30 std::size_t iterations,
37 std::size_t iterations,
42 const std::unordered_map<irep_idt, fault_location_infot> &,
43 std::size_t iterations,
50 const std::unordered_map<irep_idt, fault_location_infot> &,
51 std::size_t iterations,
ait supplies three of the four components needed: an abstract interpreter (in this case handling func...
A namespacet is essentially one or two symbol tables bound together, to allow for symbol lookups in t...
std::map< irep_idt, property_infot > propertiest
A map of property IDs to property infos.
The result of goto verifying.
void output_properties(const propertiest &properties, std::size_t iterations, ui_message_handlert &ui_message_handler)
void output_properties_with_fault_localization(const propertiest &properties, const std::unordered_map< irep_idt, fault_location_infot > &, std::size_t iterations, ui_message_handlert &ui_message_handler)
void report_success(ui_message_handlert &)
void output_properties_with_traces_and_fault_localization(const propertiest &properties, const goto_trace_storaget &traces, const trace_optionst &trace_options, const std::unordered_map< irep_idt, fault_location_infot > &, std::size_t iterations, ui_message_handlert &ui_message_handler)
void report_error(ui_message_handlert &)
void output_overall_result(resultt result, ui_message_handlert &ui_message_handler)
void output_properties_with_traces(const propertiest &properties, const goto_trace_storaget &traces, const trace_optionst &trace_options, std::size_t iterations, ui_message_handlert &ui_message_handler)
void report_inconclusive(ui_message_handlert &)
void report_failure(ui_message_handlert &)
void output_error_trace_with_fault_localization(const goto_tracet &, const namespacet &, const trace_optionst &, const fault_location_infot &, ui_message_handlert &)
Options for printing the trace using show_goto_trace.