Program Transformation Overview

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These are the main parameter of the program transformation:

  • harness_id specifies the identifier of the proof harness;
  • (f_top,c_top) an optional pair and specifies that the function f_top must be checked against the contract carried by function c_top, by the pure contract contract::c_top.
  • (f,c) a possibly empty set of pairs where each f must be replaced with the contract carried by function c, i.e. by the pure contract contract::c.

The program transformation steps are applied as follows:

  1. Generating GOTO Functions From Contract Clauses is applied to all contracts to check or replace;
  2. Dynamic Frame Condition Checking is applied to all library or user-defined goto functions;
  3. Proof Harness Intrumentation is applied to the harness function;
  4. Checking a Contract Against a Function is applied to the function to be checked against a contract;
  5. Replacing a Function by a Contract is applied to each function to be replaced by a contract;

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Function Contracts Reminder Generating GOTO Functions From Contract Clauses