| abstract_aggregate_objectt (const typet &type, bool tp, bool bttm) |
| abstract_aggregate_objectt (const exprt &expr, const abstract_environmentt &environment, const namespacet &ns) |
abstract_object_pointert | expression_transform (const exprt &expr, const std::vector< abstract_object_pointert > &operands, const abstract_environmentt &environment, const namespacet &ns) const override |
| Interface for transforms.
abstract_object_pointert | write (abstract_environmentt &environment, const namespacet &ns, const std::stack< exprt > &stack, const exprt &specifier, const abstract_object_pointert &value, bool merging_write) const override |
| A helper function to evaluate writing to a component of an abstract object.
void | get_statistics (abstract_object_statisticst &statistics, abstract_object_visitedt &visited, const abstract_environmentt &env, const namespacet &ns) const override |
| abstract_objectt (const typet &type, bool top, bool bottom) |
| Start the abstract object at either top or bottom or neither Asserts if both top and bottom are true.
| abstract_objectt (const exprt &expr, const abstract_environmentt &environment, const namespacet &ns) |
| Construct an abstract object from the expression.
virtual | ~abstract_objectt () |
virtual const typet & | type () const |
| Get the real type of the variable this abstract object is representing.
virtual bool | is_top () const |
| Find out if the abstract object is top.
virtual bool | is_bottom () const |
| Find out if the abstract object is bottom.
virtual bool | verify () const |
| Verify the internal structure of an abstract_object is correct.
virtual exprt | to_constant () const |
| Converts to a constant expression if possible.
exprt | to_predicate (const exprt &name) const |
| Converts to an invariant expression.
virtual void | output (std::ostream &out, const class ai_baset &ai, const namespacet &ns) const |
| Print the value of the abstract object.
virtual bool | has_been_modified (const abstract_object_pointert &before) const |
| Determine whether 'this' abstract_object has been modified in comparison to a previous 'before' state.
virtual abstract_object_pointert | meet (const abstract_object_pointert &other) const |
| Base implementation of the meet operation: only used if no more precise abstraction can be used, can only result in {TOP, BOTTOM, one of the original objects}.
virtual abstract_object_pointert | write_location_context (const locationt &location) const |
| Update the write location context for an abstract object.
virtual abstract_object_pointert | merge_location_context (const locationt &location) const |
| Update the merge location context for an abstract object.
abstract_object_pointert | make_top () const |
abstract_object_pointert | clear_top () const |
virtual abstract_object_pointert | unwrap_context () const |
virtual abstract_object_pointert | visit_sub_elements (const abstract_object_visitort &visitor) const |
| Apply a visitor operation to all sub elements of this abstract_object.
virtual size_t | internal_hash () const |
virtual bool | internal_equality (const abstract_object_pointert &other) const |
virtual exprt | to_predicate_internal (const exprt &name) const |
| to_predicate implementation - derived classes will override