15#include <unordered_set>
29 size_t max_array_length,
32 const std::unordered_set<std::string> &no_load_classes);
36 std::vector<java_annotationt> &annotations);
59 const std::string &
60 const std::string &
62 "Missing outer class symbol: " +
outer +
", for class " +
ait supplies three of the four components needed: an abstract interpreter (in this case handling func...
dstringt has one field, an unsigned integer no which is an index into a static table of strings.
std::list< java_bytecode_parse_treet > parse_tree_with_overlayst
A list of parse trees supporting overlay classes.
An exception that is raised checking whether a class is implicitly generic if a symbol for an outer c...
missing_outer_class_symbol_exceptiont(const std::string &outer, const std::string &inner)
The symbol table base class interface.
void convert_annotations(const java_bytecode_parse_treet::annotationst &parsed_annotations, std::vector< java_annotationt > &annotations)
Convert parsed annotations into the symbol table.
void add_java_array_types(symbol_table_baset &symbol_table)
Register in the symbol_table new symbols for the objects java::array[X] where X is byte,...
void mark_java_implicitly_generic_class_type(const irep_idt &class_name, symbol_table_baset &symbol_table)
Checks if the class is implicitly generic, i.e., it is an inner class of any generic class.
void convert_java_annotations(const std::vector< java_annotationt > &java_annotations, java_bytecode_parse_treet::annotationst &annotations)
Convert java annotations, e.g.
bool java_bytecode_convert_class(const java_class_loadert::parse_tree_with_overlayst &parse_trees, symbol_table_baset &symbol_table, message_handlert &message_handler, size_t max_array_length, method_bytecodet &, java_string_library_preprocesst &string_preprocess, const std::unordered_set< std::string > &no_load_classes)
See class java_bytecode_convert_classt.
std::vector< annotationt > annotationst