typedef base_grapht::node_indext | entryt |
typedef base_grapht::nodet | nodet |
typedef N | nodet |
typedef nodet::edgest | edgest |
typedef std::vector< nodet > | nodest |
typedef nodet::edget | edget |
typedef nodet::node_indext | node_indext |
typedef std::list< node_indext > | patht |
| cfg_baset () |
virtual | ~cfg_baset () |
void | operator() (const goto_functionst &goto_functions) |
void | operator() (P &goto_program) |
entryt | get_node_index (const goto_programt::const_targett &program_point) const |
| Get the graph node index for program_point .
nodet & | get_node (const goto_programt::const_targett &program_point) |
| Get the CFG graph node relating to program_point .
const nodet & | get_node (const goto_programt::const_targett &program_point) const |
| Get the CFG graph node relating to program_point .
const entry_mapt & | entries () const |
| Get a map from program points to their corresponding node indices.
template<typename... arguments> |
node_indext | add_node (arguments &&... values) |
void | swap (grapht &other) |
bool | has_edge (node_indext i, node_indext j) const |
const nodet & | operator[] (node_indext n) const |
nodet & | operator[] (node_indext n) |
void | resize (node_indext s) |
std::size_t | size () const |
bool | empty () const |
const edgest & | in (node_indext n) const |
const edgest & | out (node_indext n) const |
void | add_edge (node_indext a, node_indext b) |
void | remove_edge (node_indext a, node_indext b) |
edget & | edge (node_indext a, node_indext b) |
void | add_undirected_edge (node_indext a, node_indext b) |
void | remove_undirected_edge (node_indext a, node_indext b) |
void | remove_in_edges (node_indext n) |
void | remove_out_edges (node_indext n) |
void | remove_edges (node_indext n) |
void | clear () |
void | shortest_path (node_indext src, node_indext dest, patht &path) const |
void | shortest_loop (node_indext node, patht &path) const |
void | visit_reachable (node_indext src) |
std::vector< node_indext > | get_reachable (node_indext src, bool forwards) const |
| Run depth-first search on the graph, starting from a single source node.
std::vector< node_indext > | get_reachable (const std::vector< node_indext > &src, bool forwards) const |
| Run depth-first search on the graph, starting from multiple source nodes.
void | disconnect_unreachable (node_indext src) |
| Removes any edges between nodes in a graph that are unreachable from a given start node.
void | disconnect_unreachable (const std::vector< node_indext > &src) |
| Removes any edges between nodes in a graph that are unreachable from a vector of start nodes.
std::vector< typename N::node_indext > | depth_limited_search (typename N::node_indext src, std::size_t limit) const |
| Run recursive depth-limited search on the graph, starting from multiple source nodes, to find the nodes reachable within n steps.
std::vector< typename N::node_indext > | depth_limited_search (std::vector< typename N::node_indext > &src, std::size_t limit) const |
| Run recursive depth-limited search on the graph, starting from multiple source nodes, to find the nodes reachable within n steps.
void | make_chordal () |
| Ensure a graph is chordal (contains no 4+-cycles without an edge crossing the cycle) by adding extra edges.
std::size_t | connected_subgraphs (std::vector< node_indext > &subgraph_nr) |
| Find connected subgraphs in an undirected graph.
std::size_t | SCCs (std::vector< node_indext > &subgraph_nr) const |
| Computes strongly-connected components of a graph and yields a vector expressing a mapping from nodes to components indices.
bool | is_dag () const |
std::list< node_indext > | topsort () const |
| Find a topological order of the nodes if graph is DAG, return empty list for non-DAG or empty graph.
std::vector< node_indext > | get_predecessors (const node_indext &n) const |
std::vector< node_indext > | get_successors (const node_indext &n) const |
void | output_dot (std::ostream &out) const |
void | for_each_predecessor (const node_indext &n, std::function< void(const node_indext &)> f) const |
void | for_each_successor (const node_indext &n, std::function< void(const node_indext &)> f) const |
static I | get_first_node (P &program) |
static I | get_last_node (P &program) |
static bool | nodes_empty (P &program) |
entry_mapt | entry_map |
nodest | nodes |