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Replacing a Function by a Contract

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Let us now consider a function bar, called directly or indirectly from main.

Assuming that bar satisfies a contract d, we want to replace bar with an abstraction derived from d. Checking that bar actually satisfies d is the responsibility of the user, and will usually be done using another proof harness.

int d(int *a)
__CPROVER_frees({f1, f2, ...})
int bar(int *a)
// does something with a
ait supplies three of the four components needed: an abstract interpreter (in this case handling func...
Definition ai.h:562

We abstract bar by replacing its instructions with instructions modelling the non-deterministic behavior of the contract d, following this template:

ret_t foo(foo_params, write_set_t caller_write_set) {
// create empty write set to check side effects in requires clauses
__CPROVER_contracts_write_set_create(requires_write_set, 0, 0);
// assert requires clauses
assert(contract::requires(foo_params, requires_write_set));
// snapshot history variables
hist1_t hist1 = ...;
hist2_t hist2 = ...;
// create contract write set
// populate the write set
contract::assigns(contract_write_set, empty_write_set);
contract::frees(contract_write_set, empty_write_set);
// check inclusion with caller write set
// havoc assigns clause targets
// free freeable pointers
// Create empty write set to check side effects in ensures clauses
__CPROVER_contracts_write_set_create(ensures_write_set, 0, 0);
// Link caller write set and write set so that allocations due to is_fresh
// in post conditions are recorded in the caller write set
__CPROVER_contracts_write_set_link_allocated(ensures_write_set, caller_write_set);
// link the ensures write set to the contract write set so that the was_freed
// predicates in the postconditions get access to the deallocated pointers
__CPROVER_contracts_write_set_link_deallocated(ensures_write_set, contract_write_set);
// assume post conditions
assume(contract::ensures(foo_params, ensures_write_set));
// postamble
return retval;
Definition ai.h:565
void __CPROVER_contracts_write_set_deallocate_freeable(__CPROVER_contracts_write_set_ptr_t set, __CPROVER_contracts_write_set_ptr_t target)
Non-deterministically call __CPROVER_contracts_free on all elements of set->contract_frees,...
void __CPROVER_contracts_write_set_release(__CPROVER_contracts_write_set_ptr_t set)
Releases resources used by set.
__CPROVER_bool __CPROVER_contracts_write_set_check_assigns_clause_inclusion(__CPROVER_contracts_write_set_ptr_t reference, __CPROVER_contracts_write_set_ptr_t candidate)
Checks the inclusion of the candidate->contract_assigns elements in reference->contract_assigns or re...
void __CPROVER_contracts_write_set_create(__CPROVER_contracts_write_set_ptr_t set, __CPROVER_size_t contract_assigns_size, __CPROVER_size_t contract_frees_size, __CPROVER_bool assume_requires_ctx, __CPROVER_bool assert_requires_ctx, __CPROVER_bool assume_ensures_ctx, __CPROVER_bool assert_ensures_ctx, __CPROVER_bool allow_allocate, __CPROVER_bool allow_deallocate)
Initialises a __CPROVER_contracts_write_set_t object.
__CPROVER_bool __CPROVER_contracts_write_set_check_frees_clause_inclusion(__CPROVER_contracts_write_set_ptr_t reference, __CPROVER_contracts_write_set_ptr_t candidate)
Checks the inclusion of the candidate->contract_frees elements in reference->contract_frees or refere...
__CPROVER_bool __CPROVER_contracts_write_set_check_allocated_deallocated_is_empty(__CPROVER_contracts_write_set_ptr_t set)
Returns true iff set->deallocated is empty.
Runtime representation of a write set.

After applying this transformation, any function that called the initial bar now calls the abstraction derived from the contract.

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