20 :
31 for(symex_target_equationt::SSA_stepst::const_iterator it =
37 it->is_assignment() &&
40 if(!prop_conv.
42 const typet &type = it->ssa_lhs.type();
73 for(symex_target_equationt::SSA_stepst::const_iterator it =
79 it->is_assert() && prop_conv.
get(it->guard_handle).is_true() &&
80 prop_conv.
107 for(symex_target_equationt::SSA_stepst::const_iterator it =
113 it->is_assignment() &&
std::set< exprt > minimization_listt
ait supplies three of the four components needed: an abstract interpreter (in this case handling func...
void set_to(const exprt &expr, bool value) override
For a Boolean expression expr, add the constraint 'expr' if value is true, otherwise add 'not expr'.
void operator()(boolbvt &boolbv, const symex_target_equationt &equation)
void get_minimization_list(prop_convt &prop_conv, const symex_target_equationt &equation, minimization_listt &minimization_list)
symex_target_equationt::SSA_stepst::const_iterator failed
symex_target_equationt::SSA_stepst::const_iterator get_failed_property(const prop_convt &prop_conv, const symex_target_equationt &equation)
counterexample_beautificationt(message_handlert &message_handler)
virtual exprt get(const exprt &) const =0
Return expr with variables replaced by values from satisfying assignment if available.
const irep_idt & id() const
message_handlert & get_message_handler()
mstreamt & status() const
literalt convert(const exprt &expr) override
Convert a Boolean expression and return the corresponding literal.
Computes a satisfying assignment of minimal cost according to a const function using incremental SAT.
Inheriting the interface of symex_targett this class represents the SSA form of the input program as ...
The type of an expression, extends irept.
Counterexample Beautification.
This should be used to mark dead code.
API to expression classes.