88 std::vector<symex_complexity_limit_exceeded_actiont>
complexity_limitert(message_handlert &logger, const optionst &options)
complexity_violationt check_complexity(goto_symex_statet &state)
Checks the passed-in state to see if its become too complex for us to deal with, and if so set its gu...
bool complexity_limits_active()
Is the complexity module active?
static std::size_t bounded_expr_size(const exprt &expr, std::size_t limit)
Amount of nodes in expr approximately bounded by limit.
bool complexity_active
Is the complexity module active, usually coincides with a max_complexity value above 0.
static bool in_blacklisted_loop(const call_stackt ¤t_call_stack, const goto_programt::const_targett &instr)
Checks whether we're in a loop that is currently considered blacklisted, and shouldn't be executed.
std::size_t max_complexity
The max complexity rating that a branch can be before it's abandoned.
std::vector< symex_complexity_limit_exceeded_actiont > violation_transformations
Functions called when the heuristic has been violated.
std::size_t max_loops_complexity
The amount of branches that can fail within the scope of a loops execution before the entire loop is ...
static framet::active_loop_infot * get_current_active_loop(call_stackt ¤t_call_stack)
Returns inner-most currently active loop.
symex_complexity_limit_exceeded_actiont default_transformation
Default heuristic transformation. Sets state as unreachable.
void run_transformations(complexity_violationt complexity_violation, goto_symex_statet ¤t_state)
Runs a suite of transformations on the state and symex executable, performing whatever transformation...
bool are_loop_children_too_complicated(call_stackt ¤t_call_stack)
Checks whether the current loop execution stack has violated max_loops_complexity.
Base class for all expressions.
instructionst::const_iterator const_targett
Central data structure: state.
Class that provides messages with a built-in verbosity 'level'.
Default heuristic transformation that cancels branches when complexity has been breached.
What sort of symex-complexity violation has taken place.