46 auto d = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const domaint>(s);
47 return d->value_set.get_value_set(expr,
goto_programt::const_targett locationt
virtual cstate_ptrt abstract_state_before(locationt l) const
Get a copy of the abstract state before the given instruction, without needing to know what kind of d...
ait supplies three of the four components needed: an abstract interpreter (in this case handling func...
goto_programt::const_targett locationt
dstringt has one field, an unsigned integer no which is an index into a static table of strings.
Base class for all expressions.
A namespacet is essentially one or two symbol tables bound together, to allow for symbol lookups in t...
This template class implements a data-flow analysis which keeps track of what values different variab...
baset::locationt locationt
value_set_analysis_templatet(const namespacet &_ns)
std::vector< exprt > get_values(const irep_idt &, locationt l, const exprt &expr) override
value_set_analysis_templatet< value_set_domain_templatet< value_sett > > value_set_analysist