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Rewriting User-Defined Memory Predicates

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The C extensions for contract specification provide three pointer-related memory predicates:

// Holds iff ptr1 and ptr2 are both either null or valid and are equal.
// Holds iff ptr is pointing to an object distinct to all objects pointed to by
// other __CPROVER_is_fresh occurrences in the contract's pre and post conditions
__CPROVER_bool __CPROVER_is_fresh(void *ptr, size_t size);
// Holds iff ptr is a valid pointer pointing between lb and ub pointers.
// \pre lb and ub must be valid pointers pointing in the same object.
__CPROVER_bool __CPROVER_pointer_in_range_dfcc(void *lb, void *ptr, void *ub);
// Holds iff the function pointer \p fptr points to a function satisfying
// \p contract.
__CPROVER_bool __CPROVER_obeys_contract(void (*fptr)(void), void (*contract)(void));
ait supplies three of the four components needed: an abstract interpreter (in this case handling func...
Definition ai.h:562
__CPROVER_bool __CPROVER_pointer_in_range_dfcc(void *lb, void *ptr, void *ub)
__CPROVER_bool __CPROVER_pointer_equals(void *p, void *q)
__CPROVER_bool __CPROVER_is_fresh(const void *mem, __CPROVER_size_t size)
__CPROVER_bool __CPROVER_obeys_contract(void(*)(void), void(*)(void))

Users are free to call these predicates from requires and ensures clauses. Users can also define their own functions in terms of these predicates, and call them from requires and ensures clauses, but not from the program under analysis.

For instance, one could write a predicate defining linked lists of at most len elements as follows:

typedef struct list_t
int value;
struct list_t *next;
// true iff list of len nodes with values in [-10,10]
bool is_list(list_t *l, size_t len)
if(len == 0)
return l == NULL;
return __CPROVER_is_fresh(l, sizeof(*l)) && -10 <= l->value &&
l->value <= 10 && is_list(l->next, len - 1);
Definition ai.h:565

One can also simply describe finite nested structures:

typedef struct buffer_t
size_t size;
char *arr;
char *cursor;
typedef struct double_buffer_t
buffer_t *first;
buffer_t *second;
bool is_sized_array(char *arr, size_t size)
return __CPROVER_is_fresh(arr, size);
return __CPROVER_is_fresh(b, sizeof(*b)) && (0 < b->size && b->size <= 10) &&
is_sized_array(b->arr, b->size);
return __CPROVER_is_fresh(b, sizeof(*b)) && is_buffer(b->first) &&

By rewriting such user-defined predicate we achieve two things:

  1. in assumption contexts, evaluating the predicate allocates the data stucture specified by the predicate;
  2. in assertion contexts, evaluating the predicate checks that a given pointer satisfies the predicate definition;

To achieve point 1., we apply an instrumentation pass to transform the user-defined functions into functions that take their pointer arguments by reference instead of by value, so that enforcing the assumption described by the predicate can be done by updating the pointer in place using a side effect.

Collecting user-defined memory predicates

We first run a pass that collects all user-defined functions that are defined in terms of one of the three core memory predicates using this fixpoint algorithm:

predicates = {};
updated = true;
updated = false;
for(function : goto_model.goto_functions.function_map)
if(!predicates.contains(function) &&
(calls_core_predicate(function) ||
calls_one_of(function, predicates)))
updated = true;

Rewriting user-defined memory predicates

We only support sets of predicates that are non-recursive or self-recursive (i.e. predicates that call themselves directly). We build a graph representing the P-calls-Q relation, omitting edges for self-recursion, and try to sort it topologically. If the sort succeeds we rewrite the predicates in topological order, so that when instrumenting P any other predicate Q it calls is already instrumented and we know which parameters of Q have been lifted. If the topological sort fails, then it means the predicate are mutually recursive and we abort instrumentation.

Rewriting a user-defined memory predicate P consists in:

  • Identifying the subset of parameters of P which get passed to a core predicate or a user-defined predicate in a lifted position;
  • In the signature of P, lift all such parameters to pointer-to-pointer types;
  • In the body of P, rewrite all occurences of a lifted parameter p into *p (this brings back type coherence in the body of P);
  • For calls to memory predicates Q, add an address_of operator to arguments passed on a lifted parameter of Q;

Once these transformations are applied, the body of the predicate is well typed and the predicate now takes the pointers on which it operates by reference instead of by value. By doing so, the P gains the capability to update in place the memory location hold the pointer value subject to the predicate definition.

The last step of the rewriting is to apply the normal DFCC instrumentation which adds a write set parameter to the function, instruments it for side effect checking, and maps core memory predicates to their implementations.

On our previous list example, this yields the following result:

bool is_list(list_t **l, size_t len,
if(len == 0)
return (*l) == NULL;
return __CPROVER_contracts_is_fresh(&(*l), sizeof(*(*l)), write_set) &&
-10 <= (*l)->value && (*l)->value <= 10 &&
is_list(&((*l)->next), len-1, write_set);
__CPROVER_bool __CPROVER_contracts_is_fresh(void **elem, __CPROVER_size_t size, __CPROVER_bool may_fail, __CPROVER_contracts_write_set_ptr_t write_set)
Implementation of the is_fresh front-end predicate.
Runtime representation of a write set.

On the nested structs example, it gives the following result:

bool is_sized_array(char **arr, size_t size,
return __CPROVER_contracts_is_fresh(&(*b), sizeof(*(*b)), write_set) &&
(0 < (*b)->size && (*b)->size <= 10) &&
is_sized_array(&(*b)->arr, (*b)->size, write_set);
return __CPROVER_contracts_is_fresh(&(*b), sizeof(*(*b)), write_set) &&
is_buffer(&((*b)->first), write_set) &&
is_buffer(&((*b)->second), write_set);

The write_set parameter carries assumption/assertion context flags, so that the implementation of the core-predicates know when to update the pointers in place using malloc and assignments to make the predicates hold.

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Rewriting Declarative Assign and Frees Specification Functions Dynamic Frame Condition Checking