56 for(
const auto &op : expr.
142 for(std::size_t i=0; i<
array_expr.operands().size(); i++)
170 for(std::size_t i=0; i<
array_expr.operands().size(); i++)
199 const bool is_float =
223 for(std::size_t i = 0; i <
dimension; ++i)
276 for(std::size_t i = 0; i <
dimension; i++)
304 for(struct_union_typet::componentst::iterator
349 for(
auto it = symbol_table.
begin(); it != symbol_table.
end(); ++it)
356 for(
auto &i : goto_function.body.instructions)
357 i.transform([](
exprt e) -> std::optional<exprt> {
393 for(
auto &instruction : function_it.second.body.instructions)
API to expression classes that are internal to the C frontend.
const shuffle_vector_exprt & to_shuffle_vector_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a shuffle_vector_exprt.
ait supplies three of the four components needed: an abstract interpreter (in this case handling func...
Array constructor from list of elements.
A base class for binary expressions.
A base class for relations, i.e., binary predicates whose two operands have the same type.
dstringt has one field, an unsigned integer no which is an index into a static table of strings.
Base class for all expressions.
std::vector< exprt > operandst
typet & type()
Return the type of the expression.
const source_locationt & source_location() const
source_locationt & add_source_location()
A collection of goto functions.
function_mapt function_map
::goto_functiont goto_functiont
symbol_tablet symbol_table
Symbol table.
goto_functionst goto_functions
GOTO functions.
The trinary if-then-else operator.
const irep_idt & id() const
Base type for structs and unions.
The symbol table base class interface.
virtual iteratort begin()=0
virtual iteratort end()=0
typet type
Type of symbol.
exprt value
Initial value of symbol.
Semantic type conversion.
static exprt conditional_cast(const exprt &expr, const typet &type)
The type of an expression, extends irept.
const source_locationt & source_location() const
Generic base class for unary expressions.
#define Forall_operands(it, expr)
const std::string & id2string(const irep_idt &d)
static void remove_vector(typet &)
removes vector data type
static bool have_to_remove_vector(const typet &type)
bool has_vector(const goto_functionst &goto_functions)
returns true iff any of the given goto functions has instructions that use the vector type
Remove the 'vector' data type by compilation into arrays.
API to expression classes.
const typecast_exprt & to_typecast_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a typecast_exprt.
const binary_exprt & to_binary_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a binary_exprt.
const unary_exprt & to_unary_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a unary_exprt.
const constant_exprt & to_constant_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a constant_exprt.
const vector_typet & to_vector_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a vector_typet.
const code_typet & to_code_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a code_typet.
const array_typet & to_array_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to an array_typet.
const struct_union_typet & to_struct_union_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a struct_union_typet.
const type_with_subtypet & to_type_with_subtype(const typet &type)