enum class | solvert {
, CVC4
, CVC5
, Z3
} |
enum class | resultt { D_SATISFIABLE
} |
| Result of running the decision procedure. More...
static std::string | convert_identifier (const irep_idt &identifier) |
bool | use_FPA_theory |
bool | use_array_of_bool |
bool | use_as_const |
bool | use_check_sat_assuming |
bool | use_datatypes |
bool | use_lambda_for_array |
bool | emit_set_logic |
enum class | wheret { BEGIN
} |
using | converterst = std::unordered_map< irep_idt, std::function< void(const exprt &)>, irep_id_hash > |
typedef std::unordered_map< irep_idt, identifiert > | identifier_mapt |
typedef std::map< typet, std::string > | datatype_mapt |
typedef std::map< exprt, irep_idt > | defined_expressionst |
typedef std::set< std::string > | smt2_identifierst |
resultt | dec_solve (const exprt &) override |
| Implementation of the decision procedure.
void | write_header () |
void | write_footer () |
| Writes the end of the SMT file to the smt_convt::out stream.
bool | use_array_theory (const exprt &) |
void | flatten_array (const exprt &) |
| produce a flat bit-vector for a given array of fixed size
void | convert_typecast (const typecast_exprt &expr) |
void | convert_floatbv_typecast (const floatbv_typecast_exprt &expr) |
void | convert_struct (const struct_exprt &expr) |
void | convert_union (const union_exprt &expr) |
void | convert_constant (const constant_exprt &expr) |
void | convert_relation (const binary_relation_exprt &) |
void | convert_is_dynamic_object (const unary_exprt &) |
void | convert_plus (const plus_exprt &expr) |
void | convert_minus (const minus_exprt &expr) |
void | convert_div (const div_exprt &expr) |
void | convert_mult (const mult_exprt &expr) |
void | convert_rounding_mode_FPA (const exprt &expr) |
| Converting a constant or symbolic rounding mode to SMT-LIB.
void | convert_floatbv_plus (const ieee_float_op_exprt &expr) |
void | convert_floatbv_minus (const ieee_float_op_exprt &expr) |
void | convert_floatbv_div (const ieee_float_op_exprt &expr) |
void | convert_floatbv_mult (const ieee_float_op_exprt &expr) |
void | convert_floatbv_rem (const binary_exprt &expr) |
void | convert_floatbv_round_to_integral (const floatbv_round_to_integral_exprt &) |
void | convert_mod (const mod_exprt &expr) |
void | convert_euclidean_mod (const euclidean_mod_exprt &expr) |
void | convert_index (const index_exprt &expr) |
void | convert_member (const member_exprt &expr) |
void | convert_with (const with_exprt &expr) |
void | convert_update (const update_exprt &) |
void | convert_update_bit (const update_bit_exprt &) |
void | convert_update_bits (const update_bits_exprt &) |
void | convert_expr (const exprt &) |
void | convert_type (const typet &) |
void | convert_literal (const literalt) |
void | convert_string_literal (const std::string &) |
literalt | convert (const exprt &expr) |
tvt | l_get (literalt l) const |
exprt | prepare_for_convert_expr (const exprt &expr) |
| Perform steps necessary before an expression is passed to convert_expr.
exprt | lower_byte_operators (const exprt &expr) |
| Lower byte_update and byte_extract operations within expr .
void | find_symbols (const exprt &expr) |
void | find_symbols (const typet &type) |
void | find_symbols_rec (const typet &type, std::set< irep_idt > &recstack) |
constant_exprt | parse_literal (const irept &, const typet &type) |
struct_exprt | parse_struct (const irept &s, const struct_typet &type) |
exprt | parse_union (const irept &s, const union_typet &type) |
exprt | parse_array (const irept &s, const array_typet &type) |
| This function is for parsing array output from SMT solvers when "(get-value |???|)" returns an array object.
exprt | parse_rec (const irept &s, const typet &type) |
void | walk_array_tree (std::unordered_map< int64_t, exprt > *operands_map, const irept &src, const array_typet &type) |
| This function walks the SMT output and populates a map with index/value pairs for the array.
void | convert_floatbv (const exprt &expr) |
std::string | type2id (const typet &) const |
std::string | floatbv_suffix (const exprt &) const |
const smt2_symbolt & | to_smt2_symbol (const exprt &expr) |
void | flatten2bv (const exprt &) |
void | unflatten (wheret, const typet &, unsigned nesting=0) |
void | convert_address_of_rec (const exprt &expr, const pointer_typet &result_type) |
void | define_object_size (const irep_idt &id, const object_size_exprt &expr) |
const namespacet & | ns |
std::ostream & | out |
std::string | benchmark |
std::string | notes |
std::string | logic |
solvert | solver |
converterst | converters |
std::vector< literalt > | assumptions |
boolbv_widtht | boolbv_width |
std::size_t | number_of_solver_calls = 0 |
letifyt | letify |
std::unordered_map< irep_idt, irept > | current_bindings |
std::set< irep_idt > | bvfp_set |
std::set< irep_idt > | state_fkt_declared |
pointer_logict | pointer_logic |
identifier_mapt | identifier_map |
datatype_mapt | datatype_map |
defined_expressionst | defined_expressions |
std::unordered_map< irep_idt, bool > | set_values |
| The values which boolean identifiers have been smt2_convt::set_to or in other words those which are asserted as true / false in the output smt2 formula.
std::map< object_size_exprt, irep_idt > | object_sizes |
smt2_identifierst | smt2_identifiers |
std::size_t | no_boolean_variables |
std::vector< bool > | boolean_assignment |