ait supplies three of the four components needed: an abstract interpreter (in this case handling func...
A class for an expression that represents a conditional target or a list of targets sharing a common ...
Translates assigns and frees clauses of a function contract or loop contract into GOTO programs that ...
Generates GOTO functions modelling a contract assigns and frees clauses.
void gen_spec_frees_function()
Translates the contract's frees clause to a GOTO function that uses the freeable built-in to express ...
std::size_t nof_assigns_targets
const irep_idt spec_assigns_havoc_function_id
Identifier of the contract::c_assigns::havoc function.
message_handlert & message_handler
dfcc_instrumentt & instrument
const code_with_contract_typet & code_with_contract
The code_with_contract_type carrying the contract clauses.
const symbolt & get_spec_frees_function_symbol() const
Returns the contract::frees function symbol.
std::size_t nof_frees_targets
dfcc_contract_clauses_codegent & contract_clauses_codegen
const irep_idt spec_assigns_function_id
Identifier of the contract::c_assigns function.
void instrument_without_loop_contracts_check_no_pointer_contracts(const irep_idt &spec_function_id)
Instruments the given function without loop contracts and checks that no function pointer contracts w...
const symbolt & get_spec_assigns_function_symbol() const
Returns the contract::c_assigns function symbol.
const symbolt & pure_contract_symbol
The function symbol carrying the contract.
const std::size_t get_nof_assigns_targets() const
Returns the maximum number of targets in the assigns clause.
const symbolt & get_spec_assigns_havoc_function_symbol() const
Returns the contract::c_assigns::havoc function symbol.
void gen_spec_assigns_function()
Translates the contract's assigns clause to a GOTO function that uses the assignable,...
const irep_idt spec_frees_function_id
Identifier of the contract::frees function.
dfcc_spec_functionst & spec_functions
const irep_idt & language_mode
Language mode of the contract symbol.
const std::size_t get_nof_frees_targets() const
Returns the maximum number of targets in the frees clause.
This class instruments GOTO functions or instruction sequences for frame condition checking and loop ...
Class interface to library types and functions defined in cprover_contracts.c.
This class rewrites GOTO functions that use the built-ins:
dstringt has one field, an unsigned integer no which is an index into a static table of strings.
Class that provides messages with a built-in verbosity 'level'.
A namespacet is essentially one or two symbol tables bound together, to allow for symbol lookups in t...
Enum type representing the contract checking and replacement modes.
API to expression classes.