Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /******************************************************************\
3 Module: goto_harness_parse_options
5 Author: Diffblue Ltd.
7 \******************************************************************/
11 #include <util/config.h>
12 #include <util/exception_utils.h>
13 #include <util/exit_codes.h>
14 #include <util/help_formatter.h>
15 #include <util/invariant.h>
16 #include <util/suffix.h>
17 #include <util/version.h>
23 #include <goto-instrument/dump_c.h>
29 #include <algorithm>
30 #include <fstream>
31 #include <iostream>
32 #include <set>
33 #include <string>
34 #include <unordered_set>
35 #include <utility>
37 std::unordered_set<irep_idt>
39 {
40  auto symbols = std::unordered_set<irep_idt>{};
42  goto_model.get_symbol_table().begin(),
43  goto_model.get_symbol_table().end(),
44  std::inserter(symbols, symbols.end()),
45  [](const std::pair<const irep_idt, symbolt> &key_value_pair) {
46  return key_value_pair.first;
47  });
48  return symbols;
49 }
51 static void filter_goto_model(
52  goto_modelt &goto_model_with_harness,
53  const std::unordered_set<irep_idt> &goto_model_without_harness_symbols)
54 {
55  for(auto const &symbol_id : goto_model_without_harness_symbols)
56  {
57  auto &symbol =
58  goto_model_with_harness.symbol_table.get_writeable_ref(symbol_id);
59  if(symbol.is_function())
60  {
61  // We don’t want bodies of functions that already existed in the
62  // symbol table (i.e. not generated by us)
63  goto_model_with_harness.unload(symbol_id);
64  if(symbol.is_file_local)
65  {
66  goto_model_with_harness.symbol_table.remove(symbol_id);
67  }
68  }
69  else if(!symbol.is_type && symbol.is_file_local)
70  {
71  // We don’t want file local symbols from an existing goto model
72  // except types / typedefs, which also apparently get marked
73  // file local sometimes.
74  goto_model_with_harness.symbol_table.remove(symbol_id);
75  }
76  else if(!symbol.is_type && symbol.is_static_lifetime)
77  {
78  // if it has static lifetime and is *not* a type it is a global variable
79  // We keep around other global variables in case we want to initialise
80  // them, but mark them as extern so we don't duplicate their definitions
81  symbol.value = nil_exprt{};
82  symbol.is_extern = true;
83  }
84  }
85 }
87 // The basic idea is that this module is handling the following
88 // sequence of events:
89 // 1. Initialise a goto-model by parsing an input (goto) binary
90 // 2. Initialise the harness generator (with some config) that will handle
91 // the mutation of the goto-model. The generator should create a new
92 // function that can be called by `cbmc --function`. The generated function
93 // should implement the behaviour of the harness (What exactly this means
94 // depends on the configuration)
95 // 3. Write the end result of that process to the output binary
98 {
99  if(cmdline.isset("version"))
100  {
101  std::cout << CBMC_VERSION << '\n';
103  }
105  auto got_harness_config = handle_common_options();
106  auto factory = make_factory();
108  auto factory_options = collect_generate_factory_options();
110  // This just sets up the defaults (and would interpret options such as --32).
111  config.set(cmdline);
113  // Normally we would register language front-ends here but as goto-harness
114  // only works on goto binaries, we don't need to
116  // Read goto binary into goto-model
117  auto read_goto_binary_result =
118  read_goto_binary(got_harness_config.in_file, ui_message_handler);
119  if(!read_goto_binary_result.has_value())
120  {
121  throw deserialization_exceptiont{"failed to read goto program from file '" +
122  got_harness_config.in_file + "'"};
123  }
124  auto goto_model = std::move(read_goto_binary_result.value());
125  auto const goto_model_without_harness_symbols =
128  // This has to be called after the defaults are set up (as per the
129  // config.set(cmdline) above) otherwise, e.g. the architecture specification
130  // will be unknown.
131  config.set_from_symbol_table(goto_model.symbol_table);
133  if(goto_model.symbol_table.has_symbol(
134  got_harness_config.harness_function_name))
135  {
137  "harness function `" +
138  id2string(got_harness_config.harness_function_name) +
139  "` already in "
140  "the symbol table",
142  }
144  // Initialise harness generator
145  auto harness_generator = factory.factory(
146  got_harness_config.harness_type, factory_options, goto_model);
147  CHECK_RETURN(harness_generator != nullptr);
149  harness_generator->generate(
150  goto_model, got_harness_config.harness_function_name);
152  if(has_suffix(got_harness_config.out_file, ".c"))
153  {
154  filter_goto_model(goto_model, goto_model_without_harness_symbols);
155  auto harness_out = std::ofstream{got_harness_config.out_file};
156  dump_c(
157  goto_model.goto_functions,
158  true,
159  true,
160  false,
161  namespacet{goto_model.get_symbol_table()},
162  harness_out);
163  }
164  else
165  {
167  got_harness_config.out_file, goto_model, log.get_message_handler());
168  }
171 }
174 {
175  std::cout << '\n'
176  << banner_string("Goto-Harness", CBMC_VERSION) << '\n'
177  << align_center_with_border("Copyright (C) 2019") << '\n'
178  << align_center_with_border("Diffblue Ltd.") << '\n'
179  << align_center_with_border("info@diffblue.com") << '\n';
181  // clang-format off
182  std::cout << help_formatter(
183  "\n"
184  "Usage: \tPurpose:\n"
185  "\n"
186  " {bgoto-harness} [{y-?}] [{y-h}] [{y--help}] \t show this help\n"
187  " {bgoto-harness} {y--version} \t show version and exit\n"
188  " {bgoto-harness} {uin} {uout} {y--harness-function-name} {uname}"
189  " {y--harness-type} {uharness-type} [harness options]\n"
190  "\n"
191  " {uin} \t goto binary to read from\n"
192  " {uout} \t file to write the harness to; the harness is printed as C"
193  " code, if {uout} has a .c suffix, else a goto binary including the harness"
194  " is generated\n"
195  " {y--harness-function-name} {uname} \t the name of the harness function to"
196  " generate\n"
197  " {y--harness-type} {utype} \t one of the harness types listed below\n"
198  "\n"
200  "\n"
202  "\n");
203  // clang-format on
204 }
207  int argc,
208  const char *argv[])
210  argc,
211  argv,
212  std::string("GOTO-HARNESS ") + CBMC_VERSION}
213 {
214 }
218 {
219  goto_harness_configt goto_harness_config{};
221  // This just checks the positional arguments to be 2.
222  // Options are not in .args
223  if(cmdline.args.size() != 2)
224  {
225  help();
227  "need to specify both input and output file names (may be "
228  "the same)",
229  "<in goto binary> <output C file or goto binary>"};
230  }
232  goto_harness_config.in_file = cmdline.args[0];
233  goto_harness_config.out_file = cmdline.args[1];
236  {
238  "required option not set", "--" GOTO_HARNESS_GENERATOR_TYPE_OPT};
239  }
240  goto_harness_config.harness_type =
243  // Read the name of the harness function to generate
245  {
247  "required option not set",
249  }
250  goto_harness_config.harness_function_name = {
253  return goto_harness_config;
254 }
257 {
258  auto factory = goto_harness_generator_factoryt{};
259  factory.register_generator("call-function", [this]() {
260  return std::make_unique<function_call_harness_generatort>(
262  });
264  factory.register_generator("initialize-with-memory-snapshot", [this]() {
265  return std::make_unique<memory_snapshot_harness_generatort>(
267  });
269  return factory;
270 }
274 {
275  auto const common_options =
276  std::set<std::string>{"version",
282  for(auto const &option : cmdline.option_names())
283  {
284  if(common_options.find(option) == common_options.end())
285  {
286  factory_options.insert({option, cmdline.get_values(option.c_str())});
287  }
288  }
290  return factory_options;
291 }
static abstract_object_pointert transform(const exprt &expr, const std::vector< abstract_object_pointert > &operands, const abstract_environmentt &environment, const namespacet &ns)
configt config
Definition: config.cpp:25
std::string get_value(char option) const
Definition: cmdline.cpp:48
virtual bool isset(char option) const
Definition: cmdline.cpp:30
argst args
Definition: cmdline.h:151
option_namest option_names() const
Pseudo-object that can be used to iterate over options in this cmdlinet (should not outlive this)
Definition: cmdline.cpp:161
const std::list< std::string > & get_values(const std::string &option) const
Definition: cmdline.cpp:109
bool set(const cmdlinet &cmdline)
Definition: config.cpp:829
void set_from_symbol_table(const symbol_table_baset &)
Definition: config.cpp:1297
Thrown when failing to deserialize a value from some low level format, like JSON or raw bytes.
helper to select harness type by name.
std::map< std::string, std::list< std::string > > generator_optionst
void register_generator(std::string generator_name, build_generatort build_generator)
register a new goto-harness generator with the given name.
goto_harness_configt handle_common_options()
Handle command line arguments that are common to all harness generators.
goto_harness_parse_optionst(int argc, const char *argv[])
goto_harness_generator_factoryt make_factory()
Setup the generator factory.
goto_harness_generator_factoryt::generator_optionst collect_generate_factory_options()
Gather all the options that are not handled by handle_common_options().
const symbol_tablet & get_symbol_table() const override
Accessor to get the symbol table.
Definition: goto_model.h:84
symbol_tablet symbol_table
Symbol table.
Definition: goto_model.h:31
std::size_t unload(const irep_idt &name)
Remove the function named name from the function map, if it exists.
Definition: goto_model.h:72
Thrown when users pass incorrect command line arguments, for example passing no files to analysis or ...
message_handlert & get_message_handler()
Definition: message.h:184
A namespacet is essentially one or two symbol tables bound together, to allow for symbol lookups in t...
Definition: namespace.h:94
The NIL expression.
Definition: std_expr.h:3073
ui_message_handlert ui_message_handler
Definition: parse_options.h:45
bool remove(const irep_idt &name)
Remove a symbol from the symbol table.
symbolt & get_writeable_ref(const irep_idt &name)
Find a symbol in the symbol table for read-write access.
virtual iteratort begin() override
Definition: symbol_table.h:108
virtual iteratort end() override
Definition: symbol_table.h:112
void dump_c(const goto_functionst &src, const bool use_system_headers, const bool use_all_headers, const bool include_harness, const namespacet &ns, std::ostream &out)
Definition: dump_c.cpp:1668
Dump C from Goto Program.
Document and give macros for the exit codes of CPROVER binaries.
Success indicates the required analysis has been performed without error.
Definition: exit_codes.h:16
std::unordered_set< irep_idt > get_symbol_names_from_goto_model(const goto_modelt &goto_model)
static void filter_goto_model(goto_modelt &goto_model_with_harness, const std::unordered_set< irep_idt > &goto_model_without_harness_symbols)
Symbol Table + CFG.
Help Formatter.
static help_formattert help_formatter(const std::string &s)
const std::string & id2string(const irep_idt &d)
Definition: irep.h:40
std::string align_center_with_border(const std::string &text)
Utility for displaying help centered messages borderered by "* *".
std::string banner_string(const std::string &front_end, const std::string &version)
static bool read_goto_binary(const std::string &filename, symbol_tablet &, goto_functionst &, message_handlert &)
Read a goto binary from a file, but do not update config.
Read Goto Programs.
Definition: invariant.h:495
bool has_suffix(const std::string &s, const std::string &suffix)
Definition: suffix.h:17
const char * CBMC_VERSION
static void write_goto_binary(std::ostream &out, const symbol_table_baset &symbol_table, const goto_functionst &goto_functions, irep_serializationt &irepconverter)
Writes a goto program to disc, using goto binary format.
Write GOTO binaries.