ait supplies three of the four components needed: an abstract interpreter (in this case handling func...
Intermediate representation of a parsed Statement List file before converting it into a goto program.
std::list< var_declarationt > var_declarationst
std::list< networkt > networkst
Statement List Language Parse Tree.
void output_var_declaration(std::ostream &os, const statement_list_parse_treet::var_declarationt &declaration)
Prints the given Statement List variable declaration in a human-readable form to the given output str...
void output_return_value(const statement_list_parse_treet::functiont &function, std::ostream &os)
Prints the return value of a function to the given output stream.
void output_instruction(std::ostream &os, const statement_list_parse_treet::instructiont &instruction)
Prints the given Statement List instruction in a human-readable form to the given output stream.
void output_var_declaration_list(std::ostream &os, const statement_list_parse_treet::var_declarationst &declarations)
Prints all variable declarations of the given list to the given output stream.
void output_parse_tree(std::ostream &os, const statement_list_parse_treet &tree)
Prints the given Statement List parse tree in a human-readable form to the given output stream.
void output_tia_module_properties(const statement_list_parse_treet::tia_modulet &module, std::ostream &os)
Prints the basic information about a TIA module to the given output stream.
void output_function(std::ostream &os, const statement_list_parse_treet::functiont &function)
Prints the given Statement List function in a human-readable form to the given output stream.
void output_common_var_declarations(std::ostream &os, const statement_list_parse_treet::tia_modulet &module)
Prints all variable declarations functions and function blocks have in common to the given output str...
void output_network_list(std::ostream &os, const statement_list_parse_treet::networkst &networks)
Prints the given network list in a human-readable form to the given output stream.
void output_network(std::ostream &os, const statement_list_parse_treet::networkt &network)
Prints the given Statement List network in a human-readable form to the given output stream.
void output_static_var_declarations(std::ostream &os, const statement_list_parse_treet::function_blockt &block)
Prints the static variable declarations of a function block to the given output stream.
void output_function_block(std::ostream &os, const statement_list_parse_treet::function_blockt &block)
Prints the given Statement List function block in a human-readable form to the given output stream.
Structure for a simple function block in Statement List.
Structure for a simple function in Statement List.
Represents a regular Statement List instruction which consists out of one or more codet tokens.
Representation of a network in Siemens TIA.
Base element of all modules in the Totally Integrated Automation (TIA) portal by Siemens.
Struct for a single variable declaration in Statement List.