";
5439  if(state_fkt_declared.insert(function).second)
5440  {
5441  out << "(declare-fun " << function << " (";
5442  convert_type(to_ternary_expr(expr).op0().type());
5443  out << ' ';
5444  convert_type(to_ternary_expr(expr).op1().type());
5445  out << ' ';
5446  convert_type(to_ternary_expr(expr).op2().type());
5447  out << ") ";
5448  convert_type(expr.type()); // return type
5449  out << ")\n"; // declare-fun
5450  }
5451  }
5452  else if(expr.id() == ID_deallocate_state)
5453  {
5454  irep_idt function = "deallocate";
5456  if(state_fkt_declared.insert(function).second)
5457  {
5458  out << "(declare-fun " << function << " (";
5459  convert_type(to_binary_expr(expr).op0().type());
5460  out << ' ';
5461  convert_type(to_binary_expr(expr).op1().type());
5462  out << ") ";
5463  convert_type(expr.type()); // return type
5464  out << ")\n"; // declare-fun
5465  }
5466  }
5467  else if(expr.id() == ID_object_address)
5468  {
5469  irep_idt function = "object-address";
5471  if(state_fkt_declared.insert(function).second)
5472  {
5473  out << "(declare-fun " << function << " (String) ";
5474  convert_type(expr.type()); // return type
5475  out << ")\n"; // declare-fun
5476  }
5477  }
5478  else if(expr.id() == ID_field_address)
5479  {
5480  irep_idt function = "field-address-" + type2id(expr.type());
5482  if(state_fkt_declared.insert(function).second)
5483  {
5484  out << "(declare-fun " << function << " (";
5485  convert_type(to_field_address_expr(expr).op().type());
5486  out << ' ';
5487  out << "String";
5488  out << ") ";
5489  convert_type(expr.type()); // return type
5490  out << ")\n"; // declare-fun
5491  }
5492  }
5493  else if(expr.id() == ID_element_address)
5494  {
5495  irep_idt function = "element-address-" + type2id(expr.type());
5497  if(state_fkt_declared.insert(function).second)
5498  {
5499  out << "(declare-fun " << function << " (";
5500  convert_type(to_element_address_expr(expr).base().type());
5501  out << ' ';
5502  convert_type(to_element_address_expr(expr).index().type());
5503  out << ' '; // repeat, for the element size
5504  convert_type(to_element_address_expr(expr).index().type());
5505  out << ") ";
5506  convert_type(expr.type()); // return type
5507  out << ")\n"; // declare-fun
5508  }
5509  }
5510 }
5513 {
5514  const typet &type = expr.type();
5515  PRECONDITION(type.id()==ID_array);
5517  // arrays inside structs get flattened, unless we have datatypes
5518  if(expr.id() == ID_with)
5519  return use_array_theory(to_with_expr(expr).old());
5520  else
5521  return use_datatypes || expr.id() != ID_member;
5522 }
5525 {
5526  if(type.id()==ID_array)
5527  {
5528  const array_typet &array_type=to_array_type(type);
5529  CHECK_RETURN(array_type.size().is_not_nil());
5531  // we always use array theory for top-level arrays
5532  const typet &subtype = array_type.element_type();
5534  // Arrays map the index type to the element type.
5535  out << "(Array ";
5536  convert_type(array_type.index_type());
5537  out << " ";
5539  if(subtype.id()==ID_bool && !use_array_of_bool)
5540  out << "(_ BitVec 1)";
5541  else
5542  convert_type(array_type.element_type());
5544  out << ")";
5545  }
5546  else if(type.id()==ID_bool)
5547  {
5548  out << "Bool";
5549  }
5550  else if(type.id() == ID_struct || type.id() == ID_struct_tag)
5551  {
5552  if(use_datatypes)
5553  {
5554  out << datatype_map.at(type);
5555  }
5556  else
5557  {
5558  std::size_t width=boolbv_width(type);
5560  out << "(_ BitVec " << width << ")";
5561  }
5562  }
5563  else if(type.id()==ID_code)
5564  {
5565  // These may appear in structs.
5566  // We replace this by "Bool" in order to keep the same
5567  // member count.
5568  out << "Bool";
5569  }
5570  else if(type.id() == ID_union || type.id() == ID_union_tag)
5571  {
5572  std::size_t width=boolbv_width(type);
5573  const union_typet &union_type = type.id() == ID_union_tag
5575  : to_union_type(type);
5577  union_type.components().empty() || width != 0,
5578  "failed to get width of union");
5580  out << "(_ BitVec " << width << ")";
5581  }
5582  else if(type.id()==ID_pointer)
5583  {
5584  out << "(_ BitVec "
5585  << boolbv_width(type) << ")";
5586  }
5587  else if(type.id()==ID_bv ||
5588  type.id()==ID_fixedbv ||
5589  type.id()==ID_unsignedbv ||
5590  type.id()==ID_signedbv ||
5591  type.id()==ID_c_bool)
5592  {
5593  out << "(_ BitVec "
5594  << to_bitvector_type(type).get_width() << ")";
5595  }
5596  else if(type.id()==ID_c_enum)
5597  {
5598  // these have an underlying type
5599  out << "(_ BitVec "
5600  << to_bitvector_type(to_c_enum_type(type).underlying_type()).get_width()
5601  << ")";
5602  }
5603  else if(type.id()==ID_c_enum_tag)
5604  {
5606  }
5607  else if(type.id()==ID_floatbv)
5608  {
5609  const floatbv_typet &floatbv_type=to_floatbv_type(type);
5611  if(use_FPA_theory)
5612  out << "(_ FloatingPoint "
5613  << floatbv_type.get_e() << " "
5614  << floatbv_type.get_f() + 1 << ")";
5615  else
5616  out << "(_ BitVec "
5617  << floatbv_type.get_width() << ")";
5618  }
5619  else if(type.id()==ID_rational ||
5620  type.id()==ID_real)
5621  out << "Real";
5622  else if(type.id()==ID_integer)
5623  out << "Int";
5624  else if(type.id()==ID_complex)
5625  {
5626  if(use_datatypes)
5627  {
5628  out << datatype_map.at(type);
5629  }
5630  else
5631  {
5632  std::size_t width=boolbv_width(type);
5634  out << "(_ BitVec " << width << ")";
5635  }
5636  }
5637  else if(type.id()==ID_c_bit_field)
5638  {
5640  }
5641  else if(type.id() == ID_state)
5642  {
5643  out << "state";
5644  }
5645  else if(type.id() == ID_range)
5646  {
5647  auto &range_type = to_range_type(type);
5648  mp_integer size = range_type.get_to() - range_type.get_from() + 1;
5649  if(size <= 0)
5650  UNEXPECTEDCASE("unsuppored range type");
5651  out << "(_ BitVec " << address_bits(size) << ")";
5652  }
5653  else
5654  {
5655  UNEXPECTEDCASE("unsupported type: "+type.id_string());
5656  }
5657 }
5660 {
5661  std::set<irep_idt> recstack;
5662  find_symbols_rec(type, recstack);
5663 }
5666  const typet &type,
5667  std::set<irep_idt> &recstack)
5668 {
5669  if(type.id()==ID_array)
5670  {
5671  const array_typet &array_type=to_array_type(type);
5672  find_symbols(array_type.size());
5673  find_symbols_rec(array_type.element_type(), recstack);
5674  }
5675  else if(type.id()==ID_complex)
5676  {
5677  find_symbols_rec(to_complex_type(type).subtype(), recstack);
5679  if(use_datatypes &&
5680  datatype_map.find(type)==datatype_map.end())
5681  {
5682  const std::string smt_typename =
5683  "complex." + std::to_string(datatype_map.size());
5684  datatype_map[type] = smt_typename;
5686  out << "(declare-datatypes ((" << smt_typename << " 0)) "
5687  << "(((mk-" << smt_typename;
5689  out << " (" << smt_typename << ".imag ";
5690  convert_type(to_complex_type(type).subtype());
5691  out << ")";
5693  out << " (" << smt_typename << ".real ";
5694  convert_type(to_complex_type(type).subtype());
5695  out << ")";
5697  out << "))))\n";
5698  }
5699  }
5700  else if(type.id() == ID_struct)
5701  {
5702  // Cater for mutually recursive struct types
5703  bool need_decl=false;
5704  if(use_datatypes &&
5705  datatype_map.find(type)==datatype_map.end())
5706  {
5707  const std::string smt_typename =
5708  "struct." + std::to_string(datatype_map.size());
5709  datatype_map[type] = smt_typename;
5710  need_decl=true;
5711  }
5713  const struct_typet::componentst &components =
5714  to_struct_type(type).components();
5716  for(const auto &component : components)
5717  find_symbols_rec(component.type(), recstack);
5719  // Declare the corresponding SMT type if we haven't already.
5720  if(need_decl)
5721  {
5722  const std::string &smt_typename = datatype_map.at(type);
5724  // We're going to create a datatype named something like `struct.0'.
5725  // It's going to have a single constructor named `mk-struct.0' with an
5726  // argument for each member of the struct. The declaration that
5727  // creates this type looks like:
5728  //
5729  // (declare-datatypes ((struct.0 0)) (((mk-struct.0
5730  // (struct.0.component1 type1)
5731  // ...
5732  // (struct.0.componentN typeN)))))
5733  out << "(declare-datatypes ((" << smt_typename << " 0)) "
5734  << "(((mk-" << smt_typename << " ";
5736  for(const auto &component : components)
5737  {
5738  if(is_zero_width(component.type(), ns))
5739  continue;
5741  out << "(" << smt_typename << "." << component.get_name()
5742  << " ";
5743  convert_type(component.type());
5744  out << ") ";
5745  }
5747  out << "))))" << "\n";
5749  // Let's also declare convenience functions to update individual
5750  // members of the struct whil we're at it. The functions are
5751  // named like `update-struct.0.component1'. Their declarations
5752  // look like:
5753  //
5754  // (declare-fun update-struct.0.component1
5755  // ((s struct.0) ; first arg -- the struct to update
5756  // (v type1)) ; second arg -- the value to update
5757  // struct.0 ; the output type
5758  // (mk-struct.0 ; build the new struct...
5759  // v ; the updated value
5760  // (struct.0.component2 s) ; retain the other members
5761  // ...
5762  // (struct.0.componentN s)))
5764  for(struct_union_typet::componentst::const_iterator
5765  it=components.begin();
5766  it!=components.end();
5767  ++it)
5768  {
5769  if(is_zero_width(it->type(), ns))
5770  continue;
5773  out << "(define-fun update-" << smt_typename << "."
5774  << component.get_name() << " "
5775  << "((s " << smt_typename << ") "
5776  << "(v ";
5777  convert_type(component.type());
5778  out << ")) " << smt_typename << " "
5779  << "(mk-" << smt_typename
5780  << " ";
5782  for(struct_union_typet::componentst::const_iterator
5783  it2=components.begin();
5784  it2!=components.end();
5785  ++it2)
5786  {
5787  if(it==it2)
5788  out << "v ";
5789  else if(!is_zero_width(it2->type(), ns))
5790  {
5791  out << "(" << smt_typename << "."
5792  << it2->get_name() << " s) ";
5793  }
5794  }
5796  out << "))" << "\n";
5797  }
5799  out << "\n";
5800  }
5801  }
5802  else if(type.id() == ID_union)
5803  {
5804  const union_typet::componentst &components =
5805  to_union_type(type).components();
5807  for(const auto &component : components)
5808  find_symbols_rec(component.type(), recstack);
5809  }
5810  else if(type.id()==ID_code)
5811  {
5812  const code_typet::parameterst &parameters=
5813  to_code_type(type).parameters();
5814  for(const auto &param : parameters)
5815  find_symbols_rec(param.type(), recstack);
5817  find_symbols_rec(to_code_type(type).return_type(), recstack);
5818  }
5819  else if(type.id()==ID_pointer)
5820  {
5821  find_symbols_rec(to_pointer_type(type).base_type(), recstack);
5822  }
5823  else if(type.id() == ID_struct_tag)
5824  {
5825  const auto &struct_tag = to_struct_tag_type(type);
5826  const irep_idt &id = struct_tag.get_identifier();
5828  if(recstack.find(id) == recstack.end())
5829  {
5830  const auto &base_struct = ns.follow_tag(struct_tag);
5831  recstack.insert(id);
5832  find_symbols_rec(base_struct, recstack);
5833  datatype_map[type] = datatype_map[base_struct];
5834  }
5835  }
5836  else if(type.id() == ID_union_tag)
5837  {
5838  const auto &union_tag = to_union_tag_type(type);
5839  const irep_idt &id = union_tag.get_identifier();
5841  if(recstack.find(id) == recstack.end())
5842  {
5843  recstack.insert(id);
5844  find_symbols_rec(ns.follow_tag(union_tag), recstack);
5845  }
5846  }
5847  else if(type.id() == ID_state)
5848  {
5849  if(datatype_map.find(type) == datatype_map.end())
5850  {
5851  datatype_map[type] = "state";
5852  out << "(declare-sort state 0)\n";
5853  }
5854  }
5855  else if(type.id() == ID_mathematical_function)
5856  {
5857  const auto &mathematical_function_type =
5859  for(auto &d_type : mathematical_function_type.domain())
5860  find_symbols_rec(d_type, recstack);
5862  find_symbols_rec(mathematical_function_type.codomain(), recstack);
5863  }
5864 }
5867 {
5868  return number_of_solver_calls;
5869 }
configt config
Definition: config.cpp:25
mp_integer bvrep2integer(const irep_idt &src, std::size_t width, bool is_signed)
convert a bit-vector representation (possibly signed) to integer
constant_exprt from_integer(const mp_integer &int_value, const typet &type)
std::size_t address_bits(const mp_integer &size)
bool to_integer(const constant_exprt &expr, mp_integer &int_value)
Convert a constant expression expr to an arbitrary-precision integer.
Definition: arith_tools.cpp:20
irep_idt integer2bvrep(const mp_integer &src, std::size_t width)
convert an integer to bit-vector representation with given width This uses two's complement for negat...
mp_integer power(const mp_integer &base, const mp_integer &exponent)
A multi-precision implementation of the power operator.
API to expression classes for bitvectors.
const update_bit_exprt & to_update_bit_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to an update_bit_exprt.
bool can_cast_expr< mult_overflow_exprt >(const exprt &base)
const shift_exprt & to_shift_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a shift_exprt.
bool can_cast_expr< minus_overflow_exprt >(const exprt &base)
const extractbit_exprt & to_extractbit_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to an extractbit_exprt.
const extractbits_exprt & to_extractbits_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to an extractbits_exprt.
bool can_cast_expr< overflow_result_exprt >(const exprt &base)
const find_first_set_exprt & to_find_first_set_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a find_first_set_exprt.
const bitreverse_exprt & to_bitreverse_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a bitreverse_exprt.
const zero_extend_exprt & to_zero_extend_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a zero_extend_exprt.
const count_trailing_zeros_exprt & to_count_trailing_zeros_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a count_trailing_zeros_exprt.
bool can_cast_expr< plus_overflow_exprt >(const exprt &base)
const bitnot_exprt & to_bitnot_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a bitnot_exprt.
const replication_exprt & to_replication_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a replication_exprt.
const bswap_exprt & to_bswap_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a bswap_exprt.
const count_leading_zeros_exprt & to_count_leading_zeros_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a count_leading_zeros_exprt.
const popcount_exprt & to_popcount_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a popcount_exprt.
const update_bits_exprt & to_update_bits_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to an update_bits_exprt.
const floatbv_typet & to_floatbv_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a floatbv_typet.
const signedbv_typet & to_signedbv_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a signedbv_typet.
const bitvector_typet & to_bitvector_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a bitvector_typet.
const fixedbv_typet & to_fixedbv_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a fixedbv_typet.
const unsignedbv_typet & to_unsignedbv_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to an unsignedbv_typet.
const bv_typet & to_bv_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a bv_typet.
bool has_byte_operator(const exprt &src)
Return true iff src or one of its operands contain a byte extract or byte update expression.
Expression classes for byte-level operators.
exprt lower_byte_extract(const byte_extract_exprt &src, const namespacet &ns)
Rewrite a byte extract expression to more fundamental operations.
exprt lower_byte_update(const byte_update_exprt &src, const namespacet &ns)
Rewrite a byte update expression to more fundamental operations.
const byte_update_exprt & to_byte_update_expr(const exprt &expr)
const byte_extract_exprt & to_byte_extract_expr(const exprt &expr)
int16_t s2
Definition: bytecode_info.h:60
int8_t s1
Definition: bytecode_info.h:59
typet c_bit_field_replacement_type(const c_bit_field_typet &src, const namespacet &ns)
pointer_typet pointer_type(const typet &subtype)
Definition: c_types.cpp:235
const c_enum_typet & to_c_enum_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a c_enum_typet.
Definition: c_types.h:335
const union_tag_typet & to_union_tag_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a union_tag_typet.
Definition: c_types.h:224
const c_bit_field_typet & to_c_bit_field_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a c_bit_field_typet.
Definition: c_types.h:80
const union_typet & to_union_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a union_typet.
Definition: c_types.h:184
const c_enum_tag_typet & to_c_enum_tag_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a c_enum_tag_typet.
Definition: c_types.h:377
const c_bool_typet & to_c_bool_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a c_bool_typet.
Definition: c_types.h:128
Absolute value.
Definition: std_expr.h:442
Operator to return the address of an object.
Definition: pointer_expr.h:540
exprt & object()
Definition: pointer_expr.h:549
Thrown when an unexpected error occurs during the analysis (e.g., when the SAT solver returns an erro...
Pointer-typed bitvector constant annotated with the pointer expression that the bitvector is the nume...
Array constructor from list of elements.
Definition: std_expr.h:1616
Arrays with given size.
Definition: std_types.h:807
typet index_type() const
The type of the index expressions into any instance of this type.
Definition: std_types.cpp:34
const typet & element_type() const
The type of the elements of the array.
Definition: std_types.h:827
const exprt & size() const
Definition: std_types.h:840
A base class for binary expressions.
Definition: std_expr.h:638
exprt & op1()
Definition: expr.h:136
exprt & lhs()
Definition: std_expr.h:668
exprt & op0()
Definition: expr.h:133
exprt & rhs()
Definition: std_expr.h:678
A base class for relations, i.e., binary predicates whose two operands have the same type.
Definition: std_expr.h:762
exprt & where()
Definition: std_expr.h:3138
variablest & variables()
Definition: std_expr.h:3128
Bit-wise negation of bit-vectors.
std::size_t get_width() const
Definition: std_types.h:925
The Boolean type.
Definition: std_types.h:36
const membert & get_member(const struct_typet &type, const irep_idt &member) const
The byte swap expression.
std::size_t get_bits_per_byte() const
std::vector< parametert > parameterst
Definition: std_types.h:585
const parameterst & parameters() const
Definition: std_types.h:699
struct configt::bv_encodingt bv_encoding
A constant literal expression.
Definition: std_expr.h:2990
const irep_idt & get_value() const
Definition: std_expr.h:2998
void set_value(const irep_idt &value)
Definition: std_expr.h:3003
bool is_null_pointer() const
Returns true if expr has a pointer type and a value NULL; it also returns true when expr has value ze...
Definition: std_expr.cpp:25
Result of running the decision procedure.
Definition: std_expr.h:1152
dstringt has one field, an unsigned integer no which is an index into a static table of strings.
Definition: dstring.h:38
bool empty() const
Definition: dstring.h:89
Definition: std_expr.h:1361
Boute's Euclidean definition of Modulo – to match SMT-LIB2.
Definition: std_expr.h:1291
exprt & op0()
Definition: expr.h:133
Base class for all expressions.
Definition: expr.h:56
std::vector< exprt > operandst
Definition: expr.h:58
bool has_operands() const
Return true if there is at least one operand.
Definition: expr.h:91
bool is_true() const
Return whether the expression is a constant representing true.
Definition: expr.cpp:27
exprt & op1()
Definition: expr.h:136
depth_iteratort depth_end()
Definition: expr.cpp:249
bool is_boolean() const
Return whether the expression represents a Boolean.
Definition: expr.h:224
depth_iteratort depth_begin()
Definition: expr.cpp:247
bool is_false() const
Return whether the expression is a constant representing false.
Definition: expr.cpp:34
bool is_zero() const
Return whether the expression is a constant representing 0.
Definition: expr.cpp:47
typet & type()
Return the type of the expression.
Definition: expr.h:84
bool is_constant() const
Return whether the expression is a constant.
Definition: expr.h:212
exprt & op0()
Definition: expr.h:133
operandst & operands()
Definition: expr.h:94
void visit_post(std::function< void(exprt &)>)
These are post-order traversal visitors, i.e., the visitor is executed on a node after its children h...
Definition: expr.cpp:198
Extracts a single bit of a bit-vector operand.
Extracts a sub-range of a bit-vector operand.
The Boolean constant false.
Definition: std_expr.h:3072
std::size_t integer_bits
Definition: fixedbv.h:22
std::size_t width
Definition: fixedbv.h:22
std::size_t get_fraction_bits() const
Definition: fixedbv.h:35
Fixed-width bit-vector with signed fixed-point interpretation.
std::size_t get_fraction_bits() const
std::size_t get_integer_bits() const
Semantic type conversion from/to floating-point formats.
Definition: floatbv_expr.h:19
Fixed-width bit-vector with IEEE floating-point interpretation.
std::size_t get_f() const
std::size_t get_e() const
IEEE floating-point operations These have two data operands (op0 and op1) and one rounding mode (op2)...
Definition: floatbv_expr.h:364
exprt & rounding_mode()
Definition: floatbv_expr.h:395
std::size_t f
Definition: ieee_float.h:26
std::size_t width() const
Definition: ieee_float.h:50
ieee_float_spect spec
Definition: ieee_float.h:134
bool is_NaN() const
Definition: ieee_float.h:248
constant_exprt to_expr() const
Definition: ieee_float.cpp:703
bool get_sign() const
Definition: ieee_float.h:247
static ieee_floatt plus_infinity(const ieee_float_spect &_spec)
Definition: ieee_float.h:211
static ieee_floatt NaN(const ieee_float_spect &_spec)
Definition: ieee_float.h:208
static ieee_floatt minus_infinity(const ieee_float_spect &_spec)
Definition: ieee_float.h:214
bool is_infinity() const
Definition: ieee_float.h:249
mp_integer pack() const
Definition: ieee_float.cpp:375
void build(const mp_integer &exp, const mp_integer &frac)
Definition: ieee_float.cpp:473
The trinary if-then-else operator.
Definition: std_expr.h:2370
exprt & true_case()
Definition: std_expr.h:2397
exprt & false_case()
Definition: std_expr.h:2407
exprt & cond()
Definition: std_expr.h:2387
Boolean implication.
Definition: std_expr.h:2183
Array index operator.
Definition: std_expr.h:1465
exprt & array()
Definition: std_expr.h:1495
exprt & index()
Definition: std_expr.h:1505
There are a large number of kinds of tree structured or tree-like data in CPROVER.
Definition: irep.h:364
subt & get_sub()
Definition: irep.h:448
std::string pretty(unsigned indent=0, unsigned max_indent=0) const
Definition: irep.cpp:482
const irep_idt & get(const irep_idt &name) const
Definition: irep.cpp:44
const std::string & id_string() const
Definition: irep.h:391
bool is_not_nil() const
Definition: irep.h:372
const irep_idt & id() const
Definition: irep.h:388
void swap(irept &irep)
Definition: irep.h:434
bool is_nil() const
Definition: irep.h:368
Evaluates to true if the operand is finite.
Definition: floatbv_expr.h:176
Evaluates to true if the operand is infinite.
Definition: floatbv_expr.h:132
Evaluates to true if the operand is NaN.
Definition: floatbv_expr.h:88
Evaluates to true if the operand is a normal number.
Definition: floatbv_expr.h:220
A let expression.
Definition: std_expr.h:3204
exprt & where()
convenience accessor for binding().where()
Definition: std_expr.h:3297
binding_exprt::variablest & variables()
convenience accessor for binding().variables()
Definition: std_expr.h:3285
operandst & values()
Definition: std_expr.h:3274
literalt get_literal() const
Definition: literal_expr.h:26
bool is_true() const
Definition: literal.h:156
bool sign() const
Definition: literal.h:88
var_not var_no() const
Definition: literal.h:83
bool is_false() const
Definition: literal.h:161
Extract member of struct or union.
Definition: std_expr.h:2844
const exprt & struct_op() const
Definition: std_expr.h:2882
irep_idt get_component_name() const
Definition: std_expr.h:2866
Binary minus.
Definition: std_expr.h:1061
Modulo defined as lhs-(rhs * truncate(lhs/rhs)).
Definition: std_expr.h:1223
Binary multiplication Associativity is not specified.
Definition: std_expr.h:1107
exprt & op1()
Definition: std_expr.h:938
exprt & op0()
Definition: std_expr.h:932
const union_typet & follow_tag(const union_tag_typet &) const
Follow type tag of union type.
Definition: namespace.cpp:63
A namespacet is essentially one or two symbol tables bound together, to allow for symbol lookups in t...
Definition: namespace.h:94
The NIL expression.
Definition: std_expr.h:3081
const irep_idt & get_identifier() const
Definition: std_expr.h:320
Boolean negation.
Definition: std_expr.h:2327
Definition: std_expr.h:1420
Expression for finding the size (in bytes) of the object a pointer points to.
The plus expression Associativity is not specified.
Definition: std_expr.h:1002
const mp_integer & get_invalid_object() const
Definition: pointer_logic.h:58
numberingt< exprt, irep_hash > objects
Definition: pointer_logic.h:26
exprt pointer_expr(const pointert &pointer, const pointer_typet &type) const
Convert an (object,offset) pair to an expression.
void get_dynamic_objects(std::vector< mp_integer > &objects) const
mp_integer add_object(const exprt &expr)
The pointer type These are both 'bitvector_typet' (they have a width) and 'type_with_subtypet' (they ...
Definition: pointer_expr.h:24
const typet & base_type() const
The type of the data what we point to.
Definition: pointer_expr.h:35
A base class for quantifier expressions.
Bit-vector replication.
constant_exprt & times()
A base class for shift and rotate operators.
exprt & distance()
exprt & op()
Sign of an expression Predicate is true if _op is negative, false otherwise.
Definition: std_expr.h:596
const irep_idt & get_identifier() const
Definition: smt2_conv.h:216
void convert_relation(const binary_relation_exprt &)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:3559
bool use_lambda_for_array
Definition: smt2_conv.h:71
void convert_type(const typet &)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:5524
void unflatten(wheret, const typet &, unsigned nesting=0)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:4602
bool use_array_theory(const exprt &)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:5512
void find_symbols(const exprt &expr)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:4945
std::size_t number_of_solver_calls
Definition: smt2_conv.h:110
void convert_typecast(const typecast_exprt &expr)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:2490
void write_footer()
Writes the end of the SMT file to the smt_convt::out stream.
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:205
tvt l_get(literalt l) const
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:160
void convert_floatbv_rem(const binary_exprt &expr)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:4122
std::unordered_map< irep_idt, irept > current_bindings
Definition: smt2_conv.h:197
bool use_FPA_theory
Definition: smt2_conv.h:66
resultt dec_solve(const exprt &) override
Implementation of the decision procedure.
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:320
std::set< irep_idt > bvfp_set
Definition: smt2_conv.h:203
void convert_address_of_rec(const exprt &expr, const pointer_typet &result_type)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:783
void push() override
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:984
void convert_is_dynamic_object(const unary_exprt &)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:3522
void convert_literal(const literalt)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:961
void convert_floatbv_div(const ieee_float_op_exprt &expr)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:4007
void convert_string_literal(const std::string &)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:1152
std::size_t get_number_of_solver_calls() const override
Return the number of incremental solver calls.
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:5866
const namespacet & ns
Definition: smt2_conv.h:99
void convert_floatbv_mult(const ieee_float_op_exprt &expr)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:4102
boolbv_widtht boolbv_width
Definition: smt2_conv.h:108
void convert_constant(const constant_exprt &expr)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:3329
std::string floatbv_suffix(const exprt &) const
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:1111
void flatten2bv(const exprt &)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:4511
std::string notes
Definition: smt2_conv.h:101
void convert_div(const div_exprt &expr)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:3963
std::ostream & out
Definition: smt2_conv.h:100
exprt lower_byte_operators(const exprt &expr)
Lower byte_update and byte_extract operations within expr.
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:4874
std::string type2id(const typet &) const
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:1055
bool emit_set_logic
Definition: smt2_conv.h:72
void convert_rounding_mode_FPA(const exprt &expr)
Converting a constant or symbolic rounding mode to SMT-LIB.
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:3772
void convert_floatbv_typecast(const floatbv_typecast_exprt &expr)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:3051
struct_exprt parse_struct(const irept &s, const struct_typet &type)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:629
std::string logic
Definition: smt2_conv.h:101
void convert_mult(const mult_exprt &expr)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:4027
void convert_update_bit(const update_bit_exprt &)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:4360
exprt prepare_for_convert_expr(const exprt &expr)
Perform steps necessary before an expression is passed to convert_expr.
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:4906
exprt get(const exprt &expr) const override
Return expr with variables replaced by values from satisfying assignment if available.
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:335
std::string decision_procedure_text() const override
Return a textual description of the decision procedure.
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:145
void convert_floatbv_minus(const ieee_float_op_exprt &expr)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:3943
bool use_check_sat_assuming
Definition: smt2_conv.h:69
std::map< object_size_exprt, irep_idt > object_sizes
Definition: smt2_conv.h:284
void define_object_size(const irep_idt &id, const object_size_exprt &expr)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:284
bool use_datatypes
Definition: smt2_conv.h:70
datatype_mapt datatype_map
Definition: smt2_conv.h:269
void convert_mod(const mod_exprt &expr)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:3503
static std::string convert_identifier(const irep_idt &identifier)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:1020
void convert_floatbv_plus(const ieee_float_op_exprt &expr)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:3829
void convert_struct(const struct_exprt &expr)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:3195
std::unordered_map< irep_idt, bool > set_values
The values which boolean identifiers have been smt2_convt::set_to or in other words those which are a...
Definition: smt2_conv.h:282
smt2_convt(const namespacet &_ns, const std::string &_benchmark, const std::string &_notes, const std::string &_logic, solvert _solver, std::ostream &_out)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:56
void convert_member(const member_exprt &expr)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:4440
void convert_euclidean_mod(const euclidean_mod_exprt &expr)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:3488
void convert_index(const index_exprt &expr)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:4370
converterst converters
Definition: smt2_conv.h:105
pointer_logict pointer_logic
Definition: smt2_conv.h:237
exprt handle(const exprt &expr) override
Generate a handle, which is an expression that has the same value as the argument in any model that i...
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:952
void print_assignment(std::ostream &out) const override
Print satisfying assignment to out.
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:150
void walk_array_tree(std::unordered_map< int64_t, exprt > *operands_map, const irept &src, const array_typet &type)
This function walks the SMT output and populates a map with index/value pairs for the array.
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:575
void set_to(const exprt &expr, bool value) override
For a Boolean expression expr, add the constraint 'expr' if value is true, otherwise add 'not expr'.
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:4719
bool use_as_const
Definition: smt2_conv.h:68
exprt parse_rec(const irept &s, const typet &type)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:698
void convert_union(const union_exprt &expr)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:3301
exprt parse_union(const irept &s, const union_typet &type)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:613
exprt parse_array(const irept &s, const array_typet &type)
This function is for parsing array output from SMT solvers when "(get-value |???|)" returns an array ...
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:531
std::vector< bool > boolean_assignment
Definition: smt2_conv.h:291
void flatten_array(const exprt &)
produce a flat bit-vector for a given array of fixed size
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:3270
void convert_with(const with_exprt &expr)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:4145
letifyt letify
Definition: smt2_conv.h:174
bool use_array_of_bool
Definition: smt2_conv.h:67
std::vector< literalt > assumptions
Definition: smt2_conv.h:107
void convert_plus(const plus_exprt &expr)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:3666
defined_expressionst defined_expressions
Definition: smt2_conv.h:278
void pop() override
Currently, only implements a single stack element (no nested contexts)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:998
void convert_update_bits(const update_bits_exprt &)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:4365
void find_symbols_rec(const typet &type, std::set< irep_idt > &recstack)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:5665
void convert_update(const update_exprt &)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:4353
void write_header()
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:173
std::set< irep_idt > state_fkt_declared
Definition: smt2_conv.h:207
solvert solver
Definition: smt2_conv.h:102
identifier_mapt identifier_map
Definition: smt2_conv.h:262
void convert_minus(const minus_exprt &expr)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:3864
void convert_expr(const exprt &)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:1165
constant_exprt parse_literal(const irept &, const typet &type)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:394
std::size_t no_boolean_variables
Definition: smt2_conv.h:290
smt2_identifierst smt2_identifiers
Definition: smt2_conv.h:287
void convert_floatbv(const exprt &expr)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:1118
literalt convert(const exprt &expr)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:896
const smt2_symbolt & to_smt2_symbol(const exprt &expr)
Definition: smt2_conv.h:222
array_exprt to_array_expr() const
convert string into array constant
Struct constructor from list of elements.
Definition: std_expr.h:1872
Structure type, corresponds to C style structs.
Definition: std_types.h:231
const irep_idt & get_name() const
Definition: std_types.h:79
const componentt & get_component(const irep_idt &component_name) const
Get the reference to a component with given name.
Definition: std_types.cpp:64
bool has_component(const irep_idt &component_name) const
Definition: std_types.h:157
const componentst & components() const
Definition: std_types.h:147
std::vector< componentt > componentst
Definition: std_types.h:140
const irep_idt & get_identifier() const
Definition: std_expr.h:160
The Boolean constant true.
Definition: std_expr.h:3063
Definition: threeval.h:20
Semantic type conversion.
Definition: std_expr.h:2068
static exprt conditional_cast(const exprt &expr, const typet &type)
Definition: std_expr.h:2076
The type of an expression, extends irept.
Definition: type.h:29
Generic base class for unary expressions.
Definition: std_expr.h:361
const exprt & op() const
Definition: std_expr.h:391
The unary minus expression.
Definition: std_expr.h:484
Union constructor from single element.
Definition: std_expr.h:1765
The union type.
Definition: c_types.h:147
Fixed-width bit-vector with unsigned binary interpretation.
Replaces a sub-range of a bit-vector operand.
exprt lower() const
A lowering to masking, shifting, or.
Replaces a sub-range of a bit-vector operand.
exprt lower() const
A lowering to masking, shifting, or.
Operator to update elements in structs and arrays.
Definition: std_expr.h:2655
Operator to update elements in structs and arrays.
Definition: std_expr.h:2471
exprt & old()
Definition: std_expr.h:2481
exprt & new_value()
Definition: std_expr.h:2501
exprt & where()
Definition: std_expr.h:2491
bool has_prefix(const std::string &s, const std::string &prefix)
Definition: converter.cpp:13
int isdigit(int c)
Definition: ctype.c:24
Forward depth-first search iterators These iterators' copy operations are expensive,...
exprt make_binary(const exprt &expr)
splits an expression with >=3 operands into nested binary expressions
Definition: expr_util.cpp:38
Deprecated expression utility functions.
exprt float_bv(const exprt &src)
Definition: float_bv.h:187
API to expression classes for floating-point arithmetic.
const isnormal_exprt & to_isnormal_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a isnormal_exprt.
Definition: floatbv_expr.h:245
const isnan_exprt & to_isnan_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a isnan_exprt.
Definition: floatbv_expr.h:113
const ieee_float_op_exprt & to_ieee_float_op_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to an ieee_float_op_exprt.
Definition: floatbv_expr.h:425
const isfinite_exprt & to_isfinite_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a isfinite_exprt.
Definition: floatbv_expr.h:201
const floatbv_typecast_exprt & to_floatbv_typecast_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a floatbv_typecast_exprt.
Definition: floatbv_expr.h:68
const isinf_exprt & to_isinf_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a isinf_exprt.
Definition: floatbv_expr.h:157
static format_containert< T > format(const T &o)
Definition: format.h:37
const std::string & id2string(const irep_idt &d)
Definition: irep.h:44
static std::string binary(const constant_exprt &src)
Definition: json_expr.cpp:187
bool is_true(const literalt &l)
Definition: literal.h:198
literalt const_literal(bool value)
Definition: literal.h:188
literalt pos(literalt a)
Definition: literal.h:194
const literal_exprt & to_literal_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast a generic exprt to a literal_exprt.
Definition: literal_expr.h:56
double pow(double x, double y)
Definition: math.c:3409
API to expression classes for 'mathematical' expressions.
const function_application_exprt & to_function_application_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a function_application_exprt.
const quantifier_exprt & to_quantifier_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a quantifier_exprt.
const mathematical_function_typet & to_mathematical_function_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a mathematical_function_typet.
const mp_integer string2integer(const std::string &n, unsigned base)
Definition: mp_arith.cpp:54
mp_integer bitwise_or(const mp_integer &a, const mp_integer &b)
bitwise 'or' of two nonnegative integers
Definition: mp_arith.cpp:215
const std::string integer2binary(const mp_integer &n, std::size_t width)
Definition: mp_arith.cpp:64
const pointer_offset_exprt & to_pointer_offset_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a pointer_offset_exprt.
const field_address_exprt & to_field_address_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to an field_address_exprt.
Definition: pointer_expr.h:727
const pointer_typet & to_pointer_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a pointer_typet.
Definition: pointer_expr.h:93
const pointer_object_exprt & to_pointer_object_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a pointer_object_exprt.
const object_address_exprt & to_object_address_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to an object_address_exprt.
Definition: pointer_expr.h:643
const address_of_exprt & to_address_of_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to an address_of_exprt.
Definition: pointer_expr.h:577
const element_address_exprt & to_element_address_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to an element_address_exprt.
Definition: pointer_expr.h:814
std::optional< exprt > size_of_expr(const typet &type, const namespacet &ns)
std::optional< mp_integer > member_offset(const struct_typet &type, const irep_idt &member, const namespacet &ns)
std::optional< mp_integer > pointer_offset_size(const typet &type, const namespacet &ns)
Compute the size of a type in bytes, rounding up to full bytes.
Pointer Logic.
exprt pointer_offset(const exprt &pointer)
exprt object_size(const exprt &pointer)
exprt same_object(const exprt &p1, const exprt &p2)
Various predicates over pointers in programs.
Ranges: pair of begin and end iterators, which can be initialized from containers,...
ranget< iteratort > make_range(iteratort begin, iteratort end)
Definition: range.h:522
exprt simplify_expr(exprt src, const namespacet &ns)
static bool has_quantifier(const exprt &expr)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:886
#define SMT2_TODO(S)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:54
static bool is_zero_width(const typet &type, const namespacet &ns)
Returns true iff type has effective width of zero bits.
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:257
static bool is_smt2_simple_identifier(const std::string &identifier)
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:1003
Definition: smt2_conv.cpp:51
bool is_smt2_simple_symbol_character(char ch)
BigInt mp_integer
Definition: smt_terms.h:17
void solver(std::vector< framet > &frames, const std::unordered_set< symbol_exprt, irep_hash > &address_taken, const solver_optionst &solver_options, const namespacet &ns, std::vector< propertyt > &properties, std::size_t property_index)
Definition: solver.cpp:44
Definition: invariant.h:495
This should be used to mark dead code.
Definition: invariant.h:525
This condition should be used to document that assumptions that are made on goto_functions,...
Definition: invariant.h:534
Definition: invariant.h:463
Definition: invariant.h:558
Same as invariant, with one or more diagnostics attached Diagnostics can be of any type that has a sp...
Definition: invariant.h:437
Definition: invariant.h:496
Definition: invariant.h:535
Definition: invariant.h:526
auto component(T &struct_expr, const irep_idt &name, const namespacet &ns) -> decltype(struct_expr.op0())
Definition: std_expr.cpp:97
API to expression classes.
const notequal_exprt & to_notequal_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to an notequal_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:1445
const if_exprt & to_if_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to an if_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:2450
const update_exprt & to_update_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to an update_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:2738
const let_exprt & to_let_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a let_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:3328
const unary_plus_exprt & to_unary_plus_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a unary_plus_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:556
const constant_exprt & to_constant_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a constant_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:3045
const symbol_exprt & to_symbol_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a symbol_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:272
const mod_exprt & to_mod_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a mod_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:1272
const array_comprehension_exprt & to_array_comprehension_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a array_comprehension_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:3480
const typecast_exprt & to_typecast_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a typecast_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:2102
const not_exprt & to_not_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to an not_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:2352
const union_exprt & to_union_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a union_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:1811
const unary_minus_exprt & to_unary_minus_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a unary_minus_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:514
const named_term_exprt & to_named_term_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a named_term_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:3662
const div_exprt & to_div_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a div_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:1201
const minus_exprt & to_minus_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a minus_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:1086
const multi_ary_exprt & to_multi_ary_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a multi_ary_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:987
const with_exprt & to_with_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a with_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:2533
const struct_exprt & to_struct_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a struct_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:1895
const binary_exprt & to_binary_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a binary_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:715
const ternary_exprt & to_ternary_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a ternary_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:116
const array_of_exprt & to_array_of_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to an array_of_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:1598
const euclidean_mod_exprt & to_euclidean_mod_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a euclidean_mod_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:1340
const equal_exprt & to_equal_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to an equal_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:1402
const plus_exprt & to_plus_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a plus_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:1041
const member_exprt & to_member_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a member_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:2936
const unary_exprt & to_unary_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a unary_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:426
const nondet_symbol_exprt & to_nondet_symbol_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a nondet_symbol_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:343
const implies_exprt & to_implies_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a implies_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:2208
const sign_exprt & to_sign_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a sign_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:621
const abs_exprt & to_abs_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a abs_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:466
const binary_relation_exprt & to_binary_relation_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a binary_relation_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:895
const index_exprt & to_index_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to an index_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:1533
const mult_exprt & to_mult_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a mult_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:1132
const range_typet & to_range_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a range_typet.
Definition: std_types.h:1037
const struct_typet & to_struct_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a struct_typet.
Definition: std_types.h:308
const code_typet & to_code_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a code_typet.
Definition: std_types.h:788
const array_typet & to_array_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to an array_typet.
Definition: std_types.h:888
const complex_typet & to_complex_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a complex_typet.
Definition: std_types.h:1155
const struct_union_typet & to_struct_union_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a struct_union_typet.
Definition: std_types.h:214
const struct_tag_typet & to_struct_tag_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a struct_tag_typet.
Definition: std_types.h:518
std::size_t unsafe_string2size_t(const std::string &str, int base)
Definition: string2int.cpp:40
const string_constantt & to_string_constant(const exprt &expr)
std::string to_string(const string_not_contains_constraintt &expr)
Used for debug printing.
std::size_t object_bits
Definition: config.h:355
#define size_type
Definition: unistd.c:347
dstringt irep_idt