49 typedef std::stack<cfgt::entryt>
85 std::vector<cfgt::node_indext>
90 std::vector<cfgt::node_indext>
ait supplies three of the four components needed: an abstract interpreter (in this case handling func...
dstringt has one field, an unsigned integer no which is an index into a static table of strings.
A collection of goto functions.
instructionst::const_iterator const_targett
nodet::node_indext node_indext
cfg_baset< slicer_entryt > cfgt
std::vector< cfgt::node_indext > backward_outwards_walk_from(std::vector< cfgt::node_indext >)
Perform backward depth-first search of the control-flow graph of the goto program,...
bool is_same_target(goto_programt::const_targett it1, goto_programt::const_targett it2) const
std::vector< cfgt::node_indext > forward_outwards_walk_from(std::vector< cfgt::node_indext >)
Perform forwards depth-first search of the control-flow graph of the goto program,...
std::stack< cfgt::entryt > queuet
void backward_inwards_walk_from(std::vector< cfgt::node_indext >)
Perform backward depth-first search of the control-flow graph of the goto program,...
std::vector< cfgt::node_indext > get_sources(const is_threadedt &is_threaded, const slicing_criteriont &criterion)
Get the set of nodes that correspond to the given criterion, or that can appear in concurrent executi...
void operator()(goto_functionst &goto_functions, const slicing_criteriont &criterion, bool include_forward_reachability, message_handlert &)
void fixedpoint_to_assertions(const is_threadedt &is_threaded, const slicing_criteriont &criterion)
Perform backward depth-first search of the control-flow graph of the goto program,...
void fixedpoint_from_assertions(const is_threadedt &is_threaded, const slicing_criteriont &criterion)
Perform forwards depth-first search of the control-flow graph of the goto program,...
void forward_inwards_walk_from(std::vector< cfgt::node_indext >)
Perform forwards depth-first search of the control-flow graph of the goto program,...
void slice(goto_functionst &goto_functions)
This function removes all instructions that have the flag reaches_assertion or reachable_from_asserti...
void forward_walk_call_instruction(const cfgt::nodet &call_node, std::vector< cfgt::node_indext > &callsite_successor_stack, std::vector< cfgt::node_indext > &callee_head_stack)
Process a call instruction during a forwards reachability walk.
A search stack entry, used in tracking nodes to mark reachable when walking over the CFG in fixedpoin...
bool caller_is_known
If true, this function's caller is known and has already been queued to mark reachable,...
search_stack_entryt(cfgt::node_indext node_index, bool caller_is_known)
cfgt::node_indext node_index
CFG node to mark reachable.
bool reachable_from_assertion