No Matches

Folder analyses

This contains the abstract interpretation frameworks and several static analyses that instantiate them.


There are currently two abstract interpretation frameworks provided in this directory. Abstract interpreter framework (ait) and Flow-insensitive analysis (flow_insensitive_analysist).

Abstract interpreter framework (ait)

This abstract interpretation framework is the focus of current active development, and is where most scalability improvements will happen. It should be used as the basis for any new development work. This framework is provided by ait. This analysis framework is currently location sensitive (meaning there is one abstract domain per code location) and is designed to be run after the function pointer removal and return removal passes. There is ongoing work to make this framework also support context sensitivity.

Flow-insensitive analysis (flow_insensitive_analysist)

Framework for flow-insensitive analyses. Maintains a single global abstract value which instructions are invited to transform in turn. Unsound (terminates too early) if (a) there are two or more instructions that incrementally reach a fixed point, for example by walking a chain of pointers and updating a points-to set, but (b) those instructions are separated by instructions that don't update the abstract value (for example, SKIP instructions). Therefore, not recommended for new code.

Only current user in-tree is value_set_analysis_fit.

Specific analyses:

Call graph and associated helpers (call_grapht)

A [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Call_graph](call graph) for a GOTO model or GOTO functions collection. call_grapht implements a basic call graph, but can also export the graph in grapht format, which permits more advanced graph algorithms to be applied; see call_graph_helpers.h for functions that work with the grapht representation.

Dominator analysis (cfg_dominators_templatet)

A [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominator_(graph_theory)](dominator analysis) for a GOTO model or GOTO functions collection. Briefly, if a CFG node is dominated by {A, B, C} then in order to reach this node control must have flowed through all of A, B and C; similarly if it is post-dominated by {D, E, F} then after we pass through this node we will inevitably reach all of D, E and F eventually if the program terminates.

This is useful for e.g. checking against introducing a redundant check: if we have a const int *x parameter and wish to introduce a null check at node Y, then we can also mark it checked at all the nodes that Y dominates, as at those program points it has necessarily already been checked.

This analysis defines cfg_dominatorst (dominator analysis) and cfg_post_dominatorst (post-dominator analysis). Run these analyses using operator()(const goto_programt &). Alternatively, the template can be instantiated with a different type that can be used with procedure_local_cfg_baset – this is done by natural_loops_mutablet using (non-const) goto_programt, and by java_bytecode_convert_methodt to apply the dominator algorithm to its Java bytecode representation.

cfg_dominators_templatet::output is a good place to check how to query the dominators it has found.

Constant propagation (constant_propagator_ait)

A simple, unsound constant propagator. Replaces RHS symbol expressions (variable reads) with their values when they appear to have a unique value at a particular program point. Unsound with respect to pointer operations on the left-hand side of assignments.

Taint analysis (custom_bitvector_analysist)

To be documented.

Data- and control-dependence analysis (dependence_grapht)

Dependence graph

Implemented in src/analyses/dependence_graph.h(cpp). It is a graph and an abstract interpreter at the same time. The abstract interpretation nature allows a dependence graph to [build itself](Construction) (the graph) from a given GOTO program.

A dependence graph extends the class grapht with dep_nodet as the type of nodes (see src/util/graph.h for more details about [graph representation]("../util/README.md")). The dep_nodet extends graph_nodet<dep_edget> with an iterator to a GOTO program instruction. It means that each graph node corresponds to a particular program instruction. A labelled edge (u, v) of a dependence graph expresses a dependency of the program instruction corresponding to node u on the program instruction corresponding to node v. The label of the edge (data of the type dep_edget attached to the edge) denotes the kind of dependency. It can be control-dependency, data-dependency, or both.

Control dependency

An instruction j corresponding to node v is control-dependent on instruction i corresponding to node u if and only if j post-dominates at least one but not all successors instructions of i.

An instruction j post-dominates an instruction i if and only if each execution path going through i eventually reaches j.

Post-dominators analysis is implemented in src/analyses/cfg_dominators.h(cpp).

Data dependency

The instruction j corresponding to node v is data-dependent on the instruction i corresponding to node u if and only if j may read data from the memory location defined (i.e. written) by i.

The reaching definitions analysis is used together with the read-write ranges analysis to check whether one instruction may read data writen by another instruction. For more details see src/analyses/reaching_definitions.h(cpp) and src/analyses/goto_rw.h(cpp).


The dependence graph extends the standard abstract interpreter class ait with post-dominators analysis and reaching definitions analysis. The domain of the abstract interpreter is defined in the class dep_graph_domaint.

For each instruction i an instance of dep_graph_domaint associated with i is created. The instance stores a set control_deps of program instructions the instruction i depends on via control-dependency, and a set data_deps of program instructions the instruction i depends on via data-dependency. These sets are updated (increased) during the computation, until a fix-point is reached.

The construction of a dependence graph is started by calling its initialize method and then, once a fix-point is reached by the abstract interpreter, the method finalize converts data in the interpreter's domain (i.e. from dep_graph_domaint instances) into edges of the graph. Nodes of the graph are created during the run of the abstract interpreter; they are linked to the corresponding program instructions.

Address-taken lvalue analysis (dirtyt)

To be documented.

const_cast removal analysis (does_remove_constt)

To be documented.

Escape analysis (escape_analysist)

This is a simple [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escape_analysis](escape analysis). It is intended to implement __CPROVER_cleanup instructions, which say that a given cleanup function should be run when a particular object goes out of scope. Examples of its usage can be seen in ansi-c/library/stdio.c and ansi-c/library/pthread_lib.c, where it is used to introduce assertions that a FILE* going out of scope has been fclose'd or similarly that a pthread_mutex* has been properly destroyed.

For example f = fopen("/tmp/hello", "wb"); __CPROVER_cleanup(f, check_closed); should result in a call to check_closed(f) or check_closed() (depending on whether it has an argument) when f and all its aliases go out of scope.

The alias analysis is a simple union-find algorithm, and can introduce cleanup calls too soon (i.e. before all aliases are really gone), so this overestimates the possible problems caused by escaping pointers.

Note this differs from a typical escape analysis, which would conservatively (over-)estimate the objects that may be reachable when (e.g.) a function exits; this underestimates the reachable objects in order to favour false positives over false negatives when testing for missing close operations.

Global may-alias analysis (global_may_aliast)

This is a pointer alias analysis (analysing the memory locations a pointer expression may point to, and finding when two pointer expressions refer to the same storage locations). It is flow-insensitive, meaning that it computes what memory locations pointer expressions may refer to at any time during the program execution. It's called may-alias, because it looks for aliasing that may occur during program execution (compared to analysis for aliasing that must occur). It's an over-approximating analysis.

Read-write range analysis (goto_rwt)

To be documented.

Invariant propagation (invariant_propagationt)

To be documented.

Multithreaded program detection (is_threadedt)

To be documented.

Pointer classification analysis (is-heap-pointer, might-be-null, etc – local_bitvector_analysist)

To be documented.

Control-flow graph (local_cfgt)

To be documented.

Local may-alias analysis (local_may_aliast)

To be documented.

Safe dereference analysis (local_safe_pointerst)

To be documented.

Address-taken locals analysis (localst)

To be documented.

Natural loop analysis (natural_loops_templatet)

A natural loop is when the nodes and edges of a graph make one self-encapsulating circle (implemented in /ref natural_loops_templatet) with no incoming edges from external nodes. For example A -> B -> C -> D -> A is a natural loop, but if B has an incoming edge from X, then it isn't a natural loop, because X is an external node. Outgoing edges don't affect the natural-ness of a loop.

/ref cfg_dominators_templatet provides the dominator analysis used to determine if a nodes children can only be reached through itself and is thus part of a natural loop, and whose specifics is covered in a separate subsection.

A basic description for how a natural loop works is here: https://web.cs.wpi.edu/~kal/PLT/PLT8.6.4.html

Reaching definitions (reaching_definitions_analysist)

To be documented.

Uncaught exceptions analysis (uncaught_exceptions_domaint)

To be documented.

Uninitialized locals analysis (uninitialized_analysist)

To be documented.

Transformations (arguably in the wrong directory):

Integer interval analysis – both an analysis and a transformation

interval_analysis interprets instructions of the input goto_modelt over the interval_domaint, evaluates variables for each program location (as intervals) and instruments the program with assumptions representing the over-approximation of variable values.