120 const bool is_thread_local,
121 const bool is_static_lifetime)
124 new_symbol.pretty_name = name;
125 new_symbol.base_name = name;
127 new_symbol.value = value;
128 new_symbol.is_lvalue =
129 new_symbol.is_state_var =
130 new_symbol.is_static_lifetime = is_static_lifetime;
131 new_symbol.is_thread_local = is_thread_local;
132 symbol_table.
142 return id2string(class_name) +
242 const auto base_name = base.type().get_identifier();
266 [&](
const std::pair<irep_idt, symbolt> &symbol) {
268 declaring_class(symbol.second) == class_name &&
269 symbol.second.is_static_lifetime &&
270 !symbol.second.type.get_bool(ID_C_constant))
272 nondet_ids.push_back(symbol.first);
281 parameters.min_null_tree_depth =
294 pointer_type_selector,
351 "synthetic methods map should not already contain entry for " +
379 "user_specified_clinit",
440 class_name, symbol_table, synthetic_methods);
531 INVARIANT(class_name,
"Wrapper function should have an owning class.");
569 "Automatically generated function. States are:\n"
570 " 0 = class not initialized, init val of clinit_state/clinit_local_state\n"
571 " 1 = class initialization in progress, by this or another thread\n"
572 " 2 = initialization finished with success, by this or another thread\n";
680 object_factory_parameters,
681 pointer_type_selector,
749 INVARIANT(class_name,
"Wrapper function should have an owning class.");
769 object_factory_parameters,
770 pointer_type_selector,
778std::unordered_multimap<irep_idt, symbolt>
781 std::unordered_multimap<irep_idt, symbolt> result;
795 std::optional<ci_lazy_methods_neededt> needed_lazy_methods,
796 size_t max_user_array_length,
797 std::unordered_map<std::string, object_creation_referencet> &references,
798 const std::unordered_multimap<irep_idt, symbolt>
841 max_user_array_length,
846 auto it = references.find(reference_id);
847 INVARIANT(it != references.end(),
"reference id must be present in map");
894 class_identifier, symbol_table, synthetic_methods,
898 class_identifier, symbol_table, synthetic_methods);
class itertype>
946 INVARIANT(class_id,
"Static field should have a defining class.");
961 "only stub classes should be given synthetic static initialisers");
964 "a class cannot be both incomplete, and so have stub static fields, and "
965 "also define a static initializer");
983 "synthetic methods map should not already contain entry for "
984 "stub static initializer");
1012 class_id,
"Synthetic static initializer should have an owning class.");
1022 "class with synthetic clinit should have at least one global to init");
1047 pointer_type_selector,
Allocate dynamic objects (using ALLOCATE)
code_with_references_listt assign_from_json(const exprt &expr, const jsont &json, const irep_idt &function_id, symbol_table_baset &symbol_table, std::optional< ci_lazy_methods_neededt > &needed_lazy_methods, size_t max_user_array_length, std::unordered_map< std::string, object_creation_referencet > &references)
Given an expression expr representing a Java object or primitive and a JSON representation json of th...
Context-insensitive lazy methods container.
ait supplies three of the four components needed: an abstract interpreter (in this case handling func...
Class hierarchy, represented using grapht and therefore suitable for use with generic graph algorithm...
An assumption, which must hold in subsequent code.
A codet representing sequential composition of program statements.
void append(const code_blockt &extra_block)
Add all the codets from extra_block to the current code_blockt.
A codet representing an assignment in the program.
A codet representing the declaration of a local variable.
codet representation of a "return from a function" statement.
goto_instruction_codet representation of a function call statement.
codet representation of an if-then-else statement.
Wrapper around a list of shared pointer to code_with_referencest objects, which provides a nicer inte...
std::function< const object_creation_referencet &(const std::string &)> reference_substitutiont
Data structure for representing an arbitrary statement in a program.
A constant literal expression.
dstringt has one field, an unsigned integer no which is an index into a static table of strings.
Base class for all expressions.
The Boolean constant false.
iterator find(const std::string &key)
void set_file(const irep_idt &file)
void set_line(const irep_idt &line)
void set_function(const irep_idt &function)
Base class or struct that a class or struct inherits from.
void create_stub_global_initializer_symbols(symbol_table_baset &symbol_table, const std::unordered_set< irep_idt > &stub_globals_set, synthetic_methods_mapt &synthetic_methods)
Create static initializer symbols for each distinct class that has stub globals.
code_blockt get_stub_initializer_body(const irep_idt &function_id, symbol_table_baset &symbol_table, const java_object_factory_parameterst &object_factory_parameters, const select_pointer_typet &pointer_type_selector, message_handlert &message_handler)
Create the body of a synthetic static initializer (clinit method), which initialise stub globals in t...
stub_globals_by_classt stub_globals_by_class
Expression to hold a symbol (variable)
The symbol table base class interface.
const symbolt * lookup(const irep_idt &name) const
Find a symbol in the symbol table for read-only access.
const symbolst & symbols
Read-only field, used to look up symbols given their names.
bool has_symbol(const irep_idt &name) const
Check whether a symbol exists in the symbol table.
bool add(const symbolt &symbol)
Add a new symbol to the symbol table.
const symbolt & lookup_ref(const irep_idt &name) const
Find a symbol in the symbol table for read-only access.
class symbol_exprt symbol_expr() const
Produces a symbol_exprt for a symbol.
irep_idt irep_idt base_name
Name of module the symbol belongs to.
The Boolean constant true.
The type of an expression, extends irept.
const std::string & id2string(const irep_idt &d)
void gen_nondet_init(const exprt &expr, code_blockt &init_code, symbol_table_baset &symbol_table, const source_locationt &loc, bool skip_classid, lifetimet lifetime, const java_object_factory_parameterst &object_factory_parameters, const select_pointer_typet &pointer_type_selector, update_in_placet update_in_place, message_handlert &log)
Initializes a primitive-typed or reference-typed object tree rooted at expr, allocating child objects...
This module is responsible for the synthesis of code (in the form of a sequence of codet statements) ...
std::unordered_multimap< irep_idt, symbolt > class_to_declared_symbols(const symbol_table_baset &symbol_table)
static code_frontend_assignt gen_clinit_assign(const exprt &expr, const clinit_statest state)
Generates a code_frontend_assignt for clinit_statest /param expr: expression to be used as the LHS of...
The three states in which a <clinit> method for a class can be before, after, and during static class...
code_blockt get_user_specified_clinit_body(const irep_idt &class_id, const json_objectt &static_values_json, symbol_table_baset &symbol_table, std::optional< ci_lazy_methods_neededt > needed_lazy_methods, size_t max_user_array_length, std::unordered_map< std::string, object_creation_referencet > &references, const std::unordered_multimap< irep_idt, symbolt > &class_to_declared_symbols_map)
Create the body of a user_specified_clinit function for a given class, which includes assignments for...
static void create_function_symbol(const irep_idt &class_name, const irep_idt &function_name, const irep_idt &function_base_name, const synthetic_method_typet &synthetic_method_type, symbol_table_baset &symbol_table, synthetic_methods_mapt &synthetic_methods)
void create_static_initializer_symbols(symbol_table_baset &symbol_table, synthetic_methods_mapt &synthetic_methods, const bool thread_safe, const bool is_user_clinit_needed)
Create static initializer wrappers and possibly user-specified functions for initial static field val...
static typet clinit_states_type()
static irep_idt clinit_state_var_name(const irep_idt &class_name)
Get name of the static-initialization-state global variable for a given class.
const std::string clinit_function_suffix
static void create_user_specified_clinit_function_symbol(const irep_idt &class_name, symbol_table_baset &symbol_table, synthetic_methods_mapt &synthetic_methods)
code_ifthenelset get_clinit_wrapper_body(const irep_idt &function_id, symbol_table_baset &symbol_table, const bool nondet_static, const bool replace_clinit, const java_object_factory_parameterst &object_factory_parameters, const select_pointer_typet &pointer_type_selector, message_handlert &message_handler)
Produces the static initializer wrapper body for the given function.
static void create_clinit_wrapper_function_symbol(const irep_idt &class_name, symbol_table_baset &symbol_table, synthetic_methods_mapt &synthetic_methods)
static equal_exprt gen_clinit_eqexpr(const exprt &expr, const clinit_statest state)
Generates an equal_exprt for clinit_statest /param expr: expression to be used as the LHS of generate...
static void clinit_wrapper_do_recursive_calls(symbol_table_baset &symbol_table, const irep_idt &class_name, code_blockt &init_body, const bool nondet_static, const bool replace_clinit, const java_object_factory_parameterst &object_factory_parameters, const select_pointer_typet &pointer_type_selector, message_handlert &message_handler)
Generates codet that iterates through the base types of the class specified by class_name,...
static void create_clinit_wrapper_symbols(const irep_idt &class_name, symbol_table_baset &symbol_table, synthetic_methods_mapt &synthetic_methods, const bool thread_safe)
Creates a static initializer wrapper symbol for the given class, along with a global boolean that tra...
bool is_user_specified_clinit_function(const irep_idt &function_id)
Check if function_id is a user-specified clinit.
irep_idt user_specified_clinit_name(const irep_idt &class_name)
const std::string user_specified_clinit_suffix
code_blockt get_thread_safe_clinit_wrapper_body(const irep_idt &function_id, symbol_table_baset &symbol_table, const bool nondet_static, const bool replace_clinit, const java_object_factory_parameterst &object_factory_parameters, const select_pointer_typet &pointer_type_selector, message_handlert &message_handler)
Thread safe version of the static initializer.
static irep_idt clinit_thread_local_state_var_name(const irep_idt &class_name)
Get name of the static-initialization-state local state variable for a given class.
static itertype advance_to_next_key(itertype in, itertype end)
Advance map iterator to next distinct key.
bool is_clinit_wrapper_function(const irep_idt &function_id)
Check if function_id is a clinit wrapper.
irep_idt clinit_wrapper_name(const irep_idt &class_name)
Get the Java static initializer wrapper name for a given class (the wrapper checks if static initiali...
static irep_idt clinit_function_name(const irep_idt &class_name)
Get name of the real static initializer for a given class.
static irep_idt clinit_already_run_variable_name(const irep_idt &class_name)
Get name of the static-initialization-already-done global variable for a given class.
bool is_clinit_function(const irep_idt &function_id)
Check if function_id is a clinit.
static irep_idt clinit_local_init_complete_var_name(const irep_idt &class_name)
Get name of the static-initialization local variable for a given class.
static symbolt add_new_variable_symbol(symbol_table_baset &symbol_table, const irep_idt &name, const typet &type, const exprt &value, const bool is_thread_local, const bool is_static_lifetime)
Add a new symbol to the symbol table.
const std::string clinit_wrapper_suffix
static bool needs_clinit_wrapper(const irep_idt &class_name, const symbol_table_baset &symbol_table)
Checks whether a static initializer wrapper is needed for a given class, i.e.
empty_typet java_void_type()
signedbv_typet java_byte_type()
const java_class_typet & to_java_class_type(const typet &type)
bool is_non_null_library_global(const irep_idt &symbolid)
Check if a symbol is a well-known non-null global.
std::optional< irep_idt > declaring_class(const symbolt &symbol)
Gets the identifier of the class which declared a given symbol.
void set_declaring_class(symbolt &symbol, const irep_idt &declaring_class)
Sets the identifier of the class which declared a given symbol to declaring_class.
irep_idt strip_java_namespace_prefix(const irep_idt &to_strip)
Strip java:: prefix from given identifier.
json_objectt & to_json_object(jsont &json)
static void nondet_static(const namespacet &ns, goto_modelt &goto_model, const irep_idt &fct_name)
Nondeterministically initializes global scope variables in a goto-function.
static std::string comment(const rw_set_baset::entryt &entry, bool write)
ranget< typename multimapt::const_iterator > equal_range(const multimapt &multimap, const typename multimapt::key_type &key)
Utility function to make equal_range method of multimap easier to use by returning a ranget object.
This macro uses the wrapper function 'invariant_violated_string'.
const class_typet & to_class_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a class_typet.
Information to store when several references point to the same Java object.
irep_idt function_id
Function id, used as a prefix for identifiers of temporaries.
size_t min_null_tree_depth
To force a certain depth of non-null objects.
bool has_suffix(const std::string &s, const std::string &suffix)
static bool failed(bool error_indicator)
std::unordered_map< irep_idt, synthetic_method_typet > synthetic_methods_mapt
Maps method names on to a synthetic method kind.
Synthetic method kinds.
Only exists if the --static-values option was used.
A static initializer wrapper (code of the form if(!already_run) clinit(); already_run = true;) These ...
A generated (synthetic) static initializer function for a stub type.