29 goto_model(goto_model),
30 ns(goto_model.get_symbol_table(), symex_symbol_table),
40 resultt result(resultt::progresst::DONE);
89 (!
"paths-symex-explore-all") &&
95 const auto symex_start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
110 const auto symex_stop = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
133 options.get_option(
138 if(
141 if(
144 if(
147 if(
160 std::unordered_set<irep_idt> &updated_properties,
163 if(
167 properties, updated_properties, equation);
172 std::unordered_set<irep_idt> &updated_properties)
void output_coverage_report(const std::string &cov_out, const abstract_goto_modelt &goto_model, const symex_bmct &symex, ui_message_handlert &ui_message_handler)
Output a coverage report as generated by symex_coveraget if cov_out is non-empty.
void update_status_of_unknown_properties(propertiest &properties, std::unordered_set< irep_idt > &updated_properties)
Sets the property status of UNKNOWN properties to PASS.
void update_properties_status_from_symex_target_equation(propertiest &properties, std::unordered_set< irep_idt > &updated_properties, const symex_target_equationt &equation)
Sets property status to PASS for properties whose conditions are constant true in the equation.
void update_status_of_not_checked_properties(propertiest &properties, std::unordered_set< irep_idt > &updated_properties)
Sets the property status of NOT_CHECKED properties to PASS.
void postprocess_equation(symex_bmct &symex, symex_target_equationt &equation, const optionst &options, const namespacet &ns, ui_message_handlert &ui_message_handler)
Post process the equation.
Bounded Model Checking Utilities.
Abstract interface to eager or lazy GOTO models.
virtual const symbol_tablet & get_symbol_table() const =0
Accessor to get the symbol table.
ait supplies three of the four components needed: an abstract interpreter (in this case handling func...
static get_goto_functiont get_goto_function(abstract_goto_modelt &goto_model)
Return a function to get/load a goto function from the given goto model Create a default delegate to ...
virtual symbol_tablet resume_symex_from_saved_state(const get_goto_functiont &get_goto_function, const statet &saved_state, symex_target_equationt *saved_equation)
Performs symbolic execution using a state and equation that have already been used to symbolically ex...
void validate(const validation_modet vm) const
virtual void initialize_path_storage_from_entry_point_of(const get_goto_functiont &get_goto_function, symbol_table_baset &new_symbol_table, const shadow_memory_field_definitionst &fields)
Puts the initial state of the entry point function into the path storage.
An implementation of incremental_goto_checkert provides functionality for checking a set of propertie...
ui_message_handlert & ui_message_handler
mstreamt & statistics() const
static shadow_memory_field_definitionst gather_field_declarations(const abstract_goto_modelt &goto_model, message_handlert &message_handler)
Gathers the available shadow memory field definitions (__CPROVER_field_decl calls) from the goto mode...
virtual bool is_ready_to_decide(const symex_bmct &symex, const path_storaget::patht &path)
Returns whether the given path produced by symex is ready to be checked.
virtual void final_update_properties(propertiest &properties, std::unordered_set< irep_idt > &updated_properties)
Updates the properties after having finished exploration and adds their property IDs to updated_prope...
guard_managert guard_manager
virtual void initialize_worklist()
Adds the initial goto-symex state as a path to the worklist.
std::chrono::duration< double > symex_runtime
std::unique_ptr< path_storaget > worklist
virtual void update_properties(propertiest &properties, std::unordered_set< irep_idt > &updated_properties, const symex_target_equationt &equation)
Updates the properties from the equation and adds their property IDs to updated_properties.
single_path_symex_only_checkert(const optionst &options, ui_message_handlert &ui_message_handler, abstract_goto_modelt &goto_model)
symbol_tablet symex_symbol_table
virtual bool resume_path(path_storaget::patht &path)
Continues exploring the given path using goto-symex.
abstract_goto_modelt & goto_model
virtual bool has_finished_exploration(const propertiest &)
Returns whether we should stop exploring paths.
virtual void setup_symex(symex_bmct &symex)
void equation_output(const symex_bmct &symex, const symex_target_equationt &equation)
resultt operator()(propertiest &) override
Check whether the given properties with status NOT_CHECKED, UNKNOWN or properties newly discovered by...
Inheriting the interface of symex_targett this class represents the SSA form of the input program as ...
std::unique_ptr< path_storaget > get_path_strategy(const std::string strategy)
Ensure that is_valid_strategy() returns true for a particular string before calling this function on ...
Storage of symbolic execution paths to resume.
bool has_properties_to_check(const propertiest &properties)
Return true if there as a property with NOT_CHECKED or UNKNOWN status.
void update_properties_from_goto_model(propertiest &properties, const abstract_goto_modelt &goto_model)
Updates properties with the assertions in goto_model.
std::map< irep_idt, property_infot > propertiest
A map of property IDs to property infos.
Symex Shadow Memory Instrumentation.
void show_program(const namespacet &ns, const symex_target_equationt &equation)
Print the steps of equation on the standard output.
void show_byte_ops(const optionst &options, ui_message_handlert &ui_message_handler, const namespacet &ns, const symex_target_equationt &equation)
Count and display all byte extract and byte update operations from equation on standard output or fil...
Output of the program (SSA) constraints.
void show_vcc(const optionst &options, ui_message_handlert &ui_message_handler, const symex_target_equationt &equation)
Output equations from equation to a file or to the standard output.
Output of the verification conditions (VCCs)
Goto Checker using Single Path Symbolic Execution only.
std::unordered_set< irep_idt > updated_properties
Changed properties since the last call to incremental_goto_checkert::operator()
Information saved at a conditional goto to resume execution.
symex_target_equationt equation
Bounded Model Checking for ANSI-C.