53 const std::size_t depth = 0,
Selects the kind of objects allocated.
symbol_exprt c_nondet_symbol_factory(code_blockt &init_code, symbol_table_baset &symbol_table, const irep_idt base_name, const typet &type, const source_locationt &, const c_object_factory_parameterst &object_factory_parameters, const lifetimet lifetime)
Creates a symbol and generates code so that it can vary over all possible values for its type.
ait supplies three of the four components needed: an abstract interpreter (in this case handling func...
void add_created_symbol(const symbolt &symbol)
Add a pointer to a symbol to the list of pointers to symbols created so far.
void mark_created_symbols_as_input(code_blockt &init_code)
Adds code to mark the created symbols as input.
void declare_created_symbols(code_blockt &init_code)
Adds declarations for all non-static symbols created.
A codet representing sequential composition of program statements.
dstringt has one field, an unsigned integer no which is an index into a static table of strings.
Base class for all expressions.
A namespacet is essentially one or two symbol tables bound together, to allow for symbol lookups in t...
Expression to hold a symbol (variable)
void gen_nondet_array_init(code_blockt &assignments, const exprt &expr, std::size_t depth, const recursion_sett &recursion_set)
Generate initialisation code for each array element.
void gen_nondet_init(code_blockt &assignments, const exprt &expr, const std::size_t depth=0, recursion_sett recursion_set=recursion_sett(), const bool assign_const=true)
Creates a nondet for expr, including calling itself recursively to make appropriate symbols to point ...
allocate_objectst allocate_objects
void add_created_symbol(const symbolt &symbol)
std::set< irep_idt > recursion_sett
void mark_created_symbols_as_input(code_blockt &init_code)
const c_object_factory_parameterst & object_factory_params
symbol_table_baset & symbol_table
void declare_created_symbols(code_blockt &init_code)
const source_locationt & loc
symbol_factoryt(symbol_table_baset &_symbol_table, const source_locationt &loc, const irep_idt &name_prefix, const c_object_factory_parameterst &object_factory_params, const lifetimet lifetime)
The symbol table base class interface.
The type of an expression, extends irept.