24 : options(options), ui_message_handler(ui_message_handler), equation(equation)
48 for(symex_target_equationt::SSA_stepst::iterator it =
55 const irep_idt &property_id = it->property_id;
66 goal_map[property_id].instances.push_back(it);
114 return solver->decision_procedure()();
120 return solver->decision_procedure();
125 return solver->boolbv_decision_procedure();
135 std::unordered_set<irep_idt> &updated_properties,
144 auto &status = properties.at(
146 solver->decision_procedure()
152 updated_properties.insert(
virtual void clear()
Reset the abstract state.
ait supplies three of the four components needed: an abstract interpreter (in this case handling func...
An interface for a decision procedure for satisfiability problems.
Result of running the decision procedure.
void set_to_true(const exprt &)
For a Boolean expression expr, add the constraint 'expr'.
dstringt has one field, an unsigned integer no which is an index into a static table of strings.
Base class for all expressions.
std::vector< exprt > operandst
symex_target_equationt & get_equation() const
Return the equation associated with this instance.
boolbvt & get_boolbv_decision_procedure() const
Returns the solver instance.
goto_symex_property_decidert(const optionst &options, ui_message_handlert &ui_message_handler, symex_target_equationt &equation, const namespacet &ns)
ui_message_handlert & ui_message_handler
stack_decision_proceduret & get_decision_procedure() const
Returns the solver instance.
decision_proceduret::resultt solve()
Calls solve() on the solver instance.
std::unique_ptr< solver_factoryt::solvert > solver
symex_target_equationt & equation
void update_properties_goals_from_symex_target_equation(propertiest &properties)
Get the conditions for the properties from the equation and collect all 'instances' of the properties...
void update_properties_status_from_goals(propertiest &properties, std::unordered_set< irep_idt > &updated_properties, decision_proceduret::resultt dec_result, bool set_pass=true) const
Update the property status from the truth value of the goal variable.
void add_constraint_from_goals(std::function< bool(const irep_idt &property_id)> select_property)
Add disjunction of negated selected properties to the equation.
void convert_goals()
Convert the instances of a property into a goal variable.
std::map< irep_idt, goalt > goal_map
Maintains the relation between a property ID and the corresponding goal variable that encodes the neg...
A namespacet is essentially one or two symbol tables bound together, to allow for symbol lookups in t...
virtual std::unique_ptr< solvert > get_solver()
Returns a solvert object.
Inheriting the interface of symex_targett this class represents the SSA form of the input program as ...
virtual uit get_ui() const
Property Decider for Goto-Symex.
bool is_property_to_check(property_statust status)
Return true if the status is NOT_CHECKED or UNKNOWN.
The checker was unable to determine the status of the property.
The property was not violated.
An error occurred during goto checking.
The property was violated.
std::map< irep_idt, property_infot > propertiest
A map of property IDs to property infos.
static void with_solver_hardness(decision_proceduret &maybe_hardness_collector, std::function< void(solver_hardnesst &hardness)> handler)
exprt conjunction(const exprt::operandst &op)
1) generates a conjunction for two or more operands 2) for one operand, returns the operand 3) return...
exprt disjunction(const exprt::operandst &op)
1) generates a disjunction for two or more operands 2) for one operand, returns the operand 3) return...
std::vector< symex_target_equationt::SSA_stepst::iterator > instances
A property holds if all instances of it are true.
A structure that facilitates collecting the complexity statistics from a decision procedure.