Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*******************************************************************\
3 Module: Assignments to values specified in JSON files
5 Author: Diffblue Ltd.
7 \*******************************************************************/
11 #include <util/arith_tools.h>
13 #include <util/expr_initializer.h>
14 #include <util/ieee_float.h>
15 #include <util/json.h>
16 #include <util/symbol_table_base.h>
17 #include <util/unicode.h>
24 #include "ci_lazy_methods_needed.h"
25 #include "code_with_references.h"
27 #include "java_string_literals.h"
28 #include "java_types.h"
29 #include "java_utils.h"
36 {
48  std::optional<ci_lazy_methods_neededt> &needed_lazy_methods;
53  std::unordered_map<std::string, object_creation_referencet> &references;
65 };
67 static java_class_typet
68 followed_class_type(const exprt &expr, const symbol_table_baset &symbol_table)
69 {
71  return to_java_class_type(namespacet{symbol_table}.follow_tag(
73 }
75 static bool
76 has_enum_type(const exprt &expr, const symbol_table_baset &symbol_table)
77 {
78  return followed_class_type(expr, symbol_table).get_is_enumeration();
79 }
106  const exprt &expr,
107  const symbol_table_baset &symbol_table,
108  const java_class_typet &declaring_class_type)
109 {
111  return followed_class_type(expr, symbol_table) == declaring_class_type &&
112  declaring_class_type.get_is_enumeration();
113 }
120 static std::optional<std::string> get_type(const jsont &json)
121 {
122  if(!json.is_object())
123  return {};
124  const auto &json_object = to_json_object(json);
125  if(json_object.find("@type") == json_object.end())
126  return {};
127  return json_object["@type"].value;
128 }
136 static bool has_id(const jsont &json)
137 {
138  if(!json.is_object())
139  return false;
140  const auto &json_object = to_json_object(json);
141  return json_object.find("@id") != json_object.end();
142 }
148 static bool is_reference(const jsont &json)
149 {
150  if(!json.is_object())
151  return false;
152  const auto &json_object = to_json_object(json);
153  return json_object.find("@ref") != json_object.end();
154 }
159 static std::string get_id_or_reference_value(const jsont &json)
160 {
162  if(has_id(json))
163  return json["@id"].value;
164  return json["@ref"].value;
165 }
171 static std::string get_enum_id(
172  const exprt &expr,
173  const jsont &json,
174  const symbol_table_baset &symbol_table)
175 {
176  PRECONDITION(json.is_object());
177  const auto &json_object = to_json_object(json);
179  json_object.find("name") != json_object.end(),
180  "JSON representation of enums should include name field");
181  return id2string(followed_class_type(expr, symbol_table).get_tag()) + '.' +
182  (json["name"].value);
183 }
189 static bool has_nondet_length(const jsont &json)
190 {
191  if(!json.is_object())
192  return false;
193  const auto &json_object = to_json_object(json);
194  auto nondet_it = json_object.find("@nondetLength");
195  return nondet_it != json_object.end() && nondet_it->second.is_true();
196 }
202 static jsont get_untyped(const jsont &json, const std::string &object_key)
203 {
204  if(!json.is_object())
205  return json;
207  const auto &json_object = to_json_object(json);
209  get_type(json) || json_object.find("@nondetLength") != json_object.end());
211  return json[object_key];
212 }
216 {
217  return get_untyped(json, "value");
218 }
224 static json_arrayt
225 get_untyped_array(const jsont &json, const typet &element_type)
226 {
227  const jsont untyped = get_untyped(json, "@items");
228  PRECONDITION(untyped.is_array());
229  const auto &json_array = to_json_array(untyped);
230  if(element_type == java_char_type())
231  {
232  PRECONDITION(json_array.size() == 1);
233  const auto &first = *json_array.begin();
234  PRECONDITION(first.is_string());
235  const auto &json_string = to_json_string(first);
237  const auto wide_string = utf8_to_utf16_native_endian(json_string.value);
238  auto string_range = make_range(wide_string.begin(), wide_string.end());
239  const auto json_range = string_range.map([](const wchar_t &c) {
240  const std::u16string u16(1, c);
242  });
243  return json_arrayt{json_range.begin(), json_range.end()};
244  }
245  return json_array;
246 }
253 {
254  return get_untyped(json, "value");
255 }
270 static std::optional<java_class_typet> runtime_type(
271  const jsont &json,
272  const std::optional<std::string> &type_from_array,
273  const symbol_table_baset &symbol_table)
274 {
275  const auto type_from_json = get_type(json);
276  if(!type_from_json && !type_from_array)
277  return {}; // no runtime type specified, use compile-time type
278  const auto runtime_type = [&]() -> std::string {
279  if(type_from_json)
280  return "java::" + *type_from_json;
282  type_from_array->find('L') == 0 &&
283  type_from_array->rfind(';') == type_from_array->length() - 1,
284  "Types inferred from the type of a containing array should be of the "
285  "form Lmy.package.name.ClassName;");
286  return "java::" + type_from_array->substr(1, type_from_array->length() - 2);
287  }();
288  if(!symbol_table.has_symbol(runtime_type))
289  return {}; // Fall back to compile-time type if runtime type was not found
290  const auto &replacement_class_type =
292  return replacement_class_type;
293 }
307 static std::optional<std::string> element_type_from_array_type(
308  const jsont &json,
309  const std::optional<std::string> &type_from_array)
310 {
311  if(const auto json_array_type = get_type(json))
312  {
314  json_array_type->find('[') == 0,
315  "Array types in the JSON input should be of the form "
316  "[[...[Lmy.package.name.ClassName; (with n occurrences of [ for an "
317  "n-dimensional array)");
318  return json_array_type->substr(1);
319  }
320  else if(type_from_array)
321  {
323  type_from_array->find('[') == 0,
324  "For arrays that are themselves contained by an array from which a type "
325  "is inferred, such a type should be of the form "
326  "[[...[Lmy.package.name.ClassName;");
327  return type_from_array->substr(1);
328  }
329  return {};
330 }
332 code_with_references_listt assign_from_json_rec(
333  const exprt &expr,
334  const jsont &json,
335  const std::optional<std::string> &type_from_array,
336  object_creation_infot &info);
342 assign_primitive_from_json(const exprt &expr, const jsont &json)
343 {
345  if(json.is_null()) // field is not mentioned in json, leave as default value
346  return result;
347  if(expr.type() == java_boolean_type())
348  {
349  result.add(code_frontend_assignt{
350  expr, json.is_true() ? (exprt)true_exprt{} : (exprt)false_exprt{}});
351  }
352  else if(
353  expr.type() == java_int_type() || expr.type() == java_byte_type() ||
354  expr.type() == java_short_type() || expr.type() == java_long_type())
355  {
356  result.add(code_frontend_assignt{
357  expr, from_integer(std::stoll(json.value), expr.type())});
358  }
359  else if(expr.type() == java_double_type())
360  {
361  ieee_floatt ieee_float(to_floatbv_type(expr.type()));
362  ieee_float.from_double(std::stod(json.value));
363  result.add(code_frontend_assignt{expr, ieee_float.to_expr()});
364  }
365  else if(expr.type() == java_float_type())
366  {
367  ieee_floatt ieee_float(to_floatbv_type(expr.type()));
368  ieee_float.from_float(std::stof(json.value));
369  result.add(code_frontend_assignt{expr, ieee_float.to_expr()});
370  }
371  else if(expr.type() == java_char_type())
372  {
373  const std::wstring wide_value = utf8_to_utf16_native_endian(json.value);
374  PRECONDITION(wide_value.length() == 1);
375  result.add(code_frontend_assignt{
376  expr, from_integer(wide_value.front(), expr.type())});
377  }
378  return result;
379 }
383 static code_frontend_assignt assign_null(const exprt &expr)
384 {
385  return code_frontend_assignt{
386  expr, null_pointer_exprt{to_pointer_type(expr.type())}};
387 }
392 static code_with_references_listt assign_array_data_component_from_json(
393  const exprt &expr,
394  const jsont &json,
395  const std::optional<std::string> &type_from_array,
396  object_creation_infot &info)
397 {
398  const auto &java_class_type = followed_class_type(expr, info.symbol_table);
399  const auto &data_component = java_class_type.components()[2];
400  const auto &element_type = java_array_element_type(
402  const exprt data_member_expr = typecast_exprt::conditional_cast(
403  member_exprt{dereference_exprt{expr}, "data", data_component.type()},
404  pointer_type(element_type));
406  const symbol_exprt &array_init_data =
408  data_member_expr.type(), "user_specified_array_data_init");
410  result.add(
411  code_frontend_assignt{array_init_data, data_member_expr, info.loc});
413  size_t index = 0;
414  const std::optional<std::string> inferred_element_type =
415  element_type_from_array_type(json, type_from_array);
416  const json_arrayt json_array = get_untyped_array(json, element_type);
417  for(auto it = json_array.begin(); it < json_array.end(); it++, index++)
418  {
419  const dereference_exprt element_at_index = array_element_from_pointer(
420  array_init_data, from_integer(index, java_int_type()));
421  result.append(
422  assign_from_json_rec(element_at_index, *it, inferred_element_type, info));
423  }
424  return result;
425 }
432 static std::pair<symbol_exprt, code_with_references_listt>
433 nondet_length(allocate_objectst &allocate, source_locationt loc)
434 {
435  symbol_exprt length_expr = allocate.allocate_automatic_local_object(
436  java_int_type(), "user_specified_array_length");
439  length_expr, side_effect_expr_nondett{java_int_type(), loc}});
441  length_expr, ID_ge, from_integer(0, java_int_type())}});
442  return std::make_pair(length_expr, std::move(code));
443 }
456 static std::pair<code_with_references_listt, exprt>
457 assign_det_length_array_from_json(
458  const exprt &expr,
459  const jsont &json,
460  const std::optional<std::string> &type_from_array,
461  object_creation_infot &info)
462 {
464  const auto &element_type = java_array_element_type(
466  const json_arrayt json_array = get_untyped_array(json, element_type);
467  const auto number_of_elements =
468  from_integer(json_array.size(), java_int_type());
469  return {
470  assign_array_data_component_from_json(expr, json, type_from_array, info),
471  number_of_elements};
472 }
485 static code_with_references_listt assign_nondet_length_array_from_json(
486  const exprt &array,
487  const jsont &json,
488  const exprt &given_length_expr,
489  const std::optional<std::string> &type_from_array,
490  object_creation_infot &info)
491 {
493  const auto &element_type = java_array_element_type(
495  const json_arrayt json_array = get_untyped_array(json, element_type);
497  exprt number_of_elements = from_integer(json_array.size(), java_int_type());
498  result.add(code_assumet{and_exprt{
499  binary_predicate_exprt{given_length_expr, ID_ge, number_of_elements},
501  given_length_expr,
502  ID_le,
504  result.append(
505  assign_array_data_component_from_json(array, json, type_from_array, info));
506  return result;
507 }
512 static code_frontend_assignt assign_string_from_json(
513  const jsont &json,
514  const exprt &expr,
515  object_creation_infot &info)
516 {
517  const auto json_string = get_untyped_string(json);
518  PRECONDITION(json_string.is_string());
519  return code_frontend_assignt{
520  expr,
522  json_string.value, info.symbol_table, true)};
523 }
528 static code_with_references_listt assign_struct_components_from_json(
529  const exprt &expr,
530  const jsont &json,
531  object_creation_infot &info)
532 {
533  const java_class_typet &java_class_type = to_java_class_type(
534  namespacet{info.symbol_table}.follow_tag(to_struct_tag_type(expr.type())));
536  for(const auto &component : java_class_type.components())
537  {
538  const irep_idt &component_name = component.get_name();
539  if(
540  component_name == JAVA_CLASS_IDENTIFIER_FIELD_NAME ||
541  component_name == "cproverMonitorCount")
542  {
543  continue;
544  }
545  member_exprt member_expr{expr, component_name, component.type()};
546  if(component_name[0] == '@') // component is parent struct type
547  {
548  result.append(
549  assign_struct_components_from_json(member_expr, json, info));
550  }
551  else // component is class field (pointer to struct)
552  {
553  const auto member_json = [&]() -> jsont {
554  if(
555  is_primitive_wrapper_type_id(java_class_type.get_name()) &&
556  id2string(component_name) == "value")
557  {
558  return get_untyped_primitive(json);
559  }
560  return json[id2string(component_name)];
561  }();
562  result.append(assign_from_json_rec(member_expr, member_json, {}, info));
563  }
564  }
565  return result;
566 }
572 static code_with_references_listt assign_struct_from_json(
573  const exprt &expr,
574  const jsont &json,
575  object_creation_infot &info)
576 {
577  const namespacet ns{info.symbol_table};
578  const java_class_typet &java_class_type =
579  to_java_class_type(ns.follow_tag(to_struct_tag_type(expr.type())));
581  if(is_java_string_type(java_class_type))
582  {
583  result.add(assign_string_from_json(json, expr, info));
584  }
585  else
586  {
587  auto initial_object = zero_initializer(expr.type(), info.loc, ns);
588  CHECK_RETURN(initial_object.has_value());
590  to_struct_expr(*initial_object),
591  ns,
592  struct_tag_typet("java::" + id2string(java_class_type.get_tag())));
593  result.add(code_frontend_assignt{expr, *initial_object});
594  result.append(assign_struct_components_from_json(expr, json, info));
595  }
596  return result;
597 }
600 static code_with_references_listt assign_non_enum_pointer_from_json(
601  const exprt &expr,
602  const jsont &json,
603  object_creation_infot &info)
604 {
606  code_blockt output_code;
607  exprt dereferenced_symbol_expr =
609  output_code, expr, to_pointer_type(expr.type()).base_type());
610  for(codet &code : output_code.statements())
611  result.add(std::move(code));
612  result.append(assign_struct_from_json(dereferenced_symbol_expr, json, info));
613  return result;
614 }
623 static code_with_references_listt assign_enum_from_json(
624  const exprt &expr,
625  const jsont &json,
626  object_creation_infot &info)
627 {
628  const auto &java_class_type = followed_class_type(expr, info.symbol_table);
629  const std::string &enum_name = id2string(java_class_type.get_name());
631  if(const auto func = info.symbol_table.lookup(clinit_wrapper_name(enum_name)))
632  result.add(code_function_callt{func->symbol_expr()});
634  const irep_idt values_name = enum_name + ".$VALUES";
635  if(!info.symbol_table.has_symbol(values_name))
636  {
637  // Fallback: generate a new enum instance instead of getting it from $VALUES
638  result.append(assign_non_enum_pointer_from_json(expr, json, info));
639  return result;
640  }
642  dereference_exprt values_struct{
643  info.symbol_table.lookup_ref(values_name).symbol_expr()};
644  const auto &values_struct_type = namespacet{info.symbol_table}.follow_tag(
645  to_struct_tag_type(values_struct.type()));
646  PRECONDITION(is_valid_java_array(values_struct_type));
647  const member_exprt values_data = member_exprt{
648  values_struct, "data", values_struct_type.components()[2].type()};
650  const exprt ordinal_expr =
651  from_integer(std::stoi(json["ordinal"].value), java_int_type());
653  result.add(code_frontend_assignt{
654  expr,
656  array_element_from_pointer(values_data, ordinal_expr), expr.type())});
657  return result;
658 }
664 static code_with_references_listt assign_pointer_from_json(
665  const exprt &expr,
666  const jsont &json,
667  object_creation_infot &info)
668 {
669  // This check can be removed when tracking reference-equal objects across
670  // different classes has been implemented.
671  if(has_enum_type(expr, info.symbol_table))
672  return assign_enum_from_json(expr, json, info);
673  else
674  return assign_non_enum_pointer_from_json(expr, json, info);
675 }
682 static code_with_references_listt assign_pointer_with_given_type_from_json(
683  const exprt &expr,
684  const jsont &json,
686  object_creation_infot &info)
687 {
688  const auto &pointer_type = to_pointer_type(expr.type());
689  pointer_typet replacement_pointer_type =
691  if(!equal_java_types(pointer_type, replacement_pointer_type))
692  {
693  const auto &new_symbol =
695  replacement_pointer_type, "user_specified_subtype_symbol");
696  if(info.needed_lazy_methods)
697  {
698  info.needed_lazy_methods->add_all_needed_classes(
699  replacement_pointer_type);
700  }
702  auto result = assign_pointer_from_json(new_symbol, json, info);
703  result.add(
705  return result;
706  }
707  else
708  return assign_pointer_from_json(expr, json, info);
709 }
711 struct get_or_create_reference_resultt
712 {
715  bool newly_allocated;
717  std::unordered_map<std::string, object_creation_referencet>::iterator
718  reference;
721 };
738 static get_or_create_reference_resultt get_or_create_reference(
739  const exprt &expr,
740  const std::string &id,
741  object_creation_infot &info)
742 {
743  const auto &pointer_type = to_pointer_type(expr.type());
744  const auto id_it = info.references.find(id);
745  if(id_it == info.references.end())
746  {
748  object_creation_referencet reference;
749  if(is_java_array_type(expr.type()))
750  {
752  pointer_type, "user_specified_array_ref");
753  reference.array_length =
755  java_int_type(), "user_specified_array_length");
756  code.add(reference_allocationt{id, info.loc});
757  }
758  else
759  {
760  code_blockt block;
762  block, expr, pointer_type.base_type());
763  code.add(block);
764  }
765  auto iterator_inserted_pair = info.references.insert({id, reference});
766  return {iterator_inserted_pair.second, iterator_inserted_pair.first, code};
767  }
768  return {false, id_it, {}};
769 }
793 static code_with_references_listt assign_reference_from_json(
794  const exprt &expr,
795  const jsont &json,
796  const std::optional<std::string> &type_from_array,
797  object_creation_infot &info)
798 {
799  const std::string &id = has_enum_type(expr, info.symbol_table)
800  ? get_enum_id(expr, json, info.symbol_table)
802  auto get_reference_result = get_or_create_reference(expr, id, info);
803  const bool is_new_id = get_reference_result.newly_allocated;
804  object_creation_referencet &reference =
805  get_reference_result.reference->second;
806  code_with_references_listt result = std::move(get_reference_result.code);
807  if(has_id(json) || (is_new_id && has_enum_type(expr, info.symbol_table)))
808  {
809  if(is_java_array_type(expr.type()))
810  {
812  reference.array_length, "an array reference should store its length");
814  {
815  result.append(assign_nondet_length_array_from_json(
816  reference.expr,
817  json,
818  *reference.array_length,
819  type_from_array,
820  info));
821  }
822  else
823  {
824  auto code_length_pair = assign_det_length_array_from_json(
825  reference.expr, json, type_from_array, info);
826  result.append(std::move(code_length_pair.first));
827  reference.array_length = std::move(code_length_pair.second);
828  }
829  }
830  else
831  {
832  result.append(
833  assign_struct_from_json(dereference_exprt(reference.expr), json, info));
834  }
835  }
836  result.add(code_frontend_assignt{
837  expr, typecast_exprt::conditional_cast(reference.expr, expr.type())});
838  return result;
839 }
849 code_with_references_listt assign_from_json_rec(
850  const exprt &expr,
851  const jsont &json,
852  const std::optional<std::string> &type_from_array,
853  object_creation_infot &info)
854 {
857  {
858  if(json.is_null())
859  {
860  result.add(assign_null(expr));
861  return result;
862  }
863  else if(
864  is_reference(json) || has_id(json) ||
866  expr, info.symbol_table, info.declaring_class_type))
867  // The last condition can be replaced with
868  // has_enum_type(expr, info.symbol_table) once tracking reference-equality
869  // across different classes has been implemented.
870  {
871  return assign_reference_from_json(expr, json, type_from_array, info);
872  }
873  else if(is_java_array_type(expr.type()))
874  {
876  {
877  auto length_code_pair = nondet_length(info.allocate_objects, info.loc);
878  length_code_pair.second.add(
879  allocate_array(expr, length_code_pair.first, info.loc));
880  length_code_pair.second.append(assign_nondet_length_array_from_json(
881  expr, json, length_code_pair.first, type_from_array, info));
882  return length_code_pair.second;
883  }
884  else
885  {
887  const auto &element_type = java_array_element_type(
889  const std::size_t length = get_untyped_array(json, element_type).size();
890  result.add(allocate_array(
891  expr, from_integer(length, java_int_type()), info.loc));
892  result.append(assign_array_data_component_from_json(
893  expr, json, type_from_array, info));
894  return result;
895  }
896  }
897  else if(
898  const auto runtime_type =
899  ::runtime_type(json, type_from_array, info.symbol_table))
900  {
901  return assign_pointer_with_given_type_from_json(
902  expr, json, *runtime_type, info);
903  }
904  else
905  return assign_pointer_from_json(expr, json, info);
906  }
907  else
908  result.append(
909  assign_primitive_from_json(expr, get_untyped_primitive(json)));
910  return result;
911 }
914  const exprt &expr,
915  const jsont &json,
916  const irep_idt &function_id,
917  symbol_table_baset &symbol_table,
918  std::optional<ci_lazy_methods_neededt> &needed_lazy_methods,
919  size_t max_user_array_length,
920  std::unordered_map<std::string, object_creation_referencet> &references)
921 {
922  source_locationt location{};
923  location.set_function(function_id);
924  allocate_objectst allocate(ID_java, location, function_id, symbol_table);
925  const symbolt *function_symbol = symbol_table.lookup(function_id);
926  INVARIANT(function_symbol, "Function must appear in symbol table");
927  const auto class_name = declaring_class(*function_symbol);
929  class_name,
930  "Function " + id2string(function_id) + " must be declared by a class.");
931  const auto &class_type =
932  to_java_class_type(symbol_table.lookup_ref(*class_name).type);
933  object_creation_infot info{allocate,
934  symbol_table,
935  needed_lazy_methods,
936  references,
937  location,
938  max_user_array_length,
939  class_type};
940  code_with_references_listt code_with_references =
941  assign_from_json_rec(expr, json, {}, info);
942  code_blockt assignments;
943  allocate.declare_created_symbols(assignments);
944  std::for_each(
945  assignments.statements().rbegin(),
946  assignments.statements().rend(),
947  [&](const codet &c) {
948  code_with_references.add_to_front(code_without_referencest{c});
949  });
950  return code_with_references;
951 }
constant_exprt from_integer(const mp_integer &int_value, const typet &type)
dereference_exprt array_element_from_pointer(const exprt &pointer, const exprt &index)
Generate statement using pointer arithmetic to access the element at the given index of a pointer arr...
static std::optional< std::string > get_type(const jsont &json)
If the argument has a "@type" key, return the corresponding value, else return an empty optional.
static java_class_typet followed_class_type(const exprt &expr, const symbol_table_baset &symbol_table)
static bool has_id(const jsont &json)
Return true iff the argument has a "@id" key.
static std::string get_id_or_reference_value(const jsont &json)
Return the unique ID of all objects that are reference-equal to this one.
static bool has_nondet_length(const jsont &json)
Return true iff the argument has a "@nondetLength": true entry.
static std::string get_enum_id(const exprt &expr, const jsont &json, const symbol_table_baset &symbol_table)
Return a unique ID for an enum, based on its type and name field.
static bool is_enum_with_type_equal_to_declaring_type(const exprt &expr, const symbol_table_baset &symbol_table, const java_class_typet &declaring_class_type)
This function is used as a workaround until reference-equal objects defined across several classes ar...
static bool is_reference(const jsont &json)
Return true iff the argument has a "@ref" key.
static std::optional< std::string > element_type_from_array_type(const jsont &json, const std::optional< std::string > &type_from_array)
Given a JSON representation of an array and a type inferred from the type of a containing array,...
static jsont get_untyped(const jsont &json, const std::string &object_key)
For typed versions of primitive, string or array types, looks up their untyped contents with the key ...
static jsont get_untyped_primitive(const jsont &json)
get_untyped for primitive types.
static json_arrayt get_untyped_array(const jsont &json, const typet &element_type)
get_untyped for array types.
static bool has_enum_type(const exprt &expr, const symbol_table_baset &symbol_table)
static jsont get_untyped_string(const jsont &json)
get_untyped for string types.
static std::optional< java_class_typet > runtime_type(const jsont &json, const std::optional< std::string > &type_from_array, const symbol_table_baset &symbol_table)
Given a JSON representation of a (non-array) reference-typed object and a type inferred from the type...
code_with_references_listt assign_from_json(const exprt &expr, const jsont &json, const irep_idt &function_id, symbol_table_baset &symbol_table, std::optional< ci_lazy_methods_neededt > &needed_lazy_methods, size_t max_user_array_length, std::unordered_map< std::string, object_creation_referencet > &references)
Given an expression expr representing a Java object or primitive and a JSON representation json of th...
const floatbv_typet & to_floatbv_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a floatbv_typet.
pointer_typet pointer_type(const typet &subtype)
Definition: c_types.cpp:235
Context-insensitive lazy methods container.
void set_class_identifier(struct_exprt &expr, const namespacet &ns, const struct_tag_typet &class_type)
If expr has its components filled in then sets the @class_identifier member of the struct.
Extract class identifier.
exprt allocate_dynamic_object_symbol(code_blockt &output_code, const exprt &target_expr, const typet &allocate_type)
Generates code for allocating a dynamic object.
exprt allocate_dynamic_object(code_blockt &output_code, const exprt &target_expr, const typet &allocate_type)
Generate the same code as allocate_dynamic_object_symbol, but return a dereference_exprt that derefer...
exprt allocate_automatic_local_object(code_blockt &assignments, const exprt &target_expr, const typet &allocate_type, const irep_idt &basename_prefix="tmp")
Creates a local variable with automatic lifetime.
void declare_created_symbols(code_blockt &init_code)
Adds declarations for all non-static symbols created.
Boolean AND.
Definition: std_expr.h:2120
A base class for expressions that are predicates, i.e., Boolean-typed, and that take exactly two argu...
Definition: std_expr.h:731
An assumption, which must hold in subsequent code.
Definition: std_code.h:217
A codet representing sequential composition of program statements.
Definition: std_code.h:130
code_operandst & statements()
Definition: std_code.h:138
A codet representing an assignment in the program.
Definition: std_code.h:24
goto_instruction_codet representation of a function call statement.
Wrapper around a list of shared pointer to code_with_referencest objects, which provides a nicer inte...
void append(code_with_references_listt &&other)
void add(code_without_referencest code)
Data structure for representing an arbitrary statement in a program.
Definition: std_code_base.h:29
Operator to dereference a pointer.
Definition: pointer_expr.h:834
dstringt has one field, an unsigned integer no which is an index into a static table of strings.
Definition: dstring.h:38
Base class for all expressions.
Definition: expr.h:56
typet & type()
Return the type of the expression.
Definition: expr.h:84
The Boolean constant false.
Definition: std_expr.h:3064
bool get_is_enumeration() const
is class an enumeration?
Definition: java_types.h:403
const componentst & components() const
Definition: java_types.h:223
const irep_idt & get_name() const
Get the name of the struct, which can be used to look up its symbol in the symbol table.
Definition: java_types.h:556
arrayt::iterator end()
Definition: json.h:251
std::size_t size() const
Definition: json.h:202
arrayt::iterator begin()
Definition: json.h:236
Definition: json.h:27
bool is_array() const
Definition: json.h:61
Extract member of struct or union.
Definition: std_expr.h:2841
A namespacet is essentially one or two symbol tables bound together, to allow for symbol lookups in t...
Definition: namespace.h:94
The null pointer constant.
Definition: pointer_expr.h:909
The pointer type These are both 'bitvector_typet' (they have a width) and 'type_with_subtypet' (they ...
Definition: pointer_expr.h:24
const typet & base_type() const
The type of the data what we point to.
Definition: pointer_expr.h:35
Allocation code which contains a reference.
A side_effect_exprt that returns a non-deterministically chosen value.
Definition: std_code.h:1520
void set_function(const irep_idt &function)
A struct tag type, i.e., struct_typet with an identifier.
Definition: std_types.h:493
irep_idt get_tag() const
Definition: std_types.h:168
Expression to hold a symbol (variable)
Definition: std_expr.h:131
The symbol table base class interface.
const symbolt * lookup(const irep_idt &name) const
Find a symbol in the symbol table for read-only access.
const symbolt & lookup_ref(const irep_idt &name) const
Find a symbol in the symbol table for read-only access.
bool has_symbol(const irep_idt &name) const
Check whether a symbol exists in the symbol table.
Symbol table entry.
Definition: symbol.h:28
class symbol_exprt symbol_expr() const
Produces a symbol_exprt for a symbol.
Definition: symbol.cpp:121
typet type
Type of symbol.
Definition: symbol.h:31
The Boolean constant true.
Definition: std_expr.h:3055
Semantic type conversion.
Definition: std_expr.h:2068
static exprt conditional_cast(const exprt &expr, const typet &type)
Definition: std_expr.h:2076
The type of an expression, extends irept.
Definition: type.h:29
codet allocate_array(const exprt &expr, const exprt &array_length_expr, const source_locationt &loc)
Allocate a fresh array of length array_length_expr and assigns expr to it.
std::optional< exprt > zero_initializer(const typet &type, const source_locationt &source_location, const namespacet &ns)
Create the equivalent of zero for type type.
Expression Initialization.
const std::string & id2string(const irep_idt &d)
Definition: irep.h:40
irep_idt clinit_wrapper_name(const irep_idt &class_name)
Get the Java static initializer wrapper name for a given class (the wrapper checks if static initiali...
static irep_idt get_tag(const typet &type)
symbol_exprt get_or_create_string_literal_symbol(const java_string_literal_exprt &string_expr, symbol_table_baset &symbol_table, bool string_refinement_enabled)
Creates or gets an existing constant global symbol for a given string literal.
signedbv_typet java_int_type()
Definition: java_types.cpp:31
bool is_java_array_type(const typet &type)
Checks whether the given type is an array pointer type.
Definition: java_types.cpp:163
bool is_valid_java_array(const struct_typet &type)
Programmatic documentation of the structure of a Java array (of either primitives or references) type...
Definition: java_types.cpp:838
bool equal_java_types(const typet &type1, const typet &type2)
Compares the types, including checking element types if both types are arrays.
Definition: java_types.cpp:895
const typet & java_array_element_type(const struct_tag_typet &array_symbol)
Return a const reference to the element type of a given java array type.
Definition: java_types.cpp:144
signedbv_typet java_byte_type()
Definition: java_types.cpp:55
signedbv_typet java_short_type()
Definition: java_types.cpp:49
floatbv_typet java_double_type()
Definition: java_types.cpp:73
floatbv_typet java_float_type()
Definition: java_types.cpp:67
c_bool_typet java_boolean_type()
Definition: java_types.cpp:79
unsignedbv_typet java_char_type()
Definition: java_types.cpp:61
signedbv_typet java_long_type()
Definition: java_types.cpp:43
const java_class_typet & to_java_class_type(const typet &type)
Definition: java_types.h:581
const java_reference_typet & to_java_reference_type(const typet &type)
Definition: java_types.h:629
std::optional< irep_idt > declaring_class(const symbolt &symbol)
Gets the identifier of the class which declared a given symbol.
Definition: java_utils.cpp:568
bool is_primitive_wrapper_type_id(const irep_idt &id)
Returns true iff the argument is the symbol-table identifier of a Java primitive wrapper type (for ex...
Definition: java_utils.cpp:109
bool is_java_string_type(const struct_typet &struct_type)
Returns true iff the argument represents a string type (CharSequence, StringBuilder,...
Definition: java_utils.cpp:27
pointer_typet pointer_to_replacement_type(const pointer_typet &given_pointer_type, const java_class_typet &replacement_class_type)
Given a pointer type to a Java class and a type representing a more specific Java class,...
Definition: java_utils.cpp:269
json_arrayt & to_json_array(jsont &json)
Definition: json.h:424
json_objectt & to_json_object(jsont &json)
Definition: json.h:442
json_stringt & to_json_string(jsont &json)
Definition: json.h:454
bool can_cast_type< pointer_typet >(const typet &type)
Check whether a reference to a typet is a pointer_typet.
Definition: pointer_expr.h:80
const pointer_typet & to_pointer_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a pointer_typet.
Definition: pointer_expr.h:93
static void json(json_objectT &result, const irep_idt &property_id, const property_infot &property_info)
Definition: properties.cpp:120
ranget< iteratort > make_range(iteratort begin, iteratort end)
Definition: range.h:522
Definition: invariant.h:495
Definition: invariant.h:463
This macro uses the wrapper function 'invariant_violated_string'.
Definition: invariant.h:423
auto component(T &struct_expr, const irep_idt &name, const namespacet &ns) -> decltype(struct_expr.op0())
Definition: std_expr.cpp:80
const struct_exprt & to_struct_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a struct_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:1895
const struct_tag_typet & to_struct_tag_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a struct_tag_typet.
Definition: std_types.h:518
Values passed around between most functions of the recursive deterministic assignment algorithm enter...
allocate_objectst & allocate_objects
Handles allocation of new symbols, adds them to its symbol table (which will usually be the same as t...
const source_locationt & loc
Source location associated with the newly added codet.
std::optional< ci_lazy_methods_neededt > & needed_lazy_methods
Where runtime types differ from compile-time types, we need to mark the runtime types as needed by la...
size_t max_user_array_length
Maximum value allowed for any (constant or variable length) arrays in user code.
symbol_table_baset & symbol_table
Used for looking up symbols corresponding to Java classes and methods.
std::unordered_map< std::string, object_creation_referencet > & references
Map to keep track of reference-equal objects.
const java_class_typet & declaring_class_type
Used for the workaround for enums only.
Information to store when several references point to the same Java object.
std::optional< exprt > array_length
If symbol is an array, this expression stores its length.
exprt expr
Expression for the symbol that stores the value that may be reference equal to other values.
Author: Diffblue Ltd.
std::string utf16_native_endian_to_utf8(const char16_t utf16_char)
Definition: unicode.cpp:360
std::wstring utf8_to_utf16_native_endian(const std::string &in)
Convert UTF8-encoded string to UTF-16 with architecture-native endianness.
Definition: unicode.cpp:192