102 const std::stack<exprt> &stack,
113 const std::vector<abstract_object_pointert> &operands,
119 const std::vector<abstract_object_pointert> &operands,
std::set< abstract_object_pointert > abstract_object_visitedt
sharing_ptrt< class abstract_objectt > abstract_object_pointert
The base of all pointer abstractions.
virtual const typet & type() const
Get the real type of the variable this abstract object is representing.
This is the basic interface of the abstract interpreter with default implementations of the core func...
ait supplies three of the four components needed: an abstract interpreter (in this case handling func...
abstract_object_pointert merge(const abstract_object_pointert &op1, const widen_modet &widen_mode) const override
Set this abstract object to be the result of merging this abstract object.
abstract_object_pointert read_dereference(const abstract_environmentt &env, const namespacet &ns) const override
A helper function to dereference a value from a pointer.
abstract_object_pointert ptr_diff(const exprt &expr, const std::vector< abstract_object_pointert > &operands, const abstract_environmentt &environment, const namespacet &ns) const override
sharing_ptrt< constant_pointer_abstract_objectt > constant_pointer_abstract_pointert
exprt to_predicate_internal(const exprt &name) const override
to_predicate implementation - derived classes will override
void output(std::ostream &out, const ai_baset &ai, const namespacet &ns) const override
Print the value of the pointer.
abstract_object_pointert merge_constant_pointers(const constant_pointer_abstract_pointert &other, const widen_modet &widen_mode) const
Merges two constant pointers.
bool same_target(abstract_object_pointert other) const
exprt ptr_comparison_expr(const exprt &expr, const std::vector< abstract_object_pointert > &operands, const abstract_environmentt &environment, const namespacet &ns) const override
exprt offset_from(abstract_object_pointert other) const
void get_statistics(abstract_object_statisticst &statistics, abstract_object_visitedt &visited, const abstract_environmentt &env, const namespacet &ns) const override
exprt to_constant() const override
To try and find a constant expression for this abstract object.
abstract_object_pointert typecast(const typet &new_type, const abstract_environmentt &environment, const namespacet &ns) const override
abstract_object_pointert write_dereference(abstract_environmentt &environment, const namespacet &ns, const std::stack< exprt > &stack, const abstract_object_pointert &value, bool merging_write) const override
A helper function to evaluate writing to a pointers value.
Base class for all expressions.
A namespacet is essentially one or two symbol tables bound together, to allow for symbol lookups in t...
The type of an expression, extends irept.
Represents a stack of write operations to an addressable memory location.