146 using stl_labelst = std::unordered_map<irep_idt, stl_label_locationt>;
171 std::unordered_map<irep_idt, std::vector<stl_jump_locationt>>;
725 const std::vector<code_frontend_assignt> &assignments,
746 const std::vector<code_frontend_assignt> &assignments,
747 const typet &return_type,
ait supplies three of the four components needed: an abstract interpreter (in this case handling func...
A codet representing an assignment in the program.
codet representation of a label for branch targets.
std::vector< parametert > parameterst
Data structure for representing an arbitrary statement in a program.
dstringt has one field, an unsigned integer no which is an index into a static table of strings.
Base class for all expressions.
message_handlert * message_handler
Intermediate representation of a parsed Statement List file before converting it into a goto program.
std::list< var_declarationt > var_declarationst
Class for encapsulating the current state of the type check.
void typecheck_accumulator_compare_instruction(const irep_idt &comparison)
Performs a typecheck on an STL comparison instruction.
void typecheck_statement_list_accu_real_div(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL accumulator divide instruction for reals.
std::unordered_map< irep_idt, std::vector< stl_jump_locationt > > label_referencest
struct_typet create_instance_data_block_type(const statement_list_parse_treet::function_blockt &function_block)
Creates a data block type for the given function block.
const symbol_exprt & typecheck_instruction_with_non_const_operand(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL instruction with an additional operand that should be no constant.
void typecheck_statement_list_accu_real_lte(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL accumulator less than or equal comparison instruction for integers.
const statement_list_parse_treet & parse_tree
Parse tree which is used to fill the symbol table.
void typecheck_statement_list_nesting_closed(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a Nesting Closed instruction.
void typecheck_statement_list_accu_real_sub(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL accumulator subtract instruction for reals.
void typecheck_statement_list_networks(const statement_list_parse_treet::tia_modulet &tia_module, symbolt &tia_symbol)
Performs a typecheck on the networks of a TIA module and saves the result to the given symbol.
void clear_module_state()
Modifies the state of the typecheck to resemble the beginning of a new module.
void typecheck_statement_list_accu_int_add(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL accumulator add instruction for integers.
void typecheck_jump_locations(const code_labelt &label, const stl_label_locationt &location)
Performs a typecheck on all references for the given label.
void typecheck_label_reference(const irep_idt &label, bool sets_fc_false)
Checks if the given label is already present and compares the current state with it.
void typecheck_statement_list_clr_rlo(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL 'CLR' instruction and modifies the RLO, OR and FC bit.
symbol_table_baset & symbol_table
Reference to the symbol table that should be filled during the typecheck.
const irep_idt std::vector< exprt > accumulator
Name of the module this typecheck belongs to.
void typecheck_statement_list_transfer(const codet &op_code, symbolt &tia_element)
Performs a typecheck on a STL transfer instruction and saves the result to the given symbol.
void typecheck_function_declaration(const statement_list_parse_treet::functiont &function)
Performs a typecheck on a function declaration inside of the parse tree and adds symbols for it and i...
void typecheck_statement_list_accu_dint_gte(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL accumulator greater than or equal comparison instruction for double int...
void typecheck_statement_list_and_not(const codet &op_code, const symbolt &tia_element)
Performs a typecheck on a STL boolean And Not instruction.
void add_to_or_rlo_wrapper(const exprt &op)
Adds the given expression to the operands of the Or expression that is saved in the RLO.
void typecheck_function_block_var_decls(const statement_list_parse_treet::var_declarationst &var_decls, struct_union_typet::componentst &components, const irep_idt &var_property)
Performs a typecheck on a variable declaration list and saves the result to the given component eleme...
exprt typecheck_return_value_assignment(const std::vector< code_frontend_assignt > &assignments, const typet &return_type, const symbolt &tia_element)
Checks if there is a return value assignment inside of the assignment list of a function call and ret...
exprt typecheck_function_call_argument_rhs(const symbolt &tia_element, const exprt &rhs)
Checks if the given assigned expression is a variable or a constant and returns the typechecked versi...
void typecheck() override
Performs the actual typecheck by using the parse tree with which the object was initialized and modif...
void typecheck_statement_list_accu_dint_mul(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL accumulator divide instruction for double integers.
void typecheck_statement_list_accu_int_gte(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL accumulator greater than or equal comparison instruction for integers.
void typecheck_statement_list_nested_xor(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a nested XOR instruction.
void typecheck_statement_list_accu_int_mul(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL accumulator multiply instruction for integers.
void typecheck_statement_list_accu_int_lt(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL accumulator less than comparison instruction for integers.
void typecheck_statement_list_nested_or_not(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a nested Or Not instruction.
void typecheck_statement_list_set_rlo(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL 'SET' instruction and modifies the RLO, OR and FC bit.
void typecheck_statement_list_accu_dint_add(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL accumulator add instruction for double integers.
void typecheck_statement_list_accu_real_gt(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL accumulator greater than comparison instruction for double integers.
void typecheck_statement_list_nested_xor_not(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a nested XOR Not instruction.
void clear_network_state()
Modifies the state of the typecheck to resemble the beginning of a new network.
void typecheck_statement_list_accu_real_eq(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL accumulator equality comparison instruction for double integers.
void typecheck_statement_list_xor(const codet &op_code, const symbolt &tia_element)
Performs a typecheck on a STL boolean XOR instruction.
std::unordered_map< irep_idt, stl_label_locationt > stl_labelst
exprt typecheck_identifier(const symbolt &tia_element, const irep_idt &identifier)
Performs a typecheck on the given identifier and returns its symbol.
void typecheck_tag_list()
Performs a typecheck on the tag list of the referenced parse tree and adds symbols for its contents t...
void typecheck_statement_list_xor_not(const codet &op_code, const symbolt &tia_element)
Performs a typecheck on a STL boolean XOR Not instruction.
void typecheck_called_tia_element(const codet &op_code, symbolt &tia_element)
Performs a typecheck on a call of a TIA element and saves the result to the given symbol.
void typecheck_statement_list_jump_unconditional(const codet &op_code, symbolt &tia_element)
Performs a typecheck on an unconditional jump instruction (JU) and adds the jump to the given symbol.
void typecheck_code(const codet &instruction, symbolt &tia_element)
Performs a typecheck for the specified instruction in code form.
void typecheck_CPROVER_assume(const codet &op_code, symbolt &tia_element)
Performs a typecheck on a call of __CPOVER_ASSUME and saves the result to the given symbol.
void typecheck_statement_list_accu_real_add(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL accumulator add instruction for reals.
label_referencest label_references
Holds associations between labels and jumps that are referencing it.
exprt rlo_bit
Result of Logic Operation (Part of the TIA status word).
exprt typecheck_simple_boolean_instruction_operand(const codet &op_code, const symbolt &tia_element, bool negate)
Performs a typecheck on the operand of a not nested boolean instruction and returns the result.
bool or_bit
Or (Part of the TIA status word).
void typecheck_statement_list_accu_dint_lt(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL accumulator less than comparison instruction for double integers.
stl_labelst stl_labels
Data structure that contains data about the labels of the current module.
void typecheck_function_block_declaration(const statement_list_parse_treet::function_blockt &function_block)
Performs a typecheck on a function block declaration inside of the parse tree and adds symbols for it...
void typecheck_statement_list_load(const codet &op_code, const symbolt &tia_element)
Performs a typecheck on a STL load instruction.
void typecheck_statement_list_accu_int_div(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL accumulator divide instruction for integers.
stl_label_locationt typecheck_label_location(const code_labelt &label)
Converts the properties of the current typecheck state to a label location.
void typecheck_statement_list_accu_int_neq(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL accumulator inequality comparison instruction for integers.
void typecheck_statement_list_or(const codet &op_code, const symbolt &tia_element)
Performs a typecheck on a STL boolean Or instruction.
void typecheck_statement_list_accu_int_arith(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL Accumulator instruction for integers.
void typecheck_statement_list_and(const codet &op_code, const symbolt &tia_element)
Performs a typecheck on a STL boolean And instruction.
void typecheck_statement_list_accu_real_lt(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL accumulator less than comparison instruction for double integers.
void typecheck_instruction_without_operand(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on an operand-less STL instruction.
void typecheck_label(const codet &instruction, symbolt &tia_element)
Performs a typecheck for the given label in code form.
bool fc_bit
First Check (Part of the TIA status word).
void typecheck_statement_list_jump_conditional(const codet &op_code, symbolt &tia_element)
Performs a typecheck on a conditional jump instruction (JC) and adds it to the given symbol.
void typecheck_statement_list_jump_conditional_not(const codet &op_code, symbolt &tia_element)
Performs a typecheck on a inverted conditional jump instruction (JCN) and adds it to the given symbol...
void typecheck_statement_list_or_not(const codet &op_code, const symbolt &tia_element)
Performs a typecheck on a STL boolean Or Not instruction.
void typecheck_label_references()
Checks if all jumps reference labels that exist.
void typecheck_binary_accumulator_instruction(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL instruction that uses two accumulator entries.
void initialize_bit_expression(const exprt &op)
Initializes the FC, RLO an OR bits for the scenario when a new boolean instruction was encontered.
void typecheck_statement_list_call(const codet &op_code, symbolt &tia_element)
Performs a typecheck on a STL Call instruction and saves the result to the given symbol.
void typecheck_statement_list_nested_or(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a nested Or instruction.
void typecheck_statement_list_accu_dint_neq(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL accumulator inequality comparison instruction for double integers.
void typecheck_statement_list_accu_real_mul(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL accumulator multiply instruction for reals.
exprt typecheck_function_call_arguments(const std::vector< code_frontend_assignt > &assignments, const code_typet::parametert ¶m, const symbolt &tia_element)
Checks if the given parameter is inside of the assignment list of a function call and returns the exp...
void typecheck_temp_var_decls(const statement_list_parse_treet::tia_modulet &tia_module, symbolt &tia_symbol)
Performs a typecheck on the temp variables of a TIA module and saves the result to the given symbol v...
void typecheck_statement_list_accu_dint_arith(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL Accumulator instruction for double integers.
void typecheck_CPROVER_assert(const codet &op_code, symbolt &tia_element)
Performs a typecheck on a call of __CPOVER_ASSERT and saves the result to the given symbol.
void typecheck_statement_list_nested_and_not(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a nested And Not instruction.
void typecheck_statement_list_accu_int_gt(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL accumulator greater than comparison instruction for integers.
void typecheck_statement_list_accu_int_sub(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL accumulator subtract instruction for integers.
void typecheck_function_var_decls(const statement_list_parse_treet::var_declarationst &var_decls, code_typet::parameterst ¶ms, const irep_idt &function_name, const irep_idt &var_property)
Performs a typecheck on a variable declaration list and saves the result to the given component eleme...
void typecheck_statement_list_instruction(const statement_list_parse_treet::instructiont &instruction, symbolt &tia_element)
Performs a typecheck on a single instruction and saves the result to the given symbol body if necessa...
void typecheck_statement_list_accu_dint_eq(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL accumulator equality comparison instruction for double integers.
void typecheck_statement_list_accu_real_arith(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL Accumulator instruction for reals.
void typecheck_statement_list_accu_real_gte(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL accumulator greater than or equal comparison instruction for double int...
void typecheck_statement_list_reset(const codet &op_code, symbolt &tia_element)
Performs a typecheck on a STL 'R' instruction and saves the result to the given symbol.
void typecheck_statement_list_accu_real_neq(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL accumulator inequality comparison instruction for double integers.
nesting_stackt nesting_stack
Representation of the nesting stack.
void typecheck_statement_list_not(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL boolean NOT instruction.
void typecheck_statement_list_accu_dint_lte(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL accumulator less than or equal comparison instruction for double intege...
std::vector< nesting_stack_entryt > nesting_stackt
void typecheck_called_function(const codet &op_code, symbolt &tia_element)
Performs a typecheck on a call of a TIA function and saves the result to the given symbol.
void typecheck_statement_list_accu_int_lte(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL accumulator less than or equal comparison instruction for integers.
void typecheck_statement_list_accu_dint_gt(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL accumulator greater than comparison instruction for double integers.
void typecheck_statement_list_assign(const codet &op_code, symbolt &tia_element)
Performs a typecheck on a STL assign instruction and saves the result to the given symbol.
void typecheck_statement_list_accu_int_eq(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL accumulator equality comparison instruction for integers.
void typecheck_statement_list_accu_dint_sub(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL accumulator subtract instruction for double integers.
void typecheck_called_function_block(const codet &op_code, symbolt &tia_element)
Performs a typecheck on a call of a TIA function block and saves the result to the given symbol.
void typecheck_statement_list_accu_dint_div(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a STL accumulator divide instruction for double integers.
void add_temp_rlo()
Adds a symbol for the RLO to the symbol table.
void typecheck_statement_list_nested_and(const codet &op_code)
Performs a typecheck on a nested And instruction.
void save_rlo_state(symbolt &tia_element)
Saves the current RLO bit to a temporary variable to prevent false overrides when modifying boolean v...
void typecheck_nested_boolean_instruction(const codet &op_code, const exprt &rlo_value)
Performs a typecheck on a STL instruction that initializes a new boolean nesting.
void typecheck_statement_list_set(const codet &op_code, symbolt &tia_element)
Performs a typecheck on a STL 'S' instruction and saves the result to the given symbol.
void typecheck_statement_list_and_before_or()
Performs a typecheck on a STL operand-less Or instruction.
Structure type, corresponds to C style structs.
std::vector< componentt > componentst
Expression to hold a symbol (variable)
The symbol table base class interface.
The Boolean constant true.
The type of an expression, extends irept.
Statement List Language Parse Tree.
bool statement_list_typecheck(const statement_list_parse_treet &parse_tree, symbol_table_baset &symbol_table, const std::string &module, message_handlert &message_handler)
Create a new statement_list_typecheckt object and perform a type check to fill the symbol table.
Structure for a simple function block in Statement List.
Structure for a simple function in Statement List.
Represents a regular Statement List instruction which consists out of one or more codet tokens.
Base element of all modules in the Totally Integrated Automation (TIA) portal by Siemens.
Every time branching occurs inside of a boolean expression string in STL, the current value of the RL...
exprt rlo_bit
The rlo's value when the entry was generated.
codet function_code
OP code of the instruction that generated the stack entry.
bool or_bit
The OR bit's value when the entry was generated.
Holds information about the properties of a jump instruction.
const size_t nesting_depth
The size of the nesting stack at the label location, used for checking scope violations.
const bool sets_fc_false
States if the jump instruction sets the /FC bit to false.
Holds information about the instruction and the nesting depth to which a label points.
const bool jumps_permitted
States if jumps to this location are permitted or if the location is invalid.
const size_t nesting_depth
The size of the nesting stack at the label location, used for checking scope violations.
const bool fc_false_required
States if jump instructions to this location need to set the /FC bit to false.